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The bored four NEETs

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Should have imported them live (ignoring the practicalities and flora and fauna laws aside) and made the nutters kill it with their bare hands first and then eat it and the burger.
ate junk food, played vidya, feel fucking great now. Maybe I should just give up trying to lose weight.
Grego reviewed the new Dominos BBQ Steak & Beef Double Cheese Pizza, looks ok, might give it a try next time I get pizza.
Lamb chops in the frying pan, then butter, a sprig of rosemary and a fair few slices of chorizo and in the oven for 20 mins.
thumbnail of IMG_6389.mp4
thumbnail of IMG_6389.mp4
IMG_6389 mp4
(7.6 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Good Evening NEETiophiles

Just got back home. What a blessed day. Public holiday here on the coast.Perfect weather.  Finally ridden of the bat aids. Listening to to new records that arrived today, having champas and cheeky smoke. Got the whole weekend ahead too. 

I don't like chorizo. I don't really understand why not since it seems the sort of thing I should like.

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