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Egypt Flag jpg
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We can finally have banners now.
Post whatever banners you come up with in this thread.  I will probably attempt to make a few myself as well.
Remember: banners are 300x100.
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Come to think of it, Avraham Seidenberg was Elad's real name, so we should probably be calling him by that.
Yeah, you're right, it's a symbol of arab nationalism and I found out later.  Wish I could go back and change it now.

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Autism is the backbone of imageboards.  It all depends on how you use it.

Maintain JUSTICE.  Those who do not follow Ammit's ways may be banned from this board by vote, similar to how /baphomet/ does it.

You may use this board to discuss all manner of good deeds done in her name, and anything else about her you can think of.  May JUSTICE be with each and every one of you.

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A little while ago silent had his pastebin wiped and then disappeared. I don't know what happened, but if you would be willing to help me track down any of their stories, I would REALLY appreciate it. 
Here's a link to a collection of his works:https://anubis.moe/archive
The only ones I have right now are "Open" and  "Historical Documents"

Looking for "Don't be afraid" and "The Witch of Hithercombeshire" in particular. Really would appreciate any help you can give. And yes, I've tried the wayback machine. No luck.

sacrifice pls come back

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Did it revive somewhere? Where did our community go?

Made a board at https://8chan.moe/monster including a thread for the goddess at https://8chan.moe/monster/res/2.html

but I'd just direct to new one if I can find it and make this a backup
It will never be revived because you are insufferable furry faggots as proven by your image (muh board-tan).
No one in their right mind would willingly seek out such a shit community.

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