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I have a confession to make:
4c1 was just the name of the picture on my hard disk drive (HDD) and I couldn’t think of a good edition name or introduction.
Ok we are back

@womboflix first order of business is to ad "Team America (2004)" and "Westworld (1973)" to the moofie list

thank you
lel you are Dyslexic arent you ?

I respectfully asked for moofies to get added added to the list and then when wombo feels like it he asks us to vote on the list and a decision is made based on popular demand 

so bye bye seweety
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Melbourne neets should have a look and see if they can see anything

A postie bike is 105cc. Anything over that is for girls. Men should just ride postie bikes unless they are so exec they need an eeb.
woke up
go outside
the sky is still the same fucking colour it always is at night
going back to sleep
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feel sorry for all the cultures and nations india absorbed after partition like khalistan. imagine being trapped in a federation with hindus.

I want to find out if he is a dwarf.
at least you never have to de-ice your windscreen. get back to me with your moaning after you have to wipe condensation off the inside with tissues
do you? i forget that it does get cold in south australia and tasmania. anyway nothing worse than sitting in your car waiting for it to defrost whilst knowing you're already late and toilberg's going to pretend not to notice when you get in and be passive aggressive to you about it
interesting, i wouldn't've  (wouldn't of) expected that. would love to go to aus one day and see that big lake in the middle that sometimes fills up, also the giant rock in the middle that you can't climb up anymore
I sneak into a corner and take some slices of bread out of the packet and stick them down my pants and under my shirt evenly, easily rack half a loaf
breathe in but let your tummy relax into a pot belly so your diaphragm can go down deeper. do this a few times, it can stop panic attacks. sounds gay but does work

The neo-noir crime thriller Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) will be on womboflix tonight, 7pm AEST
> In 2014, researchers published findings from a study involving over 1,600 males in the United States. In this study, the average dimensions for an erect penis were 14.2 cm (5.6 in) in length and 12.2 cm (4.8 in) in circumference. The participants submitted their own measurements and received condoms in exchange.
Took Motherbat out for a counter meal and a waddle and an ice cream.
I drank her complimentary champagne.
Her breathe just caught in her throat mid-sentence. I think the scent had reached the living room.
I took a shit in the shower once with the intention of stomping it down the drain but I was too grossed out by the feeling of it against my foot so I picked it up in some toilet paper and threw the bastard in the toilet.
All the marxist holidays (from labour day throughout children day, to mothers' day) were treated quite seriously for 40 years in this country, and the custom stuck, so yeah.
it was a stock cube I chucked in a cup of boiling water
tastes like crap
I think I'll go back to chicken noodle soup and straining the noodles out
Albo went into an AFL dressing room just to look at players' cocks.
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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) is the directoral debut for Shane Black, who had previously been a scriptwriter for Lethal Weapon, Predator, The Last Boy Scout and Last Action Hero. It's about two-bit crook Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) stumbles into an audition for a mystery film while on the run from the cops. Winning the part, he lands in Hollywood, where he's flung into a tangled, murderous conspiracy. 1 hour, https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
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Weber had his snappy new hat bowled off his head in the turbulence of a passing extreme sports poly-athlete who recklessly whizzed past on an Eeb, once.
Stop being such a Negative Nancy
Always was Always will be.
Its a comical state of affairs really. My EEB can weighs 22kg and can do 55km/h with a 250w legal motor. 

This talaria weighs 84kg has a 600w motor and tops out at 80km/h. It acelerates like a bat outta hell.

Basically its cocaine: the bike. Its totally illegal and People are just mad mad because they dont have it and you do. But it will fuck you up eventually.
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Car doors fuck up roadies in big cities

Where i am at the moment in terms of riding riding powerful bikes is just fear myself. 

Not going to do a repeat of bossman. Just not going to do it.
You're not pushing it to the max. When you are in the rage zone you can spot car doors before they happen and slam them and freak the normies out. Get a helmet BTW. 10% extra balls for nothing.
oh boo fucking hoo bitch
how many blokes never get to have a root ever?
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a lot like two other Shane Black movies - The Last Boy Scout and The Nice Guys
one day I'm gonna open up myself a flea market

one day I'm gonna open up myself a flea market, and you're gonna be wishin you did

I'm gonna retire off the profits
Good Morning NEETs

Up early. Went for a brap on the Talaria, got a bacon and egg roll toasted. Opened the shop on time. Motivated to smash out some work today. This is the opposite of NEETdom.

> get pizda
thats not how it works, you eat leftover pizda, you do not aquire it
The $750 Centrelink cash relief initiative is a lifeline for Australian citizens facing financial struggles in the face of high inflation rates and cost of living. More than just money, it shows the government cares about its people and responds to their basic needs.
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gonna work on the falcon today, hope I can get the tub off before it pisses with rain. Mechanics tomorrow with a written summary of the whole freakin saga. I hope Barry didnt take too much coke and molly on his recent trip to hamilton island.
People can anticipate an increase in 2024 Centrelink one-time payments since the Australian government has promised a 6% increase in these payments.
The government's larger initiatives to assist people and families affected by the financial consequences of the epidemic include the $4000 Centrelink Payment April 2024. Centrelink $4000 Bonus April 2024 is intended to provide financial support to people who require emergency help due to financial hardship.
Hidden Centrelink payments is a special income benefit scheme initiated by Centrelink to its eligible individual who qualify low income level criteria. These are unpopular or unknown payments schemes provided by Centrelink to its beneficiaries.
The Government aims to lessen the financial strain and guarantee the eligibility for the essential groceries. The beneficiary has to determine the financial hardship which prevents them from meeting the basic needs and the individuals shall be the citizens of Australia.
Centrelink one-off payments 2024 is a government scheme that provides $250 worth of immediate cash needs during an unexpected financial crisis. Usually, people in emergency situations need instant help, and these are the types of payments are made for them.
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I just got my low income health care card today in the mail today. It expired. a few months ago. Because i am not NEET and have an ABN now they wanted 2 years of my tax returns and business assets. Motherfuckers.
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>  2 years of my tax returns and business assets.
I cant get remortgaged until after i do this years.
They want you dependant.
NEETs get at least a grand for nothing and bossmen get close enough to 40% tax and no subsidies.
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yeah its almost worth being NEET just for the healthcare.

Shit fucking sucks, a consult was like 35 bucks a pop after rebate, A pack of 20 codeine tabs was 25 fucking dollars and i had to see a specialist who did jack shit gave me a 15 minute consult and basically told me go see a physio.... thats was $180 thanks....
Missed out on two hours sleep, too tired to do anything, not tired enough to sleep. In the twilight zone.
Chucked a sickie.
Had a tub of strawberry yoghurt for breakfast.
Took Sweetie for a long walk.
Insisted on Subway for lunch rather than another counter meal. Had a six inch Italian BMT.
Got a jar of pasta sauce and some meatballs for spaghetts for dinner.
Can't do too many more of these.
i never have in my life heard codeine called mindies and have no idea why

when i was pharming i just called em fortes or cody, if i was speaking to normies i would just say its morphine because thats what your liver turns it into and gets you high anyway
God these people are fucking dumb.
Put a dead mouse in a rat trap on the back seat.
Pump nitrogen into the car.
Set fire to the car.
Literally dozens of ways to get it.
You know you are looking at a bad home car when it doesn't have the little door that gives access to the fuel tank. Just a gaping hole in the side.
The flap has flapped away.
Apart from you guys, Motherbat was the only person to acknowledge my birthday.
Certainly didn't hear from the "mate" who owes me the best part of $3k.
Low self-esteem can lead to people-pleasing behaviour. In Primary School I let myself be pressured into trading away all my good basketball cards for crap in return.
As I get older I realise both my parents were mentally ill (undiagnosed and untreated) and just general weirdos and losers.
I never had a chance.
I would be more compassionate towards them if they hadn't been so pointlessly cruel to me as well.
Same thing happened to me, except when my mum found the tazos in his bag nuro peer pressured me into saying that I gave him them because we were good mates when we really weren't. Nuro you JERK.
Do not be so hard on yourself NEET. The depression has given you cognitive and executive functioning impairment.
You are doing the best you can.
> the author was trying to make me think he was evil
I don't think so. He was trying to give the perception from the viewpoint of the "rebels".

The quality drop just starts now.
But listen neet, you are greater than the sum of your parts. Twice as ill, twice as wierd. Specialised, basically born to claim dsp and eat tendies, evolutionary peak
I have been going off the deep end this past week. Off my face every day, embarrassing messages, waking up with the shakes, generally living a woeful existence. Might try and move back in with my Mum, I can’t be trusted to look after myself to be totally honest
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Took the falcon to the car wash and it broke down. Spent most of the afternoon huffing petty fumes waiting for the tow truck. Took it to Barry Swindle's garage, so mission accomplished, I guess. Had to catch the bus back with all the weirdos and high schoolers doing unfathomable shit on their smartphones. Got a headache. Bread and battered fish for tea. Over and out.
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Monk you burnt your bridges with your mom. Thats thats not going be ever. (i know)
You were a shit vol / BO (and oissed me off)
If i have advice for you is as bad as you feel you havent event come close to hitting rock bottom.

Get blinfd Drunk, Steal a car, Rob a pharmacy, Steal some random JEETs iphone just for fun.

Then and only then will a medical professional listen to you seriously and give you inpatient help and some non shit medication. 

Pro:tip try and break a bone and get some paon meds. You are welcome,
I hope some money comes in soon neet. You should look into shop lifting. I've done it before and it isn't that hard. I purchased a few items by going through the self serve checkouts and just so happened to have a few other items tucked into my messenger bag.
Shit advice. If you can't back your car then you shouldnt have one. This is how normies get on that new car every 50 000km hamster wheel. Car finance is a trap that chicken shits think is a good idea because some one else can deal with maintainance issues. Then guys who can fix things get them cheap. tighten up a leakey gasket and have it purring to sell on or keep. You dont realize that after you get to a certian point with mechanical knowledge, everything is virtually free.
I have been following the full saga of that NEET and his car. The car has reached the natural end of its life. Mystery issues that can't be identified and repair costs that are more than the value of the car.

Time for a new (used) car.
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i got checked by the attendant because the machine did not recognise the 100gm of garlic i weighed and purchased was actual garlic there was another camera scanning up through the bottom plate as well. Tha thing plastic bag we all roll off the spool confused the machine learning. TLDR you could steal it 4 years ago but not today.
Read the post properly you retard. I had the items I purchased in my basket but the ones I stole were in my bag. The downward cameras never saw them.
No, No you cant. If you could you would have to time it perfectly and be lucky enough to have a machine bordering on the entrance. There are (4) and time it when the self serve attendant is busy fixing up someone elses double scans or fuckups (this usually taks half their time. And you would still be on camera offloading it and shpooing centre would have your plates.

Risky but do-able. Casino Odds.
I got the honeycomb a few weeks ago, that time when I said I was definitely getting on the wagon the next day. You remember that time right? Anyway, I don't recommend it, if you want the proper honeycomb experience get those cubes from violet crumble or crunch, they never disappoint.
You can just load a trolley full of stuff and walk out without paying. It will all be on video though.
Everything is on video. For small items they may not bother going after you, but if you keep doing it they will take action.
You can steal shit from woolies anytime you want, but their AI is good enough to facial scan people now and flag them. Do it 4 weeks in a row and coppers could be waiting at the the door.

We are all profiled. We all have some social credit score. Its already here
Yeah, and they don't do anything unless you keep hitting the same store repeatedly for high value items. Anti-shoplifting measures are there to keep out the organised gangs, not random NEETs.
You can set up your bank account so that people can pay you by using your mobile phone number - they don't need a BSB or account number. Also the transfer into your account is instant, you don't have to wait until the next day.
This is done through banks, nothing to do with smartphones.
I think I've said before about how I'm too fat to go to the charity food places.
the looks I would (imagine) I am getting. Would be a waddling joke.
Somebody come get this man
I think he got lost in my DMs, what? My DMs, what?
You better come get your man
I think he wanna be way more than friends, what?
More than friends
What you want me to say?
Collected some pipis off the beach as the sun was setting. Feel like a man, a hunter-gatherer if you will.
> The $750 Centrelink relief package is designed especially for Queensland’s citizens and provides a sense of security in the face of economic difficulties.

> The $750 Centrelink relief package is designed especially for certain Queensland citizens and provides a sense of basedness in the face of economic difficulties.
There were some typos in the original press release
Did some situps too. Feel good. The most important thing now is not to leave this until late in the evening, but to get it done early in the morning, so I can reap the benefits of the energy and positive feelings during the day.
First thing tomorrow when I get my shit together I'm going to create a second youtube account, and have it subscribed to all my history channels and only those. I'm sick of trying to lie down and fall asleep and finding my feed full of technical shit and paranormal vidoes
> mom
> Thats thats not going be ever. (i know)
> (and oissed me off)
> If i have advice for you is as bad as you feel
> blinfd
> Pro:tip
> paon meds
> vital financial support for families and individuals facing heart shape

Yeah, this website I've never heard of before seems like a legit and trustworthy source of information...
Need one more hour of sleep, it's always like this, stupid brain keeps waking up a little too early.
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I am a long-time (over 10 years) NEET and these are some comedy shitpost poems that I wrote. They are also on amaZOG if you feel so inclined to buy one (I put memes on the covers lol)

Thank you for your time
Time for the womboflix movie selection committee to meet again! Vote for a movie on the list, or nominate a new movie to be added.

The Sunset Limited(2011)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Truman Show
Trading Places
Fritz the cat
The Commitments
Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party
The Holy Mountain(1973)
Mortal Kombat(2021)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Bronson (2008)
Midnight Run (1988)
The Usual Suspects(1995)
True Romance (1993)
Prisoners (2013)
Beaches (1988)
American Psycho(2000)
The Untouchables(1987)
Once Upon A Time In Holywood
The Northman (2022)
Samurai Cop
Ex Machina
Back To The Future (1985)
Spiderman Across The Spiderverse (2023)
Annie Hall(1977)
Hard Eight (1996)
True Grit(2010)
The Wild Geese(1978)
Eyes Wide Shut(1999)
Star wars/Empire Strikes Back/Return Of The Jedi
The Warriors (1979)
The Magnificent 7 (1960)
Office Space
The Imitation Game
Steve Jobs
Predator 1/Predator 2
Dr Strangelove
Barry Lyndon
Conspiracy Theory(1997)
Iron Man 1/2/3; The Avengers 1
Until The End Of The World (1991)
Sirens (1994)
The Naked Lunch(1991)
Police Academy(1984)
Place Beyond The Pines(2012)
Pootie Tang(2001)
Team america world police(2004)
Southpark bigger longer uncut(1999)
Westworld (1973)
Fast And Furious(2001)
No, I shall be restrained and just get the giant snack pack. I shall return for a second helping later in the day if I feel it warranted.
> the giant snack pack
Chips, popcorn chicken and 6 nuggets. Pretty alright serve for the price imo. Can add on a can of drink for $1.50.

Chip portion should be just shy of equivalent to 2 regular chips
Can one of you neets with a tv watch it for us and let us know the moment you hear anything about this $750 cenno bonus? The ambiguity is causing much anguish.
With inflation a $750 bonus is nothing anyway.
This NEET won't get out of bed for anything less than $1500.
Something or someone has eaten through many of the caps on the bottled water I keep in the shed for emergencies.
One of the caps has come clean off. They must have twisted it.
Some sort of monstrous rat perhaps.
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> This is a seriously big deal of a whisky, fresh from the San Francisco World Spirits Awards with an unheard-of 99/100, a Double Gold medal and a clear shot at Best in Show, aka World’s Best Whisky.

Colour Golden amber
Nose Fruity with notes of fresh red apples, juicy plum and white peach
Palate Rich and fruity, with notes of wild strawberries, orange zest, vanilla and soft caramel, followed by a subtle hint of toasted oak
Finish Long-lasting creaminess with sweet vanilla and delicate oak spice
Food Match Homemade shepherd's pie with a side serving of greens and Walkers shortbread for dessert
In this bad home area people walk down the street listening to music out loud. No headphones. They just play it at full volume as they walk around.
Rap songs usually.
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It's actually a positive thing when your gut gets large enough to sag downwards rather than just poke out forwards. Makes you appear slimmer, and lets you squeeze between cars more easily.
> shame shed
A one man neet compound where monk lives life on his terms, uncompromisingly, seeking the long hard path that leads to being a nietzchean bronze age mindset ubermensch.
You fucking fucking bloody fuck you bloody bastard bitch bloody fuck you fucking mother bloody fuck bitch fucking bloody bastard bhenchod bloody why you fuck me I fuck you bloody bastard fucking running like lady yeah fraud what fucking no shout at me fucking bloody
I finished The Martian. It was full-on normie cringe. Woman captains and negro physics geniuses.
I shouldn't have watched it.
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I have that one.

Recently (not yesterday, but some months before) posted here he's watching The Martian. I remember because I also dl'd it not long after and watched it again, I've seen it before, but I like the part when he tries to make a life there and does some banter and whatnot.
Stream Avenue 5. First season is ebin.
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Went in to see barry swindle and take in the typewritten report about whats been done by the other guy. He wasnt in a good mood and just wanted to talk about his trip to the whitsundays. He kept saying he'd move there if he had the cash and queensland is the best if you have money. Just waiting now and sick as fuck with gastro. Not eating anything until probably tomorrow. had to walk home along the freeway and the wind was blowing the truck exhaust at me and i sat on a tree stump in someones front yard and threw up. could see lots of peekers in the windows all around but no one came out to see if I was okay. Spent most of the day in bed. having a cup of coconut water and some panadol fortes. feel rekt and stressed.
While the fellas here keep adding to the list I suggest removing some. For example:
I think Sunset Limited is great but not many here would watch it.
We watched Who Killed Captain Alex on Endcorner. I swear we watched The Truman Show too, it wasn't usual Endcorner, and if you keep list of what you streamed then it wasn't usual occasion of Womboflix eithet. But it was on.
The only Adam Sandler movie that I actually enjoyed was The Longest Yard, which is a remake of The Longest Yard. Mean Machine is also great btw.

> you are an imbecile capable of mistaking Jim Carrey with John Malkovich
Thanks, you are very nice.
I think we watched it during an xmas stream or something, since sometimes I deviate from the list I have and put on various requests, like Ace Ventura or The Sphere.
> Ginger and Carman are TikTok sensations. Both over 60, they say they refuse to be invisible
खूनी कमीनी कुतिया, मैं तुम्हारे कुत्ते का बलात्कार करूंगा
Theres going to be a mining recession, this is widely expected. Plus the mines are mostly foreign owned and can close at the drop of a hat. We dont want no french scum here taking up jobs that would go to diversity milo boongs.
> प्रवासन संख्या फिर से बढ़ने पर विदेशी विश्वविद्यालय के छात्रों पर कार्रवाई
>  >A crackdown on international students has been announced as the government tries to rein in out-of-control immigration
Better than a bent parsnip.
He had a green thumb and knew how to use it.
i meant the greek cunt who sold veggies on hey hey its saturday, or something like that. The actor was also in around the twist.
ffs, didn't create my new youtube account. Can you guys please remind me tomorrow. Also I'm deadset gunna have a big bowl of salad right after breakfast, please remind me, and do some cardio. I'm counting on you neets to make me stick to my plans.
The worst part about alcohol withdrawal is that its hard to sleep or even 'feel tired'. My eyes are almost closing after those two bottles of goon but my leg is hyperactive. Regardless I'm not having any more 
Death before goon slavery
> Police were called to a park about 6.30am after a body had been found
> The man was found with severe burns to his body
> likely non-suspicious

They're going to make a movie about this one day.

I did a 6:30pm to 8:30pm nap. It could cause serious disruption to my normal sleep patterns.
I am uncertain what to do. How late should I stay up?
If I go to bed at the normal time I might be laying there for hours not sleeping.
Watching John Farnham live in concert videos.
We should fire him up on Womboflix one night. What a performer.
Oh lawdy it’s morph
> Treasurer Jim Chalmers has handed down his third budget, with a back-to-back surplus of $9.3 billion for the first time in almost two decades.
> “We have a $28 billion deficit in the coming financial year
what the fucking fuck is this newspeak?
Thank you for reminding me neet, I will soon go for a walk to woolies and pick up some salad, then eat it as soon as I get home and create a new youtube account.
I dont feel sick or shivery any more. I lost most of yesterday in bed but I did everything right. Going to break my fast with something no-fat or maybe a bit of a bannana. Just want to re-hydrate today and do some internet window shopping for a new car
Ok neets, garn for a walk to woolies and I'm gonna come back with my life in order. You want anything while I'm there?
no its kind of what I want. I was going to swap out the engine and most of the major components for new or reco. Just need to inspect for rust i suppose.
can you fill up your LPG tanks on  your car from servos that only have a big bottle out the front for refilling BBQ gas?
Dedicated  LPG is obsolescent then. Its probably not even that cheap because the gubberment changed the tax on it or something, cunts are saying its 70 cents cheaeper but its 50% less power. 
I cant even swap them over because the stupid gas tank would need to come out. cun
Its only fair that They put a red diamond on LPG cars plates so you give them more room at the lights and dont park next to them. Because they explode a lot.
Went for a walk, bought a choc chip and blueberry muffin. As I sat down I noticed a lot of pidgeons and other birds around, searching on the ground for food scraps, decided I'd share my bounty with the little winged neets. Broke off some pieces of the muffin and tossed it near the birds, but they kept flying away, and didn't trust me. Eventually I broke off a little piece of the muffin, put it slowly on a bench that didn't have anything else on it so they could clearly see it, and went and sat down 20 feet away. After a few minutes a pidge flew down and ate the muffin chunk. Felt good. Felt needed. Would recommend the experience to other neets who are tired of sitting inside all day slumped in front of the screen watching youtube.

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