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The bored four NEETs

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I managed to find a few extra coins. Put it in the smart ATM. Came out to $11. 
Became a Dans member and managed to get a 2L cask. 
I'll start my real life on Monday, and get a job like that other NEET. 
The great dole bludger holocaust of 2024.
You are a robust, independent worker with superior time management, a thirst for knowledge, a passion for HJs product offerings, a practical, growth mindset and a bubbly personality. 
You do not intend to hit on any teenage girls. 

When I applied to woolies they asked me to do a video recording of myself btw. Didn't do it
thumbnail of Pork belly freakout at Hungry Jacks in Brisbane, Australia.-(768p).mp4
thumbnail of Pork belly freakout at Hungry Jacks in Brisbane, Australia.-(768p).mp4
Pork belly... mp4
(21.36 MB, 432x768 h264)
I was searching Hungry Jacks on reddit to find some help for that NEET with his job application, and I found this video I hadn't seen before.
Thank you for applying for a position at Hungry Jack's® .

Your application is currently being processed.

You will receive a response within the next 14 days.


Hungry Jack's Recruitment Team.
> Your application will be reviewed and if successful a manager will make contact with you to attend an interview.
In my granddad's day you'd put an ad in the paper and the jobs would chase you. These days they don't even tell you if they rejected you or not.
Living the dream. Maybe I can embezzle enough food to run the commune?

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