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The bored four NEETs

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this is a meme from /brit/ (formerly brit/pol/) it deals with the complex emotions associated with going to work. it is from a broader meme category known as "toil hoomers" all of which came from 8brit as far as i can remember

Not going to use my phone in bed tonight. Also all the light globes in my room are blown. 
Just going to put the phone out of reach and head into the land of nod. Should be easy given I slept like 2 hours last night

these ungrateful parasites live a life of luxury, leisure, and international travel on government funding and have the gall to criticise the uniform
they'll get to the olympics and fail to win a medal and spend their time fucking niggers


Why are French people like this

> no chicken nuggets will be available for athletes. Instead a soya-based nugget option will be on the menu

I don't know how things are handled these days, but back in the 2000s, whenever a TIO complaint was lodged the ISP had to basically pay them (the TIO) $5k or $10k immediately which went into a holdings account and then the process went through. If no fault was found they money was released, but if the telco didn't respond in a timely manner or the complaint was upheld they forfeit the money. At one point it was being weaponised by gamer nerds when they got banned by IGN or whoever.

No, I intend to use it as a bread spread as a healthier alternative to dip with crackers. I might make it into something along the lines of French onion dip and toast the fuck out of some small slices of bread to replace the crackers.

Nominally 9-5 but it can be hard to tell as they vary greatly in how they count hours. They tend to either work like dogs way beyond what they're paid for or do two-fifths of fuck all and just collect a cheque. Lots of working time is spent in meetings or just fucking around with coffee machines and gossiping like old biddies. It is very common for some hardworking autist to do lots of work and then have their more socially adept colleagues take credit for everything. The postdocs tend to get fucked in this way pretty badly. The women especially have an easy time getting away with that sort of thing. The whole place is a den of vipers.

Wage off. Got a book, Goldseekers of the 1890s which has some collectable stamps in a sealed envelope thing in it for $4, and a large stainless steel soup pot (about 10l) for $13.
Also got a chicken burger and an a&w root beer.

Yesterday somebody in the psych department reached out about fixing some CGI scripts used for surveys or something. Replied back asking for details and access and just radio silence since 4pm yesterday. Totally unprofessional.

wwii england featuring a nigger and a mexicunt

That's actually a pretty good meal when you can get the shapes for $2 on special.
When Fatherbot was an apprentice living in Lizbef and he would drive home to Clare on the weekends he would make up stacks of BBQ Shapes with a square of cheese and a piece of kabana and eat them while he drove.

> retired library assistant Pat Guntrip
unfortunate surname

They're right about the shortage too. It's a huge issue about how much it costs those companies to produce each dose. Such a shame it cannot be made on mass cheaply. 
> Novo Nordisk’s $1,000 diabetes drug Ozempic can be made for less than $5 a month, study suggests


> teen no mention of race


> the charges officer ?

It's deli style take out where you just get the ingredients that are neiche or hard to make.
I get a olive garden style pizza for $7, and two minutes work. Executives spend $35 on deli pizza instead of going to the actual deli

Hot! & Spicy


Mogged by the monger!

Young cunt will/must be swimming in pussy.

Just not as cooleeh oh.

> good sports
ie. tennis and teh beach volleyball

The dimmies at my local servo are a buck fiddy each.

All the way down?

> opens calculator app
5 bucks per kaygee ain't too bad.

Finally the animals stood up for themsleves. Fuck all the chink and nigger immigrants/'locals' that disrespect them.

Thinking of changing my name to JD Vance tbqh.

So cheap he'd buy used skates just to save a buck.

Tray mogged.

Sounds delicious
And there you go again fucking shit up...

Cruisey is a law BREAKER. And somebody who lives a life of DISORDER.

I'm on the way to the gym. I haven't lifted at all in about six weeks. This is my longest break since the lockdowns, maybe longer.
I'm a little worried about it but I can't keep putting it off.

Spent so much already since payday. Yut still so much more to get. Even the 'essentials' like a carton of eggs, block of butter, pack of tissues and carton of milk creeps towards the twenty dollar mark just buying the cheap shit.

Had a strawberry sundae, apple pie, cookies, and a large raspberry soft drink. Pajeet also brought a large frozen coke and a large coffee. Not sure if they were for someone else or if McDolans were just getting rid of things made by mistake or left out of orders.

Tele is on. Government keeps running adverts “talk to your baby” and one about not drinking once you realise you are pregnant. Must be a bunch of Gretas being born and other babies failing to thrive because mum can’t tear herself away from her phone.

Never been to either of them. I've noticed there are numerous neet support places on discord, but I've never joined them. I use discord only for tech stuff, never for whining about what a fat mentally ill loser I am. I'm more comfortable doing that on an anonymous place.

adjective [ˈō-shē-ˌōs] 

1. producing no useful result; futile
2. being at leisure; idle
3. lacking use or effect; functionless

There is no superfluous ornament in Possum's orations, nothing tawdry, nothing otiose.

From and including: Wednesday, 10 April 2024
To, but not including Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Result: 105 days

It is 105 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.

Or 3 months, 14 days excluding the end date.

I took out about 40k last financial year, which I didnt pay tax on, so now owe 1/3 of it back to the ato.
I need to talk to an agent. The new worker costs 1500 a fortnight, thats with super. Take home is about 900-1000 per fort for 30 hrs. Which is fine. As long as I dont touch it it wont get taxed, so what I make I leave in the business account and that will be used to pay expenses like her. But she doesn't produce any money so I need to allocate about as much as I make in 2 days to pay for her 3 days. Unfortunately I'm a dumb lazy cunt so she's getting paid to sit without a caseload because I need to make up some sort of handover and schedule of tasks I want her to do but haven't.

Drove 20 minutes to pick up a rear shock.

Lakeside estate looked comfy. Went for a ride around the lake somewhere new. 

Hopped in car and massive pile up on the motor way. Divert, circle around it, end up in Nambour and get some KFC and some wheel bearings on the way home. Saved me another drive for parts tomorrow morning. 



Its down to a roll of dice. You need to factor what time of day it is, how busy they are / have been and amounts of staff turnover etc....

There are some KFCs that are consitently better than the others, i drive out of the way to go to the best one. Two weeks ago cars were piling up and i just wanted 6pc hot spicy and chups and they were out. Best they could do was 10pc wicked wings and chups and it was shit. Today i got 15pc wicked wings and chups and it was the best i have had. 

roll the dice NEETs...

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Going to a restaurant where your food is all deep fried in the oil that serves a community, even yet part of the culture within that community, whereby the character of the oil is discussed as serious banter, is about as appealing as lining up for teh Vaxx™ injected from the community needle. Infact if there was to be some poison or venom or toxin or  insidious threat to your health then it is KFC diners who will get, as they say of teh Vaxxd™: Bioweapwnd

A long day for a NEET like me. JSP gave me the tax declaration forms and safety worksafe stuff for the wage I'm starting tomorrow. Physical forms like I would be too much of a mong to do it online. I was kinda wondering if they were sit there and help me fill them in. 6am wakeup for a 7:30 start. I hope I can sleep. 
Then went into the city to get my black market nicotine. Train back was delayed and some weird dude with pink streaks in his hair and an emo outfit had a fit about it, screaming about being late etc. The confrontation anxiety wasn't as bad as that mong at coles but I was still ashamed to feel it when this guy was a scrawny soyboy type. 

You seen much combat? 

You need an empathetic, experienced helpdesk operator like me to manage these things and other ad-hoc business requirements.


ordered something for like 400 dollars from the US and it took several months to arrive. Now that its here it doesnt even work and doesnt do what its supposed to do. Should i just cut my losses? The only way to contact the guy is by making a facebook account which i dont have.

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