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The bored four NEETs

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My mummybot (not a chink) used to make it, I learnt it from her. I never really thought of it as chink food, I guess she got the recipe from a magazine or something.
We need to organise our own ndis funded IT shop, we have no shortage of mongs here with which to staff it. Maybe even make it remote work, cruisey could put us all on the payroll as downie cloud engineers.
> https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-24/ndis-rorts-by-organised-crime-worse-than-feared-watchdog/103888752
Organised crime syndicates steal $8 billion a year from NDIS
Good on them. It was disgusting how the three child actors from the films denounced her even though she had given them their start in acting and made them rich.
I have got the heater running. The cold was too much for me.
I hate having to pay the electricity for it. I have become soft.
Second short power outage for the night. They don’t provide advance notice of the work and don’t list them as outages either. Can’t be bothered turning the computer on again as they’ll kill it again I’m sure
Couple of minutes. The timing (7.30 and 9.30pm) and the duration are almost certainly indicative of works being performed in the area, with no notice. The SA Power Networks website says they are supposed to provide 4 days advance notice of such works.
I think I have legit developed Tourette's syndrome. I'm not even memeing.
I just bark out insulting words at myself whenever I have an uncomfortable thought. It happens multiple times a day. It happens out in public now too.

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