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Trouble is you have to have those other things lined up and the willpower to go away from teh computer.
And if you're forced to use the computer for work, it's very hard/impossible to get away from it.
You need to eat all the avocado toast you can get. A big executive frame in the boardroom intimidates and leads to success.
Hansard and the Ministry of Truth have corrected the matter
air filter
when the radiator shat itself the other day, I noticed the K&N air filter I installed back in 2019 was still there and black as a nun's nasty
just going to put a paper filter in and clean the K&N one in slow time
another thing the mechanics somehow failed no noticed in 4 years of servicing every 6 months
Two completely different shows. I binge-watched the entire series of BB after it finished, which is probably why I liked it so much. No waiting/losing interest/forgetting details etc between episodes or series like would normally occur.
No I was talking about getting a new (or new to me) daily driver and that it was probably time to find a better mechanic. I'd already told her about the Corvette dramas and how I now had somebody affiliated with the club doing anything on that car that needs doing.
$33 for a fucken paper filter.

Motherbat's blood test on Monday has triggered a flurry of activity. She has to get another test tomorrow, Friday I have to go and drive her to town to see a rheumatology specialist, and next week she has a CT scan.

Employed for now. All of these random days off to see to Motherbat might put an end to that though.
Another sedan would be nice, so I can put hard rifle cases and stuff in the boot, but nobody seems to make them anymore. Bloody SUVs and overgrown seppo style utes everywhere.
This should be some kind of rule violation.
20f, subsection d - Any NEET making claims about their genitals and/or FUPA coverage needs to post proof.
If they suspect anything terminal it's normally same day or next day. I remember a woman was pushed in front of me for a colonoscopia and she was talking about not being prepared because she only found out in the morning that she was going in for the procedure. After I woke up I heard them tell her they found something that was being sent to the lab and the doctor came out to speak just to her.
> can't approach to women in coffee shop (creepy)
> can't approach women at work (unprofessional)
> can't approach women at the gym (distracting, creepy) 
> can't approach women at church (no singles)
> can't approach women in public (with friends)
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Chuddie was the only anthropomorphic muppet and the only one to feature in a film franchise. Made to resemble a human child, chuddie broke new ground for viewers in the horror movie genre.
Sara Lee quality has been poor for years. Stopped buying any of it years ago. They don't even seal their frozen products in plastic. It just sits in the cardboard box.
Bad home individuals two doors down are doing burnouts and giving each other masculine hugs. I think it might be two gangs meeting.
All of you retards calling nuro "the based one" etc. ought to be banned. Hyping him up like that is just as bad as the provocations and I suspect it is the same posters.
I'm amazed that anyone was offended by Sound Of Freedom or thought it was controversial. The most it's guilty of is being boring.
Moofie was magenta pill for normies to moo over but they'd have a shit haemmorhage if they learned about pizzagate and epstien adrenochrome child bbq's.
I heard the hero was based on nuro, who was a federal agent in america but has had to hide out in australia as a bicycle repairman after he uncovered the truth about epstein
> '...the reality is a lot sadder. Most younger child victims are trafficked by parents with substance abuse problems trying to buy drugs'
The true horror is what third worlder's are really like, and neither audiences nor holywood are ready to deal with that.
Remember all those short films of kids being kidnapped at the start of the film? Real security camera footage, at least according the producers.
I suppose. Nuro doesn't understand he is being mocked which is what makes it so effective. Even if it is just one neet doing it for a laugh, nuro will think the whole board loves him.
Spamming BASED after he posts a photo of a bike is obviously a joke. I refuse to believe any neets are actually impressed by the exact same posts again and again.
this cunt needs to be fed into a wood chipper feet first
Sounds good. I'm going to go to bed because I need lots of sleep due to my sickness. What curry recipe are you following? I used to make curries pretty often but haven't in a long time.
He should give some to the sick NEETs. Make it spicy to clear out the sinuses. 
I had a silverside, cucumber and hot English mustard roll for that.
Fucking IGA's cooking posts for one. But two, and more importantly, nuro posts the same photos again and again. It is always the bike at the beach and the beach itself. Same two photos. No one wants that shit. I bet very few neets even click on them.
I'm not sure it's needed. There's not a lot more that we can learn about each other. 
I might make a facebook and add you lot, I know enough to find most of you. 
Except Mongaro.
I had a photo of him once, in his apron. 
Sexy little twink. 
His 8:30 posts were so he could run off to post on live.tv or wherever they post.
Replied to the linkedin message. Heart rate increasing. Got anxious just imagining a job interview in my head
Don't discuss your work in words that someone who doesn't work in your industry wouldn't understand. Layman's terms. Explain your role to them in a way your mum could understand.
Just your bog-standard recipe with a few minor additions because I had them on hand. Brown the snags and remove to a plate. Saute onion/garlic(and jalapeno because I had it) in the beef fat before adding a heaped tablespoon of curry powder(I used Keen's classic), toast that off before adding stock (I used the chicken stock made from the roast choook bought a month ago), add back the cut-up sausage, a carrot that's been thinly sliced and simmer for roughly 30 minutes. To finish I'll throw in a cup of frozen peas which not only adds to the dish but stops the cooking process(peas are already 'cooked'). I don't usually bother with flour but since I added too much stock I'm going in with a cornstarch slurry to thicken the liquids.
I was wondering why it all got foamy after I added teh 'cornstarch slurry'. It wasn't corn flour I mixed with water but fucking bi-carb soda. Fuck you Black & Gold for your generic packaging. Meal ruined. MiGoreng for dinner...
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only permabanning IGA and his insufferable cringe posts will save the board. I predict this BO will go the way of the rest because of his "tolerance" for the pest.
This. This. This. The only way the board can move forward is to fully nuke  any IGA post. f the little shit doesn’t get the message and squirms his way back then it’s time to just delete board and the NEETs can simply move to Nuro’s discord and post comfy
Good morning NEETs.
I put the bins out. The grass on the verge is shoulder high so I sort of had to bend it over as I pushed the bins and the bins are sitting out there unstable and surrounded by grass.
I think there is a chance the driver will choose not to collect them and just drive past.
finished a bottle of wine 
> 1 potential interactions found for the following 3 drugs
> Alcohol (contained in alcoholic beverages) (ethanol)
> ibuprofen
> amoxicillin / clavulanate
> Moderate
> Do not drink alcohol while taking ibuprofen. Alcohol can increase your risk of stomach bleeding caused by ibuprofen.
sounds like something you'd get if you combine them on a daily basis 
I'm supposed to take the meds for a week, so it shouldn't be a problem
Changed the air filter in the car.
Filled up with petrol.
Went to Woolies.
Two caramel braids and a quadruple Dare for breakfast.
I wouldn't mind a discord if nuro was banned. I'd be okay with tiffo and IGA if they behaved themselves.
funny how all these female tv and radio hosts and journalists get away with no conviction recorded when they do this
I dont get pedos. I mean surely they have other interests besides sexual degeneracy, like, I dunno, chess or something. Its like being a pedo is a 24/7 career rather than just some occasional weekend pursuit. Maybe the pedos in that moofie got independently wealthy through their pedo activities, whereas bill gates is just a pedo consoomer.
That kind of makes sense, when you think about drug dealers and how they eventually get enough cash to quit their day jobs and deal drugs full time.
The pedos on krautchan had the interests and hobbies that you'd expect them to, eg. video games, anime etc.
I think that is more the result of being on an imageboard rather than being paedos.
Bottom feeder pedos are useful to the elite pedos because stomping them makes the normies think something is being done, plus they provide a pool of vicitms for the elite pedo's logistics (although i think they get europoor kids). Also they can sometimes use the anti-pedo logistics to get rid of their enemies and blackmail up and coming recruits to their ranks, like what the masons do.
The take-away from the moofie is that pedos in white countries are easy to spot because they look like pedos and pedos in third world shitholes have tattoos on their necks and go by the name of "la scorpion" and tote ak 47's and make coke from trees and shit.
yeah its pretty retarded hes not using a flat panel directional array. those drones are old generation and superceded by basically toys for manchildren. This is what we are seeing in the ukraine where the racing and camera platform drones dominate the battlefield.
I do have to wonder about that. If they knock the buildings down but keep the tunnels intact then they will inhibit the use of ground vehicles without hurting the enemy infantry. Combined with MANPADs to prevent the use of heliocopters, this could force the IDF to confront them in a heap of infantry engagements which would very much not be favourable to the IDF considering their manpower and training situation.
And if they kill too many of them it just acts as a call to Jihad. Even the Turks are getting pissed off.
The palestinians dont have manpads and the IDF is desperate to keep it that way with the embargo in the mediterranian. It would be a game changer though.
> funeral

The ukranians took russian bodies to an abbitior, and put them in the grinder and made palletized cubes out of them before doing a dump and run in russian  occupied areas.
> palestinians dont have manpads
No, but Iranians are very good at smuggling shit and the Ukrainian war provides good cover for why such-and-such weapons have appeared.
a 1.25l bottle of coke down the hatch and I started pooing like I was a teenager again. I'm so proud of my colon right now.
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Presume LinkedIn poojeet called me twice from a private number.
Has now e-mailed me asking what time before 4pm is suitable for a call today. 
It always has to suit them. They have no shame or charisma. 
I hope she squirms as another day passes without making her KPIs. 
God I hate women so much its unreal
> motherbat
She is one of those oldies that needs a firm talk about how just because she is old it doesn't mean she is incapable of adapting to change and learning new things.

The only good thing about becoming a cashless society is all these grubby little cash only immigrant businesses will have to start paying tax like the rest of us. Same with the dodgy cashed up tradie arseholes.
They will use their landline phones to call ABC local radio to bitch.
Also the do gooders and social workers say that cashless society is bad for the homeless and other marginal sort of people like Swagman era Monk.
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> grubby little cash only immigrant businesses will have to start paying tax like the rest of us. Same with the dodgy cashed up tradie arseholes.
Cashless also means everything you buy (what, where, when, how much) is accessible to the government. Makes catching future Teds easier or something.
Did adhd assessment. They said they think I have it. Now I just have to find a gp that will prescribe me the pills. Free meth pills
don't get too excited, after the first week or so you're back to normal 
also, don't masturbate while on pills
it becomes a habit, and soon enough you'll end up jerking off for 10 hours straight 
shit is scarry
Mixed feelings,whitelist/blacklist was just one of those meaningless jargons.
Da allow list allowed. Seems more like jeetifying than woke.
well, hopefully you don't get ed while on it 
there's this divide between men who get rock hard and fuck for hours on end while on amphetamines and people like me who get vasoconstriction
Went shopping. Managed to avoid getting anything too nordy. Got some orange juice and pineapple juice for muh vitamin C megadosing.
Also got some phenylephrine, strepsils, and butter menthols.
> meaningless
I think it is more due to the association of black with darkness and shadow. ie. blocking light
And similarly of white with passage.
landline phones are all VOIP and go off the internet now. Even if you only have copper you will have to pay your isp for the data connection and then for a pbx add on. Minimum cost is something like $100 a month. compare this with $10 for a mobile.
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You retards make fun of me here on the board and say I'm larping and just stuffing around up in the remote triple canopy bush making a drone resistant survival retreat, but when the ZOG/WHO invents a new health emergency and starts going door to door vaxxing the citizens and those that refuse, pffft, your credit implant gets smoked, who's gonna be the first to have the audacity to come to me for help? (You)
OMG NEETs there was the sweetest Jailbait at the beach thisafternoon. Fuck the police posting anyway
Fuck off cunt. Tiffo is alright. Spiting people as a full time job on this board is beyond fucked up. I hope this board gets deleted so realise how shit your life is and actually have the motivation to kill yourself.
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Oh you think its all retarded conspiracy theories? I am ROLLING for the next commie ZOG mass death event. Acceleration only crosses out normies like you and makes survivalists like me harder.
Hello nuro, how is life in the public toilet? I hope pajeet didn't make too much of a mess. I tried to explain that you are meant to sit on the toilet seat instead of squatting but he must've misheard it as shit.
After this board goes dark it will end up wandering aimlessly on public transport, eavesdropping and sitting in the empty seats next to wagies even though theres tons of unoccupied rows, just to have a captive audience. Brrrr. horrible.
Tiffo posted pics of kids on 16chan and once remarked here about needing a cold shower after a visit form a teenage family friend or cousin. Can't remember all teh details.
> litre of orange juice
I did the same. Thinking of opening the pineapple juice but there isn't enough room in the fridge. Thinking of finishing the orange juice but worried about the calories.
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Friendly reminder I left the board for a good part of a year because of chinkshitdinners dickfuckery 

My life was improved massively. I interact with real people at work and have some good audio hobby on discord. IGA is like a parasite with viral cancer. I for one hope Ausneets gets scattered to the winds. Me Webber and Tiffo and everyone can hang out on matrix. IGA can have a mental breakdown and finally kill itself.

I would be so happy with this.
I like posting on the board sometimes but if the BO deletes it IGA will have an existential crisis and probably top himself so on that balance I say delete it.
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Unfortunately it’s come to this. IGA has destroyed the board,  made simple
NEETs lifes uncomfy and have made the Admins life’s hell by constantly respawning. We are going to accept the fact we cannot remain totally anonymous on this board anymore. A mentally ill shit cunt ruined it. Time to delete the board and move to matrix and get on with our lifes. 

Nuke the Board.
If the board was deleted tonight I know we could meet up on womboflix on Saturday and watch a comfy moofie and discuss migration options when the end credits rolled. 

This is how non shit cunts do things…
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I've been enjoying the moofies nights, dispite the schizophrenic lottery behind the selections. I too had a good break away from this place and got onto many other comms networks so my arse is covered when this one gets crossed out by the loose cannon BO. I wish (You) all a rich and happy life and will post here right up until the inevitable end. Its a pity that IGAY ruined everything but dont forget that I offered to deal with the cunt.
When I called you right after the ban you said you weren't bothered at all and yet you couldn't make it a single day without coming back here and sooking.
Jesus Christ. Look beau, you've got these two fucking mindas talking publicly about committing murder and you think it is okay to let them keep posting. I understand you don't want to rock the boat but you need to do something about this.
Nuro, you've had hissy fits before and spammed the global reports - nothing happened. The admins don't care as long as the global rules are obeyed. That is the whole point of endchan.
Have a look at the first global rule. Do you think that murder might be against US law? Maybe not, since you're a nigger and stanley is white.
He would regularly pop in posting beach/warehouse pics that would get immediately removed by chickendinner, even one he took from his folk's house last year Christmas DAY. Could never accept how unwanted and universally unloved he was and still is. It's all so sad. So pathetic...
Obese trotters typed this post.
> Big Mad ?
Stop ripping off other memes. I know you're a leftist but it is getting embarrassing just how out of touch you are.
You got banned and are still banned. Back then the rules were enforced. Hopefully they will be again.
Why won't either of your mothers talk to you? Is it because you molested Trey when he was in your dad's pool?
> you say these indivduals were making death threats on discord about you

> but you kept interacting with them for six months up til now?

You see the problem here.
Nuro, stop pretending to be someone else. I know your brain is fucked by all the drugs but you do not blend in. Your posting style is highly distinctive. You just look like a retard when you pretend to be someone else and talk about yourself in the third person.
Goondaddy banned nuro after I posted the discord screenshots. There was only a delay of a few days. And I'm not the one they were threatening to kill.
Burt Young died: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-19/rocky-co-star-burt-young-dies-at-age-83/102999286
I always confused him with Bob Hoskins
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Somebody made a post not long ago saying hwo nuro would go back to its old ways once it felt comfortable enough since chickendinner's departure. You weren't wrong.
Before the rise of modern science, ancient neets used to venerate possum as a god, and sacrifice giant garlic bread loaves to his glory.
> I still don't understand what this facial expression is meant to convey.
Discomfort. You would be uncomfortable too, getting your photo taken and put on the internet in that sort of weird and creepy situation.
multiple trips to the toilet this morning neets, why can't I just get it done in one single big bowel movement? I'm far too busy for this
> Woman slams 'poor taste' paragliders who flew over Doncaster making her think Hamas were invading Yorkshire
I got badly harassed by flies on the morning walk. I was barely out of the house before they were on me in a swarm. I couldn't even breathe properly for fear of sucking them in.
> Public servants offered five days of paid leave if they are psychologically distressed by Australia voting against the Voice
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Thanks to all the NEETs who voted in the yes/no referrendum on the future of our home. ITs clear from the multiple voting and blackpill premise that we need to find a backup board because our fates cannot rest in the hands of a psychopathic warden who is clearly only interested in the profits to be made from streaming our nightly dramas on the dark web. 

Toyota Sonia Kruger recall
On Monday I paid my RAA insurance on their website and they didn't generate a receipt. I sent a screenshot to their support people and received an automated email saying they would get back to me in two working days. They didn't.
Might have to send an email.
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Got the mini chainsaw running. 
> fuel hose

> primer bubble

> air cleaner

> two air cleaner housings becuause the e-shops kept fucking up

> new carburettor

> new bar

> new chain

Why do I spend so much time and $ on these projects. I wonder if I could have just worked that time for wage and bought a new one. 
Might try to get it tuned after lunch.
You can call them today if it's urgent. They might fob it off and you would have to push harder for them to escalate it. The added days over the weekend make it harder to blame the system.
It’s not urgent, I’d just like a receipt for an almost $900 payment. Especially when it’s a payment for Jewish smoke and mirrors insurance that they might try and claim wasn’t paid when the time comes to actually use it.
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Tomorrow night's movie on womboflix will be Lethal Weapon (1987) - in which a pair of mismatched LAPD detectives – Martin Riggs, a former Green Beret who has become suicidal following the death of his wife, and veteran officer and family man Roger Murtaugh – work together as partners. 

Then on Sunday we have Old Henry (2021) - a western action drama film about a farmer who must protect his son from outlaws.
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The guns in the moofies from the 80's were clunky and they were always shooting more bullets than they can really hold in the chamber, I dont want to watch them if they have guns from before gulf war 2 when they went into afghanistan.
The meter reading chud was clomping around on my porch. Danm near bit through my pipe stem thinking it was the possum come back.
naw i fixed that ages ago. I'm worried that the possum is not able to get down and will die up there. Might have to get up and look goddamit.
The possum isnt up in the roof space but with all the insulation batts he could be hiding. Pretty stuffy there right now, would have been uncomfortable for the last couple of days. The delivery pajeet came when I was in the roof. Going to seal off the hole after lunch.
This is a pretty good action movie. 
Also the new Dracula movie with Nicolas Cage was good.
I haven't seen any of the equalisers, but the third ones trailer looked action packed.
It's always that way. The only thing that is profitable in the entire largely-fake debt-ridden American economy is war. Literally. America is good at making guns and bombs, and lots of that kind of stuff. Not much else today.
I put a board under the eaves that blocks most of the entry. I think a rat could get in but the possum which is the size of a cat, cant get in. Plus he cant get up there any more. Sucked in possum.
I'd like a stealthy, night time quadcopter I could fly around at night and use to spy on qts who have left their bedroom venetians open.
saw two women who were both around 6'4" today, think they were mother and daughter. Next time should I bring back some photos for debicki neet?
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The Ebike has always been bait. At that point Tiffo comes up from behind and garrots IGA with piano wire and silently pulls him in to bushes in his ghille suit and despises of the body later.
Very weird tax. Feel like vomitting even though its past 4pm, and I only had 12 standards. Unusual. 
Final days approach I feel
The lancia is registered and road.worthy but I really need to get club plates. Basically what happened is the salt did a number on it when I first moved up here. Last. Few times I drove it the brakes were acting a bit inconsistent. I think the master cyl might be on the way out. It’s not a big problem but also what happened iis the bonet release cable triggers two catches and one has let go. So I am effectively locked out of engine bay right now  need to get it up on a lift to fix it. It’s a really frustrating problem and I have been so behind with work. 

> got 99 problems and my lancia ain’t one
No. Hinge is at the front near headlights. Catches are in their own little space next firewall. Will have to do something drastic to break. Might tackle it on Sunday…. But I know I am going to have to go the mechanics and get it up on a lift. It’s the most annoying thing ever.
Got takeaway from the noodle place. 
Fried rice and 6 fried pork buns. No way I can finish it all. Dinner sorted.
You neets might like this story. I found it to be great.

It was in the hadron collider and only lasted a fraction of a second. 
I think a trillionth of a second, with sudden cool down so not long enough to melt it. 
Pretty risky.
Cool down isn't the right term, something to do with being in a vacuum so the energy couldn't get transferred, and the atom blew up into gluons and other imaginary particles.
Temperature is not the same thing as heat you bogans. They could put a lot of energy into making a very small amount of matter a very high temperature. The same thing happens when you light a match - the temperature may be high for a few seconds while it burns but there isn't enough energy to warm up your entire house, just the tiny matchstick.
That's not inside a vacuum, so that heat dissipates though the atmosphere. But yeah, I think it's basically the same and the vacuum just speeds that up.
That Reddick nigga from teh John Wick movies what died recently was the police chief in the series.
Also that 69 or 79 cyborg woman from star trek voyager was in a couple of the series as a porn whore
4 mini sausage rolls, 350 ml bottle of shiraz, peaches in syrup, creme caramel, mini vanilla drumstick, scorched peanut bar
probably make some green cordial next
no nuro can never drink good again. from now on its proper champagne in a bottle with a cork safe from the ZOG, poured into a water bottle before leaving to make it EEB transportable

of course they are 


just a little reddit 

if you only knew how bad things really are 

garbage you try owning a 50 year old car at the beach

back at the workshop. the alchohol and pills arent working, i should just lock myself in the bathroom and punch cones like 10k and stare into space
6 pack of tallboys and a long neck from BWS. Neither of them are cold. Bet the stupid women working there couldn't be fucked stocking the fridge from inside the cold room. 
Anyway, wagon tomorrow
The youtube changes have rocked my world 
I feel confused and lost without the algorithm evolving with me throughout the days and weeks
Seems like Pauline is still fighting the good fight.

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Infowars is fifth generation warfare. The ZOG knows they cant blue pill the viewers but they can divert them into cognitive cul-de-sacs and get them to argue over irrelevant shit. Why infowars no ever question 911? United flight 93? the whole premise of le novel coronavirus from de lab? 

Jonesy is not to be trusted.
> comfy afternoon
All I see is a bunch of seething about IGA (missing for months) and Tiffo dickriding Nuro (as usual).
Oh, and death threats are now permitted by the mods.
It’s funny how we can all just hang here together and not talk about you all afternoon, and yet the moment you  appear you just try and goad Nuro and cause drama. 

We are about to delete the board cause of you and at least two NEETs here want you dead.
I've started blowing my nose in the sink. My poor little neet nose has been rubbed raw from the hankies/tissues and so by expelling the snot into the basin and rubbing my nose with water I can avoid irritating it further.
Who do you think I am and why do you think I suddenly arrived?
> cause drama
I don't think I need to add to the drama.
> We
And just who are you? Are you Beau? If not, why do you speak as though you are?
> delete the board
So we can move to nuro's discord? Lol, get fucked.
> two NEETs here want you dead
Yeah, nuro and tiffin want to kill iga. I'm not IGA so I'm terribly concerned. What I would be concerned about though is the fact that your name and address are publicly known here (and frequently posted) whilst you don't know anything about iga. He could dob you in to crimestoppers or report you for illegally living in an industrial area. Or he could just kill you one morning. The three of you cunts are mental enough that killing someone over some teenage girl level bullshit on the internet would not surprise me lol.
I do think it is bad but I think it is unwise of nuro to make these threats against IGA when nuro can't actually do anything yet iga can.
one person just showed up and that one person has been the enite problem dont lie

i can fully see how sick he is now

using up all his multiple personalites here with every post, its the only way he can function. other than that his entire life is pathetic devoid of any real personal social contact

it relies on the board for its mental health

thats why we need to nuke the board
The board was comfier with nuro banned. He just posts the same thing every time anyway until he starts accusing everyone of being iga
I'm not even remotely convinced that IGA has been here since he was banned. Nuro has always accused any neets that aren't dickriding enough of being IGA.
> Does /ausneets/ no longer obey the global rules?
I make the rules around here. We all know Nuros address and number. 
I will ban and possibly delete faggot posting but if you are seriously concerned you should take it up with counter terrorism.
Also, because this SHIT website is so annoying to navigate, its hard for me to justify logging in to moderate it. 

WomboSec has been unofficially tasked with creating a new board.
The real point is that we've spent the best part of a decade posting together that we shouldn't fucking have to.
I just finished watching Lawrence of Arabia. It took me several months. It is a good film but it got all depressing and maudlin at the end.
A vanished world.

Funny little story. Just found him on YouTube. 
He should have taken the acid.
Watching Tim and Eric. It hasn't aged well. 
Surprised by how many big names they had on it, I didn't know many of them when it was on TV.
Had a couple choofs. They taste like arse. A few days not having any, and all the strepsils cleaned my throat taste buds. 
It taste like old Cheetos and fern cuttings.
fuck, woke up in the middle of the night, might have to get back on the chamomile, this is not good

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