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The bored four NEETs

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For reference
> Samsung Bans ChatGPT Among Employees After Sensitive Code Leak

Didn't get woken by the possum clomping around above my bed, although I think i heard him climbing up and getting BTFO by the defences, Feels good. I think he sleeps under a bridge in bumtown now.

> in town
> see crying child running around
> child visibly lost
> ask child how its doing
> "where's dada!?"
> look around
> several normies walk past, aware of situation but do nothing. 
> ask child where dada was
> "where's dada?!"
> child tries to run into busy road
> cut off child
> call out to a nearby old woman to babysit child
> she's Greek, thank fuck. 
> stand around for several minutes, not really sure what to do
> see middle aged soymale running around carpark about 500 yards out
> He's doing that normie crouch they do when they lose things
> wave and whistle to soyman
> soyman runs over
> dada dada dada
> confirm for dada
> dad picks up child and runs away
> teary mother with pram comes out of nowhere
> immediately points at me and starts accusing me of abducting child
> wat
> half the town is now watching, don't want to run away, can't get a word in edgeways
> bad situation
> Greek nona reapears
> straight up slaps this woman
> yells at her for not looking after her child
> says the child almost got run over
> explains in broken English with hand geatures that I was just a bystander
> crowd now confused and embarrassed
> everyone leaves

This is why we can't have nice things.

Nona is better than then AUSLAN, she does the same hand twist that jeet does to mean "not right but it will do". If he hand is open when she does it out means "not happy but not going to stop you". And if she does the "twist the glass tray" version with her hand palm up it means "you're a fucking retard find someone to help you".
There's even a rare 90 degree "tipped all the glasses off" that conveys genuine anger, if the hand is above her shoulder it indicates another pelopenesian war is imminent,  you fucked her daughter in the ass, you're a gay,  you have insulted her families hospitality, you're a Turkish slave trader, your city/state has defined a temple. I've only read about this in books but it's pretty clearly described based on the common lesser forms of nona scorn.

I used to like them too, didn't know they discontinued them. I got some Scott's pies a while back and couldn't eat them. The gravy felt like sawdust, like they had ground up the bones into it. 
They make the budget option terrible so you need to buy the premium one, which used to be the budget one. 
Honey is the worst for it, normal honey (as in actual pure honey) is now a luxury item and they sell us a glucose syrup concoction.
Sometimes seems like they purposefully make the cheaper option worse than it has to be.

> You shouldn’t suck up to that woman. She’s got a dirty mind. Half
the mothers in America, with their precious big pussies and their
precious little daughters, half the mothers in America have dirty
minds. Tell her to shove it.

How old is buro? He glorifies the mid-late 2000s which would suggest he was born around the mid-late 80s. Putting him about in his mid 30s. He looks pretty bad if that is the case. Too much drinking, drugs, bad food etc.

Incorrect as usual faggot. You are Derroranged . I was a fuck up  NEET like you and my mom didn’t want staying at home until I fixed my shit. 

Guess what Buster ? I fixed my shit and I am welcome home  any time now. I fixed things up. And you are still a  NEET fuck up 👏

Die. Die a little bit. 


Nah an opportunity came along to score a full sealed bottle of Dexies. 

Despite talking to him at midday and arranging to meet at 3:00 before a ride i got to his place and he didnt answer the phone. Turned out he was cracked out and fully passed out. So i had to make a big detour and go back at 7:00 and i checked out all the motorcycles and jetskis he was working on we had a few drinks and chain smoked.

Typical crackhead shit.

They live is fine. 

Also can you please add https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Specialist to list

actually fuck it. just put it on next week. Nuro has been really wanting to rewatch this in 4k but watching with you cunts would be beter :)

Lethal Weapon 1 actually has quite a strong character development arc for an action movie, with Riggs finding meaning in his life through his friendship with Murtaugh. Given that Murtaugh's an irish surname I wonder if his character was originally meant to be white.

Nice VPN banned cunt

Basically, IGA was banned first and continued to terrorize the board all year.

Nuro came back after ChickenshitDinner somehow resigned (that we do not have any explanation for) 

Now with saner Moderation from Goondady (monk) balance is maintained across the universe and your days are numbered IGA.

We all see you

Stick to the tennis. (in hell)

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The very first reason i started hating you was that i have been in your place and i was you. I dropped out of society and said fuck it. We all had our reasons. At first getting those government gibs, enough to put a roof over your head and buy a cask of goon and some frozen pies seems like a cheat code. We beat the system. Its a hell of a honeymoon. But soon you find out your position is precarious. You withdraw from all social interactions and live through a laptop computer. You still think you are cheating life and the memes are good and life is sweet . Soon you need that extra bottle of wine to get to sleep. Soon The place you are living in is not fixed. You have to move around constantly and you begin to hate your landlords or anyone with the slightest power  over you. Job seeker agencies start getting more and more demanding and before you know it most of a year was spent working for the dole in some prison camp. Sooner or later the bills come in and you cant afford goon and food. Which one is it going to be ?  You just live day to day getting blacked out and  stop making plans. Eventually you dread waking up in the morning. 

At this point in time after a few years most NEETs decide to say "fuck this lifestyle" or "I am going to have another go at it"

Most of us have tried at some point in our life. Most of us have had jobs had a business and have some skills or aspirations . Most of us here have some redeeming Qualities. For most of us its never too late to pick our lives up from the bootstraps and start again. 

But Not for you IGA. You dont come across as having any skills or any redeeming qualities what so ever. Its been so long with out any meaningful social interaction you dont know how to behave around people anymore or never had any did the first place. Face the fact your bad home has messed you up for life. I am not saying you are retarded. You can be somewhat creative in the games you play but does that mean absolutely anything in the real world ? Most of here just go along to get along. We reach a healthy level of banter, no punches. But not you. Your have nothing positive to contribute here or to society. The majority of your posts here exhibit the worst parasitic energy of any human i have ever met. Your posts are mostly dishonest and psychotic at best. We see you trying every trick in the book to sow doubt and destabilize and gaslight the board. You have no redeeming features whatsoever beyond that of a mad punching bag. You have stressed everyone out here, caused psychological damage to the admins and staff who have been unlucky enough to deal with you and have been a blight on this poor board. You have no redeeming features whatsoever. We are so tired of your shit most of us want to delete the board just to be rid of you. 

t. Keegz

Manager, Huge Chad Racing 
3/50 Coolkid Beach 
07 5372 no one fucking cares

terry davis told me in a dream
> don't be mad at those people, the chance put them in your path
> God had a plan for you all along 
I woke up crying and I couldn't stop
hope he is well up there

If only we knew
> Alex Jones can’t use bankruptcy to avoid Sandy Hook damages, judge rules
>  >Infowars host must pay $1.5bn to families who sued over his conspiracy theories that 2012 massacre was a hoax

How bad it really is
>  Alex Jones transferring assets to family and friends, evading payments to Sandy Hook families: NYT 

> The insane reason why all of these hot, successful women are still single

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Tonight on womboflix we have Old Henry (2021), an action-Western about a widowed farmer and his son who warily take in a mysterious, injured man with a satchel of cash. When a posse of men claiming to be the law come for the money, the farmer must decide whom to trust. Defending against a siege of his homestead, he reveals a talent for gunslinging that surprises everyone, calling his true identity into question. 7pm AEDT.

Is the site working again? I hung my wool blankets out on the line to air them out. Lots of dust came off when I shook them. Put my sheets on to wash. Going to put new sheets on. I haven't changed my sheets in several months.

It would be quite easy. I have done a similar thing myself.
What you do is mix your poison in a 9 Litre plastic watering can, not a sprayer. Then you just pour it over the lawn. Even a large area will only need four or five watering cans full. It is very quick and easy.
Once the "lawn" dies (approx 2 weeks) decomposition and dehydration will see its mass decrease continually until not much is left at all.

> Amsterdam: Man Sentenced to Prison for Projecting “Anne Frank Invented the Ballpoint Pen” Onto Museum

Are yanks actually wealthier than us? They say that on the internet but we don't seem to have the same rates of homelessness and poverty that they do.
Do they just have more variation?

We have better safety nets in terms of healthcare, unemployment benefits, and a minimum wage that's reasonable.
Their tax rate is far more reasonable than ours, although more complicated.
They can buy things a hell of a lot cheaper than we can, so somebody on a middle-class income can appear to be more affluent than somebody here.

Tiffo only writes on clay tablets. Weber esquire should ink a letter after being #BO at its worst but I believe he may of done that in private. Monk has way more stuff to worry about. That takes about care of the four of us. The ASD handler can chime in to. But I am not expecting a novel as they get paid per post.

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This is very insightful Nuro, I always thought it'd take an army of midgets to hold (You) back from actually empathizing with anyone, yet your corn flakes packet analysis of the board punching bag paints a genuinely gritty chiaroscuro comparison between the degenerate trajectories of two NEETs. Its as if you made the very act of standing on the face of a drowning man, somehow ironically heroic. Try not to stub your toes.  


> empathizing
Nuro's empathy is nothing but the realisation that the way he sees IGA is the way his family see him.
I was saying from the begining that the hatred that nuro has of IGA is all projection. IGA is a dropkick but he is at least content to be as such and isn't judgemental or a nasty cunt like nuro is. That alone makes IGA vastly superior.

> I’m trying to get into gooning as a hobby and I have close to $1,000 saved up just to spend on a nice gooncave? I already have a laptop so i’m thinking i’ll probably buy a triple monitor setup and a smart TV with a projector point behind it so I have 5 sources of goon material. Is there anything you else y’all would recommend?

The idea of sleeping right next to a toilet grosses me out. I think if I was designing a house from scratch I'd have an outhouse for cloggers and an inside toilet that'd basically just be a urinal.

I farted and burped repeatedly and the issue seems to have resolved.
I think pajeets wouldn't have these issues as they bathe in rivers that fish are unable to survive in. No pajeet can live and have a weak immune system.

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Nuro actually sleeps in new airconditioned bedroom at another place. But i would be lying if i said i didnt crash at the shop when working late on jobs and smashing some drinks occasionally 

The thing about the toilet bedroom was it was just a complete emergency accomodation when i had to move house and had no where to go and how well it worked out thinking outside the box. The Japanese also live like this folding up their beds every day and re-using the space. The innovation came from the fact that showers are wet. The floor is wet no one in their right mind would sleep there. But an air matress is waterproof. You can just lay it down on the wet floor and be comfy. 

That was February 2022. That image is more that 18 months old.  The reason why i posted that image in the first place was to show that my dunny was in fact cleaner than IGAs kitchen. The fact he keeps thinking i am still there and any member of the can randomly shit in there is just cope and projection. Its private propertyi decide who uses it. The Shower was built in 2018 and only one other tennant used it. Its new and i keep it perfectly clean with bleach. Its pear;y white and does not smell. It has no odor. 

I can understand how most toilets are disgusting and old and covered with stains and 30 years of harpic stinking them up. Not this one. The king would be happy sitting on my throne. God would be happy sitting on my throne. Its pure. 

Coming from a bad home i know IGA would just associate all toilets with being nasty. He has a shared communal shower block at the caravan park. I can understand his phobias and why he is triggered, but buster you got it wrong yet again.

t. Huge Gigachad Racist

> at another place
Right. And you didn't boast about this here? You make such a big deal of managing to afford an $8 burrito with bosslady's minda money but didn't mention you are now no longer homeless?
Fucking bullshit.

and yet you made a big deal about some frozen pies and bottle of the cheapest wort plonk and are closest of all us to being homeless and having to move again

Brevity IGA. Brevity. Your games dont mean shit when you are the one who is rock bottom.

> yet you made a big deal
That wasn't me you pillbrained paedophile.
> closest of all us to being homeless
Please try to speak English, pajeet.
IGA might be close to being homeless but you're already homeless. You live in a woman's shed. Not even your own family will take you in.

wearing the same clothes I wore Friday and Saturday to the whizzers
when I went to put the undies on there was a visible 5 inch skid mark at the back and a brown stain at the front

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It's halloween next week neets, and while we can't give you a fun halloween party full of qts in slutty costumes, womboflix can at least give us a horror movie night. Do neets have any suggestions for the halloween movie? Some ideas are Little Shop Of Horrors, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Young Frankenstein

> can you look at why this api endpoint we are using is returning 429 [too many requests] errors for us?
> we're licensed 5000 requests per day
> we send 980 requests every 30 minutes

pajeets code takes a csv file with the 980 rows in it and sends an api request for each row
doesnt think to compare the csv to the one from 30 minutes ago and just send deltas
even monk could work this out

amazing how they can keep you in custody for 2 years without trial

speaking of possums, there's some tomato skin in my driveway and what looks like a couple of chunks on the car
not sure if a possum was a messy eater or some cunt pegged a tomato at my parked car

I like some flavourful heat spices, like sechuan spice but hot is a sensation not a flavour, and heat for no reason is a pissing contest that I don't get the purpose of. 
Apparently it's a trait from scarcity meaning you can eat a wider variety of different things but that's not necessary now.

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This week on womboflix...

Halloween is coming up, and to keep with the theme, this Wednesday we'll be showing some episodes from The Twilight Zone, and maybe The X-Files

On Saturday, the late Brandon Lee stars in the action movie Rapid Fire(1992). Then on Sunday, we bring you 1970s Nazis with the the thriller The Odessa File(1974)

raa didn't respond to my ticket so i responded to their automatical reply from a week ago and it bounced
so i opened another support ticket
will write to their ceo next week if they haven't responded

The database work I did for the whizzers on Saturday has shaved an average of 4 seconds from the query times and reduced the worst query time from 240 seconds to 40 seconds. Do you think anybody gives a shit? Going to ram a salt and vinegar chip fragment up my dick hole.

Going to get some pineapple juice for my cold. Getting better. Been feeling fine for the last few days but my nose keeps running and I can't blow it out using the basin when I am away from home.

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Thanks went to Caloundra. I have evolved to meticulously study the wind and pick my afternoon as to what wind is blowing in what bay. The northly today is howling and not fun. Noosa would have sucked with sand in the face. 

It’s Chardonnay and Pinot Noir o’clock. Sprinkled with a line of Dexies and crushed up Oxys. Garnish with a cigarette. Some cones for desert.🍾

Remember when IGA stalked the wrong cunt in real life ? Yeah we member 


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Thanks went to Caloundra. I have evolved to meticulously study the wind and pick my afternoon as to what wind is blowing in what bay. The northly today is howling and not fun. Noosa would have sucked with sand in the face. 

It’s Chardonnay and Pinot Noir o’clock. Sprinkled with a line of Dexies and crushed up Oxys. Garnish with a cigarette. Some cones for desert.🍾

Remember when IGA stalked the wrong cunt in real life ? Yeah we member 


> It’s Chardonnay and Pinot Noir o’clock. Sprinkled with a line of Dexies and crushed up Oxys. Garnish with a cigarette. Some cones for desert.

Tonight's show shaping up to be epic, strap yourself in boys!

Multiple hours of rearranging today. Still not done. If only weber enjoyed rearranges this much he'd have plenty of space in all bedrooms. 
Went to office works for some storage tubs. Felt the draw but managed to get out without buying heaps of bleep bloop shit I don't need. 
You can't have a rearrange without some sundowners... wagon status unpredictable.

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