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The bored four NEETs

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He put fuse covers on the ceramic fuses and checked the earthing relative to the front lawn. He also removed a large mud wasp nest.
He noted they had written to me about four years ago saying they needed to install a smart meter and the box was non-compliant and I had told them to fuck off. He agreed with my assessment regarding who had to pay for that work.

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Got in a lift with Karen from middle management today. Some repair chud was riding it up to the plant room on the roof and had also unlocked the button for the secret top level, the one reserved for devs and celebs and corporate whores. You can be a basic privs user for decades and not see this epic shit so i block the door open and we are walkig around checking it out, taking selfies with the view windows and being unauthorized as all get out. Karen trys her swipe card on the doors that go outside to the viewing pad but no beuno so we leave before the security drones can buzz us. Should have been happy at stumbling on the cheat for the forbidden zone but I was fuked up about missing out my chance to do a running dive off the pad to the street below and end my simulation like a Boss. Got enough XP bonuses from today to level up and play something else for a while. Bike wheel is buckled and the ride in now features fukn frost. I'm too short time for this shit.

Imagine sending a message back to 2008 and telling them that indiana jones and the crystal skull was not the worst indiana jones movie that would ever be made. They would either never believe you or would consider the future too dark to want to go on existing.

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for the past 2 months I've seen drones flying around my parents house 
today a jet plane in broad day 
and now I was hearing heavy machines running at night 
I thought we're being invaded, but it turns out it's just tractors

why isn't she in jail?

Forgot to tell you, 50 in yesterday, 150 out.
Just spent that 100 on a tug.
Went with enough for a vile bbbj facefuck and anal but the wench was a 6 at best. She had to change hands a few times and got to the point where her fake moans were becoming irritating. Was rubbing my date when I nutted and shot over my head and farted. Had a giggle with her about it.

> her fake moans were becoming irritating
I don't like this idea. If I'm spending hundreds of dollars on a whore the experience better be all about my pleasure, not hers. Just tell her to make whimpering noises or something.

> Imagine not using aero spokes on your wheels, 
they are certainly sapim CX ray bladed aero spokes
> those aren't even double butted.
thats a contadiction 
no shit bait and you fail again at life you assclown

then internet went down for half an hour (never happened before) 
I really thought the russians took it down and were planning to attack 
my schizo ass was afraid to go outside of the house because they could see me with thermal vision

how the fuck did this made any sense to begin with? 
it's a small village that nobody gives a flying fuck about 
we don't even have roads 
it's all hills 
goddammit how retarded can one even be 
you know what? I've seen what alcohol does to people, but it seems like being sober is even worse

I washed my hair with soap in the shower just now. The shampoo I had been using was either causing scalp itch or not fixing it.
They say you can't use soap on your scalp/hair because the ph is not right. But I will see how it goes. Feels fine for now, but too early to tell.

Who's the furry private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks?
You're damn right
Who is the NEET that would risk his neck for his brother NEET?
Can you dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?
Right on

> https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/may/20/microsoft-chatbot-assistant-pc
> Microsoft’s AI chatbot will ‘recall’ everything you do on its new PCs
Prepare for botnet, windows users

Like anything new.
> virtual pornographic memory
> it will remember everything you’re doing on your computer and help figure out what you want to do next.
I will sell a computer that doesn't even need human interaction, it doesn't need the human to know what it does, he just turns it on and the computer does things on its own. It's only job will be to generate revenue for me.

Both Coles and Woolies branded varieties have very similar ingredients to L&P and Holbrooks, minus the anchovies. And both are almost 100% Aussie ingredients whereas Holbrooks is only 90. But I'll go with the latter because I've grown to like anchovies and putting brand-name products into the trolley makes me feel less of a loser.

He was just a business man.
In separate news

In canines, the testicular tissue revealed an average microplastic concentration of 122.63 micrograms per gram of tissue (with a microgram being one-millionth of a gram). Human tissue displayed an average concentration of 329.44 micrograms per gram almost triple that found in dogs and markedly higher than the levels Campen detected in placental tissue.

"At the beginning, I doubted whether microplastics could penetrate the reproductive system," admitted Yu, adding: "When I first received the results for dogs I was surprised. I was even more surprised when I received the results for humans."

Cruisey, it's me, I'm Webby
I've come home, I'm so cold
Let me in your window
Cruisey, it's me, I'm Webby
I've come home, I'm so cold
Let me in your window

Ooh, it gets dark, it gets lonely
On the other side from you
I pine a lot, I find the lot
Falls right out of you
I'm coming back love
Cruel Cruisey, my one dream
My only master

> A guide llama?
At some point the tumblr types started taking their pets with them and claiming they were "emotional support animals" and some of them even got doctors to sign off on it like it was the equivalent of a guide dog for a blind person.
Clown world.

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This week on womboflix - Westworld (1973) - a robot malfunction creates havoc and terror for unsuspecting vacationers at a futuristic, adult-themed amusement park. And on Sunday, Spaceman (2024) - half a year into his solo mission on the edge of the solar system, an astronaut concerned with the state of his life back on Earth is helped by an ancient creature he discovers in the bowels of his ship.

Nice. Did not know they can have such effect.

They should spice the pizza sauce directly and don't put crap above the topping.

> Westworld (1973)
I look forward to it. I watched the recent telly show, and first season was good-ish, but the rest that followed was trash.
> Spaceman (2024)
Uh, sure.
> ancient creature 
A spider? Spacespiderman.

Clean the filters. There should be one before the dust bag and one at the very end where it blows the air out. In some might have a third before the engine.
They are clean if you look through it towards a light and you see light.


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Full neet fight camp today - diet wagon, did cardio, walked 10km, worked out in the park, did some deadlifts, shoulders and bicep work with dumbbells, situps and the 8 brocades. The thing is I don't feel really tired, the good diet and multiple moderate exercise has left me feeling energised.

The bus home blew up in the middle of nowhere and we was all stuck there for two and a half hours as the sun went down and the temperature dropped to about 8. The driver ran the heater but only cold air comes out. You get to know all the passengers like characters in that moofie about that plane that crashed in the desert and they have to make another plane out of the bits of the plane that worked. There was some old boomer who was just travelling with a couple of bottles of wine and was gonna wing it when he got to the next town. I thought he was like some of you retards but I just know none of you will make it to your 70's. All in all the lady bus driver did a pretty good job tho.

she had one of those bubbly personalities but she didn't make any mistakes I saw and went around all the time with confectinery and a power bank and was constantly on the phone to the depot and generally distracting everyone from the actually pretty dire situation.





and if you want debian debian there is 


> LMDE aims to be as similar as possible to Linux Mint, but without using Ubuntu. The package base is provided by Debian instead.

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im high on life again buddy 

they aint wrong but Harold the giraffe aint around any more and todays equivilant would just be encouraging gay sex

thats what you get for being in a bad home area, the industrial estate lyfe has its advantages: perfect shipping. Direct frieght is just a few streets away. I know the postie personally, the spatial records i have been collecting have all travelled 10560km in perfect condition so far. It costs me 30 dollars to get an entire bike sent up from Melbourne

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand pork knuckle fuck yeah

If I was the girl's father I'd be putting a bullet in that sheboon's skull.

my digestive tract has been fine lately, since the meth purge and the probiotic 

poorly bantered

they cooked thismorning ready for lunch

ill pick away at for lunch and dinner and the left over meat goes in the fridge and onto an elnuro saturday morning

seems like too much effort


the estate does not have a cooktop thats why, i only recently bought a gas one

the reason why i eat so much take out is i want to get the fuck outta the the shop in the afternoons and ride, i am usually rolling past a guzmans on the way home so why not ?

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Which is the aliens where they are stuck on that mausoleum planet and they have that comfy rain storm and the dude is on the roof trying to get comms with the sulaco or whatever the ship  and moofie was called? We should watch that too on womboflix, on consecutive nights.

nuro can't even comprehend what I did here
mysql -N mysql -e "select concat(\"'\", user, \"'@'\", host, \"'\"), authentication_string from user where not user like 'root'" | while read usr pw ; do mysql -N -e "SHOW GRANTS FOR $usr" | sed 's/\(\S\)$/\1;/'; done

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