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The bored four NEETs

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it only took 10 days for him to look feral
The MSM is all lies. The guy ran shirtless into the woods with a pair of scissors, he wasn't a hiker. And he wasn't lost he had a mental breakdown.
One time a sparky pissed me off so I just turned the power back on while he was stripping some wires
> “Just, ‘help, help. I’m over here’,” he told the station. “Or, ‘Is anybody out there? I want a burrito and a taco bowl,’ that’s what I thought about every day ... after the first five days, when I started to kind of realise that I might be in over my head.”

Guzman y Gomez keeps on winning !
So severely woed. Uni is pretty much deserted. Walked around in the city for a bit listening to the buskers. I haven't started doing any work for the day. Heading home presently. I intend to get on the piss, have the saddest wank of my life and then get cracking on the day.
Yeah, but I always have things I'm working on for uni. It is the exams period but most of them are over so very few people are here. I was hoping to chat up a girl to lift my mood but there were only Asians and Indians. I might give it a go tomorrow at Rundle mall.

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