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The bored four NEETs

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noun [WAH-sul]

1. an early English toast to someone's health
2. a hot drink that is made with wine, beer, or cider, spices, sugar, and usually baked apples and is traditionally served in a large bowl especially at Christmas time
3. riotous drinking; revelry


1. to indulge in wassail; carouse
2. to sing carols from house to house at Christmas

Possum woke up with a terrible headache from a wild wassail the night before.

Cruisey knows an asian massage and nails hole that has the back door open on trading holidays thats alway got new mud maidens barely off the plane with fresh triad tattoos on their coco skin, once.

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It's an obvious festive season indulgance for a Bossman, Isn't it Cruise-dog? You're an essential worker and thats an essential service for an executive. All that stress and sacrifice, Wage hard and play hard yesno?
Happy fat buddha has smiled down from heaven and those bloody slaps have finally come round and round and round, like a cashnado and (You) got a boxing day Tsunami of mad money. Not a moment too soon!

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Why don't you text the old chinees mistress and make a date with Dorothy new girl? She came all the way from some exotic asian jungle with an insatiable itch between her legs. Oh Yes! She's a South East Asian trollop with a walloping  dollop of coconut grease in her brown hands and she Loves to please. So set your email to auto-reply and hit the shower. You're clocked off and out of office/kitchen table.

I have been putting Worcestershire on bacon and egg rolls from the bakery lately after some fucking broke ass stanners-like bum theived the Siriricha and Bbq sauces from the counter. Transformitive. Where has Worcestershire been all my  ?

Thinking about all the times I was a kid I used to sneakily unwrap my presents before christmas and play the ones that were vidya games before wrapping them back up. I was a terrible fucking kid.

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Oh I luckee, Mr Doggy he want to see me for golden hands happy time! I really hope he not rough and ugly like old fat Aussie. He so smelly! Mr Doggy he be my puppy tonight, he gonna be so funny! He gonna treat me like numbah 1 wifey. He gonna give me big money. I gonna make Mr Doggy so happy!

You're showered and aftershaved, which is kind of ironic because you're hairy as a hobo and look like a garden gnome. You're chortling and writing the tugpost in your head as you drive five suburbs over to the asian massage joint in the same strip as the oldest German Bakery in Australia. 45 degree parking right exactly fukn well outside so you can scuttle inside in a hurry and not get sweaty armpits on your white Christian Dior shirt in the blistering Adelaide summer solar furnace. as well as not to be seen by xmas day normies in the bakery now run by christ hating heathen gook cunts who bought the legacy bakery and soon-to-be dumpling restaurant last week

(You) can smell the lit joss sticks in the insectoid's shrine over there, along the wall next to some unfathomable manicure themed junk. It appears to be some kind of obese cat avatar with a motioning arm rocking back and forth, a Garfield buddha with mirrors and plastic plant garnish, motioning hypnotically and vaguely suggestively. Its alien to your eyes and there is a smell behind the sandalwood that's alien to your nose. The Bing-Bunggg of the break beam door alarm, the universal sound of the customer, has brought tonight's honey hued harlot out from a cubicle in the back.

Started playing Empire Total War as the British and I am slowing down india by giving lots of money to the Mughals who are fighting them.
I guess I am technically funding muslim terrorism but it works.

In front of (You) stands your perky rice paddy princess, wearing a crop top and short shorts, the uniform of a professional man handler. 90% access, 10% PPE. She's tucks her i-phone either into her back pocker or bewteen her cheeks, you cant tell because you're wondering how much of that lepoard print tube top is padding, as well as what the fuck she is saying, in her stream of indecipherable gibberish she's (mostly) yelling back beyond the curtain of beads to a dark corridor of closed doors and thin walls. Although you know what dinky dau means from the moofies and she hasnt said that.

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The Cruise Dog has never been good at foreplay and no-eengaleesh is hard mode, but a fist full of slap pinapples later he's got no clothes on and face down on towels. She's giggling and Cruisey knows for certain its because he's dropping bants in infantile english, surely not the way the towel accidentally slipped off onto the floor, to let ping ping know exactly what's up, if you know what I mean.

I can't see much but floor, my pants and shoes in the mirror and the fresh looking chinese character trident tattoo on her dusky tight leg and those knock-off crocs.  Somehow I know she's going to taste sweet like artificial coconut. I want so much her hairless legs as her oily hands slide up my back like its Le Cruise dog stratocaster and she's playing the solo on G'n'R: Sweet Child of Mine. I'm ten minutes in to a hour my mong money paid for and there is basically no blood in my brain because its all been diverted to my boner. I have to lie off to the side! She's massaged all the blood into my stiffy and in a minute she's going to turn me over. She's going to let me put my hand up her top and return her tender touch. I'm going to nibble her nutty essence and fondle her lush lady bullseyes.

Oh you slutty tease! She's ducked out of the room, probably to get some more oil or maybe she's just a little shy and needing le madam to start me off. I'll just play it cool and keep my eyes closed.
Oh now she's back  Brrrr.. her hands are cold on my neck and nape, really concentrating on my neck bones and behind my jaw. She was doing so well at getting me aroused, I don't know whether to get frustrated, like maybe she needs a firm voice, (I can do a firm voice because I'm the bossman) but I'll just wait a bit because its actually nice, strong fingers at the base of my head. I want to check out that tattoo again, It'll make great post material and gonna get Fee Fo Fi Fum (You)'s, Oh yeah!

Motherbat gave the eldest granddaughter some bracelets and she gave them to her younger sister in front of Motherbat and said she didn’t like them. She then asked Motherbat if she could just get cash next year. I wanted to slap her face.

The frustration feeling comes back, or maybe its confusion seeping into the warm coconut oil ecstacy I'm in, as I notice she's put on enormous what-the-fuck combat boots. Yeah nah its confusion for sure, and what's that P feeling? P-P-Panic! suddenly I'm in Panic as the warm oil on my neck boils into reaper chilli spicy heat in my head nugget that explodes into the icy cold of the void that takes my body down into the nowhere. Somehow her giggling gookenese gibberish is now brutal abuse but all I can understand is this one word: Degenerate, Degenerate. Boner is kill, not just turtle heading but forgotten like it's yesterday's clogger.

That smell. That sachharine smell. Behind the incense. Behind my darkening eyes. I know that smell. I don't know how I know that smell, but I know its the last smell I'm going to smell.

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Just talking to Tommy and mommybot up north taking care of nans. And I quote.

“Weather here is unearbable mate, you made the right decision staying put”

> smug toad intensifies as the cool 25km/hr Antarctic south easterly bushes against my face.

I was looking at the fence fantasising about two flip teens and a pound of coke in a bamboo hut on stilts for about 30 mins trying to post some i and monk in asia once posts but too dumb and fried. Then read catch up and tiffo is pointing out I'm a fried horny dumb dumb for asian tugs and choof

I think the wings will be dry. I made skewers with teriyaki sauce, honey and sechuan seasoning that taste good. The burgers look good. Snags are all over done but they sort of had t I be. I think the oil makes them burn more. The chops seem okay. I havent tried the yoghurt one yet.

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No its actually impossible for me to stop winning. For instance take thisafternoon. I had been thinking about cleaning up my vinyl and CD collection. Even looking on gumtree for some storage options. On the way home i spot this piece being given away. Put it in the van. Take it home. Clean it up and Booom. CLassy vinyl storage cleaning up my desk. Thank you secret santa.

> If you are not a shit cunt you get nice things...

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My bank has finally introduced the option to get SMS notifications when money is deposited into my account.
Now I no longer need to check hundreds of times a day to see if my money has dropped and I am clear to go out and pick up some NEET treats.

Christmas in Russia, called Е́же по пло́ти Рождество Господа Бога и Спа́са нашего Иисуса Христа in the Russian Orthodox Church, is a holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on the 25th of December on the Julian calendar, which corresponds to 7th of January on the Gregorian calendar.

When they are unobserved by normies and feel safe in their home environments the Mong will sometimes break out into sudden spontaneous dance routines that would suprise observers if there were any.

One of my jobs was near a mong workshop place and they knocked off at the same time as me.
Some days I would encounter a herd of them walking the other way down the street and they would all go silent and stare at me.
It was very disconcerting.

Apparently Nic Cage was asked to do a script for Gladiator 2 at one stage and he wrote one where Russell Crowes character comes back from the dead and gets sent time travelling to kill enemies of Rome and ends up killing Jesus.
I thought it sounded interesting.

No goffee. Went without groceries to buy presents for people. On that basis I can understand why people didn't get me anything, we're all poor. But niggers didn't even send me cards. Next year I'll give them COAL

Saw a toll paid in the supermarket last week. Two niglets stealing sweets from the shelves, mother stressed, poor, unable to afford groceries. She would have been very attractive when she was younger, probably blames #allmen.

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I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore, feel completely disconnected from the rest of the world. Not that I don't go outside or have family, but what are people like now? What do they listen to or consume? Crap obviously, but I have no idea what's going on. I miss 2016-2019 and lil peep.

Finished William Gibson's All Tomorrow's Parties, will write a short review of it later. But I've come to the conclusion that Gibson simply isn't a very good novellist. He wrote one good novel, Neuromancer, back in the 80s, and seems to have no idea how to really write another one.

I feel pleasantly tired. Smiling for no reason, got that kind of ASMR semi-goosebump feeling, like I could lay on the couch and fall into a nap. That sort of Christmas day type of after lunch sleep. 
I think it has something to do with the blood sugar spike from the orange juice. 
Gonna lounge infront of the telly and watch massage videos on my phone

What we should've done is an ausneets kris kringle where each neet would use image gen ai to make a picture as a present for another named neet, we could've put them all under the tree and unwrapped them on christmas day like one big dole bludging family.

Found a suitable movie for the fellas:
A Christmas in New Hope
> An aspiring influencer and single mother of a girl living with Down syndrome, enters a home improvement competition in order to save her bungalow before Christmas. Complications arise as she falls for her "Texas-famous" musician neighbor.

Took the old moo to Coles. She hugged the old checkout slapper she used to talk to when she lived here. Embarrassing. Waiting in the carpark for her to get rice and/or riso from Woolworths.

Here's the rest of the movie list if anyone wanna watch:
Dear Santa ends in about 40 mins, after that:
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- Bad Santa
- Fat Al Kwanzaa
- Die Hard
- Garfield
- Krampus
- All in the Family S09E10: Bogus Bills
- National Lampoon Christmas Vacation
- Married With Children S11E08: Merry Bundymen
- Full Metal Jacket
- Married With Children S4E11: Bundyful Life 1
- Trading Places
- Married With Children S4E12: Bundyful Life 2
- Toys
By the end of the list somewhere I'll be up, and schedule Toys accordingly.

tried to enrich my coffee yesterday by tossing a few cubes of chocolate into the pot, absolute catastrophe, didn't melt properly into the coffee instead just stuck to the bottom of the pot, now I have to clean it out today

I wonder how much he pays for this positive coverage
> Adrian Portelli’s The Block giveaway hit by tech glitch
>  >Portelli explained to 75,000 people watching live on Facebook the volume of traffic had caused the LMCT+ systems to crash.

FFS now we’re looking everywhere for a mythical square frying pan exactly the same size as a piece of sliced bread. The one I pointed out at Harris Scarfe was “too big” by perhaps a centimetre on each side.

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