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Most cheap routers don't allow bridge mode (act as a switch), even then you will have to be careful when configuring it. If it's an ISP router I doubt it. If you're going the Ethernet cable way, get a switch

A router and switch isn't the same thing. Don't let them tell you it is.

It's the nightly special.
> Thursday night is Lamb Shank night, come and get your lamb shank cooked to absolute perfection!
> The meat falls straight off the bone, slow cooked in a red wine reduction sauce on a bed of creamy mash. You won’t be disappointed it’s delicious. A winter favourite.
> Only $22 tonight and you can get a pint of St Kilda Sunset Draught for $5 with your dinner! 
> Book now on 08 8482 5167 or online at www.thestkildahotel.com.au
> We are open until 12am every-night for bar and gaming, we also have 20 of the latest gaming machines.


nah, the weather aint terrible but its bleak with a gusty south easterly, took a drive to the point and chilled inside the cage, back home now and put a lamb roast in the oven. Countdowm to Flavortown.

its easy to do when taxed, i member a few months ago i left wooolies and went to the shoppo bottle o i which i never do, bought a clear bottle of vodka and left it in the trolley, luckily enough trolley guy was a champ and gave it back to bottle o, which i later redeemed.

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> Kiwifruit is native to China
> Always thought it was endemic to New Zealand.
You fell for the marketing. Outside of Australia "barramundi" is known as Asian sea bass.
The local fish marketing outfit branded it as barramundi because it's an Aboriginal name (for a completely unrelated fish) and would make us patriotic Strayans eat fucktons of the most fucken Aussie fish ever, mate.
Most of the barramundi Australians eat is captive-grown in giant fucking nets in Vietnam and Malaysia.

I will get my freedom. Fuck. Im so sick of her demoralizing me whenever i plan on moving away. Im so stupid for not moving at that time because it was a good neighborhood and a decent apartment but she just kept saying negative things which stressed me out so i never moved.

I think it's a "pick any two" situation.
That road trip I did to Canberra back in March or whenever had me finding burka wearing petrol station attendants and little motels owned by Pajeet in towns that had maybe 200 people max.

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back from being outside. I was humiliated in several different ways.
Here are a few of the humiliations.
> there were many people that went to the showing of the apartment
> mom talked about the apartment i was visiting infront of strangers
> when i left the showing mom didnt left so i just stood outside
> mom met someone she knew at the showing and talked to her
> alot of old people that probably have alot of points which means they would be prioritized over me if they accepted it
> i had to walk past 2 people to get to the showing that were just standing on a small fucking walk path
Maybe you dont understand this but every single one of these incident was deeply humiliating for me

According to Jana, it's a "hack" to open an app and use it in the way it was intended.

> Leaders urged to apologise to Aussies as former Premier admits vaccine ‘mandates were wrong’

He can find obscure imageboards and display enough nouse to know this is an appropriate place to sook about mum, rent and neighbours. He can also apparently apply for a rental property unassisted. 
I'm sure he can do all sorts independently. To help him would foster an attitude of dependancy and faux ineptitude. 
Chuck him off the pier, he knows how to swim.

Haven't looked at the news for a week or so.
Jews are now openly bombing schools.
If only the sunni iranian jews wouldnt hoard weapons in kindergartens, these kids could be saved, so they could grow up to he Hamas freedom fighters.

I hate how interlinked (interlinked) all government documents are. I can't change my address for my liscence because I don't have a number for payment for the registration of a vehicle because I don't have a fucking vehicle. You've got to have this and that, and you can't get that because you need this other thing, but to get this you need this many points of ID, but that address is wrong, so you need to verify with your phone number, no not that email address, you need this other one etc etc. If you get locked out of this shit it is a fucking slog to get back into it. Very STRESSED.

Iktf, beurocrats deserve the rope, but will need to get a two step verification through an app, linked to an email with a code, that requires a 10 unit password with a number and a capital letter for you to begin the process.

Need to go do a little wage, if I as more organised I would've given it to a herder and got a full day of boongery. Instead I've been pissfarting about watching youtube shorts and waiting for the day to fly past.. which it has.

I found a thrush (not sure this is the name of that bird in English) in the garden today. Was just sitting on the ground and did not flee when I approached. I squatted and reached to her then she jumped away some, just enough to be out of reach. I hope she's okay. I will check.

I just checked and wasn't there. I looked around a bit but too many places she can hide. But hopefully she flew away.
> young ones
It isn't that season anymore.
These guys are funny when they start to fly. They leave the nest, jump out essentially, and then running around in the garden milling with their wings about, like when cartoon characters flee in panic and wave their arms.

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Went to this city. Just angry and depressed. Too many brown and Asian faces. People handing out Palestine flyers. Indian families blocking the footpath. Pretty girls coming home from work, will never be able to date them or to have a comfy job like they do. Nice houses on the train line that I'll never be able to afford. 
Have energy but just don't know what to do. So much to do and nowhere to start. 
Might just go hangout with cocaine bloke, fuck it

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> https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/iconic-chocolate-to-double-in-price-in-bonkers-cost-of-living-move-013313420.html
> Not even the humble Freddo Frog or Caramello Koala are immune to the rising cost of living. Cadbury has announced it is doubling the price of the iconic chocolates.

> Zoologist Adam Britton has been sentenced to 10 years and five months in prison for crimes including bestiality, animal cruelty and possessing child abuse material.
> Adam Britton, a once-celebrated zoologist, remained expressionless as he was sentenced to 10 years and five months in prison, with a non-parole period of six years, for the rape, torture and murder of dozens of dogs.
> His sentence was backdated to his arrest in April 2022. 
> He has also been banned for life from purchasing animals and having them on his property.

I agree with that sign for the death penalty tbqh
> "You took photographs of the dogs prior to torturing and killing them, and subsequently sent those photographs to the former owners as part of communicating false narratives that the dogs were thriving in their new environment," Justice Grant said.

I was actually dismayed when I realised what had happened. The second time I had reversed back (the photo I posted showed it in front of the rear wheel) hoping to drive forward and around it, but I backed up too far and felt it.

I've got other photos from the walk but the site won't let me upload them. There was a schizo woman walking around screaming to herself. It was refreshing to hear a nutcase speaking English for a change instead of fucking hoholian.

Paul Edward Gottfried is an American paleoconservative political philosopher, historian, and writer. He is a former Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania. He is editor-in-chief of the paleoconservative magazine Chronicles.

There is no danger, no great hardship or purpose. No great exploration and expansion, just a subdued sense of safety and life that is not life at all. Life in decay, the curse of modernism that will be long forgotten in history. No drama, no Greek tragedy, just the obesity of the mass man and his repetitive menial office tasks, filing documents and closing tickets. How woeful that we not only have no glory, we have forgotten what it even means. There is no thrill of the hunt, the closest we come to that exhilarated adrenal gland is the brief panic of a missed alarm. 
Woe! Woe to him consumed by intoxicants in replacement of higher goals. Even Everest is beset by corporate bureaucracy. Another one of Hannibals games.

Dearest Neets I must retire for the night but I will leave you with this parting message...

In reviewing the incidents of my lurking, I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors during the night here on ausneets. I shall also carry them with me. The hope that my country will view them with indulgence; and that after forty-five years of my life dedicated to its' service with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as I myself must soon be to the mansions of rest. I anticipate with pleasing expectation that retreat in which I promise myself to realise the sweet enjoyment of partaking. In the midst of my fellow citizens, the benign influence of good laws under a good, free government, the ever-favourite object of my heart, and the happy reward, as I trust of our mutual cares, labors, and danger. Farewell. Until we meet again tomorrow.



he needs a car because he scratched up his old one and no panel shop would touch it because its old, I told him to just get it resprayed and dont worry about it but he got it written off and now wants a new one. I have to go with him.

recall the NEET who eventually acquired a falcon (after offering the guys on Gumtree an additional $100 every other day) who started out claiming the car was pristine and needed "zero" work, to "everything's fucked" over the course of a few weeks

They make assumptions on what people want and it feels like the internet is getting smaller.

Google often changes how it prioritises sites (i.e., SEO optimisation). Google also use AI to moderate searches. A lot of 'racist' memes have just disappeared. The internet rot continues forth.

No costal weather is random is fuck. Could be sunny then raining the next time. Just good ol DSD vinyl rips on the Zishan. Been getting more and more DSD.11.2mHz lately. Time for a new SD card the 1TB ain’t cutting it anymore….

But it's not just algorithm bias or SEO, search engines are now ignoring hard parameters.
If you type -nigger the engine knows exactly what you meant, it knows nigger is a filter term not a search term, but just refuses to apply it.
Similarly w*ldcard searches don't work, or "exact" matches. 
It worked before, and it's seemingly every search engine at once

AI is filtering the searches. Type
> Anders breivik meme
The searches for images on Google, Bing and Yahoo are significantly different.

> Similarly w*ldcard searches don't work, or "exact" matches.
It worked before, and it's seemingly every search engine at once
Probably AI in some form. Nothing is a true search anymore. It's a shame.

It's also why I have started using bookmarks a lot more. If you find something once you may never find it again.

After weeks of procrastination I finally unscrewed the trap thing under the sink. Some absolutely vile water drained out. The trap was worrying clear, with only some bicarb soda, which I cleared out. Screwed it back up. The rubber o-ring thing broke while I was working, suspect it's going to leak now. Anyway, it's still not draining properly. I don't know what to do next, may have to call a plumber.

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She was constantly staying near the fish market and watching people come to buy fish. She took a leaf that fell from the tree and came to the owner. On the first day, surprised, he took her
"money" and gave her a fish. From that day on, every morning she comes with a leaf to "buy" fish.

> shop
its a real brick italian restaurant with tables of happy families eating pasta and drinking wine. you would not know shit about about the good life and or dining out. your entire family is from a bad home and you are cursed
same fag
of course it is, its winter here and i rode back with on the handle bars of my bike. 
makes you think really. they needed to invent the box before za could become man portable 
remember when you posted  >>/883569/ a few hours ago and acused me of time line tricks ? so yeah go proceed and gaslight and cope as usual and bullshit you are not the only person blah blah  you have been seen 
enjoy your prolapsed rectum
dont forget the bug protein every single big chain is putting in their food now to get you used to it
steamado !

Thanks for movie again.
It was good but it felt it ended abruptly, like they don't know where to go with the story. I think the whole thing was fairly lifelike, I can imagine something similar happening in similar institutions every day all around the world - and life has no happy ending like movies (even if we end our lives content which is rarely the case I think), but sometimes it ends abruptly.
It wasn't a movie of great visual effects, but the fight scenes were realistic enough for it.
I enjoyed all in all.

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