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When you know, you know 
> Donald Trump says 'nasty' Kevin Rudd 'not the brightest bulb'

Do what i did and just get some no doz (caffeine tablets) and drink lots of water to get off the energy jew.

Also i can just go to my chemist and ask for nasal decongestion tablets (raw psuedoephidreine no paracetamol) to whip my ass out off a funk.

Went to get the 5 pieces of chicken for $8 from kfc. Turned it out it was online only, you had to sign up with the kfc jews to access it. Decided fuck that, got a gobucket instead. Was satisfactory.

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Womboflix is back! This Saturday on womboflix join us as we go to vietnam and waste some commies in Danger Close (2019). Slammed by critics for its politically incorrect portrayal of whites slaughtering sprawling and swarming hordes of Asiatic enemies. Yeah.

Then on Sunday, for the more intellectual neet viewer, we have Joker (2019) - set in 1981, it follows Arthur Fleck, a failed clown and aspiring stand-up comic whose descent into mental illness and nihilism inspires a violent countercultural revolution against the wealthy in a decaying Gotham City.

Went to lawash and had a big biryani and three kebabs. Then went hunting for tugs, but it was closed. Went looking for another but passed a teen ebony godess with an arse sculpted by God. I drove past three times, third time she stopped smiling. That biryani is gurgling, too much chilli, now I'm sweating and have a physically strenuous shift in 30 min.

> out in the middle of no where. 
> spark ciggie 
> out of nowhere young school kids appear
> can be anywhere 
> sit infront of me 
> parents stare at me and make stinky hand gesture 

Why are boomers like this ?

I literally never open up his panoramic photos 

I noticed that I picked the books up on Dec 22. Almost 3 months to read 40 pages. Woe. Need to shake this internet addiction. 
Waking up with no phone or internet was a strange feeling this morning

During the prosecution the police claimed that at least one of the cops was asking for help and he ridiculed them while they were dying, and yet in the video they are all clearly completely dead and not moving let alone talking

That was my reaction too. I rewatched it multiple times to see if there was any movement. They were about as dead as you can get. I chuckled at the Asian guy shaking the cops shoulder even though there was a huge puddle of blood that had come out of his head. 

Almost tracky weather. I'm so excited.

It's recent, probably as a move away from plastic use. What pisses me off is that you can't check whether they remembered to put the fudge sauce on the bottom of the sundae as well, because you can't see through the cardboard.

Had 12 choof'd and quite a few stando's. Someone had to mind the station while monk rode that old wagon out of sight 
Ghost rider in the sky 
I lived the free life of a eim rover
Waltzing Matilda 

Also, forgot to tell you 
I ended up 👆 where 
No one eaigjm

 Waiting for me 
On my knees in front of the moon 🌙 
It's connected to the suburbs 
The moon is an artificial satellite 📡 
I think it 
It does
Fuciih me moon 
🌙 cunt 
That's not as much as, three quarters fl full moon. 
It's connected to the 5g towers and your square houses make their waves resonation chambers.  And we All have radiation emitt

I am reading Dune again. I last read it when the first movie came out. Surprisingly I don't remember it that well. It didn't stick in my memory.
I am reading to see what changed were made in the films and to see if I can understand why. I did not like the way some things in the second movie smelled. I smelled soy and girlboss perfume.

somebody needs to beat this jap furry

Had a dream I was stuck on the island in jurassic park. I knew the dinosaurs were about to break loose and eat everyone so I tried to get off the island by buying a boat, but every boat I tried to buy turned out to be not for sale. Eventually I found a kid who sold me a 9 person boat I had to assemble from sections but when I assembled it it was only a model boat and it was just slightly too small to hold me. Woe.

Neets, let's have a poll: Would you rather spend time getting a tug job with cruisey and some mongs or ride to the beach with nuro on some customer's bike and do oxies and dexies with him?

I was there when this happened - elon called nuro to consult him for critical advice on how to wire up the starship rocket. Turns out it was actually in flight. The projectionist was nice enough to pause the movie while nuro helped elon.

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Its clear skys except for the chemtrails here. Got stuck in pre rush hour traffic, went the long way around the first bridge because it was stalled and on the other bridge some silly bitch had a rear end with another car and instead of driving to the end and clearing the roads they stopped and were probably waiting for the cops to tell them what to do. Fucksake.

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This Saturday, join us on womboflix for Danger Close (2019) - in August 1966, in a Vietnamese rubber plantation called Long Tan, 108 young and inexperienced Australian and New Zealand soldiers are fighting for their lives against 2500 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers. Starring that dude from Vikings.

Then on Sunday we are streaming Joker (2019), with Joaquin Phoenix and Robert De Niro, set during the 1980s, a failed stand-up comedian is driven insane and turns to a life of crime and chaos in Gotham City while becoming an infamous psychopathic crime figure.


How is this cunt an influencer? She's fucking ugly
God I hate women

Absolute disgrace today. Did no exercise, no study, just over-ate a lot. The only thing I learned was never to have camomile two nights in a row. I'll do better tomorrow. Need to get on the life wagon.

In the back row. 1 of 3 people here 
Got the large not family popcorn. They just keep the boxes in a heated cabinet thing, no more person actually filling the bucket
At least the seats recline now

My fence has been graffitied again. Very close to my bedroom window.
I don't like it at all. Bad home individuals roaming around up to no good.
One day it is graffiti, the next it might be a break and enter. Home invasion.

I just got home.
I think it was ok or maybe a bit less than ok. I don't get why that average looking brown love interest got so much screen time. Was annoying in every scene. 
Like a lot of these sci-fi movies they spend way too much time on the indigenous tribal faction and not enough time on the hard science fiction fascist faction which I always wanna see more of. Avatar comes to mind. 
The plot was overall kind of boring but I guess the general aesthetics of the movie make up for it. Steven Walkers character did absolutely nothing either. I liked the big fat ruler of Harkanon or whatever that house is called 
4/10 will pirate in a few years

Thankfully I didn't need to piss during the movie too, though towards the end my dinner and the popcorn were madly brewing inside me. Was sitting on the recline with my shirt up and my bare belly exposed, occasionally farting quietly to settle the rumbling.

that's almost 50% of the adult population

What they were getting at was if you're already living pay to pay and you get a flat tyre you're going to have to dip into that (less than) $1k you have to fix it.
If you have $900 and have to spend $260 on the tyre, you're down to $600. If you also busted the rim because of our terrible roads, the whole lot is gone.

> Content in subreddits is mostly moderated independently, with the site demanding a basic standard that users must adhere to, making it less policed or centralised than Facebook or TikTok.
oh right

> To help with ARDS, he was strapped to a rotobed - a specialised hospital bed that rotates - for two weeks, which turned him over “like a rotisserie chicken”
I want a bed like that

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