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The bored four NEETs

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ok, I'm already tired of this shit 
I admit I'm iga with romanian ip
I deeply apologize for what I've done 
now, can you guys leave the past behind and pretend I'm a real romanian?
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coworkers took me out to dinner out of guilt since my mom died a month ago
felt good while I was with them but now I'm home and drinking alone and the loneliness is really hitting
I'm leaving this town in a month to go somewhere more affordable while I work on my degree, it was a nice send out but I don't feel any less lonely
this next shot's for you neets
We're rooting for you neet. At least they pretended to care.
How far are you headed with the move, and has the situation put you at least in a decent financial position to grind out the courses?
thanks lad

pretty fucking far. about 1700km
I'll be going to a new place where I don't know anybody which is exciting in it's own right
I'm scared of not having anybody though, even acquaintances to talk to
a chick I've been crushing really har on is one of the ones that came to the mini party and it just made things worse I think
I bet some neets don't even have an entire room they use as a rubbish bin, and instead just have a pathetic little bin under the sink or something.
my split personality threatened me by tell me he knows where i live and he's going to come and kill me
i notice how everything is oriented towards kids, women, families, 50+ year olds but not people like us
no it's just a little college town 
I feel like it's a fitting place to be while I work on my degree before moving back to the state I'm in (florida)
You can't ctrl+click on a youtube thumbnail to open it in a new tab anymore. At least for my experience of their blue-green ops magic. Very disappointing. The web moves closer to touch centric, eyeball focused user experiences with every passing day.
texas was actually one of the states I considered moving too but there's too many africans (blacks) there

software engineering
I'm gonna be focusing more on graphic design and illustration though which is something I've always been more passionate about
soft eng is just a stepping stone
Is family tragedy NEET actually American? Very hard to believe. A half yank sperg I could buy into but sheeeesh

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