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The bored four NEETs

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One of the most important lessons I've ever learned about being a neet is that a dollar saved is a dollar I don't have to get a job to earn. Therefore I've decided to make admission to this thread FREE - all you have to do is leave one useful tip for saving money, and you'll be allowed to post on here.

Old thread:  >>/817507/

Cruisey had this thing going in high school called The Dead Vampires Club and you had to stand on your desk and swear an oath that you'd never drink blood, and he actually did but the club was banned by the teachers because it was too creepy, once.

Some good career tips in here Monk.

gollum would make some awful sounds as he was raped
There'd be some top notch potential for puns about being lord of his ring or calling his anus a ring of power after he cums in him.

I saw the term 'sheltered workshop' in real life the other day. 
For years I thought it was literally a part of the trainyard where they had one of those kind of shed areas with just a roof that people were working under.
Maybe I do belong in one

this happens just about every week now
are they unable to hire cops who aren't weak as piss?

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Dear Sir
I shall hereby state I do not want your digital wireless mesh electricity meter installed at my house. My concerns are unbidden changes to my tariffs, Radio Frequency interference with my laborotory equipment and household surveillance potential i.e. erosion of privacy. 

Thank you: 
Mr Possum. 
15 Greedyguts lane
Horrible Noise

Actually there's a large amount of evidence that ice cream lowers the risk of heart disease, it's a very strange and controversial finding: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/analysis-is-it-actually-healthy-to-eat-ice-cream-heres-what-the-evidence-says

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said

"Romeo, save me. I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think."
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said

"Marry me, Juliet. You'll never have to be alone
I love you, and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad. Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story. Baby, just say 'Yes'."

My Hoselink connectors have been sitting in Sunshine West, Victoria since 10:17am yesterday. I'd have thought they'd be in Adelaide by now given it went from Sydney to Melbourne in a day.

So far the whizzers have let go two of the internal IT department Pajeets and cut ties with a large IT services/solutions provider since I started. Scary thing is, I give about 30% effort and spend most of the time looking at this place and checking for Olive posts on my phone.

> Desire to goon
You will not.
We are NOT having a repeat of last year.
Spend this evening and tomorrow morning brushing up on whatever you claimed to have experience with. Set three alarms. Get an early night's sleep, even if it will be restless. Keep your phone out of arms reach.

Yeah, I've even heard stories in big places where even the immediate managers weren't told their employee had been sacked and the sad cunt just kept showing up for work.
What you don't want is some vengeful cunt coming in the next day and laying waste to half your infrastructure because of sloppy shit like letting people collect their stuff or say their goodbyes.

Yea businesses put massive efforts into keeping workers in the dark, isolating people and refusing to share information. 

Workers these days are fucking dumb, they deserve it. Don't stick together, always snitch, believe what they're told.

> Workers these days are fucking dumb, they deserve it. Don't stick together, always snitch, believe what they're told.
That said, QLD coppers managed to force that lesbian police commisioner out of a job this week by sticking together.

But at that point what's your objective? Revenge? Keeping the job? Getting a payout?

Usually if you think you're going to get sacked you alledge harassment, because it makes it very hard for them to do damage control. And when you're sacked claim it's adverse action for alleging harassment.

The employer will just try to collectively punish the staff to make you unpopular

Two hotdog buns left. Contemplating doing 10 pork & veal meatballs tonight and putting them in buns with half a jar of pasta sauce and some cheese. And doing the other half with spaghetts tomorrow.
Or do the spaghetts tonight and the subs tomorrow.

Dumb post-wall bitch who can't get a guy to commit for a week critiques Tay-tay and some stupid seppo footballer's relationship.

I don't have any onion rings. 
The good quality (two whole rings of onion with a slice of cheese inbetween, battered in panko and sprinkled with parsley) ones don't look that hard to make.

SBS Comedy is long gone, but the Pedestrian article is still up:
(Joslin is not Dril, just stole his joke. AB fell for it hook, line, and sinker).

Same. But Ridley is a highly uneven filmmaker. I think his problem is he makes movies by drawing a bunch of scenes he thinks are going to look cool, then tells the scriptwriters to come up with a plot and characters that somehow connect them.

I am watching the 1999 anime version of Hunter x Hunter, following my enjoyment of the 2011 one.
I am listening to the Japanese audio this time because the English one is awful.
Going to start doing exercises to see if I can develop Nen abilities.

5kg red Dahl, 2kg red lentils, 2kg black lentils, 2kg fava BEANS, kilo yellow Dahl, two kilos BEAN flour, kilo of tofu, kilo chick peas, kilo canned baked beans, kilo jeet balls (which is a lot), kilo mung BEAN noodles. The usual.

And that's the weekly order, we wholesale now. 
Much like rice it's not till you eat it every day that variety and connoisseurship becomes relevant.
With Dahl it quickly gets to the point where any variety is appreciated, the fava BEANS are for Egyptian falafel, the black lentil is actually to go with red lentil. 

You can use BEANS to pad out meat, kidney goes well with beef, black goes well with pork, red lentil goes with fish, green lentil goes with chicken, white and broad beans go well with cured meats 

Currently eating beef and tofu rice bowl with kimchi.

Terrible poos in my past, present and future. An unbroken continuum of poos,a serpentine turd biting it's own tail, I flush and blood black nothingness began to spin, a system of shids interlinked within shids interlinked within one shid, dreadfully distinct against the dark a tall white fountain sprayed.

now it looks like a third bum driller, who is also a cop, killed the other two bum drillers


> NSW Police will charge officer Beau Lamarre with two counts of murder over the disapparance of former TV reporter Jesse Baird and his current partner Luke Davies.
> They will allege the constable, who handed himself in to Bondi Police Station on Friday morning, used his police glock to kill the pair.

The cops will kill anyone but criminals

I got asked to get the slug and snail repellent down from the top shelf at Bunnings for a boomer couple today.
The old fella said to me "one of the joys of being a big guy".
He was lucky he didn't call me a "Big Fella". I've vowed to slap the next one who does.
Not your big fella.

What a piece of shit. You should see if you can find out who his boss is.
A lot of these white collar types are getting very uppity and think they can treat everyone like shit.
Property managers are the worst.
They all need to be pushed over a cliff.

Bunnings was the first big box store around. They have capitailised on the export of western manufacturing to asia. Still, It awesome when you can get any damn thing off ali for peanuts. Cant imagine how we made do in the before times. Maybe we were just happy to be bored. I know I didn't hate it and spent a lot of time making my own shit, which I still do. Pizza time soon.

A NEET who has suffered a major setback in their life (like not getting a phone call they were expecting) is entitled to go off the rails for a minimum of three months.
Not only are they entitled to do that, but they should be encouraged to.

Call them up and say that its all cool and you know it gets busy, then ask her to send you the welcome pack for you to fill out and then by monday when they have time you've already done their job

POST /prod/bill-internal/tasks

  "title": "Fix hole",
  "description": "The hole in the study is gapeing and needs to be fixed.",
  "date": "2024-02-25 10:00"

- 201 Created - Task successfully scheduled
- 400 Bad Request - Invalid request body

Example Response

  "id": "123456",
  "title": "Fix hole",
  "description": "The hole in the study is gapeing and needs to be fixed.",
  "date": "2024-02-25 10:00",
  "assigned_to": "Bill",
  "status": "Scheduled"

I hate her, but I can empathise with the people who spent hundreds of dollars on tickets and accomodation and shit

My main savings account is set up so that I can deposit into it via electronic banking, but I can't take money out of it without physically visiting a branch.
If I didn't do it that way, I'd have periods where I'd be buying stupid shit to make myself feel better, same as eating goyslop or drinking to excess.

Remember when i ran a psyop on you and dont know whats real and what isnt ? because you are a god damn bitch and every one here knows it so fuck off and kill your self because i know how tired and exhausted you must be... you cant keep doing this forevor, take the easy way out  bitch

> Remember when i ran a psyop on you and dont know whats real and what isnt ?
So pillbrained you're losing track of your lies trying to feed your ego. Do you take notes on which personality you're using between discord and here?
bitchboi !

I want to make an edit of the astronaut meme where it says 'always has been' except it says "wait it's all iga" and then nuro says "always has been" i'm too lazy to make it but you get the idea

Remembering how I used to have nerd friends I played boardgames with on friday and saturday nights. I don't really want to go back to that, but it was better than being along all the time.

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Based posts are generally our boy Nuro and the cringe and reee is IGA. I have a theory he likes to post about his literal shit because he was raped up the ass as a kid and anal sex without informed consent is a terrible thing to happen to a weirdo teenager and now cant control his anus and wants to whinge to anyone who he thinks is interested.

I get the feeling Nuro posts all that attention seeking shit like the beach pics, the food pics, the Alex Jones vitamin B droppers, etc. and then becomes embarrassed that no one cares. You can see from on of the pics he was posting stuff for the kiddos on discord too. 
Obviously very desperate for praise or interaction and attention, but spergs out when no one responds and he inevitably feels pathetic. 
It's similar to when cruisey made that vocaroo of himself vomiting, funny at the time but very awkward when archivistNEET uses it against him later. A feeling of panic, kind of like you're being doxxed.

was thinking of exercising, but then I decided I'll go to bed instead. Nothing makes me sleepier than trying to avoid doing something responsible, it's the greatest insomnia cure ever

I can feel that shit moving. Jesus christ neets, this might be it. I've waited all day to evict this fucker. I'll give you an update in another 20 minutes or so, otherwise hodl a funeral for my rectum.

I got it. There was an unbelievably difficult spearhead but once I got it out the big backlog just cascaded out my arse in a great torrent. The wiping was awful due to how gaped my arse was. My initial foray resulted in my hand sliding in there a bit which was gross.

More than once. I even stood there for a good 30secs one time waiting for you to acknowledge me while you gasbagged with the Cambodian clerk at foodwerks. I didn't even go past the counter, then just went and got a drink because I got a little awkward, and you had left in the time it took me to walk to the milk fridge on the right and back. It's okay, I got the message.

Possum enters via the screendoor next to the PO Boxes and walks through the back room of the fish and chip shop, comes out from behind their counter, and exits via the claw machine, turning left.

What do you call the side that faces hillmans? 
I've been told recently that they're good, after you turned me off of them. 
They let a client go home with their car without paying and said to fix them up a couple of weeks later.

NEETs it is my duty to inform you that I am your new BO.
After a lengthy email back and forth, imissfather accepted my application and transferred the board to me today.
We thank him for his service and wish him well in his future endeavours.

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