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The bored four NEETs

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Remember when the site operators confirmed it was IGA posting child pornography here based on IP hashes.
A chicken and mushroom wellington I bought from coles. Promised myself I'd eat half of it for lunch, and the other half for dinner. Failed. I'll try again tomorrow until I learn to control myself.
The oldies over the road got in an argument with their Pajeet taxi driver. I don't know what it was about but Pajeet became very animated and stuffed their walkers in the boot very roughly and then slammed it shut.
I do not feel that self control is possible for me. The pathways in my brain are too well established.
We are what we are. Year of acceptance.
Did anyone else have parents who only cared about how they looked to outsiders and had no "real self" at all, just a fake persona they used around strangers?
When there were no strangers around they were anxious about future stranger interactions and abusive to me as a means of stress relief.
Nothing like that, but I was always told I was too loud ("you can be heard outside") and they would rarely/never express their political sentiments or opinions on race publicly. Motherbat could also be in the foulest, shittiest mood with us as kids and then bump into some cunt at the shops and be laughing and smiling and carrying on and then revert once they had moved along.
Imagine having to rely on Pajeet for anything. I feel bad for these oldies. The nursing homes are full of Pajeet staff too.
Some would say lol fuck these boomers they voted for this.
> they voted for this
Nobody has ever been asked to vote on immigration. When agitators have asked for a referendum on the matter it has been summarily dismissed.
Little known NEET lore: IGA earned his NEET name by posting Youtube videos of his dumpster hauls from the bin behind the Stumers IGA. Sometimes the chicken wings were still cold.
It took me all day to identify the source of the clanging noise that was coming from the backyard. Turns out a bird was attacking its reflection in the stainless steel pedal bin next to the back door.
boomers stole our future, destroyed our chances of ever owning homes, flooded our countries with third worlders, and are crashing western civilisation with no survivors. So yeah, fuck them, they voted for this.

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