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The bored four NEETs

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You might have dry eyes when I was at the optometrist a few months ago they mentioned I was starting to  get that, watery, sore and can also be crusty bits as well. They said to use Systane Ultra drops a few times a day, helped me, I got some from Coles about 12 dollars  or so.
it restores the PH balance of your eyes naturally. They sting like hell and then you get relief in a couple of seconds. That other shit is basically lubricant, it doesnt fix the underlying problem. Once again the experts you go to for help, are neither helpful or expert.
I have not been to a movie theatre since Nolan's third Batman movie.
I was thinking of going to see Dune 2 but I don't think I would enjoy the experience.
I will just wait for the torrent.
I found a few lists that seem to agree on which ones were decent and i've been going off that.
It is a pity when franchises get watered down like that, you get generic books from people who don't really know the setting.

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