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What a weird day. Have not been exercising or gooning particularly hard this weekend and eating good. Went to bed earlyish last night 

Slept in till 9am. Got out of bed at 11am for a customer and to have lunch with Dad. Got home 1pm and immediately went back to bed. Slept until 3:30pm. Avoided all caffeine and stims. Was tired all afternoon...

Not feeling hungry after the steak. Having some canned chilli beans for din dins. Not even baking some hash browns.... might watch an episode of the boys and go back to bed.

Very unusual.....

thats a terrrible emoji without context

i was shook the other day when i found my favourite roast was no longer cheap any more....back to normal prices. They were probably selling us the the remains of that saudi boatload that got turned back a few month ago :|

Tempted to get a bacon deluxe hunger tamer box and a storm flake as a late night treat but I know they'll forget the storm flake and that'll piss me off. Might just get some maccas and a frappe thing instead. At least the wagies at my local maccas are consistent.

Went well. My old card had massive coil whine to the point where i couldnt even play a single game without hearing a whine. I couldnt even play at 144hz without hearing whine. This one works wonders. No fucking whine unless i take of my headphones. Just a little whine. But if i keep headphones no whine.

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I have a problem. For the past 2 or so years i've been hearing a vibrational/electric noise constantly coming somewhere from around my window and you will hear it throughout the room. It sounds kind of like a tesla coil and for example if i sit away from my window at the other side of the room it will sound like its near me probably due to the fact that its so noisy. And im not crazy because my mom has confirmed that she can hear it aswell. I called local government and they sent over some people to see if they could locate the sound from outside but they couldnt. I have a few suspicions. 
1. I am being targeted by a sonic/directed energy weapon. This is very plausable due to the fact that i cant find the source of the vibration noise and that its coming from my window so i have a suspicion that someone might be targeting me through me window. Why? I dont know but its possible.
2. Electrical wiring fault. This is another plausability simply that the electrical wiring is bad somewhere in the walls. But ive lived here for a long time when i was a kid and as an adult and this noise only started fairly recently in the last 1-2 years. So this is less plausable.

I really only have 2 plausabilities due to the fact that several of my neighbours have moved out and new ones have moved in and the fact that the noise has never stopped.

NEET it could be several things. I would not jump to the most sinister conclusion and think about energy weapons etc. Not without any evidence.

There is so much technology and machinery involved in the modern world, it can be very hard to locate the cause of things like this.

It's entirely possible that something outside is producing white noise and the glass is just filtering the sound which passes thorough. Another possible/ related phenomenon is that glass can oscillate at high frequency, just like it would rattle.

I would try going outside and seeing if there's a source of audible noise like an air conditioning unit, then try bluetack on your window

Just got back from the interview. 2 older blokes with my resume on the table in the office area. 
I was kinda nervous, mouth was dry, not sitting comfortably, talking fast. But I got through it. Rocked up without a minute to spare. Could possibly get it. Just worried about the 8am starts. 
Got down to 0 last night, everytime I rolled over the pillow was ice cold. 
Time to seize the day

I went for a drive. I found myself in one of these new housing development areas. The normie pods.
No footpaths, narrow curving roads. Sudden dead ends. Cars parked on the sides. You have to go around corners driving on the wrong side of the road and hope for the best. No visibility.

> Taxmanian lakes freexe over as Central Highlands town of Liawenee plummets to chilly -12.9C

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Fucking linux reeeeeeeee. The trackpad Paired fine..... but some asshole removed all the functionality out of the blueman app. It no longer lets you set up a device with a pin what the actuall fuck. Took me an hour to figure that out. Eventually got there with the command line fuckery. Wew loving all these new gestures.

> well maintained
i believe they haven't updated it in a decade or so, same with win 7 and possibly vista which i'm not sure anyone uses despite it being newer. supposedly windows 7 is decent, 8 is hated, 10 is good, 11 is hated. good lord listing those out made me realise how behind i am kek

> ergonomics 
nah after a decade of using a macbook air anything else just feels weird

> What blueman version are you running? 
they used to have a setup device wizard, fuck knows why it was removed 

sliding your fingers on an apple trackpad is like fingering pussy 

nah give mint a go, maybe try 20 it just werks, 21 was unusually buggy for me, and if you have whip out the terminal you learn to like it

Got an email saying someone tried logging into a instagram account i didnt even know existed. I changed the password and logged in. Biggest mistake of my life because i saw the profiles of classmates from like 7 years ago and now im flabbergasted that im an ugly autistic fuck while they turned into chads and stacies. I'm not even remotely making this up. Every profile i saw they were attractive. And here i sit a fat ugly fuck. Fucking unfair!

Ok, I've formulated a plan that combines dietary progress with dessert - I'll go to the shops and buy some slices or something, but I'll only eat some of them rather than binging like I normally do. The rest can wait until tomorrow and the next day.

Not by the milligram they aren't. Mints have no flavour, have some kind of chemical time release mechanism, and in general aren't enjoyable. They are very clearly the 'quit smoking aid' of mouth tobacco products. They're better than gums, and patches which I haven't tried (gay) but not recreational either. 
I'm not trying to quit. Cruisey needs to wake up and face the enjoyment of nicotine, we're in a new age

Todays plan: 
- Make bed 
- Meal prep breakfast burritos 
- Gym (Cardio) 
- Haircut 
- Browse shopping centre for clothes, buy a book
- Job applications 
- Continue sorting old clothes 
- Check oil in car

Do any of you NEETs feel you have too much compassion for others?
Like when someone mistreats me I always tell myself something like "He probably has undiagnosed mental illness he doesn't realise what he is doing to me".
This sort of attitude is meant to make you a "good person" by forgiving others, but I think it has just made me miserable.
It makes you repress the anger and rage. They say that depression is anger turned inwards.
I think I might have been better off punching the people that fucked me rather than making excuses for them.

this is part of being white and can work in your favour though, often a lot of the people being cunts to you really are just going through it or having a bad day, and you can make friends by giving them the benefit of the doubt. doesn't work when interacting with sociopaths though (if such a thing really exists) i think some people are just naturally mean

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Once you realize that people who disadvantage you are retards then its pretty clear that whether they do it by mistake or on purpose doesnt matter, they did it because they are retarded. So feeling sorry for them because life sucks when your a retard is kind of pointless because retards gonna retardate.

Monk get a job there soon
> Australian Government partners with Amazon Web Services to bolster national defence and security

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been on a tinnie bender for 3 days now, this is when it starts to get risky, if i stop i'll have 2 sleepless nights and go even more crazy though. aside from the physiological detriment, the texts and emails relating to real life have accrued to the point i know i have to stop soon. worrying to say the least

the liver is the only organ capable of fully healing itself, it's the noggin you have to worry about. you've all seen those middle aged tinniebeasts that lurk at pubs in the morning, their brains are frigged and i don't want to take that path, my liver is not even on the radar as far as worry goes

A ute has been stopped opposite my house for about 15 minutes. Engine running. Sitting out there in the dark.
I can't make out who is inside. There is something ominous and threatening about the situation.

The house over the road gets a lot of uber eats deliveries. Brown hands carrying brown takeaway bags in most days of the week.
I can't help but judge them for it. They should cook some decent food. They have kids.

Heard what sounded like someone messing with the keyhole in my door while i was laying in my bed. I rushed out and slammed my bedroom door open and then i could hear someone fucking rushing down the stairs.



turns out its just a batshit schizo bag lady squatter and even the leftys got jack of her cruising off them.

> Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives are expected to lose badly in today’s UK election – but a new populist party could do far, far better than expected.

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Its been weeks since i had the flu and i am still fucked. Everyone has had it. My brother is working at the kings warf casino development in Brisbane. He said the union wanted to shut down the entire site down because so many people were getting sick.

But not a word about it on the news....no hysteria... no covid clown show. 


I went out to check the letter box. I no longer go each day. Every time I go out the front door I feel very exposed and uncomfortable. Can feel eyes on me.
Much better to stay inside.

Apalling frost outside today. Car was sliding all over the road but I figured out that the wheel doing the drive needed to stay in the clearest wheel track, that would be the inside wheel on the curve, what with the differential. After that I just went slow and let cunts with AWD ching chong bimbo boxes find the worst of the black ice.

Bus got caught behind 4 MAMIL's riding two abreast on the highway right fukn next to a gold brick paved empty bike lane. I had a minute to think about what I was gonna yell out the window as we got past and I dunked on them so hard and everybody cheered. That was almost the most based thing I did today. HBU?

That's the retirement plan. A small fruit business with a bunch of bitches looking for transport to torres straight (where the other guy takes over and runs the real risk) but the fee is filling their stretched arseholes with amphetamines.

Washed one of those rims that some sport left on the lawn. Its got a flat spot and needs a re paint. not sure I want to put tyres on and mount them. Not sure about the aesthetic of having two different sets of rims.

Dangerous blue blocks
> A group of dangerous new street drugs, which can be up to 50 times stronger than fentanyl, have made their way to Australian shores, prompting warnings from law enforcement and medical experts.
> Nitazenes, a class of strong synthetic opioids, have been detected in every state and territory in Australia, and linked to at least a dozen deaths.

I was surprised that the timer said 32 minutes when I came in from the sunning session.
I had just been lying there, I had no phone or anything to distract me. The time passed quite quickly. It only felt like about ten minutes.

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