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Womblor can you link me any evidence or reporting on Sewells case having evidence denied in the publics interest? 
Here is yesterdays case for if you're interested: https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/vic/VSCA/2024/70.html
Bought a can of something called KAMI KAZE next to the mondsters at the servo. Said shit like "BREATHE OF GOD" on the can, etc.
Get it home. It doesn't have any caffeine in it, just all the other shit and electrolytes.
Tastes like creaming soda.
1930s, man fills survey. Question is "How do you sleep with your wife?"
Man thinks:
If I will write Left - they will say I'm left-leaning
If I will write Right - they will say I'm right-leaning
If I will write On top - they will say I try to be above the worker masses
If I will write Under - they will say I'm mislead by the crowd

So he thought and finally wrote "I sleep separately and masturbate"

Got 10 years in prison for connection with Kulak.

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