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The bored four NEETs

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I did the monthly shop.
Picked up a new fleece beanie at Drakes to replace the itchy wool one which has given me the rash.
It was $17, on discount from $22. Looked good quality.
I saw on my receipt after that it had scanned at full price. I said to the checkout matron "I just need to go and do a price check on that beanie" and left the trolley and went to see if I was mistaken about the beanie price. I always do my own price checks these days after too many incidents of muffled phone requests for someone to come and do one which leave me standing there for minutes like a jerk off. When I got to the beanie display I saw on the tag's fine print that the special ended yesterday.
I was going to just return the beanie for a refund or maybe see if the lady would give me the discount price so I would get $5 back but when I explained about the old tag still being up she said I get the beanie for free. $22 back to my debit card and a nice new beanie in my bag.
She took my word for it all too - didn't send anyone else out to verify. A bit of good fortune has gone my way. I was right to renounce natural fibres.
When I want something for free I take the item to another aisle and poo on it and complain to the lady that there's poo on it and I'll get rid of it for them.
canvas. might think about taking the back seats out and moving the cargo cage forward and leaving a crawlspace in the center. Its pretty plush interior. I was worried that the previous owner was a smoker which would have written it off for me. I gotta get a big mat for the boot. Going over it with a fine brush and the vacuum in the sunshine now. 

Might take a break and go for a run and have a bath.
Bunnings delivery driver forgot the 6m lengths of pipe -- the entire reason for opting for delivery.
Ive never watched those movies.
I almost watched it once when I saw it at the video store but it was next to a copy of surf nazis for some reason and I suddenly didn't want to watch it.
I always enjoy using imdb to track down obscure actresses who appeared once nude in mainstream movies for a few seconds. Maybe that's a hobby I can put on my resume.
Why are you simping for government dope? I just told you how bad it was. It came from some mong who has a script and uses it to trade for harder drugs and more of homegrown. Its probably genetically modified to make you retarded.
> Police Academy
Based, I will be there.
George Gaynes as Commandant Lassard, legendary performance.
And Leslie Easterbrook - very easy on the eyes.

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