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The bored four NEETs

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neets, garn pidser hut to try a butcher's block pidser (Steak, bacon, pepperoni, chicken & Italian sausage, mozzarella on BBQ sauce with hollandaise drizzle) with a stuffed cheese crust. You want anything?
took her to teh supermarket and wohlers and went to the bottleshop and got a real pepper pie at the bakery (her suggestion) and took sweetie for a walk
having a bushfire rum now
At the event. Already making it obvious that I dont want to talk to anyone. Mostly ex cow orkers. The new cash cow was stolen from them.
> making it obvious that I dont want to talk to anyone
Immature behaviour. Do better please. You are allowed to steal cows from them. They have all done worse.
$27 for that pidser, I remember not so long ago, in the 2010s, you could get dominos pidsers for $5. Woe.

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