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NEET General #801 - Dry Spell Edition - AusNEETs - Endchan Magrathea

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The bored four NEETs

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Only some seed-oils are bad, interlinked. Spirits don't lower your testosterone, interlinked. I'll use the spin bike without a screen, interlinked. A frog photo in the kitchen will boost my mood, interlinked.

I awaken after being hit by a truck. I hear hums and chanting in the background as a strange man calmly waves his drink in front of me. He tells me that I will get to experience teen anime romance. “There are portals…” he says. Wtf???

Dan's iron bar was actually inspired by former politician Wilson 'Ironbar' Tuckey:

'In 1967, while employed as a publican in Carnarvon, Tuckey was convicted of assault after striking an Aboriginal man with a length of steel cable and fined $50. The man was allegedly being held down by Tuckey's brother at the time. Tuckey has had the nickname "Ironbar" ever since. '

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Yeah i most likely have tiny bit of tism NGL. Just a tiny bit. 

Elon and I are comming up with a fix.

QRD: Food used to be cooked in animal fats or shit like olive or cocunut (as god intended) WW2 comes along and rationing becomes a thing. Then some food scientist figures out you can extract the oil from the RAPESEED plant very economically through a massive multi-step industrial process and name in Canada oil which they shorten to Canola oil which then ends up in literally all food produced by mega corps because it is so cheap. It then takes 20 years of people consuming goyslop for anyone to notice the connection between the industrial diet and people balooning in size / dying suddenly.

what is wrong ? you are the one asking the questions dickhead. 

yep its a chilling effect all round


also no  moofies tonight or tomorrow rite ?

> The salary cap is significantly higher for higher-ranking officers like SIS Directors. SIS Directors can earn more than £160,000 annually. The Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service makes more than £170,000 (exact figure unknown). According to Wikipedia, in 2010, the Chief made £169,999, so it could be more than £200,000 now. 

He can afford it

Yeah I know that obesity and hormonal imbalances are a major issue impacting my country haha but look at this funny mp4 I made
Um based??? No I don't workout because I feel uncomfortable exercising inside lol

Sophrosyne (Ancient Greek: σωφροσύνη) is an ancient Greek concept of an ideal of excellence of character and soundness of mind, which when combined in one well-balanced individual leads to other qualities, such as temperance, moderation, prudence, purity, decorum, and self-control.

> There is 3000kg of human poo estimated to be on Mount Everest and it’s causing a foul stench

How hot and it's too hard to find parks near there. 
A lamb and rosemary pie, a quiche Lorraine and a vanilla slice would be nice from the orange bakery. 
Wonder if Weber has been to Banjos and got a scallop pie. Traditional Tasmanian feed.

i never used it when riding because its slippery shit that would make my grips unsafe, or just run and burn my eyes when i got sweaty. 

Just had a skin checkup. Had 2 spots on arm biopsied. They were benign and got frozen off on friday. Currently have two large welts on my arm. Such is life.

He did not!
He only thought about banging some of them. I don't blame him tbh. With them being completely immobilized during the day and him being immune he could freely rape them all day without difficulty. It would be interesting to see if he could get one pregnant as well.

Looking at the new pornhub statistics. Trannyshit isn't searched for very much but ends up most viewed lol. This would strongly suggest to me that it is getting promoted and people are unknowingly clicking on it. I'm glad I just pirate all that filth instead.

I gave the interior of the car a wipe down. It is being serviced tomorrow and it is just good manners to give it to them in a clean condition.

I will give the exterior a good spray with the hose later this evening. That is as close to a proper wash as it gets these days.

Had two bowls of chicken curry. Spilt it all over my shirt. I'm wearing a light grey t-shirt that is literally covered in curry. Going to go to the bottleo later. Will probably change my shirt before that though.

He uses wet wipes to wash himself. He can't stand long enough to be in the bathroom. They haven't shown the mother yet but the mother's boyfriend is really scrawny so probably a chubby chaser.
CoE -> Anglicate

I'd have been in the vicinity, just talking to some cunt or sitting under a gazebo thingo.
I could have plonked the mongs in the driver's seat and taken a photo or revved it up so the autistic one had a spaz attack or something.

Well for a start they've pressed a down syndrome retard into service.
They offer to let him fire the mortar and when he goes to put the round in upside down they then start a torrent of verbal abuse and shoving and maybe kicking him.

> Work would also be considered unsuitable if it is not consistent with prevailing community standards. For example, a job seeker would not be expected to take up work in the sex industry if they objected to doing so, even if such work were legal in the state or territory in which it was offered.

An interesting part of that page is
> The other main reason a job may be considered unsuitable is if the job seeker considers the work to be unsuitable on moral, cultural or religious grounds

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> Coroner ‘never seen’ death as horrific as 36yo ‘melted’ into couch
>  >The coroner called to examine a young woman’s body after she was found “melted” into her family’s couch has shared horrific new details.

There were half a dozen of those orange-clad chinko looking buddhist monks at the car thing today for some reason.
They had a fucking iphone on a pole taking photos and footage of cars.
Very strange, considering they don't even eat food that hasn't been donated.

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you are already dead

You do this by getting right with God

Flexible working hours and access to wholesale parts

cars are just learning how to cope, because paintjobs are economically prohibitive  

Incredibly Based take. 

Your car secretly hates you

Wishfull thinking

i am going to cave your fucking face in if you persist with shitty game you are playing,  Everyone else here agrees with me you crossed the line when you started using my real name here all the time. 

that seemed fake as fuck, what a poor bitch

> nuro you cuntoid
what ? i have seen all the previous videos its still not running yet, still not even usable yet, may not even work, we shall see

> if you persist with shitty game you are playing,
Sirs, please, sirs, do not persist sir, do not persist.
> Everyone else here agrees with me
> using my real name
You keep posting photos of IGA. You even make deepfake videos of him as a child you sick fuck. You probably like his resemblance to Trey.


> 2. No doxxing. This includes no remarks about the EXIF data of photos posted, and no pointing out of personal information accidentally left in photos. No going to unreasonable lengths to determine where a person lives based on photos or videos they have posted. No chilling of peoples confidence in their anonymity by joking about your potential to dox them. If you think someone has unintentionally left personal information in their post please report the post with an explanation, do not point it out publicly on the board.

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Friendly reminder IGA bitched and moaned  about Nuro visiting caravan parks randomly in the NAMBOUR AREA area AFTER THE FACT he literally stalked Nuro in real life and started casing out his real life business after hours and in the dark

IGA is so mentally ill he thinks he is perfectly fine in stalking people and thinks anyone that does the same to him should be have the full weight of the law bought down on them

friendly reminder IGA has had multiple stays in real life mental hospitals 

friendly reminder IGA lodged an official complaint about his job provider to get out of the most basic obligations

friendly reminder all of IGA's shitty behaviour is going to come down and crush him like a tonne of rocks some day very very soon

> IGA is so mentally ill he thinks he is perfectly fine in stalking people and thinks anyone that does the same to him should be have the full weight of the law bought down on them
Ummmm, I think you might want to consider that plank in your own eye...

> on his side
The 2016 US Federal election seems to have been the last time he felt like he had a purpose and he has been chasing that high ever since. It really gets to him as well that he was on the outside of most of the developments there anyway. He wasn't even on 8chan until the Tarrant massacre.

> A former detective claims police probably have 'nothing to work with'
Gary Jubelin, I'd wager.

Faustian bargain, a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches.
(Getting lucky on a motorbike isn't one)

God damn, the fatty got told by his boss at the call center that he was too fat to work at 600 lbs. He is 740 lbs in the video and I can sort of understand it. The big bastard wouldn't fit in a typical office.

Typically speaking obese people are of poor moral character. Xi in China purged officials and there was an obvious correlation between obesity and corruption. Many such cases. In my experience fat people make for bad parents.

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Hello NEETs. 

Been thinking about the board and things the past week and had some insights i would like to share. Its pretty high level stuff, psueds not apply

Recently i have been thinking about the behaviour of someone here we all know and hate. There has been a word to decribe i know but may not be actualy real.

I am pretty sure in prisons there are some hopeless mentally captors known as Dememtors. You are stuck in the cell and these people have no purpose in life but to make your existence a living hell. Their only purpose in life is to bother you. Not only that but they go form life to life in the reincarnation matrix not knowing love, not knowing god, but just taunting people. Literal demons. We all know i am referring to IGA, its clear now he is cursed and a Demon. 

But seriously i though Dementor was a proper word did i get the spelling wrong ?

Basically through my powers as an ordained mystic i have confirmed IGA is a multi generational psychic turd so far removed from god we can only just percieve its wretchedness, foul stench and danger to our existence.

What do you think ?

Jeet had his misso working the uber shift tonight. Big 4wd that smelled like pajeet aftershave 
Goodlady taking the night off and letting one of her new minions work the till
Literally didn't say a word to me throughout the whole purchase (GL is very vocal and nice) 
The world is changing and I don't like it. I can smell the jeet on me

That is not true.
The brands own their recipes - they are intellectual property.
Even if they manufacture a home brand version in the same facility and it looks very similar, the recipe will be different.
Cheaper ingredients used.
red sauce is mentioned here
woolworths is fountain

I dropped the car off for its service.
I walked back home, it took exactly thirty minutes.
I was perspiring by the end. Cooling down with a lava guava mother now.
I do not know if I will walk back to pick it up this afternoon. Will be very hot.
I might catch the bus.

Should you take the mechanic's advice when they tell you your battery needs to be replaced?
Last time I got the car serviced they told me that they tested it and it was below the level they recommend for replacement.
I agreed to get a new one put in but I had a vague feeling that I had fallen for some kind of scam.
I don't think they faked the numbers but maybe they recommend they be replaced too soon?
I think I could have got another year out of that battery with minimal risk.

The mechanic just called.
He said the rear brake pads were almost metal on metal and needed to be replaced.
The two front tires were below the legal limit and should be replaced.
The wipers need new rubbers.
Plus the basic service.
It is all going to cost $1450. I agreed to it.
He said there were various leaks in the engine but he didn't propose any solutions. I think I will just have to accept those. I will ask him about them when I go in.
The car is 20 years old but I want to keep it running for a few more years. I don't think you can avoid spending any money at all on it.

I don't know, I think it had something to do with the mygovID verification thing on the phone. 
Even that, I had to reenter my drivers license and birth certificate. 
The lady laughed at me about how it's easy if you do it more, 'just click on the tabs', do your tax from 2021 etc.

what a load of shit
this isn't about health it's raghead and jew appeasement

I hosed down the carport roller door. Both sides. Mud was pouring down. Coming from all directions. Every time I moved it up or down more would come out.
But eventually the water ran clear. It looks much better now.

Those stats only count the ones that were born overseas, not the ones born here to shitty immigrant parents.
The ones born here count as "Australian" and the redditors will tell you that them being criminals is our fault since being born here it was obviously Australia that made them what they are.

This. In addition to this, I'd insist that eBay require him to have a state dec witnessed by a JP as to it being broken on delivery. That way if there is no damage or he has done something to it himself, he has committed an offence making a false statement.

In the early days of eBay for me, circa 1999/2000, a guy in Canberra hadn't sent something I'd purchased from him (using an at-counter bank transfer) and eBay wasn't helping, so I contacted the AFP who were also the regular Police for people living in Canberra. That got things moving pretty quickly when I just sent the seller and eBay the name of the AFP officer and the reference number.

> Anthony Albanese confirmed he the government will support a cross-party proposal that will make “doxxing” illegal, after the private information of 600 Jewish Australian artists and creatives was published.
I wonder if the jew lawyers have sent Clementine any formal legal letters yet.

I got the car back.
I was going to catch the bus there but the real time tracking feature on the website said the bus was running 20 minutes late.
So I walked. I got a text saying the car was ready just after I started out. Another thirty minute walk. In real heat this time. Heavy perspiration, dry mouth. I got there 20 minutes before closing.
I wanted to ask questions about the state of my car but there was another customer who came into the office right behind me and I was sweating and just wanted to get out of there so I didn't ask the questions. I just paid the agreed upon enormous sum, took my keys and left.

Big improvement in the car's driving. Everything is so smooth. Acceleration, braking. Even the steering wheel seems to move around easier. I didn't realise how rough things had been.

In the "report" section of the invoice it says:
> oil leaks to engine
> power steering pump leaking
> transfer case leaking
> power steering rack wet
> drive belts worn

Is any of that serious?

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IGA moved close to Nuro because he is a closeted faggot and was dreaming of a job too. When Nuro rejected him outright IGA started acting like a crazy Ex girlfriend. We can argue about the who said what and the facts all day long but IGA acting like a crazed ex girlfriend should really prove beyond any doubt what's really going on here.

Lets be honest you may have pretended to work for a month or two a few years ago.

You are unemployable and soon the bills will pile up and you will have no where to live. Society is going to kick you arse soon and i simply cannot wait.