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Taxation is theft!

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I would love 2 but it's currently impossible. The micronation is facing troubles with Croatia and Serbia who claim that Liberland is there illegally (even though the land that Liberland is using is unclaimed). The Serbian police is constantly on the borders of Liberland and attempt 2 arrest any1 who enters it (the president of Liberland has actually been arrested a few times like this). Until the whole BS with Croatia and Serbia is resolved, moving 2 Liberland is impossible.

Tyranny leads to anarchy.

The world will soon go full Mad Max.

Obeying the law is easy when only murder and theft are illegal, but no can obey the law if everything is illegal.

What can you do when fireworks are illegal, but firecrackers are mandatory?

Who will enforce the law when the government cannot pay the Gestapo?

Who will enforce the law when the Gestapo are abolished?

Why would cops defend the state when the Gestapo must wear masks and get dangerous vaccines?

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