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The bored four NEETs

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Making vile smells all day, foreshadowing a two foot long shit comprising mainly of cauliflower and Gorgonzola
Back is really bad today, not so much my spine, which is the normal one but my back ribs. Breathing feels like a boot in the kidneys.
Good Morning NEETs

>  dergs are cancelled 


>  clive is cancelled 


>  highway is cancelled


thank fuck i didnt drive to brissy yesterday...
Had a Southern Belle for lunch. They brought back spicy mayo, but put that faggot lettuce on it instead of iceberg lettuce and the tomato was a green one.
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Barry was beaming when I finally got there after I gave up on the bus and walked for an hour. He insisted on taking me for a test drive and kept saying how its like a new car now after got dyno'd twice and the computer fuel thingo got re-programmed and the sensor I changed got changed again. He was a bit violent with the acceleration and rough with the gear shifting throwing it around the roundabouts and said the engine was bulletproof when i asked if i should be driving like its a race car. I thanked him and paid $2500 and he gave me a speech about how he should have charged me lots more but he wanted to do a proper job He said to bring the wagon in and he would work on it when I'm ready. Barry is a aussie legend and standup Aryan although I suspect hes deep down a confused civnat instead of a white nationalist and would do the same great job for a non-white who came in, but I could be wrong, he was probably happy to do a better job for an owner who left the car with him no stress. 

Went to the nuts and bolts shoppe to get some supplies to put the tub back in. Barry went in from under the ute to change the sensor instead of lifting the tray off. The shoppe didnt have two of the items I wanted even though they should have, but I didn't argue because the some of the boomers who work there have been in 'nam. 

Went to the bull bar place and dropped another down payment, hassled them to get it in grey instead of black. The salesman said he would ask again. 

might open teh bonnet and have a look.
Bicycle Bandit got sentenced to 35 years but immediately drove to flinders medical centre to get euthanised.
Some junkie-looking bitch with a vape in her hand just knocked on my door. She said she was looking for her lost dog.
I told her I hadn't seen it. Then I asked her where she lived so I could go and tell her if I saw the dog and she froze and started stuttering - she hadn't expected me to ask and didn't know what to say. She ended up spilling some bullshit story about living "around there at the end".
She was probably casing my house to see if anyone was home. There was probably a piece of shit boyfriend lurking around somewhere nearby waiting for her report so they could come and do a break-in.
Fucking cunts in this bad home area.
> report it to the pigs
I don't want to be involved with them in any way.

> surveillance cams
The problem with them is the main target of their surveillance is always yourself.
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> got new 2tb drive
> went to image it
> could not find a screw for the new drive 

I'm also confused as to how Raw Egg Nationalist looks like a shredded chad in the Tucker Carlson documentary but looks relatively small in his doxxed pic. He is handsome though and not as swarthy as the groypers imply
Not really. I agree with the vitalist Neitzchean adoration of beauty and opposing the Christian slave morality of modern culture but that whole 'scene' as a part of the dissident right has always been a bit of a gay secret club. I wouldn't say grift but it definitely exaggerates itself. 
I also agree with some of the things that Fuentes says, even if he is a gay Mexican third-worldist.
How the fuk is some computer component I never heard of before somehow a mechanical device requiring screws and bolts and pushrods and shit? hunh, how?
We should assume anyone who does their primary socialising online does not look like a Chad (myself excepted).
A young foriegn doctor told me the other day that I should use social media as a cure for depression.
I am quite proud of myself for not bitchslapping her.
Motherbat texted to say she is putting an additional blanket on my bed ahead of my visit on Friday night.
Gonna stay up all night me thinks. JSP tomorrow at 11am, won't be sleeping without goon and will be too taxed to drive at 10am if gooning, if I wake up in time. Going to spend the night organising all my hard drives and trying to delete all the nested duplicates again. 

Will try some kind of beef mince 'burrito bowl' with air fried potato cubes
Poor ✈️🎅
> Jury in Greg Lynn's murder trial told to continue deliberations after verdict question
I rewatched Peaky Blinders recently in the hope that seasons 5 and 6 were not as bad as I remembered.
They were worse, I fell asleep during the last episode and didn't even bother switching it back.
How the fuk do they make screws out of lead? hunh, how?
anyway I got one for ten bucks off ebuy so i can play around with it for less than the cost of a tram ticket these days, dang it.
There are big gaps between seasons now too. Multiple years. In the old days they used to churn them out on schedule. More episodes per season too.
> Professor Withayachumnankul 
< With a what?
> Yes, Professor Withawat Withayachumnankul
> Withawat Withayachumnankul completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electronic engineering from King Mongkunt’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL)
When I rewatched it it looked a bit cheap - one of those shows that was shot before HD was a thing and didn't survive the upscale too well. But it was still good.
I watched We Run This City the other day and it was terrible, despite being written by The Wire guy and having half the same cast.
Forgoing solid food and having the wild peach bellini I forgot to drink during the movie last night.
I can't eat reduced price food. I get too paranoid about what might be wrong with it. ImaGINATION RUNS WILD. iT TASTES OFF EVEN IF IT ISN'T. Intersection with mental illness and neurosis.
Another 'action star' who is best suited only to supporting actor roles. He got married to one fine piece of ass though, I'll give him that.
Just got done with my second neet meeting. I hate this shit. They keep asking about my shitty life. Well atleast i dont have to work, yet. The entire reason im having these meetings is so that i will end up working some job. Even the job thing will be a process because i will have to work 2 days a week for like 1-2 hours and then increase more and more over a 1 year process until im working halftime.
I DONT WANT TO WORK. Im too fucking stupid too learn programming so i dont know what to do.
I want a silent night time drone that I can use to fly around and spy on normies and find out what they do while I'm lying here feeling woe'd
There is also something similar here but i never got into it. Im in some special program now to basically shape me into a "functional human being"
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This happened around a year ago.
> woken up my neighbors shrill scream
> most fucken terrifying scream in my life
> ponder what to do because she keeps screaming
> think neighbor is beating the shit out of his wife
> mom just went for groceries
> call the police while basically having a panic attack
> hear noise in the stairs etc
> slam my door open but theres noone there
> she opens the door after like 2 secs and we just stare at eachother for like 2-3 secs
> then close my door and lock it fast
> later when the police arrive one of them talks to me and tells me that 3 people with guns just broke into her apartment
> i just realize i almost got myself killed because i slammed my door open
> didnt even realize there was people with guns or that they were breaking into her apartment
> almost got myself killed because i tried helping a woman who i thought was being beat up by her husband
You'll be pleased to know that was the last of the museum photos.
That was a Lockhead AP-3C Orion.
Thank you, NOOTs.
It was a good museum. Cruisey should definitely take some mongs there if they are into that kind of thing.
I'm glad they are preserving what they can. The Government literally buried the other F-111s in landfill rather than sell them or give them to museums.
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To be clear ....Finally found a spare NVME fine pitch screw for the second M2 slot that was never used on the board before.

Pictured left is my eterenal friend the linux macbook air for just shitposting and playing music while i.....

-cloning a desktop linux image from 512gb to a 2tb
-Installing Windows 11 pro on the old 512 and another audio production laptop
-Running the new windows AME tookit and playbook to de-botnet windows 11

Mission accomplished goals achieved. Holy fuck stock windows 11 is one ugly beast. Even with modern hardware you are just shutting it down and waiting endlessly for a circle and for it to update for minutes  like windows vista ..... FFS

Pretty impressed with AME playbook so far. 

yeah there is literally no way around a microsoft account this time. joke is most people cant run it because of hardware limitations lel

thats an old video and is a pretty good run down on their older builds when they distributed a highly illegal .iso

still got that .iso might even be going back to it, we shall see, its  great for VMs by the way...
Do any of you NEETs watch House of the Dragon?
It is not very good. I just skip through it.
The shoe-horned negro characters are very bad in particular.
I watched the first couple of episodes of season 1 when it first came out and didn't get around to watching the rest.
After GoT it seemed like more of the same but worse.
also it jumps forward in time at some point in the first season and the cute girls are replaced by post-wall creatures
I've always wondered where our garbage actually goes, there would be so much of it and no way anyone's gonna bother recycling that shit.
I bet if I followed the garbage truck around I'd find out where they really dump it all.
There's just a huge hole, which everything they can't scrap goes into. The shit that's worth processing good through an elaborate system, but everything else is just dozered into a hole
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The setting means that the participants would be drinking wine, meaning that the men might be induced to say things they would not say elsewhere or when sober. They might speak more frankly, or take more risks, or else be prone to hubris—they might even be inspired to make speeches that are particularly heartfelt and noble.
AI will let supermarkets replace trolleys with cute robo anime girls who will carry your groceries for you while encourage you to buy more.
lol she's back
Do entire households get high together or something?
Being on the couch I had them folded along their long edge, so two of them was effectively 4 blankets. Perfectly snuggly with a tracksuit on.
gyms are for retards who cant into workouts without a controlled environment, The problem is the gyms are also run by retards who cant into sensible.
That fucking skip better get picked up this morning. They're predicting hail later and my car is not in the carport because of the skip.
The sami of far northern Scandinavia have about 50% V(which came from Iberian refuge), and 40-50% U5b1( which came form Iberian refuge). The Sami U5b1 is most related to the Berber U5b1 their common ancestor is estimated to have lived 8,000ybp in Iberia. 
a 7,000 year old hunter gather in northern Spain his closest modern relatives are Finnish and Sami people in Scandinavia(6). This is because Sami and Finnish ancestors have been separated from other Europeans for at least 10,000 years.

Apparently Berbers are more European than Europeans, apart from Finns and Saami.
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Starting to think its a ruse and they're really just exiled sephadim mixed with the remnants of Carthage. Noone wants to look at pre Phoenecian Carthage and just accept them as Moloch worshipping Levantines founded by Dido. Thats like Rome's history is two kids sucking on wolf tits. Not buying it. 
Probably Armenians like Odin and Freia.
Apparently that Indian taxi driver at Motherbat's has been in trouble to harassing oldies waiting for the community bus, trying to get them to take a cab ride.
bunnings didnt have the drain pipe brackets I wanted and I dicked around for fifteen minutes while the store radio played shit normie pop. Horrible. Thinking of getting a nutsert gun. Messaged the gas strut regassing dude so I might have to go out again later.
If she has an early appointment she needs to use a taxi as the bus pickup timing is dependent on how many other people want to be picked up
> store radio played shit normie pop
you should always take headphones with you when you go out, both so you can ignore normies and pretend you don't hear them when they try and talk to you and also so you can just drown out terrible pop music
sometimes I have ear plugs. It just reduces the volume tho, I have walked out of businesses because of radio or tv going and its unavoidable. I noob tubed nutserts and you can do it with two spanners and an arrangement of nuts, bolts and washers.
Nobodies buying the "pharmacy" vapes and no pharmacy would bother stocking them.
As soon as that gay announcement was made I moved to another supplier for concentrates and I can still order coils from overseas.
neighbouring pajeets have set off their smoke alarms here, tempted to call the fire brigade on them
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Good Morning NEETs

Last night i had a full Terminator 2 moment with the NVME.

With no young John Connor to stop me i have averted the future machine war. 

You are welcome.
There are larger factors at play here neet, including alex jones, elon musk and the secret war against globohomo. Nuro did what he had to do to protect the world.
> not a cunt bitch
A subcategory of that is "not mentally ill" which rules out about half of them.
Skip still hasn't been collected. It's now filling with water (in addition to everything else) thanks to the storm.
Because my neighbors are cunts. They can probably hear me opening my shitty door and therefore start banging on the pipes. They should just shut the fuck up like i do when i hear their shitty family
They have a typical scumbag mentality. They hear all the noise you make but have no understanding that they make noise too (and probably a lot more than you).
> idiot jury
Because they didn't let someone get away with murdering an elderly woman?
It would have been ridiculous for him to be allowed free after what he did.
It doesn't have to make sense. You can't let a murderer destroy all the evidence of what he did and then let him off on technicalities based on there no longer being enough evidence to say exactly what happened.
Justice was done. His jew strategy of appealing to technicalities was defeated by a common sense jury who didn't let a murderer go free.

Can't get shopping sites to work, very angry. 
I want to buy something, I have money, the seller wants to sell it to me, the platform says no
Showed the client this, and he giggled. 
He told me to tell you that terminator is not impressed and the was is still on.
You stopped nothing. Your actions were worthless.
Did Jules ever have a proper job before starting wikileaks? He says he dropped out of 6 different universities without ever completing a course.
In about a week I'm going to have a document come through from cenno. I'm going to either be ecstatic or severely woed depending on the outcome.
> The Australian share market is trading higher on Tuesday after Collins Foods, the local operator of KFC and Taco Bell in Australia, reported a 500 per cent net profit increase during the last financial year
Have you neets been buying a lot of kfc lately?
No, but I'm ethnically Welsh so I could pass for a very light one. I intend to accuse them of discriminating against me if I get rejected. I can't push anything that requires paperwork since I'm only spiritually a boong.
Dreary day, no sun at all. Went to the Aluminium place but they got taken over by some other mob. Everything was the same but they didnt stock some of the stuff in the old catalogue anymore. The chuds behind the desk were all wearing fresh new corporate hi-viz but didnt sound too happy about it and sent me to their competitor across town for the stuff they dropped from thier stock. Bit of bullying going on in the office there from the sounds of it but I got my stuff. Mission accomplished, upgrades going ahead. Wish it would be more dreary and cold.
If Monk gets his DSP, all the brakes will be off and he'll end up shitting out his liver in a flop house surrounded by cartons of expired milk and filthy rags.
I won't be applying for the DSP.
It would be preferable to volunteer in the Wu State Army and become a triad meth trafficante like Daniel Rodney Badger
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> Three different guys in three different locations but the one common theme - they were all in Dearborn Heights the same week.
> "The individual was found to be naked in his car, pleasuring himself in the parking lot," said Paul Vanderplow, Dearborn Heights police.
> One incident was caught on camera.
> "What the f*** is he doing," said the man recording the video.
> When the guy on video was caught – he opened the door to his blue Honda CRV fully nude. It was in the parking lot of a school, OW Best Middle School on Sunday.

> Investigators are actually looking into his theory that some kind of online forum – is encouraging guys to pleasure themselves specifically in Dearborn Heights.
> One of the three has been arrested. A 45-year-old man was handling himself - a block from Annapolis High School last week caught with meth and cucumber – he’s now charged.
No that's gross, what I do is walk around the carpark until I find one unlocked and have a wank in that one, but I always make sure I leave a bit of neet juice on the steering wheel as a nice surprise.
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This weekend's movies are both sci fi movies from 1997. First off, in Alien Resurrection (1997) - two centuries after her death, a powerful human/alien hybrid clone of Ellen Ripley aids a crew of space pirates in stopping the aliens from reaching Earth. And in Gattaca (1997), a genetically inferior man assumes the identity of a superior one in order to pursue his lifelong dream of space travel.
I ask for extra salt. Occasionally you'll get some absolute mad lad cook you a fresh batch of chips and put so much salt on them it looks like the chips have crystals growing on them
I put my boots on because of the floor being so cold that it cuts straight through my socks. I feel a bit sorry for nuro.
Nuro could have run DBAN thru it to destroy his shameful porno habits and given it to a NEET without a NVME, but he smashed it because he's too based to share.
going to put my feet in a bucket of hot water and go to bed. Shower tomorrow morning and working indoors out of the clammy cold.
Neet fight camp - survivalist edition begins tomorrow. Neets can you please remember to post any good motivational fitness videos, I need all the inspiration I can get.
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Fuck sake. 3 year old main system drive fails due to poor themals being just below the main cpu heatsink........

Bios will not let me boot with it and specifically warns me of immanent failure.

Go la di da and buy external usbc caddy....

Acts sketchy as fuck, so far has wasted hours  of my time, buy a 2tb and smash it, no fucks given......
Got a copy of The ACTU: a Short History for 50c. First chapter has a picture of the Tolpuddle Martyrs.
Also got a map of africa by prester john, who after half an hour of google mapping these obsure city names found out most of it isn't real and the guy isnt real.
> Pylon collapse that left 100,000 New Zealand homes without power was caused by diversity hire maintenance crew removing too many bolts
> confirmed on Monday that the fall of the pylon in Glorit on Thursday was “unprecedented and inconceivable” errors made by workers
> Standard procedure was to remove the nuts on one pylon leg at a time, but on Thursday three legs had them taken off at the same time
Sink is blocked up again, will probably have to buy some drain cleaner tomorrow, the woe never ends.
I'm going to fart in your mouth
I'm going to piss on your couch bed
I'm going to shit on these walls
noun [NEB-ish]

1. a timid, meek, or ineffectual person

Some of u NEETs wot is nebbish piss me right off.
Apparently, there's an Aussie-Jeet race war raging over on the truckie CB radio.
Aussies mimicking Indian accents.Indians and Pakistanis blocking up the channels by blasting their ethnic music.
I'll simply eat two bags
Suffered lectin poisoning, projectile Vomited up a kilo of uncooked vegetable matter. Poisoning rather than flu, felt totally fine afterwards. 

In hindsight the cause was far more obvious, it's not every day that a neet manages to eat a kilo of something totally inedible. How does a neet fuck up that bad?
I'm going to blame the author, who directly instructed that 4 litres of lectin rich liquid be readded to the dish for colour. Earth to Karen,lectin isn't a fuckin antioxidant, it's mildly poisonous.
And rarely would anyone eat a whole kilo of this shit, but it was a trial run and so I didn't make the accompanying components. The other recipe I had was in thirdie English and just said prepare, the third made no mention of cooking the ingredient at all. Turns out thirdies all buy this shit precooked in a can, because like kidney beans it's poisonous raw and hard to cook.
> Lectins are found in many foods. Some foods, such as beans and grains, need to be cooked, fermented or sprouted to reduce lectin content. Some lectins are beneficial, such as CLEC11A, which promotes bone growth, while others may be powerful toxins such as ricin.[3]
Sounds like a neet soaked castor beans, condensed the water then drank it. Something bean neet would do.
If you were on the ndis bux, I could arrange this for you.
The analysis of over 10,300 CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet members using Fast Start showed 28 per cent of people shifted out of the obese category after 12 weeks, and 31 per cent did so after 24 weeks.
In hindsight the cause is hardly debatable, if you eat a kilo of lectins you will promptly throw up a kilo of lectins, then feel fine. Neets are monogastric, this happens whenever they eat cow food.
Fine line between experimental cooking and manufacturing organic toxins. Trying to work out which lectin you ingested is like trying to work out who broke into your car.
it only took 10 days for him to look feral
The MSM is all lies. The guy ran shirtless into the woods with a pair of scissors, he wasn't a hiker. And he wasn't lost he had a mental breakdown.
One time a sparky pissed me off so I just turned the power back on while he was stripping some wires
> “Just, ‘help, help. I’m over here’,” he told the station. “Or, ‘Is anybody out there? I want a burrito and a taco bowl,’ that’s what I thought about every day ... after the first five days, when I started to kind of realise that I might be in over my head.”

Guzman y Gomez keeps on winning !
So severely woed. Uni is pretty much deserted. Walked around in the city for a bit listening to the buskers. I haven't started doing any work for the day. Heading home presently. I intend to get on the piss, have the saddest wank of my life and then get cracking on the day.
Yeah, but I always have things I'm working on for uni. It is the exams period but most of them are over so very few people are here. I was hoping to chat up a girl to lift my mood but there were only Asians and Indians. I might give it a go tomorrow at Rundle mall.

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