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thumbnail of DALL·E 2024-06-05 21.41.18 - A vibrant and dynamic digital forum interface, filled with chat bubbles and avatars representing diverse personalities engaging in lively conversation.webp
thumbnail of DALL·E 2024-06-05 21.41.18 - A vibrant and dynamic digital forum interface, filled with chat bubbles and avatars representing diverse personalities engaging in lively conversation.webp
DALL·E 2024-06-05... webp
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In the vast expanse of a digital realm, nestled within the intricate threads of a forum, there existed a unique enclave known as the NEET General. This online haven, a microcosm of diverse personalities and unfiltered expressions, was a bustling junction where ideas collided, humor flourished, and the peculiarities of human nature were laid bare.

At the heart of this digital labyrinth was a thread unlike any other. Titled "Report Card Edition," it beckoned the NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) from across Australia and beyond. The thread began with a simple question: "Did you NEETs used to get a good report card?" This query, innocuous on the surface, unravelled a tapestry of stories, opinions, and banter that painted a vivid picture of the lives of its participants.

NEET SA, a fiery individual with a penchant for strong opinions, was quick to correct another NEET, emphasizing the proper nomenclature with an exasperated declaration, "IT'S CALLED FRITZ YOU FUCKING MINDAS." This outburst set the tone for a lively discourse, as NEET PENNY humorously requested, "Two devon and sauce sandwiches please," blending culinary preferences with the ongoing conversation.

Meanwhile, NEET Australia shared a screenshot, a visual testament to their latest acquisitions, prompting NEET Taiwan to inquire about the source and cost. The exchange, punctuated by concerns about online purchases and the ever-present threat of gum cancer, illustrated the mundane yet significant details of their daily lives.

The thread meandered through topics as varied as nicotine lozenges, diet woes, and the eternal debate of vaping versus snuff. Amidst the chatter, a recurring theme emerged: a shared sense of struggle and camaraderie. Whether discussing the challenges of maintaining a diet, the perils of nicotine addiction, or the bittersweet memories of report cards past, the NEETs found solace in their collective experiences.

As the conversation shifted towards more lighthearted topics, NEET Australia recounted a humorous anecdote about an Uber Eats order gone wrong. The cold, overpriced meal sparked a discussion about the trials of food delivery, with suggestions ranging from seeking refunds to speculating about the competence of delivery drivers.

In the midst of these exchanges, a darker humor occasionally surfaced, reflecting the participants' coping mechanisms. From musings about self-lubricating poos to the more macabre humor of potential health crises, the thread was a testament to the NEETs' resilience and their ability to find levity in the face of adversity.

The digital landscape of the NEET General was not without its controversies. Heated debates erupted over the merits of various substances, from the benign (carrots and cashews) to the more contentious (nicotine and alcohol). Each NEET brought their own perspective, contributing to a rich tapestry of opinions that underscored the complexity of their lives.

Amidst the chaos, there were moments of genuine connection. A NEET sharing their struggles with anxiety found support in the community's collective wisdom. Practical advice, mixed with empathy and humor, created a space where vulnerabilities could be aired without judgment.

In the end, the Report Card Edition thread was more than just a digital conversation. It was a window into the lives of a group of individuals navigating the complexities of existence outside traditional societal structures. Their stories, woven together in a tapestry of humor, resilience, and camaraderie, highlighted the unique challenges and triumphs of life as a NEET.

As the thread continued to evolve, it stood as a testament to the power of community and the enduring human spirit. In the vast expanse of the digital realm, the NEET General remained a beacon of connection, a place where the complexities of life were shared, debated, and celebrated.
> the NEET General remained a beacon of connection, a place where the complexities of life were shared, debated, and celebrated.
Well put, AI Robot.
it was. That year on boards had very high energys. Even though I wasn't really a pol guy i was so hyped when I woke up and found out trump got elected.
Can we harden endchan against AI?
For example automatically add a string of syntax to poison crawlers?
Can we embed a string of text that's the same colour as the post box with comments about bird seed?
The AI would probably eat it
emptied the vegetable crisper
there's half an inch of soup in the bottom
put the bins out
really need to wash my crotch, it's irritated badly this morning
> really need to wash my crotch, it's irritated badly this morning
yeah, happens to me when I don't change my underwear for a few days
Some neets are gluttons for punishment, others are just gluttons
Enjoying my lovely daily dose of zinc water tablets with a dash of collagen. The cartel would lose profit by trying to cut through my bones mate.
> really need to wash my crotch, it's irritated badly this morning
Do yourself a favour and buy a bunch of wet wipes. Whenever you get musky, give yourself a wipe. Save yourself the effort of showering everyday. works for armpits and other nether-regions
"NO SUGAR Diet Rite PINE LIME WITH NATURAL FLAVOURS" softdrink doesn't taste terrible. It was only $1.55 for a 1.5 litre bottle too.
Keep thinking about those dutch pancakes they have at aldi. What would go well with them? Maple syrup? Hot nutella?
The hohol is talking about killing herself. It has gotten me all rattled. I'm not sure what to do and she is getting all distant and withdrawn so there isn't much I can think of doing.
I went to the doctor and got a new prescription for finasteride. He said my hair is looking better. I shaved this morning and am dressed better than yesterday. I hope I see the Debicki girl today.
> The hohol 
Who is this? She is exhibiting red flag behaviour, steer clear unless you have a genuine obligation towards her. You can't fix her.
> The hohol is talking about killing herself. It has gotten me all rattled. I'm not sure what to do and she is getting all distant and withdrawn so there isn't much I can think of doing.
She is probably doing it for attention. It's not your problem either way.
Selfish bitch should take 30 seconds and think about what the men back home are going through.
gave my bollocks and inner thighs a quick wash in the sink
didn't do much
I hope Motherbat has some Curash or the like.
stuffed myself with chicken wings, but I don't feel any happier or like doing anything, just more stuffed
I mentioned her the other day. And I have an obligation to her in that she is my friend.
I think she is serious and even if it is for attention it is still something of a cry for help.
Is Red Rooster chicken gravy pie worth $10 + $3 for delivery on Uber Eats? Surely the did not do market research when trying to break into the meat pie industry.
I don't get how she can be so against drugs when her idol was a meth head. And don't go telling me she put on that Hugo Boss outfit for any other reason than LARPing for 1-Nut Daddy. She be passing the juice for real.
If business is truly the ethic, then it should be noted that meth heads are the busiest people in human history, sometimes working 3-4 days at a time without a single break.
Most likely because you invest in things will validate your external sense of identity, rather than developing internal strength which would help you clearly perceive that which fulfils you
Can't find my birth certificate, too poor to order another copy. I know I had it just last week. Why the fuck does stuff like this keep happening?
Woody should make some quirky cerebral comedy (that isn’t funny) about Tunnel Jews in The Big Apple.
Went to see mumsie but she was abusive and I wasnt in the mood so I left. The old man was bitching how his dogshit tennants asked him to pay them $200 because the hot water was out for a week. I told him to pay them and get the agent to order them some xmas bikkies this year instead of the two weeks free he gave them last year. He stopped seething after I pointed out that he saved like six hondo. Imagine playing that badly, really retarded.
We have these Orthodox Jews in a small town, they are going there because of some magical rabbi lived there, it's liek "religious tourism" straight from Israel. They built a synagogue illegally, they close down the place doesn't allowing Hungarians going to do their shopping from neighbouring places, their youngsters harass dogs (behind fences), they have armed (pistols) guards on the streets and whatnot.
Self-destructive mood. Heineken tallboys, angry music, kicked the dog, cooking up a multi. Gonna fuckin leave humanity behind
$200 sounds steep. They should just get the weeks equivalent of the quarterly water bill. If they don’t like it point out there are plenty of other people who are currently homeless and would love a house with no hot water.
We've got NEETs living in shame sheds, caravan parks and disabled toilets and there are people on here taking the boomer Landlords' side.
It is my theory that every male adult on a bicycle riding around this bad home area is scouting for opportunities to steal.
A lot of hoodies and caps worn under the helmets. The bikes are probably stolen too.
Do you get the ones riding a bike and pushing another riderless bike in parallel? Definitely stolen bikes.
I sit inside sometimes and watch the foot traffic staring in the property as they walk past.
and if I'm going somewhere for the weekend, I have to load the car in the carport with the roller door down so that nobody walking past realises I am going away
I said to my mate that I don't bother planting anything in the front garden because these flogs would literally dig the plants up and steal them.
He thought I was crazy. He doesn't understand. These middle class types are living in another world.
My theory is that if DSP chads have a fixed income, you would only have to stack up so many to secure tenancy. Just buy a caravan park, start a coop supermarket to bring in chicken, crumbs, oil, fries, tomato sauce, goon, the essentials.
Then run the BEAN kitchen as both a sham JSP placement and a tax write off for the park. The unna community business model.
The neighbour next door had some potted plants and rose bushes stolen one night. They didn't care they were on CCTV, knowing the cops didn't give a fuck either.
And then you're the one who goes to jail and the judges actually give you a stiff sentence when you are an upright member of the community instead of a flog.
> They didn't care they were on CCTV
This is a growing trend. Seeing cameras on premises used to deter them but then they worked out it didn't matter since the pigs don't give a shit and even if they get caught the judges will let them straight back out.
Jana doesn’t realise she is already bland and boring.
the tennants spun some bullshit story about how they had to heat water up on the stove, presumably to wash and shit. I get that no hot water is a catastrophie for foids but you gotta get a fukn kettle yo.

it is indeed, 28 bucks not bad for a family size za from a legit Italian restaurant.

nope fucked off at 2:45pm 

those are van seats, i need to keep them or else who ever gets the van will need to get get a mod plate and safety cert reclassifying the seating capacity of the van

Ello Gunvour
I had a go at making povo shokokola. I melted some cadburdy cooking chocolate in a pot with a bit of butter and threw in some coles organic instant coffee. It didn't really work all that well as the chocolate was solidifying by the time I put the coffee in and so it didn't dissolve for the most part. I  haven't tried any due to the time but I will have some tomorrow. I went with the cadbury choclate because the homebrand one was hydrogenated palm oil shit. The cadbury one was at least a bit better in being sugar, milk and cocoa or whatever.
I didn't go a date today but I had a fairly enjoyable day at the very least.
I made a pass at two different girls. In both cases I struck up a very short conversation as a sort of probing attack but neither of them seemed particularly interested. The debicki girl wasn't in today but I spoke to her friend a bit and helped her find a book in the library. I went for a walk through Rundle mall and talked to a girl my age, a woman in her late 30s or so, and an old lady. I find talking to women easier than men. I don't know why this is.
There were many opportunities today for social and romantic interaction but I chickened out on a bunch of them. I am still very hesitant to talk to people for whatever reason but I am making progress and that is enough for me. I've have no desire to be a normie and I look down on them somewhat but I know I can be better than I am and so that is what I am working towards.
I will try to have something more interesting to report tomorrow.
Well at the moment the original three aren't counted as 1-3 but 4-6 or something. And there are the tard kid Darth Vader -2-0 episodes which are 1-3 now.
This board, smh
Shitty taste in beer 
Shitty taste in women
Shitty taste in movies

Place needs a red pill suppository.
If Hitler won the war, this is how everybody would greet each other

The 'Cursed Eggs have been consumed. And right around teh witching hour too. But God damn they were tasty af.
Garn get some groceries. Visit an opshop or two, plus the obligatory trip to Dan's. And if I've got time, I'll wet a line.
morning neets, had a dream I let 2 pajeets into my place to talk about something, then the rest of their family snuck in and started stealing stuff
NEETs, we have to solve the mystery of Dr Michael Mosley. Did he silverside? Did his wife push him? Did some stinky Greek turn him into souvlaki?
> Local growers devastated as Woolworths swaps to Chinese, South African fruit, blaming consumers
>  >In 2020, Woolworths started using Chinese fruit in some canned fruit products. However, at the time, the supermarket described the change as temporary.
I also dreamed last night that there was going to be a big earthquake, one that would cause my big screen tv to fall over and crack. Watch out today neets.
> Elon Musk celebrates ‘free speech’ win over Australia’s censorship commissar – but won’t unban high profile nationalists
> Japanese nationalist puts $100,000 bounty on head of Chinese vlogger who defaced and urinated on Tokyo war shrine
> Time for a pepper pie
That reminds me. Despite knowing that going to the bakery and getting a pepper pie from the pretty girl is one of my few pleasures in life, the silly woman brought some pepper party pies she spotted in the freexer sections at Woolworths. Now I am going to have to eat those this weekend and pretend they are not shit even though they will be.
On my flying visit last Thursday night I also spotted she had put the shitty sugar free mondsters in the fridge because she shops by can colour instead of reading their labels.
I spent about 3 hours yesterday re-encoding 16 videos and burning them to DVDs, creating two coasters in the process, and this is how she repays me?
spent half an hour searching for my birth certificate, nothing but failure, might call it for today and get on with something more productive
I stopped going to that chemist when Mr Russell sold it in the 90s. There’s a reason they built a wall and only left a single width doorway for entry and exit.
Thinking about making some business cards for ausneets and leaving them in NEETly locations. Only about 40c a card.
Whizzing through the remaining work tasks only to be held up waiting on a female pajeet to do something.
She still hasn’t done it or even acknowledged it. Probably having to suck off one of her street shitting orbiters to find out how to do the needful
This in thanks to bloody Amazon too, not AliExpress. They don’t make it clear you’re buying some shit from China that will take a month until you’ve committed.
I don't even read about dating or 'incel' stuff or people's success in overcoming NEET struggles to find success in things anymore, I've just totally given up
the chinkie served a mixture of chinkie dishes and western style stuff (braised beef with potato, cola wings). Got some teriyaki chicken and some cola chicken wings and some singapore noodles. I don't want to recommend fast food as a treatment for depression, but it sure hit the spot for me
I never really give up, there's always stuff I want, but getting a gf and a house and a full time job aren't realistic goals for me right now so I don't worry about them.
I can make money (to some extent), but I’ve given up on the gf and friends aspect of life. Once Motherbat dies I’ll overseas or unavailable anyway, assuming my lard arse body hasn’t already failed.
I’m going to tear her a new one shortly. She’s been active the whole day on that teams shit, just ignoring all directives and correspondence from the people trying to stop the computer shit she supposedly looks after from turning into a smoking pile of shit
It’s this Indian culture of not taking any responsibility for anything lest you get blamed for something going wrong. All there to take credit for anything that goes right though.
> buying some shit from China
Amazon support staff don't always like them. I asked Amazon to facilitate the mediation in a dispute and the seller just replied to the Amazon email asking for more information with their response as "ok". So I got a refund and all the return postage paid back.
What should I do with my life if I have poor social abilities, alcoholic mong disease and no professional skillset
Yes a lot of places will. A lot of places are waking up to how much an incident involving a drunk or drugged employee will cost. They’ll stilll hire brownoids who will kill somebody through sheer incompetence though.
It was good of news ltd to include his todo list and work notes for budding serial killers.
I just got a bonus $243 in my bank account. From the Best A state government. It was only announced in the state budget a couple of days ago. Cost of Living Concession for impoverished NEETs.
You can access your super before you can get the old age pension which you can't get until you're 67 I think

Date of birth	               Preservation age

Before 1 July 1960	        55
1 July 1960 – 30 June 1961	56
1 July 1961 – 30 June 1962	57
1 July 1962 – 30 June 1963	58
1 July 1963 – 30 June 1964	59
From 1 July 1964	        60
Awful day. Tired. No one is here. Very unproductive. Going to go for a walk and try to be productive upon returning.
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If only we knew...
> Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars 
I left the beard trimmer changer back at my hovel and it just died while I was halfway through a full on beard trim. Gonna have to go to coles with half a beard to get a razor, fuck me dead
It’s funny it’s suddenly got rather brisk here. Normally Noosa is so popular because it shielded from the Queensland winter south easterly. But today a westerly is blowing. All the Bikini babes are getting a wind  chill even on the sun. All nipples erect and protruding as God Intended. 

What’s for Din Dins NEETs ?
There is no fucking way I can attend online classes with the group video thing. Watching a video of my ugly face on there would be too horrifying. Might get one of those cute anime girl real time icons to hide the fact that I'm a 300lb neckbeard.
I've made it home. Feeling awful. I spoke to two people today but only socially. The train line is down until Tuesday due to some maintenance. I could go in on the substitute bus but I think I'll just wait if I can manage it. Being stuck at home makes me all suicidal and shit. I need to be out and around people at least a bit in order to feel okay.
Watching Futureworld. Probably not for long I have stuff to do, have to finish it later. They show a bit more behind the scenes scenes, how they control their theme park.
I went in to j b hi fi after teh wage because my phone is only 3G and telstra are spamming me every time I want to make a call. I only wanted a simple one, the cheapest one they had but i ended up getting two models up because I wanted the sales chad to think I was cool. Now I'm stuck with this one thats way bigger than the last one and I cant turn off the keypad tone and its fukn annoying. Also have to manually enter all the numbers from the old one which is going to take all tonight and all tomorrow night so I'm going to miss the moofie. 
i am going to write them all down in my notebook and then enter them manually. Its a pain in the arse. Maybe I should put a memory card in it. The new phone has a headphone jack, nuro would be impressed. The sales chad just grinned when I asked him for his number after he asked for mine when I bought it, I dont think he wanted to be friends, he just needed it for his sales records.
There should be a way to export all the numbers out of your phone.
The boomers go to the Telstra shop to get it done for them. They can print them all out for you or transfer them to another phone.
Google how with your model(s).
> I am only trying to do my jobavoiders applications
Another project for Monk. Create a ChatGPT bot that generates job application success emails from the approved sites.
Made it to Motherbat's.
Had some pulled pork tacos and some apple danish.
Sweetie had a stroke or something yesterday. She is ok now, but it's a bit worrying.
1. Go to Seek 
2. Search "customer" or some entry level term 
3. Apply for "Quick Apply" only. 

It took me about 10 to 15 minutes at most and a lot of that was waiting for the Seek emails and the confirmation they were accepted when forwarded to that email address. Wasn't worth the time to fabricate them when Sir generated so many fake ads and kept emailing me about my incomplete mobile number.
> Sweetie had a stroke or something yesterday.

> She is ok now, but it's a bit worrying.
Poor thing. Does she have any lumps around her body?
My dog use to have seizures and poor thing had a big growing mass. She was normally okay after the seizures. Just needed someone to sit with her and pat her when she woke up so she didn't become disoriented.
She doesn't have any lumps.
She didn't have a seizure like a previous epileptic dog we had, but she she was disoriented and trembling afterward and didn't know who Motherbat was for a bit.
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Tomorrow night on womboflix will be the crime film The Place Beyond The Pines (2012), with Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper.
This only happened yesterday. She didn't tell me because she didn't want me rushing down.

I offered to take her tomorrow but she doesn't think they'll be able to do anything much now. Obviously if something else happened we will.
Was an excellent massage. Felt weird pops in my spine. She did this cross arm thing with the wank. Very professional.
The best strategy for tugs for beginners is to start getting them from little old ladies with weak hands. Only once your shaft is strong enough will you be ready for the firm grip of a young gook tugger.
Went to bunnings. Felt like ryan gosling's character from drive wandering around the near deserted night time car park, the lights high overhead. Listened to kaminsky's nightcall the whole time on headphones. Felt very kino.
I refreshed the page due to the internet not working and I couldn't find the post. The logs don't mention a deletion so I'm not sure what is going on.
Yeah there’s a bug that does that sometimes. The post is still there and everyone else can see it, just not the person who posted it. Has happened to me before.
Make a bug report on /operate/. 
Personally I can't recall an occasion when I met the issue described in the convo here. We also can't fix a bug that we can't replicate.
Keep in mind it could be network or caching issue (your browser's or CF if you browse via a frontend behind CF).
monk needs to get a job for a week so that 'friend' of his will supply him with some drugs. Right now all we've got to enjoy is fifo's fast food binges
I got cheesey garlic bread which is only four bits. You can have two garlice bread pieces, three slices of supreme with cheesey crust and a pint glass of coke with ice in it. Its a bit of a rip since its a normal garlic bread cut in half with a sprinkle of cheese.
The self destructive bingeing  scenes from the whale last night hit close to home. Started thinking about how my sister would cope If I snuff it soon.
If I pick up a prescription from a chemist, am I then tied to that one? Can I go to a different chemist for the repeats?
Yes. The doctor has prescribed minoxidil also but I haven't been buying/using it as I am worried about the aging effects. It has made me much calmer and more sociable, I think due to the test boosting effects.
Don’t take minox orally chad. Just use it topically on the problem areas on your head. If you’re worried about aging slap some tretinoin/retinol on your face.
I already use retinol. The prescription is for topical min (it is OTC but I think it is just because he wants me to use it). I am happy enough with my hair as long as it doesn't get worse so pure fin is enough for me.
N2. I don't think it is terribly noticeable. FRM thought I was crazy when I said I was balding.
I intend to grow it out until I can wear it the way Jude Law did as Dickie Greenleaf in The Talented Mr Ripley (1999).
Look at this fucking minda. He has four reviews for barbershops, all just complaining they aren't free.
I wish I could be a musician in a band but I don't play an instrument and I don't have any friends.
Shalom. Here is my list for You tube channels

Rav Dror - giving shiurs and lessons in life for all Jewish People. Much underappreciated

ChaBaD rabbis giving nice lessons on Halachot to every aspiring Jew

Although much more popular that the previous two channels, Rebbe Clips delivers insight into the lives of holiest Jewish people, the Rebbes:
PLEASE like a and subscirbe for a wonderful Parnasa and to fufil a Mitsvah "Lord your G-d commands you to subscrible and like"

If you are a goy dont' like or susbscribe. Goy must NOT learn anything from Torah as it is said that goy who learsns from Torah is like a rapist who rapes a married woman. For it is said that Jewish peopla are married to Torah . Furthermore a goy who peeked an eye into Torah deserbes death penatly for it is commanded to kill a rapist.
At the cows, hes watching mr bean, listening to the doobie bros and eating crumpets. Going to rub him off in a minute.
Size 32 is a bit tight. I think the tailor just wanted to see my bulge. He had a brit accent and selected the outfit. I think I'll skip the belt, these trousers have an elatic extending waist line. I dont think I've wore any like this before.
neets, garn pidser hut to try a butcher's block pidser (Steak, bacon, pepperoni, chicken & Italian sausage, mozzarella on BBQ sauce with hollandaise drizzle) with a stuffed cheese crust. You want anything?
took her to teh supermarket and wohlers and went to the bottleshop and got a real pepper pie at the bakery (her suggestion) and took sweetie for a walk
having a bushfire rum now
At the event. Already making it obvious that I dont want to talk to anyone. Mostly ex cow orkers. The new cash cow was stolen from them.
> making it obvious that I dont want to talk to anyone
Immature behaviour. Do better please. You are allowed to steal cows from them. They have all done worse.
$27 for that pidser, I remember not so long ago, in the 2010s, you could get dominos pidsers for $5. Woe.

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