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The bored four NEETs

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guess who will be out of business in 3 months
Decided not to have the third no-doze, found that just standing up and walking around made me feel awake enough
tried out the new car stereo and dash cam driving down to the shoppe. I got my mail as well as some cheap bannanas, mushrooms and broccolini. Its going into my next pies. I feel inspired. The vegetarian aspect gives me good energy for whats next to come with the car improvements. Probably the seat covers and taking the seat belt off to be washed.
I dont have insurance so this will offset some of the hassle when I get into trouble. its all offline so I cant see how the ZOG can use it against me.
Had the third no-doze after all. If I can't sleep tonight, you have my permission to call me a mong.
so i get insured but then some cunt writes my falcon off and I get 5000 and they take the car. It'll cost me fifteen thousand to replace it easy. Starting from scratch with a new car and getting it up to a gud standard is hundreds of hours of work.
They support it on https://reg.bom.gov.au
I think there is some bizarre-o reason they don't offer it on the main site due to some historical bullshit around up-time, availability, and performance.
> They support it on
I wonder why https error message page can't provide that link on this site
Instantly solving the problem.
SSL/TLS protects more than just the data in transit, it prevents the paths, directories, and query components of a URL being snooped, which some people care about.
The BOM also handles it stupidly in that they do listen for incoming requests on https://www.bom.gov.au and rather than serve the fucking weather they serve a page to tell you they don't support SSL. Guess what happens when you try to visit the BOM website in any modern browser that tries to make an SSL connection first?
> compulsory third party
that covers people injuries not vehicles
they send their lawyers after you and drag you through the courts getting orders to seize assets and garnish wages to recoup what they think you owe

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