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The bored four NEETs

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Found a great drug combo for swating away my social anxiety. Now i don't look like an incel victim, but more like druggie - something more respectful among society.
I bet he tried sucking his own dick
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I love walking around my city, while i am high.
I feel myself so fucking special on back places in bus, when around me are happy couples, elderly people and little innocent childrens and I am just there, floating away with a large bottle of energy drink and my eyes rolled back in my head.
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Good Morning NEETs

I regret to inform you it took 4 and half years but i finally got the cooof.

Hit me yesterday. Loaded up on NAC and Zinc and Psuedo. Could barely sleep. Luckily had few spare valium. 

Well Over the worst if it. Recovering now in bed . Not getting a covid test. Just not doing it.
RAT tests are easy, you can buy them in supermarkets and they're no harder to do than brushing your teeth, tell you whether you've got the flu or covid or whatever
You can get them for free, but they don't work.
They were around when the beta variant was around, which is closer to what they're supposed to detect. 
Now we're up to FLiRT+.
The alpha-delta variants are probably closer to the current variant of the regular flu.. so fuck knows what it's detecting.
One day that brother is going to fuck around and find out. I wouldn't get between Clayton and his food, especially in a kitchen with knives at hand.
I hate being on the train when there is some disgusting shitskin child screaming nearby. At least the blacks control their children, the pajeets just let them scream in their hideous language.
I bought a Chambray suit yesterday. I'm going to need to get some nice loafers for it. I already have the rest of the outfit together. It will be nice in the summer. No photos yet, maybe later.
shitskins are now trying to claim they invented wrapping a tennis ball in insulation tape
Downloaded ep3 The Acolyte, watched about 2 minutes of it,fast forwarded through the rest of it, deleted it.
i am sure it was toilet block next to kids playground on sunday + riding home in the cold. Fucking kids are spreading everything at the moment there is even pneumonia going round 

this they are so far behind who knows what really is going round 

thanks mate

i am still planning to go for a whiz and get some sun, plus a friend owes me an oxy so there is a high chance of yeeeeeeeeaah even with aids

holy shit that bad eh ?
woed, stressed, demoralised. 
driving up norf today, garn get maccas lunch then mints and mongsders from coles then starbucks and start the journey. hope my bald front tyres dont give out and hope theres no rectal catastrophe 
One day I'll live a more based life than this
Don't think so. The physio put some strapping tape around my shoulder a few weeks ago and it gave me a rash. Think the rash kind of spread to my back. I can't reach the area I need to scratch, so I have to rub my back on the doorframe to scratch it. Wish I had a gf to scratch it.
yeah i was predicting this response 
they closed the loo with a view, i needed to shid, also need to go to diabled toilets so i dont leave my bike outside
I'm disappointed that peacemakers white supremacist father doesn't use 1488 as the code to his safe
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Out for a woe walk, the monotony of compo life is getting to me.  I have see two beautiful Asian Women on my walk so far which has lifted my spirits.
Nah, boi, i am from Ukraine, we dont really have niggers here. Especially in near battle zone cities where i live now - even gypsies left us in first months.
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Dude who owed me an oxy came through. Lord Nuro survives to whizz another day. 

Also fitted new 120thread gravel tyres and new toros and sintered metal pads to the EEB
Watching a nigga do a technical topic on youtube, he's ok for 90% of the stuff, but occasionally he makes a real nigga tier mistake.
vile harlot with a giant gape
I wanted to get to Broadmeadows but accidentally caught an express train to Smithfield. Waited 12 minutes to catch a train going back but I monged out and failed to check it wasn't express to Liz Lizbef. 17 minute wait now. Woe.
Is it possible to get an AI or non AI translator of some sort that runs locally so I don't have to give google what I'm translating?
I just finished ep 3 of The Acolyte. Its biggest sin was being boring and making me look at ugly non-whites too often and for too long.
I would rather neets just binge on goon and junk food than fall into the self destructive spiral of watching star wars tv shows
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The stuff from the deli is cured like salami or ham and fine to eat as is, like pretty much every other cold cut at a deli, besides bacon. Picrel is also an exception.
Yeah I need to learn to catch with that and stop worrying about needing all the other stuff. Had zero luck even collecting pipis the last two times I was out. Next time I'm taking some form of 'bait bait' and will also try catching worms. Will keep you updated.
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Good Morning NEETs

Wake up and feel like my throat has been in a facial abuse scene

may have been over it by now if i could simply had stayed in bed all day and rested. Sadly this not an option. People rocked up and there was work to do. Shit is propper fucked.

Telehealth at midday will be aqcuiring everythng
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Haven't been sick for 10 years, of course I haven't had any friends in 10 years and my only very little limited social has been with my family. Probably pretty mentally fucked by now from all the isolation.
Just do the needful
> Over 60 delegates including multicultural community leaders, government, academics and the water safety sector will gather for a two-day nationally focused workshop to prioritise high-level solutions for addressing drowning among Australia’s multicultural communities.
I am looking forward to their recommendations that will no doubt be wacky. 

In some states, school children are offered swim education lessons as part of school. It will be interesting how they justify such an approach for adults as I don't see any other way than physically teaching them. Will be interesting to see if I can remember to follow up.
The lessons would need to be segregated because loony and raper muslims and pajeets.
A few swimming lessons in a pool won’t do anything for somebody caught in a rip or being smashed against rocks.
The other inconvenient truth most people aren’t ready for is that jumping in and trying to save a drowning person is basically suicide 99 times out of 100. This should be included on any warning signs.
Another day on earth bros. Just feels bleak. Gonna watch some more peacemaker, maybe I'll feel a bit cheerier after that.
The first pub was closed. Second had boongs walking around. Had to get on a non-chinaman. No features, no free games. Did not comply with the system regulations.
I got my haircut again last night. FRM said I look like Matt Damon. Heading in again without my cap. Not feeling terribly confident without it.
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This Saturday, playing on womboflix - Wasabi(2001) a French action comedy filmwritten and produced by Luc Besson and Jean Reno. Then on Sunday will be Mean Girls (2004), with Lindsay Lohan before she got fucked up on drugs.
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i umpacked all my shopping and did some cooking. I think i have legit over a years worth of food and apart from getting stuff like cream and onions and eggs I dont need to go shopping ever again.
Just got the email from exetel I was expecting regarding NBN price increases
> As a result, your 100/40 Mbps plan price will change to $94.99,
seems like all the providers will be increasing prices to cover the costs of the speed increases.
It's bullshit. If you don't really need the speed I would consider downgrading. That's what I did a while back but upgraded my speed back recently due to price increases. It sucks. For such prices the services should at least come with basic service guarantees.

Playtime with Weber and Possum.
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Only two NEETs are known to have more than a days supply of leftover finest goyslop uber pajeets. So when the collapse comes they are then thinking about toast. To no avail.
I went shopping. Got chicken thighs, loin chops, a roast chook, bunch of fruit, bread rolls, lawash flat bread, kimchi, tray of can tomatoes. Other things I cant remember. No lollies or chips.
Bill Shorten's last 28 speeches have cost $620,000. $22k per speech (to the speechwriters). 
I haven't heard any of them.
Catholics might be on their way bck

According to ANSA, Francis repeated the term on Tuesday as he met Roman priests, saying “there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican,” and it was better that young men with a homosexual tendency not be allowed to enter the seminary, [the institution where priests are trained].
My package is just being handballed around facilities in NSW. Hopefully it wasn't picked up by the feds at Sydney airport
Six coffees and a white monster. Still craving more. I'm afraid of the no doze because that will lead to meff
Jeans and fresh new hoodie on, going to have a poke and win big, then get feed ingredients and visit the medicine man
I wish I did the nodoze. Might need to add it to the arsenal. Fell asleep waiting for the next shift then got there late.
Mini pizdets.
It means Western countries (Australia included) has so much pajeets they don't need toilets anymore, so all Eastern Euros can't get no jobs.
no he means some retarded leb (lebanese) muslim piece of shit from sydney who is basically a low level street thug who likes to think he can rap and thinks he has some immense wisdom to impart on youtube
absolute piece of shit and I hope he gets shot and killed one day
don't let me put you off
feel free to do your own research
I'd be interested to see how difficult you find him to listen to just in terms of his terrible sydney wog accent
> Hanging out at the poshest places would look like a rough hood for the first worlders.
Oh bollocks, I've seen footage of places there and it looks very civilised.
Trying to start my gayming pc for the first time in ~9 months. Bootloader is broken, can't be bothered with this fat nerd shit
clicked the smiley face things in the email receipt and typed in the details in the text box
the cunning pricks will send a voucher that requires you also spend $20 of your own money before you can redeem it
We're going to have a test on this tomorrow, NEETs, so study hard and then get a good night's rest.
It is raining in Adelaide. I'm going to the gym later tonight. I haven't been in ages. Maybe two weeks or so. It will be unpleasant I expect.
I bought some of those smoothie fruit chew lollies. I am limiting myself to one serve a day which means three of them.
I just cooked some brussels sprouts in the Mike Lando. They were VERY GOOD.
Wash them, trim them of excess leaves then put them in a Mike Lando safe bowl.
Add a very little amount of water (two teaspoons max) and add a pinch of salt.
Cover and Mike on high for 5 minutes. Stir, cover and mike for a further 5 minutes.
Remove and add a large helping of butter or margarine and stir until sprouts are coated and absorbing the buttery goodness.
Eat when sufficiently cooled.
Unless it was explicitly stated to be microwave safe, I wouldn't give them more than a minute or two at full power.
I cracked one of Motherbat's plates in the microwave as a teenager.
Off to the gym now. I noticed before that I am developing a little paunch. I've cut the lifting without cutting the food haha. Need to get back to doing it 3-4 nights a week if I'm going to eat like this.
it's ya girl jana
Signed up to Reddit to make a post (get a sanity check) on a technical matter. Post gets hidden pending moderator approval as I have no post history. Coming up on an hour and a half now. Sub has 750k subscribers, so there must be some moderator faggots online.
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Well, first time ever buying one of these pieces of shit, whatever hit me was not bat aids, but 3 days on i still feel like shit, got some anti biotcs for throat, feel like i might get a decent sleep tonight
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i was also meaning to report i scored a spot deal on ali express. I got this combo oscilloscope / multi meter for 66 dollary doos half price amd discounted some more  and it arrived in 4 days...pretty blown away. Link if anyone is interested 

You need to do some squats off a step and thicken those hammies.
I want your gate to be wide and staunch. Pelvis spread gyrations from the hips with a kettle bell.
I bought a box of cherry bakewells this mording and forgot all about them. Might get up in an hour or two and eat them.
Zoomie shills trying to get instant noodles banned for being too spicy, meanwhile the neets are chilli wanking unironically
you must get a usb 1 not a usb 2 for bootloader shit if your PC uses BIOS which is the protocol before UEFI. you can check somehow tho from the existing bootloader.
> https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9ww0j74rddo
> Forty Indians among 50 dead in Kuwait block fire 
40 down, 1.4 billion to go
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> https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/musk-says-both-tesla-shareholder-resolutions-passing-by-wide-margins-2024-06-13/
Elon Musk's $56 billion pay package gets restored in a vote of approval by Tesla shareholders
They'll do everything they can to fund it
> Musk’s X demands money from laid-off employees, claims they were overpaid
Going to save the bakewells until I have been to Jaycar. They will taste all the sweeter having made that guy cry.
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Good Morning NEETs

Still got aids. Phlegm still green like and protruding. Very disrespectful.

Antibiotics seem to be doing their job. At least its sunny and friday and can have a chill day and weekend after finishing most of the pressing tasks yesterday.
I used to be part of a boardgaming group that played every weekend, it let me pretend I was somehow a sociable normie. But I don't want to go back to that. If I ever take up a hobby again it will be by joining a makerspace and building an army of robots or something.
the fuck ?

Keep wondering how I coped with cold winters in previous years, I don't remember it being so bad. Maybe because I was on dexies and didn't feel the cold so much.
i need to tell you the story about the liver doctor i saw and the young intern who sat in on our appointment one day.... when i am better
We'd have a pepper pie trip to Gawler South bakery, then take the bus along the road from Kersbrook to Hahndorf Rd, stopping at all the Cobb and Co stations. Stop at Verdun and Balhannah. The butcher in Mt Pleasant. Get some chockies from Melbas, some mettwurst from Hahndorf, and a bucket of strawberries for home made jam the next day.. which I would charge my time for supervising. After a few times, we might book a stall at the markets to sell jars of it, and charge the yuppies $15 a jar, who think they're doing a service by buying something made by people with a disability. The clients can keep the profits to spend at the pokies afterwards.
At an OT equipment store listening to them feint interest. Probably garn sell them 4k of useless junk. A decent computer chair is alright. It'll be in a spare room for 3 years and then hocked at cashies for $20.
> Did they run out of Italian herb and cheese bread?
Nah the fat bitch ahead of me ordered a footlong with that bread and as the girl started to cut it she said she didn't like something on the top of the bread and wanted it swapped with another loaf.
Then when whatever she'd ordered (diced chicken or some shit) went into the oven she asked they they pull it back out and put tomato sauce on it and then grill it.
Then she complained she wanted more lettuce.
Then she demanded a second type of sauce.
Then at the till she ummmed and ahhhhed about what biscuits she wanted and ended up buying about 3 containers of the fucking things.
Then she had to fuck around to pay with her smart phone instead of a card.
Just completely oblivious to how much fucking around she was doing and everybody else queued up behind her.
Fucking fat bitch.
Motherbat delivers her entire Subway order as one long sentence. Somethinkg like "Hello, I'd like a six inch chicken fillet on herb bread with no cheese and all salads except capsicum and jalapeno and no sauce". Obviously this causes problems for the typical worker with the memory of a goldfish.
I had my drink in one hand, my debit card in the other, and spat the relevant information out lickety split at each point in the sandwich construction process.
Mine is a footlong sweet chicken terriyaki on plain bread, put olives, onion and cheese on the bread to toast it and then baby spinach, tomato, cucumber and carrot with sweet onion sauce and salt and pepper. I feel like I repeat myself 10 times if I go, which isnt often.
> I feel like I repeat myself 10 times if I go
Yeah it's easier to start with just the length, bread type and then the sandwich type.
Wait to be prompted for cheese.
Wait to be prompted for toasting.
Wait to be prompted for salads.
Wait to be prompted for sauce and salt and pepper.
do any gooner neets start the day with a raw egg in a glass and a dash of tobasco and worschetshire?
When the mongols (i think, or golden hoard) invaded Byzantium, they catapulted bodies diseased with the black plague over the walls of Constantinople.
Thinking of getting some chocolate, my anxiety's through the roof today and I think it's due to my change to a sugar free diet
Hopefully the Boomer Destroyer/Jetstar Santa verdict comes in this afternoon or Monday morning and he can go home.
thinking of going to a vidya arcade to play some games, I just need to get out of the house and do something
Adelaide is now the 8th most unaffordable city in the world.
Got back from the shops. Being around other people made me feel sane and energised. Now I am ashamed I wasted so much of the day. Gonna make what I can of the rest of it.
> unpleasant
They are probably enjoying it in a way.
I assume that scorpion death wish thing is some hot spicy burger. Some enjoy extreme pain, some don't but do it for their pride (which they enjoy if it gets polished, even if for the stupidest and meaningless things).
Really really really hot chilli sauce + a real (although dead) scorpion on top. The bug is imported from SEA.

Can't see Greg reviewing it as he thought Macca's Feisty sauce was too hot.
Should have imported them live (ignoring the practicalities and flora and fauna laws aside) and made the nutters kill it with their bare hands first and then eat it and the burger.
ate junk food, played vidya, feel fucking great now. Maybe I should just give up trying to lose weight.
Grego reviewed the new Dominos BBQ Steak & Beef Double Cheese Pizza, looks ok, might give it a try next time I get pizza.
Lamb chops in the frying pan, then butter, a sprig of rosemary and a fair few slices of chorizo and in the oven for 20 mins.
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Good Evening NEETiophiles

Just got back home. What a blessed day. Public holiday here on the coast.Perfect weather.  Finally ridden of the bat aids. Listening to to new records that arrived today, having champas and cheeky smoke. Got the whole weekend ahead too. 

I don't like chorizo. I don't really understand why not since it seems the sort of thing I should like.

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