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The bored four NEETs

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50 or so porn tabs from before I had a little throw up in the torlet at 7am, just can't bring myself to close them. faustian
Having a good day today. The second mongster was a mong idea. My arse exploded in protest. I barely made it to the dunny in time. There is a fairly secret one that no undergrads know about so it is always pretty clean. I hadn't even gotten my arse down before the shit shot out into the bowl.
I bought some apples and bananas to snack on. I'm still at uni though probably not for long.
I saw a girl watching The Talented Mr Ripley so I stopped to talk to her. I told her I love the novel and showed her my flatcap. I told her I got it because of the book which is half true. She tried it on without asking which I wasn't very happy about. Having people take things that I regard as mine makes me chimpout. I lost all interest in the girl but out of politeness I didn't show my anger. Girls look nice with flatcaps but it was way too big on her.
I look much better now that my hair is fixed up. I have written down the barber's description of it, including the numbers so I can get it done the same way by him next time. I like wearing the flat cap but I like also being able to take it off and not feel worried. The shorter length makes washing and drying it far easier too. The barber can do good work, you just need to be very firm with him. He fucks everything up if you aren't attentive.
> She tried it on without asking which I wasn't very happy about
Oh NEET that should have made you very happy. If she wasn't the sort of girl you wanted wearing your hat you shouldn't have stopped to chat her up.
I'd be surprised if the dog was under 8 bucks. Probably 10 each. And the chips 5-6 bucks for the smallest cup. Haven't been to a show in over a decade. Can't even afford the entry fee which is $25.
Guy on a bicycle just rode past towing an office chair behind him connected by a piece of rope. It was swinging wildly from side to side. Very loud.

Bad home life.
I understand but it wasn't a rational reaction for me. It was probably just flirting but I still felt angry all the same. I guess it reminds me of my childhood. The lack of privacy and control over my possessions was something that upset me quite a bit as a boy.
Footy is getting exciting. Set up for a good finish. Carn Saints.

Love the footy. Love the NEETs. Simple as.
The revival of bad mullet haircuts started out as a joke but now they are so widespread it is not ironic or funny any more, it is just a bad haircut that makes otherwise attractive young people look like shit.
> A huge rally has been held in Adelaide to protest proposed changes to discrimination laws that will stop Christian schools from rejecting applicants who don’t share their values.

The smart private school use the word "ethos" rather than "faith" when writing job descriptions and employment contracts. Makes it easier to weed out atheist cringelords and homosexuals.
A couple of years ago a thing was tried to get pushed through gov that would have made it wrong to ask any questions about gender or sexuality in an interview. The Muslim school near the tafe was one of the few schools that rejected t openly and the bill wss squashed because they made such a scene about it.
5 cases of Leporacy in NT.
Boongs are falling apart.
Couldnt see a pic, but saw an article saying that droves of aboriginal health workers are leaving the NT. Thats pretty funny, even they know its a lost cause.
Fukn cold here, bucket of water went all hard somehow and there is this horrible cold slippery stuff on the car. Heater is going.
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Ay Webby bruv, cant come up coz the kids garn get checked for leporacy and fucking white capt cook cunt diseases. Send me $1300 for some ragu ya dog

Anyone participating in this retarded act?

Antivaxx propaganda was from pentagon. Every side, every time.
Went to Coles.
Making a couple of rolls for lunch and some deluxe hotdogs for dindins. Made the girl standing guard in the self-serve checkout area open the 12 items or less til and ring my stuff up.
No brown hands this weekend. Well only if Bill slips in the mud.
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Judge sees the attempts to steal alex's company during the bankruptcy proceedings, orders company accounts to be given back to jones 

allows infowars to stay trading and on the air for a few more months
I still don't understand why AJ didn't provide any attempt during the trial to back up his hoax claims. Should have been simple, right?
> controlled opposition 
um seweety we deboonked that

yeah it already help me identify a busted motor controller 

also i am up a wiring loom, but if i feed 5v into motors it will allow me to see the hall sensor output pulses and quickly tell me if mototrs are toast
> Well only if Bill slips in the mud.
I feel there has been a massive build up of
energy collecting around your home. When it happens it will be a sight to see.
> Made the girl standing guard in the self-serve checkout area open the 12 items or less til and ring my stuff up.
Based. Next time demand a free handy too.
It's nothing new, the Cops have just been reminding them.
Insurance wont pay out for lots of things if there is a criminal element involved.
woe'd and cold, might just lie in bed all day watching youtube rather than sit in front of a keyboard all day watching youtube like I normally do
Thinking about installing an emulator and playing some old games, would be nice to replay ocarina of time
An old man wearing a suit and hat knocked on my door. He had a child with him.
I didn't answer. They walked off after. I didn't see a car.
this fine young man is attempting to fight banjo disinformation online among the african american community only to find himself censored by some busybody AI
We are the Aryan brotherhood. Our ancestors raped their grandmothers and killed their forefathers, then bottlenecked the genepool. They have generational trauma like the rest of the niggers who need a coping mechanism.
Really need a choof. Well, not really but I could have a few and spend a couple of hours not thinking or getting irritated at nothing.
Davo should slap that chink ambasador on the back and make some light racisms that will make him look like a grumpy sook for not handling the banter.
New Sam Aranow (Judaism in Scandinavia 1682-Present) and Esoterica (Who is Set) videos look very good. Starting with the Magic Jew.
Watched the first four episodes of We Own This City. Struggling because the lead actor is annoying as hell.
Did anyone watch Ando? I was looking at star wars tv series ratings, expecting all of them to be terrible, turned out one was rated ok.
Interesting comments on this website about it
> I am pretty sure he was telling people on his patreon if they donated a certain amount they could watch the livestream of his son's funeral. This guy is disgusting.
how does steam games work?
if I want to play an english haunting (adventure game) do I just pay them thirdeen dollarydoos or whatever and download the zip file to my computer and play it whenever i want even if I have no internets?
I don't know what Gog is.
Found a copy of the game on teh pirate bay: https://thepiratebay.org/description.php?id=75351987
probably trojaned
Uploads from verified members with flags are 99.0% safe. 
I don't think that game is on Gog but this was but don't think it's the same. This is Gog all their games from memory are DRM free with no restrictions. 
Good movie. Started out strong, then was a bit of slow down in Japan, but I did not mind. Made me think should pick a French movie sometimes for the monthly End Movie Corner.

There are only 2 good Alien movies. We have 12 occasions in a year. We do this for liek 4 years now. Can't stream that 2 Alien movies all the time.
> unpopular picks.
I don't care.
I just spilt my spaghetti pretty badly. There were no witnesses apart from the girl though. I'm laughing on the train about it. I probably look like a schizo. I haven't shaved in a few days which brings out my archaic hominid features.
Thanks neet. She recognised me and referred to an earlier conversation we had had. I misidentified her as another girl that I had talked to before and continued the conversation. She pointed out she wasn't the other girl and I got really nervous as I realised it was a bit of an insult. FRM keeps politely suggesting I have autism (she works in the herding industry) and has accused me of being faceblind before but this is the first time I've actually thought she might be correct.
Now that I think about it, IGA's cooking has always been a sore point for numpty. It makes the bad home projection make more sense.
disgusted with myself and lack of achievement today, but tomorrow is another day and I will do better
Spikey :(
Last night before I went to bed I looked at some of the work done previously and it's already cracking again in places. Glad I spent $20k on it.
The old house had a cave under the foundation from 50years of water run off.
I looked at getting those stilts to help lift the foundation and that cement foam but its all too hard. Easier and probably cheaper to bulldoze.
I stopped going as the last couple of times the cooked breakfast was shit. Sloppy fried eggs when I told them I wanted them flipped over and sealed and fatty undercooked bacon.
The first time I ate there, I got a pie floater and had to send it back because they didnt put sauce on it and only gave me a spoon. 
The breaky burger has been pretty ordinary a few times, but was okay because it was $10 with an iced coffee.
I need to cook my cow bacon and eggs.
I'm going to take my bacon because his is in shitty bags in the freexer and looked fuzzy from the residue.
I was waddling and hodling. I was considering alternative places to unload. It was too close to comfort.
> FODMAPs or fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and ferment in the colon.
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OHO! This NEET decries the work of the professional tradesman and in the same breath plots to humiliate his poor manservant whom he has up on a ladder with a trowel & pail patching the parapets on his crumbling castle!
I will but I need to clean up my mess (currently there is about 3 wheelie bins worth of cans and uber eats bags) and also pack everything away into boxes

> Robert Irwin threatens to sue One Nation leader Pauline Hanson for defamation over Please Explain cartoon
Mine is attached to the windshield left of the center mirror. As long as you have a view of your entire front of the car (and preferably back), you should be fine.
Good Morning NEETs

Slept in. Super Comfy Morning. Plate of sushi and cofee in bed. Not getting up till midday. Just not doing it. 

Just bought a 2tb NVME for 160 bucks. Will pick it up tomorrow. Currently aquiring a copy of windows 11. Going to take it for a test drive next week. 

Might vacuum both the cars today and start up the Lancia. 

What a blessed day :)
> https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-polls-point-electoral-extinction-prime-minister-sunaks-conservatives-2024-06-15/
> UK polls point to 'electoral extinction' for Prime Minister Sunak's Conservatives
Britain's first pajeet PM is about to get flushed.
How the fuk am i supposed to believe or even care that 1 other person somehow has brass wool tip cleaner in their shopping cart? Hunh, how?
Air vents are off. They are standard and not the double vents like the sports versions. the foam is rotten and I need to get some foam tape.
Sitting in the sun with sore cheeks from smiling at nothing. Taken one layer of clothing off. Direct sunlight. The sun is in a strange position because its somewhere near the equinox.
Almost at north. Garn see if I can pivk up some solar radiation following the magnetic field down.
I spent 2 hours watching youtube shorts or people doing 10 bets and higher on the pokes
Found a guy who does $10-20 bingo tickets at a truckstop in america. Little opiod addict 19 year old with a ratty goaty, baseball cap and buck teeth. I think his channel is bukky 
Spanner flips out and jumps around when he wins. Good viewing.
> Kek, you got filtered by mint.

No 21.3 has really pissed me off. Its been buggy as fuck. Bugs everywhere across multiple computers. There is even a bug where nemo wont extract password protected zips correctly 

Also linux has no HDR support and cant record DSD with my soundcard.
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They are calling this "plapjak" now.
I have seen some criticism on here, some accusations of it being a "forced meme" but I have enjoyed them. Was fresh, new and exciting.
> burnt bottoms
This is why you're supposed to spit on your cock first. Weber went in dry on nuro and the resulting fire caused him to take off like a hot air balloon.
Any tips for somewhat healthy neet treats from Coles and woolies? I've been having cups of herbal tea lately, like the camomile.
🎵Choooooosen ooooooneeeeee!!!!!🎵
🎵There’s only one God and He’s still on the throne🎵
I've got no idea, NEET. I doubt it.
The one closest is some kind of pest tree with dark green berry things on it.
Off Bill's back you can see some kind of creeper that has white grapes sometimes.
Down the end is some other deliberately planted shrub.
Behind the trellis framework there is an almond tree and a pine tree.
The trellis was supposed to be a privacy screen and the back section was supposed to be a veggie garden. I think that lasted one season before Fatherbot  gave up on it.
The black poly piping at the bottom of the framework has holes where I accidentally shot it with his air rifle when I was a kid.
Woke up from the goon slumber. New socks and silocone baking mats are here. Spoke to my dad. Ate a couple slices of watermelon.
put the head unit in and took it out again to check some shit. gonna have to do that again when I get around to the reverse camera. Gonna put it where the sprayer for the rear window goes. gonna be struggling to get the pies in the oven before tea.
I bet that Chullora sorting centre is full of Pajeets, samoans and lebs. What they don't steal they misplace.
There are people who push to "racial slurise" certain names for ethnic groups, and there are people who feel guilt over using them (when pointed out that "those are racial slurs"). I feel no guilt because these are just names for ethnic groups.
He told me he paid for his girlfriends house deposit. Implied its in his name but I need to give it to her if he dies. It wasn't a direct request.
Tried doing some high intensity cardio on the exercise bike. Felt very good. Would recommend to neets who need a psychological boost.
Have any neets seen Heathers (1989)? It was written and directed by the brother of the directory of Mean Girls, and is similar but much darker, with guns and bombs and murders.
The price tag on the things I need
Are getting bigger by the day
I got a bullet with a name on it
Bullet with a name
I think I'm going to join the Socialist Alternative and start pushing national syndicalism while some brownoid third worldists do the heavy lifting of oppoising Jewish interests
you could be experiencing PTSD brought on by assignments or exams that are too hard. Talk to your school counsellor about pharmaceutical solutions and seek your campus safe space immediately.
> He’s controversial
> But one thing is true
> Imperfect people
> A perfect God can use
> I’m standing with the Chosen one
> Ain’t no stopping what the Lord’s begun
How many chickens, dogs, mongs and negresses has cruisey destroyed in his mad obsession with winning at the pokies? How many more must suffer?
Suffered some kind of episode. 
Sleep paralysis, lucid dreams, hallucinations. Still can't move my arms properly. No idea why this happened
got a chobani and an orange juice for breakfast
checkout woman at woolies was some kind of middle aged asian. she has probably wanked cruisey off in the past.
took the head unit out and clicked in the harness which was disconnected somehow, fixed a random wire connection that came loose and reinstalled it. key in and lights light up and the screen comes to life. back to the manual to figure out how to program it. likely have to take it out again to connect the rear cam and troubleshoot.
cruisey and his ill gotten NDIS wealth has supported entire communities of slitty eyed, non-assimilating insectoids. Without degenerates like him the asian invasion would essentially starve and all those chinamen and SEA monkeys would have to toil in market gardens and scrape mine tailings for scraps of ore. Either that or become food for savage boongs like in the good old days.
Well done. 99% of car users would simply upgrade to the latest model on finance if they wanted better driving AV. Truly you have conquered the most difficult challenge in the DIY universe.
Cruisey negotiated a migration act which meant Adelaide Zoo got a couple pandas in return for accepting 300,000 immigrants and the NEETs didnt say thank you once.
I like to think of certain NEETs as blow off valve receivers for some of the more volatile ones. Just a bit of ebb and flow. They give too much.
Yeah they've had all weekend to think about it, and the defence lawyer's closing speech pointed out like 16 flaws and lies in the prosecutions case
Close, Jetstar Santa/Boomer Destroyer case may be decided today 
> An affair, a hunting trip and two people dead at a high country camp: how the Greg Lynn case unfolded – a timeline
> You strangled your victim until she nearly lost consciousness.  You then bit her on the right nipple and sucked her right breast.  That all lasted about 35 minutes and ended only when you vomited on her head
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Ok neets, time once again for the meeting of the womboflix movie selection committee. Vote for a movie on the list to be screened, or add a new movie to the list.

Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex(2010)
Truman Show(1998)
Trading Places(1983)
Fritz the cat(1972)
The Commitments(1991)
Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party(1976)
The Holy Mountain(1973)
Mortal Kombat(2021)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Bronson (2008)
Midnight Run (1988)
The Usual Suspects(1995)
True Romance (1993)
Prisoners (2013)
Beaches (1988)
American Psycho(2000)
The Untouchables(1987)
Once Upon A Time In Holywood(2019)
The Northman (2022)
Samurai Cop(1991)
Ex Machina(2014)
Back To The Future (1985)
Spiderman Across The Spiderverse (2023)
Hard Eight (1996)
True Grit(2010)
The Wild Geese(1978)
Eyes Wide Shut(1999)
Star wars/Empire Strikes Back/Return Of The Jedi
The Warriors (1979)
The Magnificent 7 (1960)
Office Space(1999)
The Imitation Game(2014)
Steve Jobs(2015)
Predator 1(1987)/Predator 2(1990)
Dr Strangelove(1964)
Barry Lyndon(1975)
Conspiracy Theory(1997)
Iron Man 1/2/3; The Avengers 1
Until The End Of The World (1991)
Sirens (1994)
The Naked Lunch(1991)
Southpark bigger longer uncut(1999)
Fast And Furious(2001)
Force of Nature(2020)
The Game(1997)
Weird Science(1985)
Alien(1979)/Aliens(1986)/Alien Resurrection(1997)
Also, we watched Renfield.
Actually, I'm voting for The Wild Geese, hoping its about a flock of Monks.
Can you add a field in England, Draug, Funny Games (newer one) and We Need To Talk About Kevin to the list please.
Bronson went in to prison for a relatively minor crime and then basically kept beating the shit out of guards and inmates and getting more and more time added on to his sentence until he'd effectively spent more time in prison than out
In a move that has shocked and upset hundreds of Catholics in Melbourne, the Vatican has banned the traditional Latin Mass from the city's St Patrick's Cathedral. The final traditional Mass will be offered on Wednesday, June 19, at 5.30pm.
Catholics in this nation need to remember that the Church was here prior to the wops arriving.
We are of Irish Catholic stock, not Roman Catholic.
I hope so. If not, sleep tight.
> When stroke occurs in the brain stem, it can affect both sides of the body.
The two boomers were having an affair for decades. The blokes wife didn't know until Police told her. They found his viagra prescription at the other dead slut's house.
When I kill boomers in remote campsites, I put their bodies in the passenger seats and drive them somewhere peaceful to dump the bodies, then I take the car to a hood in the city and leave the keys on the dash. Naturally I dont have my phone on to track my whereabouts.
I have never seen it in both sides, I think you'd need two haemerages/aneurisms in both lobes at the same time.
I knew a guy who had two tia (mini stroke) in both sides, but years between each one.
So the pigs tell her that: 
A: your hubbys deaddybones
B: he was cheating on you for decades
C: you are now single and have inherited all his super and assets
Actually it happened a few years ago, a couple were in swags near their car at a truckstop/park (no servo or lights) and a truck ran them both over. Iirc, the truckie didn't notice and had to be hunted down and didn't get in trouble for it.
After doing the google, I think I've confused several stories together. Meh. It was real in my mind.
I got an email from the electricity retailer. They said my prices are changing, please see the attached PDF for details.
I looked and it turns out my prices are going DOWN. A surprise, but a welcome one.
They're not going down by much, but we are used to everything going up all the time.
> Naturally I dont have my phone on to track my whereabouts.
Cops basically consider this a red flag nowadays. They pull phone records of the weeks before and after a crime of suspects and if there's a blackout period that lines up with the time of the incident they consider that proof you were involved.
Because the State DPP flatly refused to consider manslaughter, they can't go him for that if he gets off at this trial either. Worst they'll be able to do is some weak shit like interfering with a corpse or perverting the course of justice. He's been on remand for nearly 3 years, so that would likely be time served.
> leaving behind 13 children
gonna have to bury her in a Y-shaped coffin
Coles has a special on Don "Deli Cuts" any two for $6.40 at the moment. I got the ham and the Italian salami. The pepperoni was from Primo packet.
I placed the cheese triangles on the bottom piece of roll, followed by the ham (folded into semi circles), followed by the salami, and then the pepperoni on top.
I hate this country. I get welfare but i have to attend meetings to plan to get a job just to keep getting it.
The guy filming tried to incite everyone else to commit murder and his only contribution would have been to have filmed it so whoever he incited to do it would have been guaranteed to be arrested and convicted.
Still, if the mystery meat did what they said he did, he deserved to have his throat cut while he was down.
Ireland seems to be the only country actively pushing back against this forced migration being inflicted on everybody.
guess who will be out of business in 3 months
Decided not to have the third no-doze, found that just standing up and walking around made me feel awake enough
tried out the new car stereo and dash cam driving down to the shoppe. I got my mail as well as some cheap bannanas, mushrooms and broccolini. Its going into my next pies. I feel inspired. The vegetarian aspect gives me good energy for whats next to come with the car improvements. Probably the seat covers and taking the seat belt off to be washed.
I dont have insurance so this will offset some of the hassle when I get into trouble. its all offline so I cant see how the ZOG can use it against me.
Had the third no-doze after all. If I can't sleep tonight, you have my permission to call me a mong.
so i get insured but then some cunt writes my falcon off and I get 5000 and they take the car. It'll cost me fifteen thousand to replace it easy. Starting from scratch with a new car and getting it up to a gud standard is hundreds of hours of work.
They support it on https://reg.bom.gov.au
I think there is some bizarre-o reason they don't offer it on the main site due to some historical bullshit around up-time, availability, and performance.
> They support it on
I wonder why https error message page can't provide that link on this site
Instantly solving the problem.
SSL/TLS protects more than just the data in transit, it prevents the paths, directories, and query components of a URL being snooped, which some people care about.
The BOM also handles it stupidly in that they do listen for incoming requests on https://www.bom.gov.au and rather than serve the fucking weather they serve a page to tell you they don't support SSL. Guess what happens when you try to visit the BOM website in any modern browser that tries to make an SSL connection first?
> compulsory third party
that covers people injuries not vehicles
they send their lawyers after you and drag you through the courts getting orders to seize assets and garnish wages to recoup what they think you owe

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