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Yeah, I got it from her. I sent her a link to a phishing Blacked.com page I set up and she uploaded her pictures to the audition section. She was relentless about getting cast on Blacked since she’s petite and said she thinks it's funny that black cock looks like you're shitting out of your vagina. I didn’t expect her to actually upload nudes. You guys should see the one I got of her asshole, but I don’t think I’ll ever share that one with anyone for less than a million bucks.

she looks way older and more masculine. like a russian woman who works in fields and has many babies. it’s kind of cool but she appears to have a slight stache going on. hormonal problems? maybe she went on and off birth control? the weight gain could be explained by that too. or antidepressants and antipsychotics. her face changed a lot

> it’s kind of cool but she appears to have a slight stache going on.
Its because she went on hrt but appears to have stopped. Unless this was filmed before her hrt. Maybe she is a he currently? Either way still would

wait what? she was trans and detransitioned? that makes sense but i can’t tell if you’re joking. she was always seeing herself as above other girls and hated conventional femininity because to her it was weak and not something to respect. most girls like that troon out these days. is she a terf now?

After reading the manifesto on her site it’s safe to say she’s gone off the deep end. Seems like bipolar disorder with schizoaffective traits. Posting photos of her shit and saying being vegan makes her poop less which is good was funny, but the rest was just plain concerning. Unironically believes in reptilians and had a “spiritual awakening” through drugs and reading obsessively about near death experiences. She seems genuinely insane and I hope she is okay, seems like she’s struggling with stability and admits she was addicted to food for years too, classic bipolar trait.

I read her stuff and watched her videos, call me crazy but I'm 100% convinced all of this is made by some boyfriend or something. She is a little too funny, connected with internet culture and technology for a girl.

And her satire is a little too well made to be from an actual woman, most women comedy sucks unless it was written by a man, so I'm sure she has a sperg boyfriend (or maybe online orbiters) instructing her on how to extract money from you losers.  

She even uses the DID shit too (just like our favorite jewess), I bet she will come out as huge Lain fan anytime soon.

She’s really not that funny. I know you’re only comparing her to most female comedians but it’s not hard to surpass them, Ashley was only able to by spending the past 10 years on /pol/ and regurgitating whatever she reads there. So you’re right about it being because of men, but it’s thousands of men she’s copying every day instead of one. And it’s still not funny. Also, just like those bad female comedians, Ashley uses a lot of toilet humor to be funny and shocking because she knows she’s a woman and thinks that makes it provocative somehow, plus constantly joking about her vagina. Literally posted pics of her poop on her site and said her pubes are steel wool repeatedly. She’s just Amy Schumer if she used 4chan.

Call me a zoomer, after watching that it wasn't funny in the slightest. Ashley looked sickly and needs a dentist. Honestly don't understand the appeal of this girl beyond her earlier videos spitting out /pol/ lines. Tahlia was 10x funnier, and I can think of 3 other girls funnier than her on this board alone.

Agreed. Ashley is a zoomer too but her humor is the result of her eating the shit of the worst people on 4chan 8 years ago so she's behind. On top of that she's obviously mentally unwell if you read her manifesto page, probably doesn't have many people she talks to who are her own age or stable.

Oldfag here. You faggot zoomers act like writing an HTML site is something that only a computer scientist could do. If you think HTML is "code" you're an actual retard. It's a markup language and a literal child can do it. 15 years ago chicks were doing it to customize their myspace pages, and 5 years before that literal housewives and high schoolers were making actual websites to showcase their families or what they did at school or whatever that week. Not saying this ethot is all that but it's very telling that you kids think putting up a basic website requires anything more than a couple brain cells to rub together

I get your point but it was the poltard influence that made her like this. She used and posted on pol more than anything else and all her friends were from pol if I recall correctly. She saw people saying jews and black people and women bad and decided it was true and formed her whole persona around it.

I already said it upthread but god damn this is such a sad sight, a true manic episode. Can’t believe she thinks posting this stuff online after escaping the weirdos like 8 years ago is a good idea. Not to mention the sincere schizobabble she’s been spewing

Why did she come back bros? Was she in a serious relationship and that person hurt her? It's well understood that when girls take a break from social media, it's usually because they are with someone and when they start posting again, it's because they broke up. They use it as a stopgap to meet their attention quota until chad, usually the same guy, starts love bombing them again. I wonder how long she is going to stay this time? Maybe she'll vanish once more when chad inevitably returns with a half assed apology for cheating on her with stacy. Ashley will be too busy being the stepmom to his baby mama's kids.

i remember the end, she started making lots of blue screen vids, in a live stream she supposedly flashed her slit accidentally.. then dyed her hair and left. i figured her mom/family started getting contacted by orbiters.

can someone dump here all of the photos she's posted of herself since coming back. I'm sure some of you have them. I can't be bothered to dig through that mess of an eyerape board to find them

fuck off lameo, quit saying that everything you just don't understand, or don't find funny, or that someone has successfully trolled you, is proof that someone is crazy. She is obviously joking and you are exactly the type of person she is trying to fool.

Mostly reminisced about back when she was popular on 4chan, because that's when I first became aware of her. Chatted a bit about her new videos, mostly the mockumentary she made about transgenders, which was very funny imo.

I didn't ask her about this because it's stupid, afaik sam didn't/doesn't even know who she is. Call her and ask yourself.

> sam didn't/doesn't even know who she is

He was posting in her YouTube comments section.

> Call her and ask yourself.

I live across the fucking ocean. If I could afford to call her - I would ask about her current bf, not Sam.

Sam took it from us.

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> *Sob* nobody wants to flirt with meeee *sob-sob*
> except online. That doesn't count.

Nothing wrong with wanting to touch vagege as a woman, Ash. As I've said, it's normal. It's a female evolutionary sexual adaptation tactic called "Better homo than sub8".

> be ashley
> 2014
> make edgy videos on youtube
> anorexic demon worshiping youtuber posts you on /pol/
> ohshit.webp
> 2023
> neckbeard in the body of a girl
> lesbian
> can't get a girlfriend
> settle for your dog(s)
who among us can truly judge her?

> All of us if your degeneracy hasn't gone too far. I don't like dogs sexually even if I can't get a girlfriend. Settle for sex toys
You must be mildly autistic, so I'll explain: she doesn't actually have sex with her pugs, it's just a joke

> How do you know she can't?
She's talked about it. Given her interests and personality it's probably true.

> It's a joke
You must be even more mildly autistic, so I'll explain: No duh she doesn't have sex with her pugs. That photo is obvious satire and I was playing into the joke. Have your fingernails ripped off.

h4ggy Ashley is still cute as hell, but prime cunny Ashley was out of this world

I remember watching her streams after a bad day and smiling from ear to ear like an idiot all the way through


This was all a very long time ago and none of this matters anymore so I'll fill you in. Will was one of her top orbiters back in the day. If you were around at all back then, you know him. He would vc her and talk on the phone with her regularly and eventually they started edating. The two of them tried to keep their relationship on the down low but after a while people started to notice how close they were becoming and began asking questions. Some people were pretty upset, they felt like they'd been betrayed. The whole thing caused quite a kerfuffle amongst her inner circle. She left shortly after and this was one of the main reasons why. She didn't want to deal with the drama. It was confirmed that they later met up irl. Most people probably still to this day have no idea about any of this because the details were largely kept within the inner circle. Like I said though, it really doesn't matter anymore.

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Soon. Her gran died and she may have changed her name to Kaylee. Someone claiming to know of her said that she might be married and her husband works out of town most of the time. They were not aware of her website nor videos nor that she had an online following. Makes me question how much her husband may know if he exists or her family for that matter.



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I'm new to the whole Ashley Jones stuff. can anyone give me a recap of what happened? I found some of her old videos and they seem interesting. She's definitely not right in the head tho.  either she wants to be edgy and fails at it. or she's got some serious mental conditions. 

Any kind soul willing to give a recap of what happened? apparently she was queen of /pol/ for some time too..

This thread has gone to shit thanks to the American fucktards slipping their greasy politics into every corner of the Internet. No one cares about burgurland. You fuckers ought to learn that.