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The bored four NEETs

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Not him but you always deploy the same arguments to defend him. You say that anyone unhappy with the tiresome spam and death threats needs a hobby and pretend there is only one neet here that disapproves of his atrocious behaviour and narcissism.
> trying to scurry into my room
You legit need a herder to help you with your socialising.
The herder would cleverly draw you into conversations with the other club members while handling a lot of the talking themselves.
Billed at $50 an hour. Five hour minimum.
20 years ago such a joke would never have been made in mixed company.
I have noticed the boomers becoming coarser. My own mother started saying sexualised things around five years ago. I thought it might have been dementia but it was just watching television all the time that coarsened her.
I stopped being able to watch TV or listen to the radio years ago. It started making me feel physically ill. I even turn the radio off in cars I am a passenger in, which surprises the driver but I can't deal with it. I lunge for the off button the second I hear it.

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