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The bored four NEETs

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Even on ausneets, a place full of people who are...not conventionally successful, one neet has stood out from the pack. One particular neet has drunk more standards, lost more jobs, done harder drugs, gambled and lost money he didn't have and just kept going, maxed out more slappers, had more rectal catastrophes, got more speeding fines and ignored them, and fallen off the wagon more times than anyone else. This edition is dedicated to one man's epic journey from the warehouse to the shed.  Because love him or loathe him, you can't deny he's an ausneets LEGEND.

Old thread  >>/787307/

Need to violently shit. Getting arse cramps in waves. Going to have my arse alllah ackbar again. Worried about getting poo all over the toilet seat again. I've still got piss marks on the wall from when I sneezed.

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Tonight's movie will be The Mission (1986). I haven't seen it, but it got nominated for 7 academy awards, stars Robert De Niro, has a soundtrack written by Ennio Morricone, and is full of whites enslaving darkies, so there should be something for everyone. 7pm AEDT.

You're retarded beyond belief if you think that something not having happened yet means it can't happen. There is at least one poster here already being investigated on terrorism charges and you think it is a good idea to draw that police attention to yourself. I'm not demanding you use a VPN or something but I am saying you are asking for trouble by not using one.

Unless you roll your own VPN service, the VPN provider is going to hand over your billing and IP details without putting up any resistance. So you haven't gained anything, just forced the state to make two queries instead of one.

> That neet has been absent for years
You are that NEET and are telling the truth, or you're lying to us because you're not that NEET. Only that NEET can tell us the truth of whether he is here or not. Which one is it?

You absolute minda. The cops need to explain how they get information. If they hand details over without any resistance the VPN service will tank except with clueless retards. There is a selection against it for this reason. Even if the cops want to fuck you for something they need to have a kosher line of evidence for it.

I used it once with some expensive wine, simply because if somebody was going to trip and drop everything I wanted it to be one of their staff. Seemed relatively painless enough, but there are only 2 bays at that Dans.

So with an hour or so to spare, Bill's mummybot cancelled their Christmas dinner saying she "didn't want to get sick".
She is going on a cruise over Christmas, but apparently wont tell Bill where they are going for some reason.
There is some suspicion they will be cruising with Bill's sisterbot's family, and that today's event is still on, just not for Bill and my sister and the mong kids.
Motherbat treats Bill better than his own parents do.

Bill's sister is a lawer who has never practiced a single day, and a failed state Liberal candidate. Apparently she can do no wrong and got everything growing up, while Bill was treated poorly. That didn't change even once he became an adult.
There's some real Keeping Up Appearances shit on that side of the family.

> Two men are trapped in a life-threatening situation as ex-tropical cyclone Jasper continues to wreak havoc in far north Queensland with flash flooding hitting many areas.
Nuro and IGA chose a bad time for a NEETup.

My boots only took three days to get from the USA to Australia. Fuck me dead, its going to take longer to get them from Melbourne to Adelaide then to a different continent.
The DHL site says the package weighs 29.5216 LBs which I hope is a typo or something.

Probably that weird volumetric weight thing they use for boxes.
I've had similar experiences with FedEx and DHL getting stuff from the US to here in 48-72 hours and then Australia Post trying to shit things up for the last mile. If you're lucky they'll hand it to Courier's Please and you'll have it tomorrow.

> On Tuesday, Wilkinson wore her 14th power suit in a row - a mid-pink Alex Perry outfit worth about $2000
> She carried a $4,495 plaited brown leather Loewe 'basket bag'
> 3 bags
So approximately $30,000 in ugly suits and $15,000 in handbags. No mention of shoe costs, but throw in another $2000-4000 per pair. Probably cycled through 4 or 5 pairs in the past fortnight.

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Not real. All stems from low self-esteem. You have no self-esteem because you were never pushed into male group activities, no fraternal order. No masculine rite of passage or coming of age ceremony. 
You finished year 12 and were left to your own devices to choose your value as sum of economic output. 
The vitality and aggression of your youth, as your were told, was best dedicated to hedonism and vanity. 
Our homosexual culture of egalitarianism failed us. Our natural Will to Power beaten from us. 
There must be vengeance.

I'm reminded of a seppo who rigged up a computer and wireless AP with a hidden ESSID on his neighbour's roof (using their power and internet) and just RDPed into it when he wanted to use the Internet.
The FBI worked it out eventually.

You never lower your guard in a street fought because you don't know who has a knife. The correct play is to sidestep and throw a jab because at that range you're not going to get taken down, and if they've got a weapon they're going to pull it out as they put their guard up.
And you can just throw this sliding step jab over and over to maintenance that distance, an untrained fighter won't know how to rotate with their off-foot and after you do this three or four times they're bound to try mirroring you and shuffling with their off foot. That's when you can throw a full power right sweep, because all their weight is forward on their left they can't check it and will go down. The third move in this series is strong language, as you're not going to follow them down and they won't be able to get up without you booting them in the ribs. So you just abuse them for a while then walk off.

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I should start making shitty jewtube shorts while wearing one of these
with heavily edited thumbnails I'm pretty sure I would be able to b8 em horny retards into watching a hairy guy with fake boobs playing the shitties solo they had ever heard

Passed out after my light lunch time boongery and woke up two hours ago with a migraine. Had a paracetamol and two ibuprofen but then vomited them up, with the cinnamon donut binge.

> The film has also been cited as one of the greatest religious films of all time, appearing in the Vatican film list's "Religion" section and being number one on the Church Times' Top 50 Religious Films list. 
I'm guessing this is after the catholic church took a swing to the left and started to define themselves mainly as champions of the oppressed.

It’s a Good Year for the Geminids
The Geminid meteor shower peaks around December 13–14 or 14–15, just a few days after the New Moon on December 12.


I was deleting a bunch of cp spam when I noticed an extremely rude post about webby had also been reported, and deleted that too without thinking about it much. If goondaddy or bigunna or whoever is meant to be in charge around here want to wag their fingers about it, they can.

I sat  >>/787333/ out for 2 days like a good respectful NEET and all I asking was Monk to enforce an Endchan senior global Mods wishes (which he did not do and thus makes his position here untenable)

> 788216 was Monk Having a BIG MAD because IGA is permanently banned but he still allows him him here. So banning me for Ban evasion for the same thing after year is totally contradictory and why I will be escalating this with endchan staff. I

Anyone with half a brain can see the hole Monk dug himself here. Though to his credit I think Monk is pretty smart but incredibly lazy and thinks it’s easier to fix the problem with board by erasing me instead of IGAy who has unlimited free time and energy to fuck up the board. 

So congratulations IGA. Nuro is admitting it. You won. I hope you are happy. Now you get to hang with 4 people on some obscure image board that hate you. 

Oh what is a Pyrrhic victory ?  ✌️

Completed it. Strangely had way more energy than I usually would, but again with the salivating, so I decided to play it safe and leave instead of pushing further than normal. Not sure why, hadn't eaten in a few hours. Could feel my pecs spasming or shaking a bit but could have done more exercises. Usually I'm done by that point. 
Something is definitely happening to my body. Earlier this week I went 4 nights on maybe 10 hours of sleep combined but didn't feel tired. 
I was also anxious in the supermarket for no reason today. Just went again and felt like I had the unstoppable divine winds of God behind me. 
I've been off the meds for a month now, I imagine thats why. My diet is most consistently health than its ever been so it's not that. Coming back to reality. Gaining momentum.

Queensland still doesn't have disaster insurance, so the rest of us will get slugged with another levy to help these dumb cunts out.

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Hey NEETs, my toy soldiers got put on hold due to me discovering I need glasses but I've finally started building some on the weekend.
Painted one is an old one from years ago.

"That was a Tuesday in September. What followed was a harrowing three days entailing: multiple trips to the hospital; Watts miscarrying into, and then flushing and plunging, a toilet at her home; a police investigation of those actions; and Watts, who is Black, being charged with abuse of a corpse.

That's a fifth-degree felony punishable by up to a year in prison and a $2,500 fine.

Her case was sent last month to a grand jury."

Yeah I'll kick up a fuss this arvo if it hasn't shown up.
The annoying thing is it's a big expensive parcel and I've had 2 small ones delivered from their depot in that same time.
They might be bumping the little ones through quick to make their numbers look better.

They have shut my train line down for a year and a half and the bus takes over an hour to get into the city rather than 20 minutes on the train.
Makes a shopping trip into a half day journey.

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> Hobart mother and daughter fear leaving home after alleged racist attack, as Tasmania Police charge one person
> In a statement last week, police said it will be alleged an assault occurred following a dispute between the car occupants and a group of pedestrians.
> Mr Alizada said more understanding of cultural diversity is needed in the community to prevent future incidents.

Every Christmas morning Spike Milligan would phone Jesus College, Cambridge. When the porter would answer, Spike would ask "Is that Jesus?" When told that it was, he would then wish them a happy birthday.

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Next week will be Christmas, womboflix will be streaming on Christmas Eve (Sunday) and Christmas Day (Monday). I don't think we'll show anything on Saturday. I had in mind to put on Bad Santa (2003) as one of the movies. Do neets have any suggestions for the other Christmas movie?

Thanks, I'm back home now. Some dero cunt went me on the way back from the train station. We were walking in opposite directions along the footpath and he started going off at me and swearing for no clear reason. He charged a few steps towards me, I threw a jab (just into the air, I didn't hit him) and skipped a few steps back. We both stopped for a second and then I sprinted away. I must've looked like a retard with that badly jab lol. I'm not sure if he actually wanted to hurt me of if the charge was a bluff or something. Very sweaty and a bit worked up now.
My dad tried to teach me about boxing and fighting on multiple occasions and I always dragged my feet and just did the minimum to make it stop. I wish I had paid more attention to it now. What an awful suburb.

Drunk bogan doing burnouts tries to flee when cops arrive but crashes into a tree. Charged with dangerous driving, drink driving and got a ticket for driving a defected vehicle. That car will soon be the size of a rubik's cube.

Cheers neet. I have calmed down a bit. I'm going to just relax for the day though as I am a bit sooky and upset.
I've actually shot two handguns before. One was a polymer framed pistol and the other was a revolver. I was a shit shot with both of them. I'd be a danger to everyone but the attacker.

Nah, Adelaide.

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About to watch the premier league weekend review show.

My vape ran out last night so I was agitated. I had a binge on fiber one brownies and snack size red rock delis. I think it would be wise not to keep these kind of foods in the house. I'd be better able to resist binges If I've only got meat and salad stuff in the fridge. Back on the calorie deficit today.

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> I think it would be wise not to keep these kind of foods in the house.
You don't 'think' that, you know it. 
I only keep bananas around to snack on. You get used to it, and if you cook meals at the appropriate time (otherwise you'll get hungry) then you won't have any need to snack. 
Actually, I don't think I've ever gone this long eating only whole foods. 107.6kg this morning. 

> My vape ran out last night so I was agitated.
Get on the mints. I'm down to 2mg.

woman stabbed to death in the commercial kitchen
what's the bet it was a coloured bloke who couldn't take criticism

> ‘Not an alcoholic but a regular drinker’: Expert called in as Brittany Higgins’ intoxication level questioned in court
> Bruce Lehrmann’s barrister has asked an expert whether Brittany Higgins’ blood alcohol level might have been lower if she was ‘not an alcoholic but a regular drinker’.

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First Dominos order in years, got a XL The Lot and a XL Pepperoni tried a half slice of each one and they actually taste pretty good, I think the pepperoni is the best out of the two. $49 delivered with a 1.25l drink and a garlic bred.Will buy from them again.

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I haven't ever seen a good moofie that came out in the last 20 years, so this one made in 1993 was a good bet. Set in L.A. you can feel the dry heat in the cinematography and the authenticity of the prison set will have you watching your back doing endless push ups sharpening your shank on the blood stained cement and all the machevellian drama will have you chortling "Oh Well Played, Sir!" a couple of times with surprise. 

There are lots of cringe bits, mainly in the starting hour and a half and the cholos act like animals which is authentic too, there's no sense in cheering the A.B. white boys because in this film they are just another gang in the bare wooden tableau of locked down lives. 

This gets four out of five bullets fired haphazardly in the direction of some fleeing enemy but with the accuracy of destiny.

I am more comfortable now. I need to do a cenno report for my lack of income. Seemingly I can't do it until the day it is due. Woe. The one time I'm not doing something at the last minute and I can't. Serves me right for unboonging myself.

No, I go to the other extreme and say how friendly the deliver driver was etc, cause I know the delivery centre gets any positive /negative feedback emailed to them  minus any identifying info in them and I know the team leader will get a laugh cause I told him thats what I do and he should be able to work out it's me.

Sisterbot lives about 200 meters from a Coles, but it has somehow fallen on me to get them 3 x 2 litre cartons of egg nog for one of the bloody kids for Christmas. Motherbat actively facilitates this sort of bullshit.

Foodwise, yes. Motherbat gave her a cheque for several thousand for Christmas catering etc about six weeks ago. Motherbat has gifts for the children. There’s enough of that shit to take without me having to pack an esky too.

Not yet.
She is hard to shop for but women are always impressed by my ability to pick candles for them. It is something I take a bit of pride in.
I'm thinking I'll get her a candle or two and a nice bottle of moscato or rose. There are certain books that would be suitable (she has a rather specific collection) but it is a bit late to go hunting down any suitable ones.
Any suggestions for somewhat fancy moscato? Preferably pink moscato.

I know her tastes very well but it would be virtually impossible to find a suitable book in Adelaide in only a few days. Wine and a candle is a safe bet though, cheers.
I probably wouldn't go a chocolate one but yeah, candles are always a solid gift for women.

Hey guys anyone else on iinet experiencing an outage ?

Lying fucking bastards i am checking their NBN outage page with my mobile and they are reporting nothing 

menawhile no internet and no VOIP phone 

@weber any queensland neets sperging about iinet on whirlpool ?

Yeah I am on iinet and things got buggy about half an hour ago. I switched to my linux box running yggdrasil and changed my ipv6 protocol and now everything is fine. Something with the DNS is broken with that ISP. Get into your settings and try a couple of different ones and see if that fixes shit.

I hate them so much. At least gooks can't speak English. Imagine how shit the internet would be if everyone spoke English. 
On the plus side its been nice to see how buttmad Indians are, how much they secretly wish they were white.

Broken web elements. 
How to render website with three yes/ no options unusable:
> force users to drag an icon between each yes and no option
> scroll the page every time the user drags the screen, so their finger leaves the icon
> stop users zooming in on the icon by not modifying the scroll speed with zoom, so users who zoom in to a single icon spaz out
> when users max zoom so there's nowhere to scroll, move the icon as they zoom to change all the options around. 
Pajeet did this

He's probably drunker than usual. Nuro must be in a pretty bad place mentally to still spergout here so often. 
He really thought we'd actually like him with his hobbies and forced 4chan persona. 
Isn't he in his 40s? And still living in a dunny trying to be cool on /ausneets/. Sad.

Any suggestions for a nice bottle of moscato for FRM? I'm aiming to spend maybe around $40 on it. Keep in mind there is $40-60 going towards the candle.
What is the Weber approved option?

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If you check the Logs Monk Banned Nuro last year at Christmas time and totally destabilized the board.

> Monk ruined IMISSFATHERS reign here
> Monk ruined Chicken Dinners Reign here

Several #BOs have burnt themselves out and suffered real life stress and health concerns because Monk was here secretly dickriding for IGA the entire time..


Its raining. When to the late night Coles. Heaps of gook and jeets around. Was there past midnight last night and the jeet families were taking their kids shopping, at midnight. Weird creatures.

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