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The bored four NEETs

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I was worried that the apron was peeking out the bottom of my T-shirt today. I had to walk hunched over to make sure it was covered. But then the T-shirt was riding up at the back, exposing the obese upper crack area.

It is not safe for me to leave the house. This obese body is not fit for public consumption.

Sometimes it is nice to go back and look at things from our younger days.
Also I feel like the passage of time (Police Academy was released 40 years ago!) gives older things new interest because they become a time capsule of a vanished world. It is a different type of humour now.
I think the NEETs will enjoy Police Academy. I hope you will be there with us.

Had my JSP appointment. I'm not sure what their actual purpose is. I've been to 3 now, given my resume, and they've offered me nothing. Each time they just ask me what my plan is and ask me how I'm handling my points target. It's basically a fake service.

I was having a good conversation with a girl. She looked very similar to the girl from late last year. Everything was going well but I panicked for some reason and just nodded my head before power walking away. I went up some steps to get away and she watched me the entire time with a wistful look. What the fuck is wrong with me? I fucking hate myself.

Last night I heard a truck park outside my house so I looked out the window and it was two women who had got out and were looking at their completely unsecured load of tree branches.
They poked a few of them back in and then drove off. It was only when I went out today morning that I saw all the ones they lost down the other end of the street. Branches all over the road, just left right in the middle.
Stupid cunts.

the JSP isnt for you its for the gubberment.

Regular randomised appointments make sure

- you aint overseas banging thai sluts with aussie dollars
- you aint got some other job you didnt tell them about
- are who you say youare and arent lodgine multiple claims

my experience with them was a mix confusion, uselessness, and occaionally utter terror. And i at least tried to dress nice and be on time....

Then he's not an incel. Like the rest of that internet crowd. Just punching above their weight and think they deserve better. No different to the foids they sook about complaining that they can only get beta dave instead of thundercock chad.

She was wearing a frilly black dress with a black flower motif in the lacy bits and some colourful flower patches stictched on. I know that sounds awful but it worked quite well. It was very charming on her.
I have started counting my sightings of flat caps in the city. Today was 7 but a typical day is more like 3 to 5. Mostly on men thrice my age but occasionally a young woman will wear one. I find them quite striking on girls although I think I'd prefer they wore cloche hats.

Kek. I walked around for a bit yesterday without the hat and I wasn't worried. I prefer the look of the hat but it is not so much about hiding the hairline any more. My hair looks a bit like how Jude Law's hair looked in Enemy at the Gates. The barber was right about the short length hiding the thinning.

shit bait cunty

this i usually get boneless lamb shoulder from woolies same deal applies to poink

correct any old key of any old win 7 craptop will work

> expecting a jew meagacorp not to jew

i dont know if i already wnt through this all but two random? hardware failures has made me fully de windows ans de google my workshop, we are now free baby only time windows 10 gets run is win 10 AMe in a Vitual machine

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Which number would you say to Centrelink staff in person?

"I pay my parents ............ board and lodgings weekly"
> a) $360 (minimum to get payout)
> b) $450 (most reasonable for circumstances)
> c) $475 (potential max payout)
> d) $600 (definite max payout)

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its from my own retarded calculations 
the ones online (picrelated) are only lodging, not including board
you shouldn't separate board and lodging, it fucked me over 

board = the provision of meals and accommodation on a regular and continuing or indefinite basis
lodging = the provision of a room that the recipient can access as required on a continuing or indefinite basis

There’s a minimum amount of rent you need to pay to get Rent Assistance. For every $1 of rent you pay above this amount, you’ll get 75c.
If you pay board and lodging, cenno works out how much you can get based on lodging only.
If you can’t tell cenno what you pay for lodging, they use two thirds of the total board and lodging amount you pay as rent. 

2/3 of board + lodging = rent amount 
473 div by 2 = 236.5 x 3 = 708 (max, couple)
314 div by 2 = 157 x 3 = 471 (max single shared)
237 div by 2 = 118.5 x 3 = 355.5 (min couple) 
397 div by 2 = 199 x 3 = 597 (max single/shared)

from picrelated $473 is the largest minimum of any circumstances to get max rent assist

> why am i not on DSP yet
Probably because you underestimate how unwell you are (mental illnesses can be invisible to some extent to the sufferer - it just seems "normal") and possibly because you have felt too overwhelmed to go through the steps and scrutiny needed for a DSP application.

You should do it NEET.

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Your regular reminder that /ausneets/ is looking for a new BO!

If you would like to be the new BO please email solidneet@protonmail.com

So far the only applicant is Tiffin. One other NEET has emailed to endorse Tiffin.

Bean NEET has emailed to offer his services as a volunteer for the new BO when chosen.

So the tank works perfectly and the stand its on is steel, but you saw some easily repairable wood had rotted which prompted this clumsy, misbegotten adventure to deal with a small chore, in the end. You do You, neet, and enjoy.

The new BO will need to ba a high quality NEET. One who does not disrupt the board with bad behaviour. One who does not indulge in brown snake attacks on other NEETs.
The new BO will need to have the time to be present to moderate the board.
The new BO cannot be someone who wants to make any radical changes.

That is about all I can think of.

Are you resigning or just getting more help?

I'm not sure if it exists already, but have you ever considered a board for aussies in general and not just neets?
A wider audience would get more traffic and allow for more specific niches like aus cars and whatnot. 
The board as it stands currently is basically just 1 repeating general, I think it has more potential.

I was working with a server hosting autist trying to make an aussie-only chan website based off the 8chan.moe framework,
but we couldn't find someone who would do webdev for free and went our own ways.

I have done many ad runs before and would happily pay to advertise a similar project to get enough traffic.

> not just neets
It is not just for neets and not just for Australians.
But it has a specific format.
> allow for more specific niches like aus cars and whatnot. 
> I was working with a server hosting autist trying to make an aussie-only chan website based off the 8chan.moe framework,
but we couldn't find someone who would do webdev for free and went our own ways.
This is Endchan, you can make your own boards, and don't have to be bothered with running a server and a website since it's already in place.

I went outside to collect a large strawberry sundae and a large chocolate sundae and there was a Possum on the neighbour's shed looking at me and then pajeet rocked up and said they gave me the aforementioned large sundaes as well as two regular sundaes so I had four sundaes and it was a struggle to eat them

> This is Endchan, you can make your own boards, and don't have to be bothered with running a server and a website since it's already in place.
We wanted to make a standalone website that was not associated with whatever other questionable boards are on the host chan forum
We also made it specifically to only allow IPs from Australia, everything outside blocked
Making it into our own actual brand was important too, plus the potential (but very unlikely) ad revenue if it took off

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Typical dumb roastie . Cold so puts on beanie, leaves midriff exposed

Bought seat covers for the wagon. Thinking of getting bonnet lining and new bonnet seals. Just cleaned the door seal trim and painted it with tyre black. Heaps of stuff I want to do but have to wait for shit to come in the mail or go to the auto shop.

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I've been busy and woed. There are no new Olives but you can have a nordy Debicki clavicle shot instead. Ask your mummybot for permission before clicking on it.
I didn't talk to any girls at all today. I probably should've but I've got a sore throat all of a sudden which has made me insecure about my voice and I am too woed to handle a rejection at the moment. I need to get onto this gf hunting business though. I will possibly make a big effort tomorrow to take a girl to the museum.

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I keep thinking about how that poker machine took $100 off me as easy as if it were nothing. The disrespect.
I think I need to face the bullfighter again and win my money back. I won't be able to move on with my life until then.

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Was fretting about how to move the cargo barrier up to the second pillar in the wagon. It weighs a shit ton and Its rusty and eventually I want to get rid of the back bench seat too. I popped the trim clip and lo there was a M10 threaded insert under it. Together with the ones further back I can easily install a bar going up the sides of the roof and then attach a curtain rail kind of thing across the top. The way forward is now clear, soon I will have a kind of panel van. Panzerburgers for tea, getting a bit tired of the recipie so I put chilli flakes in. Lol.

watching the second episode of The Boys. It does me good to watch tv from time to time, 99% of the time I'm just watching tech or history videos on youtube. Need more balance in my life.

Good work neet, all neets should be trying to finish books on a regular basis, improve their minds, or at least practice doing something on a regular basis. I'm currently reading William Gibson's Peripheral, not his best work, but should finish it this week.

Watching videos about 50cc mopeds. Got a softspot for them since I had one when I was 16. It was a chinese brand adlay or something. I wwas jealous of the chads at school who had hondas or yamahas.

> A police witness has been accused of lying and plotting to disrupt the double-murder trial of former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn with a “half-baked” theory. 
> Mr Gellatly said there were no traces of blood on the external surface, but “red-brown staining” was swabbed from inside the barrel.
> “We have a theory, or there’s a known phenomenon with firearms – when they’re fired, there’s a vacuum that’s created in the barrel and blood can be drawn back in,” he said.

It is our duty to dislike YouTube videos while the working-class slave away to distract themselves from the fact they all want to die. Only we have the true perception of what is "worth watching". We ARE the algorithm. Would anyone like to see a photo of my cock?

It's just that ASIO are horny for me and their fed-tap has my IP all fucked up. I can never get banned from /pol/ because of it.

This is my fate because I am Nietzsche, and therefore, National Socialism exists under my foot (as balance, such as the earth under the foot of all living beings who have not been dismembered)

> Live in the cardboard house
sorry mate i queensland so its not allowed. i'm squatting on a cops property and blackmailing them by threatening "if u kick me off this land mate you'll be forcing me to break the law. you'll lose your job mate."

it's about the closest you can get to a bribe these days if you're not already a lawyer

i promise my illiteracy is normal straight up qld alcoholism and not ASIO Training Program 122: Appearing Intoxicated While Wearing iPad-Bum-Bags and Trying to Convince 18-Year-Olds to sell you "Black Beauties" As a 40-Year-Old, High-Blood Pressure (Obese, but in Denial) Training Course.

Hi NEETs. I got myself out of bed early with the promise of a coffee and when I looked at the carton of milk it said lactose free, sos Is DYOR and it turns out they put biologics in the milk now. Might write a letter to the company and complain.

Just noticed you were adding biologics to my milk. Maybe you shouldnt do that. I'm sure its an orthomolecule to humans, at least to most of us whites. The thing is it hasnt been rigorously tested, apparrently and the process of extracting lactase from the recombinant yeast or whatever is often dodgy and leaves in lots of other untested biologics, such that I understand. 

Just saying. 
dont reply. 

Trust the plan
> Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in New York hush money trial

its either this legal bullshit and he loses / get disqualified for the election


he wins and they have to backpack nuke trump in new york or florida 

either way this is obama's third term in office, the CIA killed kenenedy, did 911, and under no circumstances will allow trump to serve another term as president.

> "Before the event even begins, each bull grows substantially weaker as he is subjected to physical and psychological abuse. Common practices include beating the bull, giving the animal tranquilizers and laxatives, and rubbing petroleum on his eyes to blur his vision, and having heavy weights hung around his neck. The aim of these practices is to deplete the bulls’ physical strength so that the bullfighters are able to finish them off in the arena."
The bull always dies neet. Don't be the bull.

Barry still hasn't touched the falcon, he had many excuses and rang off abruptly when I asked him to look at the wagon. Still fretting about the cargo barrier and a million other things on the new wagon. Even if I e-buy all the things I need today, it'll take weeks to even start to look at them and then figure out the other things I need to e-buy to do it. Just gonna give it my best guess and it wont take more than a trip or two to bunnings for the bolts and washers and stuff. Might think about spraying the bonnet because its stone chipped AF. The headlights are the same.

Their “admin” pajeet (who did bugger all) went somewhere else just before they said my services were no longer required. Got asked to look at something this morning for them and can see shit going badly wrong elsewhere.

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Sunday night on womboflix will be Police Academy (1984) - the mayor declares that anyone can enroll in the police academy irrespective of their physical condition or education level, and many misfits descend on the academy, including a young troublemaker who's forced to apply or go to jail

> Aussie fast food chain Guzman y Gomez to go public on stock exchange to turbocharge $200m planned expansion

I intended to find a girl to take on a date today but I failed to do so. I had a few decent opportunities but I kept getting too nervous. It was unwise of me to set the goal I did because it increased the pressure. I think the whole thing works best if I just treat it as a fun little game in which the reward is the play. I had a brief chat with a girl at one point after she smiled at me in a stairwell. It started off well but then I got spooked and said goodbye before walking off. She was fairly tall (a tad shorter than me) too so I'm fucking spewing (I haven't had a girl taller than me be the slightest bit interested in me since year 10 but she went to a different school for years 11 and 12. She is a paramedic in Sydney these days). At least she has replaced the girl in black as my imaginary gf for the time being.
A problem I have at uni is that the need to be quiet in the library keeps me from talking to girls there except in the hallways and stairwells which is pretty limiting as it is down to chance. The main student area (hub central) doesn't have that problem but girls there tend to be in groups (which makes the approach even more intimidating) or really focused. The girl on Wednesday was sitting outside one of the buildings and the girl on Monday was in hub central but she kept making eye contact which I took as an invitation. It occurred to me that talking to girls that are walking around outside avoids the noise issue, the group-of-girls issue and the issue of her-sitting-whilst-I-am-standing. I did a trial run by talking to an Arab girl on Frome street about her umbrella and she responded quite well. I tried again with a nerdy looking girl who was wearing a lolita outfit. She was polite but clearly not interested. Anyway, do you think that approaching girls at Rundle Mall might be a good idea? (As opposed to limiting myself to the uni?)

There is probably no harm in stopping and talking to a girl in the mall if she has made eye contact with you and looks friendly.
I wouldn't go from girl-to-girl-to-girl  in a small area however, as people will notice and think you're a bit weird.
I'm probably the last person you should ask on these matters, however.

Okay, thanks.
I wasn't planning on doing some PUA style spamming or anything. Something feels odd about it. I guess I am just not used to it.
I don't want to appear as though I lack confidence (no matter how true this may be) but I may start doing so. It doesn't really cost anything (except the remnants of my dignity) so I may as well go all out and hope for the best.

> Bruce Lehrmann, a second-year law student, has shocked the legal fraternity with the suggestion he will represent himself in his high-stakes Federal Court appeal.
Bruce is on tilt.

> Contrary to media reports, renowned barrister Margaret Cunneen confirmed to news.com.au that she is not involved in the appeal and nor is Guy Reynolds SC who was initially consulted.
> and nor is
That hurt to read. Stopped there.

It does a perfect job too
> Putting it together, the phrase suggests that a smooth, well-defined neck is seen as a characteristic trait (phenotype) of someone with a refined, aristocratic appearance (patrician) and a leadership presence (executive).

> "Violence is absolutely unacceptable in our democracy," Scholz said.
> "our govt. enacts a €100 billion rearmament - Sholz said in 2022
> "let's send more weapons to Ukraine" - Sholz said last thursday
> "we shuold take out the Crimean bridge with our Taurus missiles" - Sholz said last thursday again

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