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Not to be mean but you look like a negro male and straight white nationalist men(4chan users) don't like that, im not even racist because I know there are hot black women out there but you look androgenous and u don't have a booty. Guys usually love black stacies with big ass like picrel

NTA but don't do a nose job thats so dumb you are a black girl and a black nose suits you the best why do u want to michael jackson urself? just love yourself and use braids more embrace being african canadian

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black girls have nose like the blonde girl u posted have yes but they also have nose like yours or even bigger it depends. Why don't you pay for a gym so u get a healthy body and better skincare? u dont have to make yourself look different your boyfriend and ur anon orbitors like your face as it is, imo u would have more orbitors if you dress more feminine and less meme like  >>/98339/ , the socks look ironic and the jacket doesnt match. For example when you dress feminine like this its the best look

I'm sorry you went through this stuff. Saturn definitely went about things poorly and even I pointed out to her that he went from a regular fan to exceedingly possessive and unhinged (even towards her in her streams sometimes).

I don't think her not stopping him was out of malice. She really felt like she couldn't control what others say, in fear there would backlash. She didn't like to lose friends or potential viewers to her streams either unless the reason was extreme. These days she asserts herself a bit better and won't take much BS, but she's also been going through a lot of stuff so I'm not sure how she'd react to people drama.

I was scared of Saturn and I never approached him since he could technically get anyone removed from the server or streams (he was a mod) and probably nothing could be done about it. I was also barred from talking to other server members because I used to send passive-aggressive messages in DMs to those I suspected were up to no good (again, because they may react badly - not because she was protecting them).

For not approaching him myself, I'm deeply sorry Iris. I hope you're doing okay psychologically and not getting as much hate. :c

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half my age? shes like 4 yrs younger than me. im sure she we grow up to be successful and pretty and a functioning member of society, while still having fans, so i guess im jealous of that. but yes we can all agree its fucked up what she went through (still unsure of the exact story but considering shes 15-16 and she was 12? at the time it's probably fucked up)
woaw this is sweet, thanks. yeah i dont blame her, shes the victim in this at the end of the day. i will never understand what grown old men get out of hanging out with children. or why fatsat hated me specifically. maybe cause he hates blacks or something

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I was the one who pushed that retard to play his hand. People like that are really easy to figure out...
Supposedly dela was trying to groom her, idk how true it is. Supposedly I groomed her a few months ago. I didn't, we became friends, that was incredibly irresponsible on my part, I learned not to do that, like under any circumstances.

I didn't know shit about her when I met her(I'm new here, first met her on her /r9k/ thread and initially tried to tell her to leave 4chan in a nice way, she didn't, we ended up just hitting it off really well and talked for a while she kind of became my besty if you will. I'll admit I was over protective of her and eventually I found out about this one particularly scuzzy groomer was uhm... I'm not at liberty to say what was happening... anyway, when I confronted him everything went tits up.

Won't lie, still kinda bummed out about the whole thing and part of me misses talking to her but that's life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm pretty sure she hates me, perhaps rightfully so, and pretty sure she was the one telling ppl I groomed her because I was so mean to her "friend".

Groomers generally don't make public scenes when they find out their target is being targeted. Or maybe they do, I really don't know the groomer code of conduct.

> Supposedly dela was trying to groom her
i don't know if that's true, but I do think he's more familiar with her than he lets on.

>  I'm not at liberty to say what was happening
If he was her elusive boyfriend people occasionally bring up then you can bet they're still doing things but just more secretly. He'll be real pleased you're out. But if you're hiding info about a groomer or what he's been doing then you're somewhat no better than him for letting it continue further.

You don't have to give any info on her because she's a victim and obviously groomed/conditioned but any info on that scumbag would be helpful for those who care about her wellbeing.

> Groomers generally don't make public scenes
You would be surprised, they're normally the most possessive and competitive with each other. Not saying you were but definitely they come in all walks of life.

You did a good thing man ty for trying at least.

true i would be jealous also. i think people like him just give her everything she wants and feeds into her ego like making threads about how great she is. idk how he became her mod on kick and stuff maybe he is her bf

You're just trying to convince yourself I am. I could type in any way and you'd say "You type like fagsaturn". I just don't find Iris attractive. Some photos she's okay, but naturally-looking, she's ugly to me.
I'm black. I can't be racist or whatever stupid leftists say.

he died on the 9th

his brother announced it on the 17th

his ghost posted on a puka thread on the 15th

guess hes still obsessed with her even in death, the poor girl will be haunted forever or until shes legal and no longer an interest to him

"my bro requested i delete all his accounts seconds before he died of a heart attack and to also destroy his harddrive and not open the folder labeled 'chungy memes'"

> But if you're hiding info about a groomer or what he's been doing then you're somewhat no better than him for letting it continue further.
I'm not. Everything that happened in that situation is pretty much archived and I did inform law enforcement about him after I learned what was going on.
Pretty sure he was just some massive skitzo/tranny and his entire personality was pretty much "I'm a cute hornee girle lole! Wowzers here's my email come talk to me about sex!"
> You did a good thing man ty for trying at least.
I'm not kidding when I say you're the first person to acknowledge I obviously cared about her as a person instead of just assuming I was trying to groom her like the others....
Thank you for that. It's nice to at least have someone acknowledge that I fucking tried to do the right thing...

Iris saying an indian man from /soc/ fucking her at 16 is rape and bad as puka getting raped, getting her nudes leaked by pedrophiles at the age of 12, is disgusting and wanting to be on the spotlight. Iris is truly HPD

Iris you really are a sick twisted sociopath. Why don't you just stick to torturing and killing small animals instead of showing us this heinous shit?
Seriously, seeing your ugly ass makes me hate all black pwople!

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> I would draw iris getting gangbanged by kkk dudes and the asian dude caged
Do it faggot. i don't care if you do it out of hate or for teh lulz, it would be genuinely hilarious to see and repost.

Oh btw, Hi Iris. How are you? Do you still think I'm an asshole because I said you're not that interesting and any time anyone tries to talk to you about anything other than yourself you end the convo?
Also, have you tried not being black yet? :3

Ciara wears it like a crazy person immature person who actually tried to look professional
Cewl put way too much emphasis on the blue, like I get it, you're sad, but the joker wasn't just a story of oh boohoo i am of cry
third girl, I really like how the lips are actually perfect but everything else is a mess, it tells me that she's the kind of person who puts her heart into things but gives up half way through. I get a genuine sense of competence being completely invalidated by mental illness, self sabotage, and the inevitable apathy that comes with torturing oneself with ones own flaws.
This girl understands what it's like to be the joker.
4th girl, I wanna say tinker, cute, crazy, low effort, offputting, charming in an uncomfortable way.
More than the makeup I see the emptiness in her eyes. There is something really ugly or unintelligent in that stair and I almost want to find out which.
The makeup itself... Fairly generic, I don't see much personal flair.

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Congratulations on being the first grammar nazi to call me on that. Seriously, I started doing that like 3 weeks ago after making a Randy Stair stare joke with my irl friend and you are the first person to feel the need to correct me in some pathetic attempt at a roast.

+1 internets to good sir. Hell, have +2 internets.

> tinker

> pukara
sexually attracted to pedros

> iris
loser who wasted her life on 4chan

> tris

> bee
sexually attracted to pedros

> vultz

> vore
mentally ill single mom

> cewl
heroin addict

> vamp
grooming victim

> wren

I don't know the rest well enough but this is how I would describe these e-girls

It's better than when they turn old ugly and bitter. Plus I'm mostly just taking the piss. I'd wait until she was of age. 
There are guys who stick around but it doesn't seem to be as many as when the girl was at her peak. Men no matter what their age is like girls young. It's just biology. Some just make it creepier than most.

Haii, it's me vamp. How do you make threads on endchan? I tried and it didnt work, sadly. I miss talking here and rambling about random stuff. I think it would be nice to talk about different topics here and I dont really wanna shit up r9k with my attention whoring. 
If anyone cares enough to make a new thread for me I would like if they also added these socials 
Letterboxd: Illyricum




If not then, it's fine whatever.

I would like if u used this pic, thank u anon!
Yeah, I don't really learn much from my mistakes thats why my mental health has been so shit for years . Also, my mistake was mixing discord and this place up. 
I checked on google and there are different definition of insanity. What would you define it?

No one here actually likes artsy things. And you can talk about artsy things anonymously if you really want it to be on an image board. There are no benefits to making your face and name known, only risks. The attention isn't meaningful or fulfilling.

What the actual fuck? When I was younger (15-16) people here and on r9k would tell me I looked in my mid or late 20s. Now, that I am older people think I look way younger. Cewl is wrong, I am not 14. If i was 14 now then I would be 11 when i first self-posted on 4chan. That's ridiculous.

You look your age. It's just people trying to bait you. When you're younger they call you old to get under your skin and also to try to rationalize getting nudes from you. When you get older they accuse you of being younger to paint you as conniving. Don't pay it any mins.

its so tempting sometimes to attempt to memorialize your face in a place like this for some odd reason i cant explain it. I’ve never posted here but ive been stalking the threads for years watching girls I’ve seen and met before get posted here o_O

I think it would be a bad decision to post yourself on a site like this, or even to get too caught up watching it happen to others. It has given me bad anxiety to be discussed online, especially when it is almost always pervasively malicious.

You aren’t wrong, the idea of all the validation sounds nice until there’s 1 wrong thing about you or your personality and then you have all the schizos attempting to ruin your life or humiliate you because they made the mistake of giving you the attention in the first place. I don’t think I’ll ever get down bad enough to post my face but I do love watching other people do it and see the reactions of the people here. :p

Answers like these are reasons I'm glad they are building an egirl wiki. You gatekeep way too fucking hard to the point where discussion about these girls become pointless. I want to know who they are and what their deals are

Egirls as cakes:
> Ciara = Tea cake
> Sunny = Strawberry cake
> Bianca = Tiramisu
> Audrey = Black forest cake
> Bee = Honey cake 
> P*k*r* = Dulce de leche cake
> Agatha = Tres leches cake
> Tinker = Cinnamon cake
> Medoi = Vanilla cake

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I like artsy things but i feel like Vamp is someone I would avoid. Nothing against her, I've just heard some things and the couple of times we talked on 4chan I get the impression it would be a terrible idea.

Vamp, dude, you are a very broken person, but don't let a shithole like 4chan or endchan be the grave of everything that gives you value as a person.
Fuck off and go find healthy social circles to engage with.

> don't post anymore or are fat irrelevant has-beens
all of them then? you sound like a boomer if you just lump all r9k egirls together and only worship 5 egirls. Why don't you just ban all discussion of all girls except the egirls the moderator likes

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