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The bored four NEETs

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> It said ambulances also had to recently race to a man with constipation, a 47-year-old with diarrhoea and stomach pain and a 45-year-old with shoulder pain that was categorised as “code 1 chest pain”.
> All these Victorians had phoned triple zero to request an ambulance.

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This week on womboflix...
There will be no Wednesday night tv. Instead, on Friday we will be streaming Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011). I'm also expecting Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning (2023) to be out on bit torrent next week, and we'll be watching it the same day it gets released.

On Saturday shibs will be introducing us to the wonderful world of Serbian anime or something. No womboflix moofie.

On Sunday the master thespian Steven Segal stars in Under Siege (1992)

He should take Monk in like a pet, they would have endless fun as webby takes him for his daily walk and he could teach him to fetch a wine bottle and at the end of the day monk would curl up at his feet and drift off into sleep.

Foot long italian herbs which chicken terriyaki, salami, and cheddar. Toasted. Onion, lettuce, spinach, salt and pepper, honey mussy 
Blue flavoured V. Very filling but probably not worth 24 bucks. 
Got a haircut from the annoying woman. Thankfully she kept her pie hole shut. Shitty haircut as expected.

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i duno if i like the new art, its kinda hideous like fake flowers or those horriffic dolls that look like newborn babies, but its got shock value combined with its prolific output and thats sure to get up the leftys and jew lovers like cruisey, so on balance its a good thing.

Chilli oil is a pretty standard continent, I make jars and jars of it. 

You can't use powdered spice because the hot oil will just burn it, and if your oil isn't hot enough you don't get an infusion. 
You really shouldn't use roasted chilli flakes either because even these can burn. 

I get whole bags of the Chinese style chilli flakes, but Indian ones are fine too. $8 will get you a shit load of the stuff. Ideally you want chilli flakes that aren't that hot but have a nice flavour. 

So no and no, and that's just because you'll burn any powdered spice.

I actually used a quarter tsp of msg, because there's no soya here it needed the salt, so msg was a good edition. 
Never bought into the MSG taboo, the problem is really culinary because when people first encounter a new seasoning many use way too much and put it in everything.

Everyone makes theirs a bit differently, I omit sesame seeds because they're a common allergen and you can always garnish with them, Chinese cinnamon is sold as "cassia" in Australia, it's cheaper and comes in the pho mix bags from your local Chinese store. 

There's also no real reason you can't fry particular spices separately in order to strain them, specifically black cardamom and cloves because if someone gets a whole clove they're going to have a bad time

Tomatoes are mostly hydroponic so where they're grown doesn't really matter, and sauce is no place for snobbery.
The black and gold tomato paste is fine for most dishes, the supermarket brand passata is adequate, more expensive passata often isn't any better.

no, I was driving around a city, then walking around my neighbourhood, and a class of teenagers schoolkids came walking in the opposite direction, and I looked down at my knee and saw I was limping and realised I was an old man.

Items rolling in off the back of trucks, stacked high in the corner of some truck bay, men carrying cans backwards and forwards, the mad rush for the last bag of rice, yelling, bossman on the intercom, supermarket is closing, silence.

Before the age of intensive farming and soil deficiency, humans would have been able to get their B12 by accidental ingestion of soil and manure in the same way as wild animals. It therefore appears that the most 'natural' way of consuming B12 is no longer applicable in the modern world.

A bit of dirt and poo makes you strong.

Morning. Didn't sleep, watched Q&A for ages and after smoking a cone I was daydreaming about getting called out on one of those shows and how I'd defend myself and portray my opinions. 
Mummybot has brought one of the mongs home during her herding shifts for some reason

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Good morning NEETs 

So the lamb last night was revelation. Cooked it a bit differently to usual. Did not drown it in oil and garlic. Cooked it longer at lower heat and let it sit while I was riding  and then sliced it and recooked the slices 10 minutes.

Much more evenly cooked, and served with just hommus and a hash brown instead of drowning myself in chips. Digested it’s properly, had a good sleep and feel recharged today. 

LambNEET must of got a cursed sheep who raped and then undercooked and overate the serving.

TLDR don’t hate on lamb YMMV

It is pretty ridiculous that nuro is allowed back despite conspiring to commit murder on a discord server as was revealed last year.
Why would I be scared? You know nothing about me whatsoever. Are you scared knowing that your name and address are public knowledge here?

The NBN pajeet came and hooked up a diagnostic tool to the line and thence to the pillar in the street. Said that the line crew will come soon. Have I stumbled upon the dole equivalent for fresh off boat shitskins?

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This Friday on womboflix, the action spy film - Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) -  Impossible Missions Force (IMF) is shut down after being publicly implicated in a bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his team to go without resources or backup in a life-threatening effort to clear their names. 

Then on Sunday, Steven Segal is an ex-Navy Seal turned cook and is the only person who can stop a group of terrorists when they seize control of a U.S. battleship. Also starring Gary bussy, Tommy Lee Jones and playboy playmate Erika Eleniak.

Much of politics and corporate goings on is obfuscated, mainly by gaslighting rather than secrecy. Wikipedia is a huge tool for this. You think it doesnt affect you because you just live your life but just about the entirety of what you beleive goes on in the world of news and current affairs is wildly distorted. Then it comes and knocks on your door, example the Vaxx and mass immigration. Search back through your upbringing and failures with women and connect the dots. breadcrumbs all lead back to the jew.

I went shopping early to avoid the normies but I was disappointed that a lot of the shelves were empty. They had not even put any apples out yet. No english muffins, no crumpets. The new specials price tickets weren't on the shelves yet either.

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NEETS I called to get out of this "STAR" training 4 week course at my JSP today (2 hours once a week) for resume building, job searching, interview attending etc stuff, I'm still feeling anxious about it and I got bad vibes from my job coach so I decided to switch to another one but stay at the same JSP for now. Do you think I should go? I have 15 mins to decide, I'm on the fence about it.

Also tbh its gonna be a room full of Arabs including the speaker I think so thats partly why I'm anxious though I didn't tell him thats one reason of course.

Carbs and artificial sugars


Yeah I'm wondering when it will hit the torrents, is that how you watch it? 

I actually like it believe it or not. Andor didn't look interesting enough to me to get into. I can't remember watching any of the other Star Wars series. This one seems the highest budget and best production value. Except that I watched the Mandalorian and I thought it was incredibly boring. This one actually has decent lightsaber fights, the stakes feel somewhat real, theres a cute White/Ukranian girl lead and nice lesbian angle between the 3 women, also the old-ish tall White guy is pretty cool tbh. Though I still feel a bit soy for watching it

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I commiserate with your observations that the jew is behind your trials and tribulations, I decry his unconscionable manipulating nature and how he has exploited (You) like a cow that comes into the barn every day to be milked. My cellars support the white man's struggle against his age-old enemy and thats why you wont find much Israeli wine amongst my extensive range. The jew is always jangling your nerves with his tricks so Why not come in and browse one of my cellars for something to calm down and enjoy life. A 1.5% discount for any of my valued customers with straight hair and a normal nose.

lol the ATO don't even require a warrant to search property

c'mon man 
those are entitled bitches that are shallower than a razer blade 
if a woman cares about you she will understand that the downs of life hit you out of nowhere, and she has to be there with you 
christ my dad was crawling around the house after drinking too much and my mom is still with him
my friend's mom is still with her husband after he got beaten fuck knows how many times, he cheated on her, and drank the last pennies on many occasions 
> our generation doesn't do that anymore
some still do it, but it's not common among people with money (most of the people you see on the internet)

lol chinks got caught in their own trap

lul hell no
most people finish highschool without reading any international literature (if you choose to study letters then you might have to read some PASSAGES from the iliad, the odyssey, shakespear, and some russians but that's about it) 
I picked it up because it was in the /lit/ charts, and knew nothing whatsoever about all the modern fuss about it

I went and voted.
When I told her my address the old lady who gave me my ballot said "My husband lived there when he was a child."
I said, "What, on the street?"
She said "Yes and in the exact same house."
Pretty big coincidence. What does it point to? More evidence that we live in a simulation? Did the program briefly glitch?

I've been home an hour, can't stand still because I've conditioned myself to think being at home means getting drunk.
Semi productive but agitated and unsatisfied. 
One little gulp and a lay down to watch iron chef is needed. 
Just need to get myself through a few hours wait, another shift then selling my old car. 
Life is struggling. Any alleviating coping mechanisms are just additional burdens in the long run. The cotton wool makes me soft.

You might remember last year he borrowed $6,000 from me and repaid me in installments. Apart from one short period where he fucked about, he kept his word. Well, after he had repaid it all, he asked to borrow some more a few times in smaller amounts, and I stupidly let him. Last time he repaid anything was Dec 2 last year.

Yes, he had got his employer to pay his father each fortnight or month or whatever, and his father was paying me. I suspect that once the original debt was paid he reverted his banking.

His old man was a cop, so I'm waiting for the spineless cunt to run to police and claim I've threatened him.

> I stupidly let him
Why do you think you did that NEET? I let people take advantage of me all the time. Or at least I used to.
I have no confidence or self esteem. People can just walk all over me. Predators can sense that I am easy prey.

> Why do you think you did that NEET?
I don't know. Maybe because he had paid the other money back. Maybe because I thought he was a friend. Or perhaps thinking that one day when I need help people might do the same for me.

Worked together for quite a few years in our 20's.

He has three kids to two different women, both of whom divorced him, and owes massive amounts of child/spousal support which apparently keeps on accruing even if you end up out of work or whatever. I don't know what else. I suspect there was some gambling there too. He lives in Canberra now, so earns far more than I do.
I tried getting physical address details out of both ex-wives via LinkedIn messages, but they both left me on read. Despite having a common enemy, they probably see his debt to me as a threat to their support payments. Or they're worried I'll have their daughter's father maimed or killed or something.

The wikipedia article mentions opposition to it but doesn't say anything about a replacement. Is there no widely agreed upon substitute? 
Would the image have originally been chosen because the details of the feather, hat and her hair make it easy to assess the image quality by eye?


Get him to memorise some shit from 4chan x and save a 35 minute rant in his head  about how vampires from planet niburu are time lords coming to enslave the people of planet earth via psychic domination of the astral plane and how they’re bleeding gravity into our dimension to take over. That outa do it. (To a psychiatrist)

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