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The bored four NEETs

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Had the interview requirement waived and the points requirement reduced for this reporting period for workforce/jsp. 
Told the girl I was interstate due to my Nana approaching end of life. 
Unfortunately that's likely to happen in the next few days. But I should be able to get my regular cenno payment on time which I had been wigging out about the past few days.

Last of the soup down the hatch, used oyster blade cut, celery, onions, pumpkin, potatoes etc worked out including electricity about 5 dollars per serve (4 one litre containers almost full)

HJ released a 'new' brekky roll with a 'spicy tomato relish' plus a 'deluxe' hot chocolate. Not that it matters now since it's past 11am.

Score a big mac for only four fiddy through the app. They've been pushing this deal ever since HJ released the Big Jack.

KFC has a new range of burgers with double coated extra crispy fillets. And an online/app deal of 9 piece OG, two(2) regular chips and a regular gravy as opposed to the irregular chips and gravy for only $14.95

I have a thing on the back of my head where I keep picking skin off every day. I don't whether there is something wrong, or whether its just like that because I won't leave it alone.

I remember a story here about your dad sniffing your cock and realising you haven't had a wank today so he makes you stand outside on the verandah and wank in front of the neighbours.

There was some rubbish on the road from some lazy tradie's ute so i puts it in the first wheelie bin on the street like a good NEET, then I goes out later and the bin owner took the rubbish out of the bin and put it on the nature strip outside their place, like theys has a testicular torsion. Then today I sees some pajeets walking some chow-chow dog literally 100 meters up the street and back. That rental must be 600 a week, fukn cashed up zoomer jeets. I'm gonna kick the trash into theys yard.

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3 men took turns masturbating inside this box they landed on the moon, two guys had to walk around outside to give the other guy room to wank in the lander.
They collected the semen and brought it back to earth to inseminate inside apes.

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AWM (Australian War Mamorial) opens voting of the Napier Waller Art prize to the public, amongst the 29 finalists a submission of pure beauty.
Behold, the imposible sit-up challenge
Which poltard submitted this?

> Please note:
>  >This website contains names, images and voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
>  >This website contains war-related material, including images which some people may find confronting and disturbing.
Very scary site.

Did enough shopping to last six weeks.
Don't plan to leave the house again until then.
It was a big mistake doing the shopping at night. Hate driving at night. Huge anxiety.
Wandering through the shops like a zombie. Anxiety rising up to choke me. Could barely get it done.

It is holding up fine. It is tweed, and it isn't like a hat gets rubbed the same way as a coat does. I am getting used to wearing it and forget about it during the day. I am a bit worried about being identified by it but the only alternative is to stop wearing it which rather defeats the point.
My hair is looking much better now that it has grown in a bit. It is still shorter than I'd like but I am no longer embarrassed to be seen without it.
I intend to keep the hat as a major part of my wardrobe even after my hair has grown back.

I got a haircut today. Hairline has receded further and the greys continue to multiply.
I got the scissor cut again, a bit shorter this time. I think I might need the clippers next time my head is too large it needs more hair removed to pass as human.
Got the beach ball effect again.
Ears are too large and protruding for the really shirt cuts though. No good options. NEET life.

Didn't get my todo from yesterday done, which means I have little hope of getting today's done - I'd have to complete both days tasks today, impossimble. Which means I won't manage tomorrow's either. WOE. May as well start again next year.

I'm not sure. I doubt they'd have enough to cover the grand jackpot on every machine, as well as a couple of thousand in incidental payouts for each machine.
They have probably got accurate average figures for a day's payouts and only hold enough to cover that and a bit more.
Their T's and C's probably say they reserve the right to pay you by EFT or cheque.

niggers are extraordinarily dumb

I am trying these little cardboard block firelighters instead of the kerosene-based firelighters I used to use to light the heat beads for the weber. Going for the natural chemical-free vibe.
I was a bit worried about how they would perform but I looked out the window just now and could see a heat haze above the charcoal chimney so they have done their job.

The hijabi girl being trained on the woolies checkout had an unpleasant attitude when I gave her some advice about putting the cold items in their own bag away from the other items. I don't think she's going to make it. Arrogant and dumb.

Do you NEETs reckon you would have a viable case if you went to the ACCC or similar to complain about an onlyfans thot pretending the man in her video is her stepfather when he isn't?

> Online prescription provider MediSecure victim to large-scale ransomware attack

Yes and they love hearing me play the porno over the phone, I complain that the woman getting ass fucked by the horse isn't really enjoying it and just faking her orgasm.
It's a long wait for them to pick up the phone but it's worth it.

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Cunts whizzing past me on the way home from wage riding the dunga with only one working gear, fukn sick of being stranded without a car. Very low IQ swarthoid crew at the office absolutely bored shitless and thinking about buying a working car. E mailed the guy with the station wagon 4 sale and checked the bus timetable. Had an opportunity to abuse the Pay-e-scooter battery crew, the retard zoomer kept saying "oh Nice" when I was telling him how many I had chucked off overpasses and how I was gonna make a powerwall at home from the scooter batterys I was gonna boost and how his job is to put dog shit on foot paths. The builders rubbish is still on the lawn of the pajeet rental across the street. Had some metamucil because my guts are still not right, that shit turns into gel in seconds, its crazy difficult to drink. gonna get the calculator out after I made my lunch for teh wage tmrw, see if I can make two cars work.

Just the usual wagoning. Taping down last night and tonight, feeling mostly back to normal now. 
This is probably the worst fall off I've had. Boy who cried wolf and all that yes, but this one has struck something deeper inside me. A scary vision of the future.

Pajeet at the newsagent today bought so many lottery tickets the machine was spilling them out in one long line that would have measured in the metres. Thousands of dollars worth.
Buying for everyone back in Bangalore I guess.
I hate immigrants so much.

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Yep really uplifted the front Kiosk. that old AMD athlon was crashing regulary and the ancient LCD monitor was shit. THis has literally 1/3 of the power draw

i have been going around the shop with a killl-a-watt lately and some of the the things i found blew me away. The pair of my studio monitors drew 70 watts idle and i had them on 24/7 for a year

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i had windows and now the shop is fully *Nix

i dont need a 3rd operating system in my life and i dont need to buya another set of software liocenses.....my 2012 macbook air has been running nix flawlessly since 2016......

apple hardware and linux are a truley based combination of industrial design and non homosexual software environemnt

> Crown Melbourne Casino operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the exception of Christmas Day, Good Friday and ANZAC Day. The Casino entrances are closed on these exception days from 4am to 12 noon the same day.

I got greedy with the genital shaving again. I knew it was only safe to do the pubic area and the shaft, but I couldn't help but try and do some of the scrote too.
Immediate disaster. Dark blood literally dripping onto the bathroom floor.
It has stopped now. I don't dare to look at it. Never again. I need to buy some of that hair removal cream.

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Was given a lanyard without a badge as I apparently registered after they had run out of badges.
Made eye contact with a girl who gave me a look of revulsion.
A couple of people I knew pretended not to notice me.
Got turned away from the building supposedly hosting the talks by some bitch claiming it was a "secure area".
Lot 14 smells like sewage.
Came home.

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Tomorrow night on womboflix...Team America: World Police (2004) - popular Broadway actor Gary Johnston is recruited by the elite counter-terrorism organization Team America: World Police. As the world begins to crumble around him, he must battle with terrorists, celebrities and falling in love.

Then on Sunday, Pootie Tang (2001) - adapted from a comedy sketch on HBO's "The Chris Rock Show," Pootie Tang is the ultimate superhero. A cool-walking, smooth-talking lady's man.

Line weight should be a bit less than what the rod is rated for. If your six footer is rated for 6kg or something, I'd probably just stick with 8 or 10lbs braid (ie 4-4.5kg) plus a flurocarbon leader of the same weight. You want the line to break instead of the rod.

Sorry I didn't respond to your email as promptly as you would have liked, but I do not have that email open at all times. I only check it every now and then.

I did not find a ban with the exact ID you cited. I lifted two bans with very similar IDs but I do not know if that will do the trick.

It may be possible the ban was a global one issued by an Admin and would need to be lifted by one. I don't know if that is how it works.

The guy with the car I messaged hasnt got back to me but the ad is still up online. I dont know if he's being a jerk or expects me to offer more than the asking price. Might put in $200 more than he wants.

Hi Harry. I have a BF and I know the model but my ute slipped its timing chain and its now parts, hence I dont have  vehicle at the moment which is why I want to come up through the week because I'll be on the bus and I need to visit the bank for that much cash. I know that the market value online is way undervalued because falcons are the most repairable vehicle since the F series, thats why, if the car is on the square, I'm offering $7500 and I wont be asking for inspections this or warranty that. Its going straight into the restoration work i had planned for the ute. Plus you can be assured I back my cars with work and money put into them and yours wont get used as some mobile rubbish bin or a teenager party wagon. Hit me up if your interested, I need to know if your not so i can look in other states. Thanks

> going
Fine I guess. I haven't noticed any regrowth but it is too early for that. The shedding seems to have slowed which is good.
> side effects
Yeah, I am way calmer and more relaxed with social stuff. I think that is a consequence of the test boosting effects. My mood is a bit more stable too.
Benis is fine.

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