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The bored four NEETs

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Has anyone seen Killer (2023) on Netflix? The plot was average but otherwise it was a decent assassin action movie if you're into those
Do you reckon it is worth going higher than a Brown Brothers or are you just paying for the name at that point? I'm wondering if a bottle of Brown Brothers and a slightly nicer candle might be the way to go.
I meant a set. Not literally one candle.
Yes hopefully. And if he's not on IRC now with his nose up Shibz arse he'll sure as hell be there tomorrow trying to defend his behaviour from tonight. Lol, he's so dumb.
This image offends me on many levels. I cooked better food when I was living under a tarpaulin. Use tinfoil to make a splashback so you don't set fire to the wall, you nigger.
Its raining. When to the late night Coles. Heaps of gook and jeets around. Was there past midnight last night and the jeet families were taking their kids shopping, at midnight. Weird creatures.
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thumbnail of 790049.png
790049 png
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I complained about the heat and FRM called me a baby mammal because I "drink lots of milk and can't thermoregulate".
Thanks neet. I have a big day planned tomorrow. Lots to do. Hopefully it will be productive.
I hope it isn't too cold up there. Haha. The idea of Christmas being cold is rather odd to me.

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