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Apparently tooth paste does not actually help clean your teeth, it is purely the brushing that does that. It is not necessary at all.
I might stop using it. Just use the brush with some water.
I wish there was a good alternative to the plastic bristles.
I am getting serious about all this.

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> In spite of recent moggings, it’s an honour to be surrounded by real natties 

Five office holders resigned their positions. Other than the President, who put his in the last newsletter (released 3 days ago), none of these vacancies was mentioned. Somehow -- as if by magic -- exactly one new person nominated for each of the vacant positions, so no voting was required. The new committee was just rattled off and the AGM declared closed.

No, Whites should be using their own laws and rhetoric about racism against them at every opportunity. It won’t get taken seriously of course, but flood the race discrimination commissioner’s office with complaints at every opportunity

She is from a bad home I always thought she was part boong but apparently she is Indian.
The brother is the former West Coast footballer Daniel Kerr who got sent to jail for domestic violence and trying to burn down their parents house or something like that.

Fucken downie looking dyke also kept the charge secret for a year, so the soccer poof organisation is shitty at her for not telling them and holding onto some captain’s role when it should have stripped from her

Woe. The salt mines sound better. 
Good luck. 
> severe
Cool car. Does someone drive it? 
I've seen a similar one around here. Surprising that they let you drive something without a windscreen.
8-15,write what your work agreement thing with cenno says. 
They get kickbacks if they help you meet it. 
I enjoy working in a team environment and would like to push myself in a fast paced, structured workplace. I feel that customer service skills are something I can use for the rest of my career (come up with a story about what you want to do, they will ask).. Plus I  love the Angus whoppers with pepper mayo xd (practice your xd face).
I have never heard of this recording thing, for either interviews or cenno.
Have you had public outbursts? 
She seems nice. The fellas in the car need to shut up. 
Good on her, mcrib up your mcfucking arse mcmate.
Good. We need more public approval for calling these cunts out. She should go to KFC next.
It is just not good enough. 
The things that curb had seen on a Saturday night. Bet people have pissed and vomited there. 
Good shit. 
One of my mongs has a job at a fast food place, he only gets a few hours here and there, usually 3hrs a fortnight but now when someone asks what he's been up-to he says working. It sets you free.

Forgot my phone when I went to the Whizzers. Was worried about Motherbat trying to contact me the whole time. Fortunately she hadn't.
Pajeet let the ADFS certificate expire overnight and left the problem with me, saying he had to be in a meeting all day.

> It is just not good enough.
You are right but these big businesses set themselves up so that you never know who is responsible and the only person you can access to complain to is some low paid worker who is not personally responsible and who you will feel sorry for and not want to abuse.

I swapped out my braces for the tactical belt for a couple of days and had to switch back. So fat that pants want to fall down regardless of how tight the belt is and the belt cuts into my fupa if I sit down for an hour or more.

> A magistrate has imposed a gag order preventing media from naming the man accused of murdering missing mum Samantha Murphy.
Patrick Stephenson, son of Orren Stephenson
Information wants to be free, hack the planet, etc etc

A security guard on the Belair line got threaded with a knuckle duster about a year ago. Most of it seems cushy but I'd avoid any job in which you might actually get hurt. The companies seem to drop them right away without any loyalty if an employee gets fucked up.

My understanding is that security guards can't actually do anything and their employers don't want them to so your job is just to stand there and if something happens to call the police.
If you don't try to be a hero it would be a pretty cushy job.

Do you remember the retarded boong child that did the screaming video about being bullied at school? It got heaps of media coverage about two years ago. I think he was a dwarf or something.

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My review of William Gibson's cyberpunk novel Neuromancer is turning into an essay, so the short version: 
This isn't a real science fiction novel, it's a William Burroughs style drugs novel pretending to be about the future. The book is semi-autobiographical and I'm certain William Gibson was addicted to amphetamines while writing it. Literally everyone in the novel is on drugs. Also, cyberspace presented in the book isn't a future vision of VR/the internet, it's an LSD trip.

that wood they use is Eucalyptus Regnans. You cant get it anymore. The only hardwood you can get has a lot of knots and defects in it and you cant use it unless you mill it. Its the same as that spruce or whatever that the cabin builders in scandanavia use. You must be able to work it really easily. Plus those axes are sharp which makes a huge difference.

I did six years of fish slice training at a Nepalese monastery.
My finishing manoeuvre involved getting the foreskin between its grooves and then giving it several quick twists. I called it the flayed trout.

I don't know what to do with my life. I have no hobbies or pursuits. 
I have no friends and won't be able to get a gf. All I know how to do is drink and browse the internet. I can't spend my whole life doing this 
What kind of exciting things can you do on a basic wage? It's all so tiresome

As the other neet said you might just have depression. You could try creative computer pursuits like electronic music development or graphic design. You could get a cheap Wacom tablet and draw stuff. Or you could learn blender and make 3d renders. Or you could download a LLM and make AI generated art.

It’s almost certain I’ll have my hours cut right back in a few weeks when the new CEO engages one of his mates as a consultant. Within a week or so of getting the job he cancelled the printer support with whoever and go some Ricohs off a mate and gave him the consumables contract

The sirs are useless. They don’t want to take ownership of anything, which is why I keep having to do everything. They’re still having certificate issues 3 days later because sir doesn’t know all the places where the expired  cert was installed. I just keep getting emails and teams messages saying “can you have a look at…”

Public holiday on Monday:
11 Mar	Labour Day (Victoria)
11 Mar	Eight Hours Day (Tasmania)
11 Mar	Adelaide Cup (South Australia)
11 Mar	Canberra Day (Australian Capital Territory)
Suck a fart WA, QLD and NSW.

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> Ever heard of the Little Para Bushranger, who held up the mail coach at Salisbury, and was later detained by John Harvey, founder of Salisbury?
> Well, this is that story and more!
> The Pirate Bushrangers is a true story of murder, robbery, and bloodshed across three Australian States. Patrick O’Connor and Henry Bradley were convicts sent to Port Arthur in Tasmania. Both were noted for increasingly bad behaviour and sent to the notorious penal colony on Norfolk Island to be broken. After serving their time in the infamous Norfolk penal colony, they were transported back to Tasmania within weeks of each other. They met again as 'ticket of leave' men and began a murderous rampage in northern Tasmania as bushrangers. They stole a ship at Circular Head van Diemen’s Land becoming pirates, sailed to Cape Schanck, and returned to bushranging in Victoria, where they were eventually caught and hung.
> This is the story of the pirate bushrangers who for 40 days were two of the most brutal, bloodthirsty villains in southern Australia’s history.

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Ready to lay out and freeze the pizzas. I got mushrooms and herbs in a oleo. ginger garlic and chilli onions. tomato paste with some fancy pesto. Walnuts pecans fried cashews with sunflower seeds, Australian pinapple. The olives are 50 50 mixed with gourmet kalamatas and the red stuff is sprats in tomato paste. The cheese is the pizza blend and I'll put the last of the mozzerella in the mix. I got nine personal pizzas and two fatty sized ones all panned out and fluffed out with yeast. What am I forgetting?

French cheeses are in trouble. Popular varieties like Camembert, brie and blue cheese are at risk of disappearing due to a collapse of microbial diversity, according to a statement from France's National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

That doesnt sound right.

There was a bloke unconscious on a bench in front of the state library. He had some unopened beer cans and a mostly full bottle of that Fireball whiskey. A strange man nearby called Phil press-ganged me into helping him as he was worried the man would roll of the bench and hit his head. Phil had called an ambulance, he was asking questions about the priority of the job which made me think he might be a doctor or something. He told the paramedics he was a physiotherapist but later told me he was an investment banker. He claimed to be from Adelaide and said the pommy accent was from living in London for 20 years. He scolded me for initially walking past without offering assistance. Bosslady paramedic was angry with him for playing doctor and telling her what to do. She was also angry at the unconscious man, I don't know if he heard. The other one smiled at me but didn't say anything. I didn't see any empties around. Phil said it was probably just from alcohol but the man seemed to have some marks on his face. I think he might have had a run in with some deros or something. The North Terrace boongs have been absent for a while so it probably wasn't them, not that they don't cause a lot of trouble. The homeless around here fucking hate then. Supposedly they bash them just for fun and the mugging part of it is just a little bonus. I've heard the same sort of stories from more than a few so I'm inclined to believe it. Of course SAPOL can't do anything about a pack of boongs bashing people in the city. I think I'll start trying to help people more like Phil said I should. I said I find it scary due to the risk of people being junkies. He said that if they seem sluggish or are unconscious then they aren't really a threat but it's different in America due to the fentanyl. He said Adelaide is more dangerous than it was 20 years ago. Not sure how that looks with official crime stats but I'd believe it with all the sudos and other filth. Mike, that homeless paratrooper I mentioned in early 2018, hated the sudos even more than the boongs.
Another boring night in Adelaide I suppose.

Phil sounds like a knob head. I wouldnt feel guilt tripped into helping. These bums have more available opportunities than just about anyone and wouldn't be homeless if they really didn't want to be, not long term anyway.

Phil sounds like one of those religious nutters in the city. He probably went looking for a problem to solve. Surprised he didn't ask about your faith or try and push his church when he was telling you to help people more.

I wonder how many male doctors, nurses, and orderlies have climbed on during her stay

Not really older women just women who are older than me. Like 35 ish i'm guessing. A lot of people call me buddy and bud and boy. But I have a full grown beard. One woman at the bottleo asked for my id and I said I have a beard why would you need to see it? She said I have a young face. I don't understand.

> Bat would have got a tub of Neapolitan each week.
as kids/teens, yeah it was a common feature
don't really eat ice cream these days unless she has put some drumsticks in the freezer or I get us one on the esplinade after Sunday lunch

Alex Jones just used his time with Tucker to somehow include a story about Hitler wanting to kill hundreds of thousands of Germans by flooding their own subway systems - a point that had nothing to do with the SOTU being discussed.

Attractive girls and handsome guys using Facebook to market themselves as room mates for share houses by posting photos of themselves
It’s so over, never gonna find a rental 
Wish we could deport all swarthoids

Doing another Hungry Jacks application. 
> *  Please tell us what makes you a great candidate to join the Hungry Jack's Team?
Stuck on this question again and I don't remember what I put down for the last one. Any advice?

> Palestinian reports say at least five people were killed near Gaza City after being hit by aid packages airdropped into Gaza by countries including the United States.
lol, look up nigga!!! get out the way!!!

Ingham QLD looks good value. Just over an hours drive from Townsville.
Love the undercover ground floor these QLD homes have. Wouldn't quite call them Queenslander colonial type but something akin to that. 


I would google the suburb name on the news websites. See if it has a facebook page too.
In rural areas what you really need to be sure of is that the area isn't full of unsupervised boong children roaming the streets. Anything else you can deal with.

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