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Has had at least two abortions, looks like Porky the pig, and completely bitter. Ugly, greasy, dysgenic, obese whore with such crippling insecurities she spends all of her time seething in samefag posts on here pretending to be men who hate other girls she’s jealous of. Low value h@g with no prospects. More cellulite than human. Never gonna get married because she’s too busy posting her fat naked body here from the bathroom at Dunkin Donuts and eating at other girls even though mods tag her posts. Even OP is a selfpost.

There’s a reason all of her pictures are taken from the same exact angle. She looks like a millennial and an actual man in any other lighting and perspective. The baby clothes make her look even older than she already looks because of the contrast. Nauseating shit.

If you're going to be a fat ugly retard with nothing but evil inside of you, the LEAST you could do is try to not look cheap. I've complained about this so many times but I hate seeing chicks in fucking plastic ass clothes from Chinese sweat shops that I can smell through the damn screen. Imagine all the stale oil and dead skin trapped in those. 0 class.

Donut, I know more than one girl that had your body type. Two of them used meth to lose weight. Take a shower before you record yourself trying it pls. Looking forward to those posts my sweet greasy hoe.

> tfw everyone who likes donutchan is just someone into fat chicks because it makes them feel humiliated for liking something so nasty or because they want to humiliate them for being nasty

she coped in the last thread by insisting that fat women are many men’s types. those men in question are only ever dirt poor, black, or weird masochists into being in humiliating situations. sadists who get off on abusing big bitches aren’t actually attracted to them

I'm very not into fat nor skinny but your personality makes Sydney's bony ass look fine af. Must suck for you to see skinny hos get to wear all these cute things that look like tarps on you. Because you not thicc. A warm, mashed potato with butter is more sexualy appealing than you right now. That "$1,4k" is beyond questionable. I'm sure you'd struggle trying to count that and it shows how walled in you are. There's gallon shaped bishes tricking that in weekly. But you don't even have the intellectual capacity of a cow because fat cows don't go around trying to eat the skinny cows. Greasy ho.

1.4k a month is not sustainable or meaningfully livable. It also reflects nothing about the men who throw money at you actually liking you. Coom is a different world than the one that cares about you as a person. You’re below human to them. It doesn’t mean they even find you attractive. They can fantasize about you because they see you as attainable because of how fat and ugly you are and no doubt they’re mostly enjoying the idea of how humiliating it is to send their money to someone so disgusting like paypigs tend to do. Don’t be proud of something that proves how undesirable you actually are outside of a fetish world. You’re appealing to a niche of fat fetishists which is the only way you can make money. It doesn’t mean the same number of actually normal men would pay to see you degrade yourself for them. It means a fringe percentage of men within an already small fetish group would because they’re turned on by debasing themselves. 

Also women tend to rate their boyfriends way higher than they should while rating objectively more attractive men much lower because you’re all fucking retards, so you calling your ex a 8/10 is worthless as you are. He was obviously poor if he liked you and you still had to whore yourself out like this.

Never forget that rich men (400k> a year minimum) have been shown to universally prefer petite women with smaller breasts while only poor, stupid men prefer fatties and saggy cow tits. This isn’t something to be proud of.

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$900 from onlyfans + $500 from customs with cashapp and paypal ^_^
which one was you
yeah no shit but i literally started a month ago and ive already made over $1000. my accounts and onlyfans are growing at a good rate and im going on one of the most popular podcasts on social media in a month and that will help my exposure immensely. good i love when men see me as subhuman filth it turns me on :3

also about my ex--there are pics of him out there you can find if you don't believe me. he's very attractive if white boys are your type, which they're mine. and he's a university student planning on being a doctor

Assuming it was a relationship, you don't realize he left you because he has goals? That's gonna happen every time until, and if, you reach 40. You'll hit menopause and even though nobody wants you as a babymomma, that'll override any nefarious use for you that any future Leatherface may have. Donut you're meant to be a eslut. You're ok at that. Just stop trying to drag hos down with you. Who's a good little donut slut?

no he actually was obsessed with me and put up with my shit for months. it's a long story but both of us did fucked up shit because we were both extremely immature. he made me feel like shit by making "subtle" comments about my appearance, and instead of talking to him about it or ending the relationship i sent nudes to a guy on snapchat for attention and he ended up finding out.

after he found out, we tried to make the relationship last but there was no trust anymore and we mutually ended it about 3 months later. but he recently reached out to *me* and told me that ive been on his mind a lot and we finally met up again last month and we're friends now.

You're probably a good enough fuck. I've done it many times. I seen some of your fuck stuff but it's weak. I'd have to think about other girls and only feel the smoothest parts of you to nut. Those ripples on your skin is cellulite. Get rid of some of it. Guys that like that aren't enough to pay the bills. You don't even have to get into a gym routine. EAT LESS FAT and for the love of god do some squats sometimes. You'll feel and $ee a difference in a month. You're not even that fucked up. Think about that Sydney collab. See it as a personal challenge. Shape up and put yourself in that position. What you're doing now screams trailer park ho on welfare. Nobody wants to go get a donut bj in a trailer.

he never found me ugly. it's called negging--look it up. there was a switch in him when he started university and saw that all of the college guys he met were single and having hook-ups. just a week after starting uni, he admitted that to me and told me that he was thinking of breaking up, and that's when all of the negging started. before all of that, he would worship me and call me sexy every chance he got. 

eventually he realized he was being dumb and apologized for it all but it was already too late--in my mind our relationship was over, but i didn't want to officially end it because i knew how much it would hurt.

im not saying him being in university has anything to do with me. i stated that because people were saying that the only man i'll ever be able to find is a poor minority.

Shutcho fat ass up and take it to twitter instead, because nobody here wants to hear it. Especially not after mods revealed youve been samefagging to try to smear the good names of girls who aren't gutter trash. This is a board for egirls WE choose and designate. The girl it's named after is PURE, intelligent, sweet, and nice, and most importantly she's NOT a whore. It's not going to make you famous or get you more revenue to keep treating this board like your blog. 

Not a single person in this thread likes you except the literal pedrophile who groomed an 11 year old and thinks that being nice to you after you were a bitch to her means he's getting back at her.

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stop bumping this fat pig's threads, it's so tiring to look at her flabby, pinkish, greasy, full of stretchmarks and cellulite body over and over again just because she posted hole on /b/.

even if the 2020s egirls are ugly, i get their appeal to some extent. for donut, she's just a commonwhore selfposting on an imageboard full of dweebs. hating on retired e-girls like precious angel ken won't make you famous or skinny or loved by a community.

donut's body is unfuckable and her face screams fetal alcohol syndrome. either way, being an egirl isn't only about looks but also being interesting in some way. donut has nothing going on for her.

do you think im here to advertise...? that's funny. im well-aware that no one here is interested in subscribing (unless some of the haters are only hating bc i put a paywall behind my pics). i post and reply here for fun and drama and attention, just like i did when i posted on 4chan everyday when i wasn't selling any content. 

lmao are you the egirl conoiseur? because it seems like you're interested in the opposite of what the essence of an egirl is. the whole point of "egirl" is the "e" part, which means online, which in this case usually comes with degeneracy. the only "egirls" on here that are worshipped are kennedi and ciara and one of them is dead and the other distanced herself from these spaces. every single other girl here who is active gets hate because people love to hurt women's feelings, whether it be by other women or insecure men (i'm obviously guilty of this so i'm not excluded from that). obviously people are interested in me, regardless if it's to call me fat for the 50th time--i mean you're here. why are you even here if you don't care or find me repulsive?

you're repeating the same things ive heard over and over and over again. being publicly online for the past few months and gaining quite a bit of attention has made me realize that some of the insults are true and ive just learned to accept them rather than to feel insecure about them. i know that i have cellulite and that im fat and that im mean and that my stomach looks like ive had kids. people who insult my abortion or my face though are an L.

> the only "egirls" on here that are worshipped are kennedi and ciara
The board is AGATHA2, named after AGATHA. The most worshipped egirl ever on the chans. The only reason people don't hate on the other two you mentioned is because they're not actively posting on social media so there's no point, but in their prime days they were trashed for all kinds of reasons. Agatha is still loved even after becoming a tranny fucker.
I don't like you but I will agree that people making fun of you for aborting are stupid but there's no use trying to reason with them so ignore it.

Wow you made 1.4k in a MONTH??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's totally not like I and many more guys on here earn more than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donut, I heard Sidney gonna open OF soon. You know she'll pass you up in 2 weeks. Better start getting friendly so you can suck off some clout from her. I don't want you to be a broke greasy ho.

cool you didn't have to make a whole reply to point that out though
> the only reason people don't hate on the other two is because they're not actively posting on social media
you legit just proved my point with this sentence.
i mean that reply wasn't responding to any of those insults because i just agree and move on instead of arguing specifically about that. if you actually read the reply, you would see i was talking about the site as a whole and the people on it.
this is literally a page all about ME lmao i can reply with whatever i want and you'll all keep coming back to see it and respond, just like what's been happening for the past week.

you seem confused. no one came here to seek you out or to read your low iq posts. we were already here and then you showed up to shill your fat self. you came here seeking attention and acceptance so don't pretend as if you're desired or you have an audience here when you've inserted yourself.

if you're not coming here to read my posts, then why are you here exactly? because you continue to read and respond to my posts.
yeah that wasn't my best moment but apparently they broke up because she was asexual so i won in the end.
lmao you don't have to pay a fee i just ask that people dm me if they want to join to avoid IRLs joining.
no my bf fucks me for free but i have fucked a guy from 4chan although i wasn't seeking it out i just found him attractive and interesting enough.
you don't understand how this kind of stuff works. if it was more than $10 nobody would buy it. it costs me no effort to send a google drive link with pre-made videos so it's basically a free $10 each time and ive had probably a dozen people buy that. i don't charge high because the videos are pre-recorded. customs actually take effort and that's where my prices are higher. also i enjoy showing off and dressing up and taking photos of myself so im just making money off of something i already like doing and had been doing for free anyway.
i mean we're friends now and neither of us have any interest in getting back together so i hope he does too.
i only make around $300 a month at dunkin. legit the only reason i stay there is for content and because i love my coworkers.

so far i make $1.4k a month doing onlyfans and selling content (which will continue to grow especially after i go on the podcast) and my bf makes even more than me just from his podcasts on top of what he makes working full-time at a restaurant. once we're more stable and i finish college, if we're still together we will probably move out to a city.
i do live with my parents right now because it saves a lot of money. and my mom knows and she's very proud of me actually for investing my time into something that i enjoy and something that is profitable, but mainly she's happy that im comfortable enough to be open about these things with her. she told me once i make enough she wants me to buy her a ragdoll kitten.

if i didn't make content on onlyfans, i also would sell nudes for a higher price. it's already $25 for 10 pics which is barely any effort for me. most of the money i make comes from monthly subscriptions which is a consistent income rather than essentially taking commissions.
i mean i would be doing this regardless of her opinion on it and she knows that. it's better to support me than to lose my trust by disowning me when im open about things like this.
yeah when i say parents i mean my mom and my grandma. my grandma is more like my mom whereas my mom is more like my sister. she adopted me as a baby and is still working full-time making 6 figures at almost 70 years old to support me, my mom, and my siblings.
i only work one six-hour shift per week. in the summer, i would work around 18-24 hours per week and would make around $1.2k a month but since im in school, working that much isn't sustainable.
i would but he doesn't want me to share his identity because he already gets recognized online, and he doesn't want his face associated with that.

i am 5'4" and i was in the hospital because after i got an iud i was bleeding excessively for weeks and eventually i began to get super lightheaded and fatigued. i went to urgent care initially but while i was there i bled through my tampons and pads and couldn't even move from the toilet so they just told me to go to the ER where they said i had severe anemia and that's when i got the IV. i got the IUD removed a few days after and the bleeding stopped but now i have to worry about pregnancy again.

also im in public right now so i can't say anything weird but when i get home if you remind me.

im not planning on it that's why i got an iud immediately after my abortion but my body rejected it and they had to take it out. i had an appointment for a different iud insertion recently but it was so painful i was screaming and begging them to stop so i had to reschedule with sedation this time but i can't get an appointment for like a month.
ive only been pregnant once and it was after my ex and i broke up and i started messing around with other guys. my ex and i used only the pull-out method for 2.5 years and i never got pregnant once so i thought i just couldn't get pregnant. then i started having a lot of sex with my fwb and we weren't very responsible so i got pregnant like the first month we met.

I've been mean to you here as payback because of how mean you are to everyone in general but I'm sorry that all happened. Sincerely. I'm one of the few non chudposters here but even I can't imagine how painful that all must be.

yeah i had a ROUGH summer. after my abortion i had some sort of postpartum depression since a miscarriage/abortion is essentially forcing your body into labor. and then after that i had to deal with constant bleeding and cramps for a month. this was around mid july and i kind of disappeared from the internet for a couple of weeks and scrolled tiktok and reddit ALL DAY. honestly starting onlyfans is when i began to start feeling better. i used to post nudes for attention, but you can only get so much attention before it starts to get a little bit boring. being able to see my bank account go up everyday has been a huge motivator for me to be productive in general.
i was browsing the board and ive been on most of the girls' threads before and i hated on some of them at first just because i was upset that i was getting so much hate, but i genuinely like most of them even if we don't interact. i appreciate that they're authentic about their lives because my life is also kind of a shitshow and i value when people can be transparent about that. i had seen sydney's thread but i never clicked on it because i didn't know who she was, until i was drunk the other night and i saw how she's more of a train wreck than most of us here, she's just not honest about it. she filters her pictures to the point that it doesn't even look like the same person and then tries to say she doesn't use filters or editing. then i came across the blackface and n-word stuff and saw those videos of her cowering in fear and embarrassment as she's confronted by her black classmates. it was truly a pathetic display.

i figured her telegram was probably a bunch of simps circlejerking and they had no idea about what she actually looks like so i thought it would be a great place to expose her. when i posted her actual pics she got super triggered and banned me and made a post calling all of her simps to dox me and report me LMAO. also she berated me for arguing with a "child" (a 17-year-old is not a child) yet her boyfriend is like my age lol.

also adding onto this, she asked me for a current no-makeup video which i sent and asked her to send one back through the app so she couldnt filter or edit it, but she said she couldn't because she hadn't brushed her hair that day. i asked her why she couldn't just brush her hair--it literally takes about 10 seconds, and she couldn't give an answer lmao.

no because you had such a good reason to do what you did and i really like that you called her out. And I agree with people trying to say you argued with a child when her bf liam is literally around your age.. she's about to be 18.. people need to get a grip.. 

i wonder when things will crumble for that sydney girl

I think deep down you aren’t evil but you’re very unwell which showed the most in your tearing down other girls. Your current posts are the most sincere I’ve seen you and it’s obvious you’re full of pain which is why you were being so cruel, but that’s not a good way to live. Doesn’t fix anything, just makes the world more miserable. I don’t think it’s good for you to hang around here, regardless of whatever else you do in life. Some of the mean shit I’ve said ITT has been facts but some of it has been an attempt at shocking you into realizing that you should change your ways. You don’t actually like hearing cruel shit, nobody does, so at least try to be nicer if you’re going to live the way you do. Otherwise you will attract even more negativity like this thread has proven. This shit is not sustainable. The high and rush from getting (you)s and pretending to be above it all isn’t worth it.
I have a soft spot of pity when it comes to abortion. Held my ex’s hand as she bled out in a bathtub. She was in so much pain all because she knew her body and brain couldn’t handle a baby. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone but I could never ever hate anyone for having one.

guys sydney isnt as soulful as donut is sydney is like twitter tryhard tier while donut actually lurks and posts on /b/ all the time, also donut doesnt use makeup while sydney has a whole different face with makeup on (which is annoying since its 2021 asian fish tier )

yeah i agree. i was on an alcoholic binge during that. my true opinion is that she is attractive, but her look is so different from mine and i kept getting compared to her before i even knew who she was. 

it sucks because it obviously wasn't her insulting me--she doesn't even know who i am, but since people kept comparing me to her, i used her as a scapegoat to insult and argue over  since i knew nothing about the people attacking me in her defense so i couldn't directly insult them. i believe the first time i learned about her was through her letterboxd, and admittedly i did find it a bit pretentious as a lot of people have. but then someone said something that made me realize she probably just actually has some sort of hyperfixation on that type of media, and that's obviously completely valid. i hadn't read her reviews initially, but i went back to read some and its clear that she's very thoughtful and articulate. i dont think that her simps even have the ability to analyze the media that she does in the way she does it. after acknowledging that and realizing she isn't an arrogant poser like i initially thought, i did get a little bit insecure. that's when all of the arguing began, and when i start arguing with someone over anything i always want to get the last word in so it becomes a shitshow.

Donut, one of the reasons why you get so much hate is because you always respond to it which makes you an easy target. It seems like you have the ability to be intelligent and genuine when you're not wasted, arguing, and pretending to be someone else.

if we initially got to talk personally we might get along, although obviously we're very different, like someone said it seems like we have some neurodivergent traits in common. the fact that she has distanced herself from these spaces says a lot... most of the rest of us here are addicted to attention and that usually comes with being fairly immature and vain.
thank you <3 although i do wear makeup, just not foundation so it might not be as obvious.
my discord is @dextraverse and my twitter is @bellacakes_x
when i post on 4chan now i post as myself with a timestamp always. i don't really need to samefag anymore because i posted there for months like everyday so my pics get reposted a lot. ive always been a self-admitted samefagger though--at least on 4chan. me and this other guy would samefag my posts as a part-time job.

Donut you're doing good. An honest whore is a decent one. Feels good don't it? And fyi I'm entitled to a percentage of revenue acquired from any future collaboration between you and Sidney. I heard she's getting kicked out of her parent's soon. We should start planning getting you and her in a studio apartment.

Come on man.... If you want to be an orbiter you need to learn how to find out these kinds of details yourself. Seriously, orbiting is just consensual stalking at the end of the day.
She's not even trying to hide it and if you just do the bare minimum amount of leg work you'll find it.

i agree donut is disgusting but what if we changed our perspective and saw this as like a hentai freak game type of vibe like donut is kinda like bbw super pochacco and like those games where they do freaky shit like eat shit and open their pussy wide open like you know what i mean. it would be better if she was less normie tho, her interests chart is uncanny valley with how unpersonal and personality lacking it is.

like the kid shit is kinda cringe cause she aint underage so it just make her look special ed but maybe she could do schoolgirl outfit or office stuff idk idk. her pussy is lacking but sometimes i yearn for the comfort of huge titties and believe it or not i actually have a thing for slightly overweight women with huge breasts ik its embarrassing.

As the anon who always complains about women wearing cheap plastic Chinese clothes, I agree, but I also want to say that this is the most presentable she's looked face wise at least. She should wash her bangs more or get rid of them though.

She probably buys all these cheap ass outfits because she needs to have more money to fund her obesity. 1400$ a month is only enough for so many McDonalds family meals, imagine how little food she would have if she had to cut into that for good quality costumes.

I'm assuming she's the one in the striped shirt. I saw donut comment about appearing in this shit weeks ago. She had all this time to prepare and she still shows up looking like that. She's sloppy. She should have the biggest tits in that group but she looks like a water tank. She has the ugliest hair. Nobody seeing her for the first time would describe her as an egirl nor would they believe her to be a OF model. She looks like a meth whore that fills her infant's bottle with Mountain Dew. Donut brought shame to our forums and on behalf of the anon community I motion for her to be banned until she repents and gets her shit together. I yield the floor.

Yup fake af. I've bruised a few girls and it's impossible to bruise the eyelid without swelling the whole eye socket. Even if you just flick it. But donut didn't make the fake bruise with makeup. This ho has 0 makeup skills.

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