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I think its time people also bring up how much she sucks up to that fat retard named Serene who (by the way) groomed Bianca and openly talks about wanting to see naked little girls 
She calls him a genius but he can't even form a proper sentence
He’s a creepy schizo who pervs on every egirl regardless of age with all his free time leeching off disability payments. And you are, well you know how much of an ugly loser you are so the only real bonding is between the most pathetic delusional people in the server, not what you’re misinterpreting your shared rejection as.
Sadly all of these losers who live rent free in your head are more socially competent and in touch with reality than you. In your own words all your relationships excluding the one with your mother are deeply dysfunctional, your beliefs are a basis for psychiatric disorders, and your gross physique is a product of your lack of willpower to commit to any goal including dieting.
And you DM the pedro who thirsts after every minor he comes into contact with while calling him intelligent. Your cognitive dissonance is off the charts.
So its now confirmed donut is the annoying bitch attacking every girl on the board? Typical of a fat bitch to be jealous of thinner girls. Caveman-faced hăg, I hope you get beaten by your next boytoy. Also I can't believe I'm saying this but you actually have a nastier gash than Cewl and hers looks like a botched tranny puss.
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my haters on 4chan were also incels or women, and i knew them personally and called them out for it. you legit know nothing about my history on that site so please just shut your mouth.
lmao you're creating a fantasy in your head because i never even had a youtube and i don't have any haters on twitter. and yes a lot of minors get jealous of me bc they aren't able to make money off of onlyfans like i do.
lmao you're retarded the only people making fun of me in any youtube comment sections are from the video of the whatever podcast. literally all of their viewers are incels and the only reason they watch the podcast in the first place is to make fun of women. no one else on that site even knows who i am.
well it's true and they have even told me as such
Does donutchan genuinely have orbiters? i feel like she’s mostly just a lolcow at this point, everytime i see someone mention her on this site or on desuarchive its mostly people calling her fat
> a lot of minors get jealous of me
> bc they aren't able to make money off of onlyfans like i do
nobody is jealous of nasty whores like you with no job prospects but taking dick on camera. i bet you think you're independent for doing that too
lmao clearly you only know me from here. i legit *just* posted a screenshot of people still talking about me on 4chan positively which i hadn't even touched 4chan personally in weeks.

im also pretty sure you're one of those normie twitter girls who saw agatha on tiktok and came here posing as a "degenerate"
kek they in no way live rent-free in my head if they did i would still be in the server. all of them are adult failures in life and all of their irl friends are also failures who spend over half of their waking hours on discord.

lmao at the fact that you think you know all of my personal relationships. i only talk about the ones that are dysfunctional because i have no reason to vent about a healthy relationship. i have a close circle of friends who i met when i entered college and have gone on vacations with.
He has no job. He lives off disability. 
He has one irl friend who takes pity on him and doesn’t see him often.
His main hobby is posting on discord obsessing over girls that have no interest in him. You’re retardedly gullible. The biggest thing you both share in common is how delusional you are and that’s why you bond so well.
even if he is a loser why would i care? you're the one who brought him up and i haven't talked to him in weeks. the reason we were talking in the first place is because those ugly girls with the weird accents were talking shit about me and he told me how embarrassing their lives were in reality.
Because it obviously calls into question your poor judgment and I’m not the one who brought him up you schizo. He doesn’t think those girls are ugly also and will cry about them not wanting to meet his fatass.

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