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The bored four NEETs

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Someone post the broom pepe, I've got to get these people out of my house. I don't even know why they stayed last night they all have houses. 
I don't want to offer them breakfast but it's 9 already and I can't starve them. But then they'll hang around in the hope of a second breakfast, woe

Get her a some sort of recommendation from an OT or physio from the hospital. 
These are cheap for what they are. 


I still remember rolling up to the KFC drive thru and seeing the paper sign saying that eftpos was down and they were taking cash only.
I didn't have any cash so I had to wait in line just to drive through without getting anything. I almost started crying. Not really though, but it was shit.

Bacon. Kept putting dashes of hot water from the kettle in to stop it burning and keep rendering slowly. Then purple onion and a couple grinds of salt (the only seasoning), after about 10 min put butter and capsicum juice in to keep it wet. Once translucent, then capsicum in and thumb balls of mince in. Carrots in once meat was browned (I preblanched the carrots, bok choy and cabbage).
In the pot, cabbage and bok choy with oyster sauce and soy sauce (not sweet soy like I had thought about using), then all the other stuff from the frying pan and a fruit box of beef stock to the boil and now it'll rest.
I haven't used oyster sauce before like this. Very nice flavour.

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Tomorrow on womboflix - FX - Murder By Illusion (1986) - A special effects expert agrees to stage the murder of a gangster going into witness protection for the government. However, the job goes awry...starring Bryan Brown.

Then on Sunday: Barbie and Ken are having the time of their lives in the colorful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land. However, when they get a chance to go to the real world, they soon discover the joys and perils of living among humans - Barbie (2023)


Just got back from the russel 
4 pints, 1 pot 
Mate of mine knows all the bartenders and regulars which is kind of awkward as a tag along 
He reckons one of the bartenders was into me but she has a boyfriend. She was chatty though
Pretty much decided on leaving mummybots next week. Gonna have to buy a folding camp stretcher to sleep on in the shed 
Starting my swagman era 🐸

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I thought he was climbng over the disk i put on the wire but it would rotate and make him fall off. The bushes have grown around my telephone wire and thats the most likely route of infiltation. I'm gonna cut them back and maybe hoist the wires up and I better get to it before he cuts my internet.

I must apologise to Possum. I once accused him of this murder.

You went about this possum mission without doing any recon and without adequate intel.
You should have known exactly how he was getting in before taking measures to fix it.
You're not going to make it kiddo. The LARP has fallen apart at the first hurdle.

Took Sweaty for a walk. Encountered some fun run thing and she wanted to keep pace with them.
Came home to a bunch of bullshit. I am fucking sick to death of my idiot Sisterbot dumping all her problems on Motherbat who has enough to worry about.

She was in bed all day yesterday with a "migraine", she went to the toilet last night and had a seizure and smashed her face open on the basin and had to hospital.
She has 3 disabled/retarded children and 1 who is a sociopath.
One of the retarded children triggers behavioural letters every other day from the school and the school is trying to force it out and into a minda school.
One of the girls has a lump on her neck and massive headaches and is having an MRI today.
Every day she is pushing this shit on Mum and I'm fucking sick of it. I came down here to help Mum about and have a peaceful long weekend and she has ruined it already.

pity he hadn't wasted this snoopy chink and his commie abc crew when they started trespassing

First one came out normal, but I think she's a sociopath.
Second one is type II autistic. Otherwise she is functional and the only one of the four I have any time for.
Third one came out with a bunch of brain missing (pancake head) and is fed by a socket thing on its stomach. Has Mr Magoo glasses. This thing is a piece of shit and the one that is getting kicked out of school after 1 year. Needs to be beaten to death.
Fourth one is autistic and non-communicative. Just sits and rocks and screams.
I think gestational diabetes had something to do with them being half-cooked hamburger patties.
Stupid bitch was encouraged to abort 3 and 4, but "we always wanted three kids" and "we always wanted four kids".
One income. Sister was the hair dressing equivalent of Monk, getting sacked from every job. Then just stopped working altogether once she got her hooks into Bill.

The Boniface Option describes the deliberate felling of an ancient oak tree that symbolised a living blood memory of a people. It was a life symbol that tied the living to their ancestors.

Anybody born before at least the 2000's had a Guthrie ("heel prick") test performed and the blood spot card filed away. These have been used for DNA tests by authorities already, and I wouldn't mind betting there are moves to digitise all of them at some point if they haven't started already.
Blood tests can reveal all sorts of chromosomal abnormalities.

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duno about the use by date for genome sequencing but looking at chromosones under a microscope is different than matching sequences to alleles in the couple terabytes of that genome. Dont buy into the hype that they will ever be able to find the gene for selfishness so they can cure it by injecting you with mRNA or some shit. That is a snake oil pitch for gullible midwits with deep pockets.

From and including: Saturday, 30 September 2023
To, but not including Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Result: 31 days

It is 31 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

Or 1 month, 1 day excluding the end date.

Queensland, Victoria, and South Australia have anti-association laws and the Bandidos are a proscribed organisation, so:
1. why have they been allowed to mass in the first place?
2. why hasn't a combined TRG response from those three states blown them off their bikes?

Going for the Brisbane Lions today I think. I don't like them much but I don't like Collingwood either.
I don't think I will watch the game. I'll just keep an eye on the score. Dip in at the end if its close.

It is so Beyond Inappropriate to suggest that Weber get cruisey to leave his disabled nephew in a hot car while they go to that particular gaming pub for lunch.  I think you need a time out to cool off. Please BO can you ban that nasty poster probably tiffin

I sleep in an actual bed that is in a bedroom, not in a public toilet so I don't know what "coping" there is to be done here m8.
No one ever cared that he was sleeping in a public toilet, it was that he boasted about how much better he was doing than everyone else here.

I cut back the bushes where the possum could get from the wire to the ground. Now he has no choice but to make the perilous jump down to the ground and abandon his comfy nest in my ceiling. If this doesnt work I will have to install cameras to learn his secret way in.

> Daniel Gorringe has shown up to the Fox Footy Longest Kick competition dressed as KISS frontman Gene Simmons. 
> “I thought it was the longest KISS competition so I guess this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense right now,” Gorringe told Fox Footy.

Its got to be a carbine version of the big bastards because of its skill on the wires and how i can get into the tiny slit into the roof. I beat it for a couple nights and then its back. Its like I stop it from getting out one way and it finds a way down and thus back up. It goes to a lot of effort to reach its hidey hole. It must be really comfy wrapped up in the insulation with plenty of silver paper to chew on and water in the gutters. Kinda wish I had a gun now.

> Elon Musk's 5,000 Starlink satellites are on track to surpass the number of visible stars in the sky, around 9,000
> Scientists fear for the future of astronomy as Musk's space junk litters our sky

Oh okay. From an economic perspective I think they would be better off under the Russians, at least in the short term, as the Russians will be obliged to rebuild what they take but the west will probably only make a token effort. The situation seems bad for all the common folk but that is how wars go lol.

I don't see why you couldn't learn a tune they might like. Some pop-bydlo-folk something. You don't have to learn the full song, you tell 'em you learning classical, but you can recall something, you are not sure. Also admit you have stage fright. Ofc they'll laugh at you but who cares.
Plus, you could stall the thing saying you don't want to bring the guitar in (here it's relatively expensive thing, I would care if some gypsy would damage it if I had one). They'll pretend to be very disappointed make some faces, but insist, they'll get over it. After you learnt something to play you could bring in the guitar, like when someone has a bday or something. Or just forget it entirely.

> Also admit you have stage fright. Ofc they'll laugh at you but who cares.
all of them are country side hardcore boomers, they wouldn't get it 
I work with another shift now, so the only guy with whom I got along well is gone 
I guess it would be best to just roll with it, or have a few drinks beforehand 
> you don't want to bring the guitar
but I want to 
skipping 1 whole day out of 3 would ruin the little progress I made so far
> After you learnt something to play
I guess I could play this 
this is my first try, would this be embarrassingly bad?

Woke up early. Probably didn't get enough sleep. Don't know how this will play out over the course of the day. I might have to go back to bed. Having a strong coffee now.

I have changed the clocks that needed changing.

It's good enough, nothing to be embarrassed about.
> they wouldn't get it 
It's better say you have stage fright when they see your hand shaking instead of making some bs up.
> but I want to 
Well, then never mind that part.

Can you play something after listening? Like an older popular song they play on the radio all the time?
For example on the Hungary they play this since 1995:
Or this. They're playing this since 1973:
I dunno what could be a parallel on the Romania.

> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4846573/
'Wittkower (1938) deduced through personal assessments that hay fever sufferers have a higher rate of neurotic symptoms than healthy individuals. Reliable and repeated measures have shown a link between anxiety and hay fever.'


> Can you play something after listening?
pretty much nothing, I have to look up the chords/tabs
also, since I can't sing I focused less on strumming
this is the closest I could get to what you sent me in 10 minutes     
the rest of them are a huge hustle 
pretty much 
I'm out of touch with whatever the fuck people from this country listen to anyhow
maybe christmas songs by stefan hrusca? idfk

Oh well. You can learn with time and build up a repertoire. You can show your co-workers the new stuff gradually. Maybe they'll say what they wanna hear instead of trying to guess it.
As Lenin said: practice, practice, practice. Actually he might have said something else, oh well.

> The Ukraine conflict is a face-off between two Slavic nations in which the rest of the world should not get involved, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

Took Motherbat to the markets and for a drive through Port Elliot, Middleton, and Goolwa. She bought me a $5 hard cover Corvette book (CORVETTE: The Legend Lives) and a $7 '84 Corvette Hot Wheels car still in box.
Got a six inch subway and a bottle of sauvignon blanc for lunch. The wine was a guilt purchase because we parked in the hotel carpark to go to Subway.

I'm going to have a fish off Waitpinga beach tomorrow mording. Got the 10 and 12 footers out and some 5 or 6 inch soft lures. Sweetie would probably like the road trip and the beach, but she's an unpredictable boong off the leash.

an area that spawned Gayle's Law due to boongs raping and murdering white healthcare women: https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/04dd4408-b0b7-41b5-bf0f-924ad232acd4/Gayle%27s+Law+Fact+Sheet+-+updated+for+new+regulations_Nov+2019.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-04dd4408-b0b7-41b5-bf0f-924ad232acd4-nOv-MRg

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> Donald Trump called for shooting store robbers on Friday in a bleak speech to California Republicans –and warned “this country will die!” if Joe Biden remained president.


3 weeks now my street has been without running water.
Everyone got together and made a plan to start dumping our shit and piss into the storm drains on the street but now they are beginning to overflow and people are starting to poo in their backyards attracting thousands of flies.
We made a new plan to gather up our poo into garbage bags and dump them in the storm drains the next street over but the residents there defend their storm drains with armed guards.

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