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The bored four NEETs

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I bought some carrots from woolies but they have a strange bitter taste to them which persists despite washing. How should I cook them? I normally just eat them raw.
I bought several kg of cashews. Diet wagon is over. I've eaten about 500g just today. Each time I wander through the kitchen I grab a handful.
I've been having nicotine lozenges these past few weeks, even though I've never been a smoker. I just wanted some extra stimulation. But nicotine is fucking terrible for you, I need to give it up before I get addicted.
Yep. Never had to pull over while drink driving and smoking a cigarette, but when I hit the ICE KING vape or whatever it's called. Jesus Louisus.
When I was in primary school there was a particular spot on the route where the driver would always stop and have a smoke in front the bus.
Fun Fact!

As an alcoholic, I learned that booze cans are designed to be quieter to open compared to soft drinks. This is because alcoholics need to hide their drinking, whereas soft drinks market the sound: "Wow! Loud crack and fizzle! Pop! Bang! Snap! Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong! The holocaust never happened!"
Watching Critical Drinkers video on Falling Down. Pretty good, haven't watched much Critical Drinker
I had a horrible restless sleep. Unsure if I should just lay in bed and try to get some more or get up and start cracking on the day.
Cant be buggered having a shower. Even making a coffee seems too hard. Alarm went off half an hour ago and I need to leave in 20. Still under the blanket.
Listen to my tale of woe, NEETs.
> Coffee day, put two creamers in to thick sour percolate

> drink three fifths

> creamer has sludged up at the bottom

> try to salvage with tea strainer

> clogs up and makes a mess

> tea strainer breaks

> have idea to heat it up in the mike to melt solids

> pops and sludges the mike

> strainer in the bin and a big cleanup

> no refunds

That ozempic south park episode has a good point at the end, with all the pressure from big pharma and big goyslop being insurmountable for most consoomers. Choices are choices but maybe they're not choices so much in the end.
the 4wd shop quoted me 2400 for a bullbar and a tranny cooler is either a thousand or eighty dollars and there is nothing in between. 
My tax return better hurry up and be freakin massive.
sugar, low fibre, energy drinks
> secondhand 

unobtanium, plus the salesman told me that new is the way to go and even tho they are made in chyna they are totally high quality and worth it. The six hundered for installation is because they are tricky and I shouldnt do it my self. 
> towing

Tranny coolers in falcons are ticking time bombs, according to the mechainic at the euro tranmission specialist i called yesterday.
about to email the boss that I can't go and see a client tomorrow because I can't afford petrol or parking this week
If anyone plans on getting a weed prescription, say "I am depressed (but not having suicidal thoughts), have insomnia, and social anxiety. I have tried other meds (and you will have to name which ones you have "tried"), and that you have already begun self-medicating with cannabis and consume about a fifty (3-4g) per day."
Also, if you have ADHD and admit to being prescribed mneds like dexamphetamine, you won't be prescribed the weed. So forget to mention that you have ADHD and just dodge the bullet altogether
I don't give a fuck you dildo. People would prefer you to not exist. I provide useful information without warrant. Go think about why nobody loves you. I'm sure you will avoid confronting the horrific truth that it is because you are such an insufferable bastard who provides nothing except a pathetic cry for help through the projections of your misery. Please, I beg of you, become part of a statistic so you can make use of your worthless existence. Save the oxygen for the rest of us.
Mate I am screeching and bashing my desk and walls and flinging shit everywhere like an enraged baboon right now. Please have mercy on my emotional fragility before I unleash my bipolar
Next life I will incarnate as a tsundere Japanese female and take hormone blockers to maintain a youthful appearance to get votes from a blatantly hebephiliac human population and establish an authoritarian regime.
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Attn Gary, Ultra performance euro automotive.
Hi Gary
I just bought a Falcon BF III 6cyl petrol with a 4spd automatic M93LE transmission. It hasnt been serviced much and the transmission cooler is a ticking time bomb IMHO. I would like to commission you to relpace the cooler with genuine PWM performance cooler, a general service and oil flush and if you could inspect the main oil seal behind the bell housing. Which is leaking.  see pic rel. 
You said in our recent phone conversation that it would be about six weeks before you could fit me in, this is fine, I will also have the underside of the car cleaned as per your request. 
> It hasnt been serviced much and the transmission cooler is a ticking time bomb

> Going over it starting tomorrow but I'm probably going to be disappointed that there is basically nothing to do
Go on a diet of low-calorie protein balls (you can easily make this at home in like 1-3 minutes), boiled egg whites, and then eat something like a bread wrap with meat in it and vegetables once a day for macros. Try to hold out on sauces or anything with sugar. Do your best, don't hate yourself if you struggle or break your diet. Trust your body, but beware the illusions of hunger that MSG will give you, and the addiction of sugar. Trust me. Being attractive makes like 50x easier and you don't have to care about social anxiety anymore because people are anxious about upsetting you because you're going to be so attractive.
In Adam Neely's video titled 'What makes the Grahams sound scary?', at the 4min mark, the guy in the banner that says get in the corvette is on screen in a bit about gamers click latency. 
I see him everywhere.
I think I have told the story before about how I was in the bad home woolies and two girls were walking through the aisles eating a rotisserie chicken and throwing the bones on the floor as they went.
Based as fuck. Aboriginals are so root-chakra.

I remember when I was starting high school, there was this dude who would go into the stationery and tear open a pack of rubber bands and put a handful in his pocket before dropping them so he could flick them at people during classes. I don't think he finished grade 8. The last time I saw him he looked like an actual gorilla with a carton of Jack Daniels Cola in his arm as he sat drinking and yelling on the bus.

Sigh... gone are the days where our teacher made us cheer when he got 11/30 words spelled correctly on the Friday tests.
There is a banner, on ausneets, wich says something like get in the car with a picture of a person and a caption claiming its weber. I saw that person in a video.
>  he looked like an actual gorilla with a carton of Jack Daniels Cola in his arm as he sat drinking and yelling on the bus.
When I grow up, I want to be like this guy
His brazenness expresses a sense of liberation that enlightens the victim of domestic abuse and strict control into comprehending realities they once thought impossible.
Sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, garlic, lemon juice, smoked paprika sauce is ready for my doner kebabs later.
do it, but also get an ice cream making machine (without a chinese plug) and make low-calorie high-volume ice cream so u can eat more and not get sick
Like the McDonalds deal that didn't exist the other day. I think they make shit up knowing a large proportion of people will be too ashamed to leave empty handed and will order something else.
Fitting for a company that fed humans their own meat back when the Annunaki reptilians controlled this planet recently and has the gates of hell as their logo.
I thought there was a severed cat arm in the fridge for some reason until I completely processed the image. I was thinking, "Why only keep the arm?"
Capitalisation is all that is needed, democracy is what we don't need. The market dictates the narrative and the truth is the one that sells best.
Thank fuck. The HR gook accepted my request to move the interview to tomorrow. But I've already opened a can...
Got to go into the city again. Just did a poo and need another one. Too much protein, was like shitting a bag full of d&d dice.
I think so, but I might have also been human at the time. Shapeshifting is disinfo. They actually used metaphysical technology to dissonate the soul with the directing mind, putting it into a slumber state while forcing neural pathways to fit the willpower of the user of the human.
I used ROLI Equator synth cos it's all I had at the time. I think the synth preset I used was "Double Bass Bow" or something like that. I wished it didn't have such direct impact but who cares honestly. The choir chords and solo near the end I just added because it sounded boring af to repeat the thing melody twice
It's the private recruiters who work in corporations for tax purposes but receive 100% of commissions that actually are good. They're basically working as an independent recruitment contractor within the corporation. I don't know how the money worked because I was trying to get fired for like 2 years so I could go back on Cenno (they were just using me for the worker credit or whatever it was), but had I known that at the time, I wouldn't have even called sick on the 80% of days I didn't show up
They did ad hoc which was nightmarish, because ad hoc workers are actually all just users on this board. But I mainly hired for casual-to-full-time or whatever the original terminology was.
Me too mate. They're all qualified and shit. Retarded. Like, what, they left high school and were like, "Yeah, school. I'll do more of that." Cringe as fuck bro. Just become a junkie like a real man.
I still call it casual. They got a 5% pay rise a couple of days ago. Same cunts will be sooking about how groceries and rent go up in a months time.
Hoping it processed subconscious blockages and healed you somehow

I remember I was taught that it's a red flag if anyone says, "I just need a job," or "I need money," when you ask, "What are you looking for in a job?"

I had to turn down so many people because my supervisor was like "You need to find people that specifically want the job." And I was hiring for a steel factory. I researched "Why would anybody want to work in a steel factory." I'm pretty sure all I found was some public relations article clearly funded by a steel industry magnate. It preyed upon the virtues of traditionalism, stoicism, and probably self-emotional neglect. I swear, self-harm only exists in the younger generations today because of the permanent DNA fuckery humanity instilled during its near-slave labour. I couldn't rationalise how anyone except someone who needs lots of cash fast would want to work in a steel factory. They don't even have air con. Fuck that.

It was a courage can which I have now stopped drinking 

No they don't. It wasn't a recruiter either, plus it's an international company and they scheduled my interview for 17:30 so its not unprecedented that I'd be busy. Winning.
You need to watch some Itchy and Scratchy, smoke a DMT blunt wrapped in the Talmud, and chill the fuck out bro. Don't get all Ketubot 11b on me now.
I'm pretty sure this is AIDSkike from end/pol/ lmfao. His expressionistic prose cannot be matched. 

So much passion. I would put paper into a wall for you and salute to the American flag on all of my posts. And I would even wear the little circle hat to prevent sunburn from the bald spot which is genetically inherent of all descendants of Caanan. 

What is Jeffery Epstein's new name? Mohammad Blinkshillakka Istanestein?
I'm not really a stigma guy. I genuinely don't give a shit what other people think. I mean I usually wear pants in public and drive on the same side of the road as everyone else, but that's it.
> no stigma
The only people that could be upset already passed out from exhaustion so they can wake up with enough energy for work tomorrow; cogs whose purpose is to ultimately fund the drug-addictions their children will develop as a result of emotional neglect.
Neglect is abuse. Abuse is the source of trauma, and it counts as anything that is a response to one's own incapability to cope with their own emotional distresses, therefore putting them onto others.
I remember when I was first posting here, back before Monaro's nervous breakdown and when cruisey was earning a honest wage. I thought those two were actual South Australia boongs, not the jewish mischling and irish nigger they turned out as.
One may weep at the effects of Mossad Internet users, but our tears fall only to nourish the ground to sustain the next reincarnation of [redacted]. <3 We're together in this <3
by the way, by "not that white" i meant imbred. i just forgot to put in the italics and also i forgot what else i was about to say. these hard solos i tell ya
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What's it called when you're coming down off caffeine and you start stressing over literally everything and feel like you're in hell?
Pajeet taxi driver outside yammering into the headset in some primitive Punjabi dialect. How I hate them.
Justin Bieber is a heroin addict. Taylor Swift only likes doing heroin when she really wants to be fucked by a "stranger". Trust me, I am the antichrist. They all sold their souls to me so I get leaks of their realities.
Anxiety, bro. Water down your caffeine. I promise you, feds won't be coming to your house about the [redacted] shit you're doing unless you hurt [an individual involved] emotionally. Rejection is the source of vengeance.
> my life is genuinely fucked
Shut the fuck up, cunt. What are you, a mistake? Darwinist natural selection dictates that if you can't adapt, you were fucked from the start. Man up. Sort yourself out. If you end up in prison, make it work. Or die.
Electric cars are stupid because of the laws of physics
How on Earth does it make sense for a car to lug around a big arse lithium battery and have to go to a charging station every day in order to work? You can't do commercial freight on land with this bullshit, why would personal transportation scale past the early adopted phase much better? Liquid fuel in combustion engines is simply energetically superior. May as well attach a fucking rocket to the back of your car and burn liquid oxygen, it'd be more efficient than some electric car.
> You can't do commercial freight on land with this bullshit
Companies have been whizzing in trucks for a month 
So it's illegal for Australians to leave the country and fight as mercenaries, but the Government is fine with mercenaries coming here to pad out the ADF?
Roman Empire 2.0
Just because it's the 2nd version it doesn't mean it's improved in any way, btw.

Ukraine will have bunch of people looking for work abroad soon-ish, but with very specific qualifications.
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evening m8
fuck the blue helmets are all going to be from the solomon islands aint it, they already security at every cenno
the goon copter takes off but never lands 
become a bikie or a cop
the legislation as stated is not that but will no doubt become that

meanwhile NEETs guzman gomez is listing on the ASX for 2.2 billion dollary doos
> Ukraine will have bunch of people looking for work abroad soon-ish, but with very specific qualifications.
Just the sort of losers we need in the ADF.
> pic relat3d
because it's literally nutritious as fuck.

Rasta is where it's at. Bikies are succubus to corrupt cops which are whores to the rothschilds. 
No homo, but Babylon needs to go yesterday.
Finished the tub of french onion dip which was meant to last the session before I finished the first beer.
It's rumoured he works on heavily classified work. Another rumour says the right combination of presses on the disabled toilet reveals his lab used for this work.
I'm going to punch every inch of the toilets in my local vicinity right now. AND THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO GAMBLE ON THE INTERMITTENT-REINFORCEMENT MACHINES
> guzman y gomez
Lotsa beans? And beef.

Winners rarely move. There's a reason why so many Irish and Scott on English colonies.

No. They just rewrote the C as Caesar code into Java. Introducing more bugs.

They built things to last. We have planned obsolescence.
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This weekend's movies on womboflix will be The Place Beyond The Pines (2012) - about a stunt rider turns into a robber in order to lead a happy life with his child and lover and grabs the attention of a police officer. They both get on a collision course that affects their families. The other movie will be Annie Hall (1977), where Woody Allen plays a neurotic jew with a goy love interest, unlike all his other movies.
when i was 14, used reddit at school. it led me to become aware of 4chan. i felt humiliated and felt a need to fit in, and the most emotionally harmful people ended up directing me to /pol/. because i was so insecure about not being accepted, i integrated with the purists of the culture, which led me to 8chan, which led me to end/pol/.

i was radicalised as fuck—still have not been proven wrong from what i learned—ended up getting older and did lots of criminal things (allegedly). got my pc nuked—lost all my “classified” docs. dont rly care abt politics anymore—partied lots when had no pc or digital identity—was always on Centrelink because free money. love pussy—love drugs.

got my pc back—needed new identity—figured “be myself” and now im here bcos i have a stable enough life free from domestic issues
I’m going to go to his place I think. I can’t tell what he is talking about because he is drunk. The manager just took his drink away. I want to take some of his booze
afraid to get on the scales, haven't weighed myself this year, the only good news is that my 4xl hoodie still fits and is fairly loose
Bloke on the Gawler train put one of those enamel camping mugs on the ground, filled it up with goon and is now drinking it. He used to be a stockman and a commercial fisherman. He told me my hat makes me look like the sort of bloke who'd drive a classic car "like an MG convertible".
He is now politely humming but I am too polite to move away. He told me that he was in the RAAF, that shaving with salt water is difficult, and that sea snakes are pretty docile so you can just grab them and throw them out of the nets.
It's because it wasn't on the proper chinaman. The second machine was choy's kingdom, but I had to pick it from a list of games. I need a dedicated machine.
client just called
"are you coming in today?"
"why not?"
"can't afford to park my car"
[stunned silence, hangs up]
I could go to the bank and shift some money out of my savings, but then I forfeit interest for the month.
It's more the principal of the thing. I took a $35k+ pay cut 18 months ago when the business was dire and things are starting to come to a head in terms of not being able to put any savings away or have money left over at the end of the week.
New Star Wars series torrents are out. First two episodes.

I reckon it is going to be an absolute stinker but I will keep an open mind.
I brought it up about 8 weeks ago when I exploded at the Whizzers.
I broke down my income and expenses for this week and last when he just emailed me after hearing of the phone call.
I don't know how much plainer I can make it for him.
a recruiter girl emailed me yesterday about a $135-145k + super job but I don't think I'm in the right headspace to go through interviews stuff at the moment
girls should have their feet surgically removed and frozen until they are married off, at which point they can be thawed and reattached
just shopping, but she wore cork wedge heels (thong style) maybe they're called wedge sandals. you are probably more used to them in aus, but rare in my country and it got me going
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> https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-05/esafety-elon-musk-x-church-stabbing-videos-court-case/103937152
> eSafety drops case against Elon Musk's X over church stabbing videos
Remote tribe hooked on porn after finally getting internet
> Introduction of Starlink turns some Brazilian tribesmen into ‘lazy addicts’ glued to their phones
Just had a neet show up to my house in dirty clothes asking if I had any food, who's looking after them and why isn't the government doing anything about it?
> https://www.9news.com.au/national/ndis-system-health-rorts-mark-butler-calls-for-legislation-to-pass-parliament/0fd1242a-55c5-4bc4-9690-b752e6c7818a
> Federal Health Minister Mark Butler says revelations of large-scale fraud in the NDIS are "incredibly alarming" amid reports dodgy providers were spending millions of taxpayer dollars on cars, holidays, and drugs.
Not to mention tugs
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> https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-05/federal-parliament-live-blog-june-6-senate-estimates/103936464
> Federal politics live: Elon Musk 'dog whistle' led to my children being doxxed, eSafety commissioner says
The censor fears the rocket man
> Freedom of speech is worth fighting for https://t.co/nt71m3wPOF
> — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 5, 2024
he has a funny definition of freedom of speech, considering he still bans people for saying nigger
fukn american civillians learned from this and now openly carry large caliber battle rifles with bump stocks and seventy round drum magazines. They fantasize about this happening in front of them. Abused circus animals dont stand a chance nowadays.
Once I would have said human life is always more valuable than animal life. But that is not the case any more.
The Harambe incident redpilled me.
Thanks neet but I chickened out. I told her I liked her outfit and then immediately walked away again. I walked past her later on and she smiled at me but I was too timid and unprepared. She is friends with another girl who I recognise. I don't know the second girl's name or anything but I know where she hangs around so I might try to catch her tomorrow. Awful day today. Done basically nothing. I didn't shave. I look like a boong. Very anxious today. I'm not sure if I should just relax with a bottle of rose or try to be productive. A young man shouted "Is that Tom fucking Shelby?!" at me at uni before which caused a bunch of people to look at me. I didn't recognise the name but I understood at once with the way he shouted it and the context. I didn't correct him that I am drsssed as Tom Ripley, not Tom Shelby. I've had people mock me for the hat a few times now. Shouting "Peaky Blinders" or banging on an Irish or Cockney accent is not uncommon. My hair is long enough now I often go without it, but I've come to like wearing it. And I must admit I somewhat enjoy the reactions - both the insults and the compliments.
Cheers. Yeah, I've been making a point of it. It is way easier than I expected. Young men find it weird but for the most part people seem to enjoy it.
The train gooner started crying as the train pulled into the station. He was trying to tell me about something but couldn't because of his sobbing. I thought about staying with him to help him get off the train as he was struggling to stand due to his drunkenness but he insisted he was fine. Strange bloke.
do those magnetic phone mounts for cars work or are they a meme? I keep imagining my phone falling off them whenever I go over a speed bump
The lizbef souf bakery gook would give a mean tug. Would get vocal about taking too long and comment on the time a lot.
> drsssed as Tom Ripley, not Tom Shelby
Heh. You're quite the social outgoer. Good to see.
Don't get too friendly with the drunks, they'll remember ypu next time and want smokes or change.
Had a wank and a mettwurst, cucumber, cheese and hot english mustard roll. Cleared sinuses on both ends
> She is friends with another girl who I recognise. I don't know the second girl's name or anything but I know where she hangs around so I might try to catch her tomorrow.
Wear her face as a mask and put her clothes on and then you can get really close to the tall girl.
lol the other day in this trial a cop was called a liar and told he was making shit up
today the lead detective agrees with the defence lawyer that everything the dude said lines up and is "spot on" with the evidence
hopefully he is back flying planes in a year or two
If he had only killed one old prick he might have got away with an "it was an accident" defence.
But not for both of them. Jury will convict.
> The court was told that Mr Lynn and his wife, Melanie, were secretly recorded watching the program on November 13, with Mrs Lynn commenting that the vehicle “really looked like his car and trailer”
In the quiet, sun-soaked suburbs of Adelaide, Australia, a unique group of individuals existed, bound by a shared status and an unspoken camaraderie. They were the NEETs—Not in Education, Employment, or Training. Their days were often filled with the mundane yet deeply personal rituals that made up their lives.

One particular Friday in late May, the air was crisp and the conversations on their favorite online forum were as lively as ever. NEET General #845, fondly referred to as the "Fungus Edition," had garnered quite the attention. The thread began with an innocuous question: "Do you NEETs have strong opinions about mushrooms?" This simple inquiry spiraled into a cascade of posts, revealing the quirks and daily routines of its contributors.

At 3 PM, one NEET, still groggy from an ill-timed caffeine binge the night before, lamented, "Why did I drink that bottle of coke last night? I will never fucking learn." The struggle of sleepless nights and the consequences of their choices were a common theme.

As the thread progressed, another NEET, evidently amused by the previous comments, simply posted "ShhroOoms" followed by a picture that seemed to capture the essence of their shared absurdity. A series of quick, humorous exchanges followed, from comments on duck memes to morning greetings, each laden with a dry wit that only they could fully appreciate.

Their discussions were often interrupted by real-life intrusions. One NEET mentioned, "Having to do a poo, so this plan is on hold," which was met with empathetic yet humorous responses about the minor delays and detours that filled their daily lives.

Amidst the lighthearted banter, there was also a thread of genuine concern and updates on their health and well-being. "I hope Bill's still alive," one NEET posted, referring to a mutual friend who was undergoing medical tests. Updates about Bill's condition were shared, showing a depth of care and community spirit among the group.

As evening approached, the conversations turned towards their evening plans. "Clerks today, fellas! At 7 PM," one announced, referring to their plan to watch a classic film together. Despite the physical distance, these virtual gatherings brought a sense of closeness.

The night carried on with discussions ranging from the ridiculous to the deeply introspective. One NEET confessed, "Might have some ice cream for breakfast, need to start gutmaxxing to avoid the draft." This comment, while humorous, touched on a broader discussion about societal expectations and their unique ways of resisting them.

By the end of the day, the thread had covered a myriad of topics—from the trivial to the profound. The NEETs shared music recommendations, debated the merits of the latest Mad Max movie, and joked about the inevitable rise in their HECs debts. Through it all, they maintained a tone of mutual understanding and support, a testament to their shared experience.

In the microcosm of their forum, these NEETs found a place where they could express themselves freely, where every post was a thread in the rich tapestry of their collective narrative. Their lives, though unconventional, were marked by a unique blend of humor, resilience, and an unwavering bond that tied them together across the vast expanses of the digital world.
> Their discussions were often interrupted by real-life intrusions. One NEET mentioned, "Having to do a poo, so this plan is on hold," which was met with empathetic yet humorous responses about the minor delays and detours that filled their daily lives
Evening NEETies

I wanted to leave the estate thisafternoon to go for a ride and get a battery for Lancia but the traffic was piling up one roundabout before the exit (thats really bad) turned around. Drinking
back at the office... in local news 

> some one tried the ol sideney stabee stabee

> cucksheds denied
Uber Eats banned me from buying booze the fucking bastards, implying I have an alcohol problem. Nonsense! It's just me fuckin' weed script hadn't arrived in the post yet
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thumbnail of DALL·E 2024-06-05 18.34.13 - A dark, moody digital art scene depicting a group of individuals sitting in dimly lit rooms, each illuminated by the cold glow of their computer scree.webp
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In the dimly lit rooms of various suburban homes across Adelaide, Australia, a group of individuals connected through the cold glow of their computer screens. These were the NEETs—Not in Education, Employment, or Training. Their existence was marked by a blend of humor, despair, and a unique camaraderie that could only be understood by those who lived it.

It was a chilly Friday in late May, and the air carried a sense of ennui that was mirrored in the conversations of NEET General #845, the "Fungus Edition." The thread opened with an innocuous question about mushrooms, quickly devolving into a series of sarcastic and self-deprecating remarks that captured the essence of their shared existence.

"Do you NEETs have strong opinions about mushrooms?" one user posted. The replies were swift and sardonic. "ShhroOoms," one simply responded, while another quipped, "Horny." The tone was set—this was a space where humor masked a deeper sense of disillusionment.

Amidst the banter, one NEET shared a moment of regret: "Why did I drink that bottle of coke last night? I will never fucking learn." It was a sentiment that resonated deeply. Their days were filled with small, often meaningless choices that only seemed to amplify their sense of aimlessness. "Having to do a poo, so this plan is on hold," another chimed in, turning even bodily functions into a shared joke that underscored the triviality of their daily lives.

The conversation meandered, touching on everything from morning greetings to the latest memes. "Good morning NEETs," one user posted, followed by a dry "mording" from another. It was a ritual of sorts, these small acknowledgments of existence that kept the thread alive.

But beneath the humor and the routine updates lay a deeper undercurrent of despair. "I hope Bill's still alive," one NEET posted, referring to a friend undergoing medical tests. The updates that followed were a mix of genuine concern and dark humor. "Fucking hell, poor cunt," came the reply. It was a stark reminder of the fragility of their connections and the omnipresent specter of mortality.

As evening approached, the conversation turned to plans for the night. "Clerks today, fellas! At 7 PM," one announced, inviting the group to a virtual movie night. This small gesture of togetherness was met with enthusiasm, even as it was laced with a sense of futility. "Might have some ice cream for breakfast, need to start gutmaxxing to avoid the draft," another joked, blending humor with a subtle critique of societal expectations.

Throughout the thread, there were moments that hinted at the darker realities of their lives. "This board is for losers who hate themselves and often each other," one NEET confessed. It was a brutal honesty that cut through the veneer of their interactions, revealing the self-loathing and mutual disdain that often defined their community.

Yet, amidst the toxicity and the despair, there were also glimpses of resilience. They laughed together, mocked each other, and shared in the absurdity of their existence. "Tears?" one NEET asked, to which another replied, "Not today..." It was a small victory, a moment of defiance against the overwhelming sense of hopelessness that threatened to consume them.

In the microcosm of their forum, the NEETs found a space where they could be unapologetically themselves. Their lives, though marked by a deep sense of rejection and despair, were also filled with a unique blend of humor and resilience. They were running out the clock on their lives, but they were doing it together, bound by the shared experience of their existential plight.

This was the true essence of the NEET community—a place where laughter and tears coexisted, where the mundane and the profound intertwined, and where even the smallest gestures of connection held immense significance in their shared journey through the void.
> They were running out the clock on their lives, but they were doing it together, bound by the shared experience of their existential plight.
If only we knew how bad things really were...
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Lost my birth certificate. I had it just last week. I don't know how this mong shit keeps happening to me. Maybe it's just my mong nature. Mongs gonna mong.
Nuro should do the video interviews for neets. I bet he sounds all confident and has no hesitation in bullshiting about topics he doesn't know.
I don't do drugs or alcohol. Wonder if I could make a living selling my piss online to help druggies and alcos get jobs operating heavy machinery.
They temperature test piss. It's quite hard to cheat these days. Or at least that's what they told me when I had to piss for the ones doing the sheltered workshop's tests.
Well I guess its time to get my forklift license and settle in for a life of poverty and loneliness. 
I might blow this 4 grand on a trip to Asia while I'm still NEETing. Could probably squeeze 6 weeks out of it before I make peace with my disaffected and disenfranchised, outer suburban scornful chud existence
Your problem is these online interviews make it too easy for you to run away. Go to some in-person interviews where you can't run out the door.
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fuck sake you stupid fuck, the rolls royce museum is on the other side of workshop wall, i helped the the owner diagnose an ATF electrical bug and find the the hidden dipstick when he just bought his car and drove up from brisbane, he was so thankfull he gave me club membership and club pltes for the lancia, so go suck a bag of dicks

its Nuro town, we have carbon wheels, hifi, opiates, bentley lancia and rolls royce
not sure. Its just going to be wagecover for the work I have missed and will miss. They are going to average my last three months of pays. Lady from insurance said she will let me know tommorow what I'll be getting paid fornightly while I'm off.
was just reading the budget was $180m USD for 8 x 30 minute episodes. That seems to have bought a few ninja costumes, a sheila with a tea towel on her head, and another sheila with green boot polish on her head.
That devious bitch Olive added her birthday to her Tiktok profile text in the last few hours, but couldn't be bothered making a new video.
rooster is going to be closed by the time I'm finished with the standard sesh. It will have to be dominos or pizzahut.

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