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The bored four NEETs

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Ok neets, garn for a walk to woolies and I'm gonna come back with my life in order. You want anything while I'm there?
no its kind of what I want. I was going to swap out the engine and most of the major components for new or reco. Just need to inspect for rust i suppose.
can you fill up your LPG tanks on  your car from servos that only have a big bottle out the front for refilling BBQ gas?
Dedicated  LPG is obsolescent then. Its probably not even that cheap because the gubberment changed the tax on it or something, cunts are saying its 70 cents cheaeper but its 50% less power. 
I cant even swap them over because the stupid gas tank would need to come out. cun
Its only fair that They put a red diamond on LPG cars plates so you give them more room at the lights and dont park next to them. Because they explode a lot.
Went for a walk, bought a choc chip and blueberry muffin. As I sat down I noticed a lot of pidgeons and other birds around, searching on the ground for food scraps, decided I'd share my bounty with the little winged neets. Broke off some pieces of the muffin and tossed it near the birds, but they kept flying away, and didn't trust me. Eventually I broke off a little piece of the muffin, put it slowly on a bench that didn't have anything else on it so they could clearly see it, and went and sat down 20 feet away. After a few minutes a pidge flew down and ate the muffin chunk. Felt good. Felt needed. Would recommend the experience to other neets who are tired of sitting inside all day slumped in front of the screen watching youtube.

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