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Meta discussions of the board go here.
We must take our rights more seriously

Why keep a government that fails us?

Iowa man sues after passing sobriety tests and being arrested for OWI

fuck government
IRS is the only assault weapon we should ban

Not trying to shit on anyone here, just genuinely curious. What exactly would stop something like this from happening?
Talking about politics means nothing, just a way of coping with utter defeat. LONG LIVE TO PIRACY
Ancoms are fucking retards. Anarcho-communism is an oxymoron!
I haven't decided what voluntarism I'd go for but the problem is the same for ancaps.
What do other than settling on an island or maybe a giant plateau or wherever that has impenetrable enough natural barriers and is so far removed from any civilization that the logistic costs of waging war would be too high for any organized state? I mean until we get Tesla Death Rays for every household.
Which crypto have u gotten into? For me its
> bitcoin
> litecoin
> ethereum
I found this recent archive which says that lib right is mostly promoted and influenced by jewry. After reading a bit I found that they actually pick on people's greed to make freer yet more unstable societies...

what do you think about this? Is it ok to be ancap or could some minarchy, some night-watchman state be used to carry out these same ideas without bringing so muhc misbalance?
Can someone explain this site to me? I really like it so far. I just need help getting around and knowing what stuff is
Why not move 2 Liberland?

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