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NEET General #806 - Dawn of a new era Edition - AusNEETs - Endchan Magrathea

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The bored four NEETs

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> Lord_Nuro
One of the worst memes in our history. Keegan has always pushed this shit ever since he shat in the pan and wrote "IGA is da prince" on the paper. He is now styling himself as "Lord Nuro" or "The Based One" and referring to tiffin as "nurochad".

There will no longer be tolerance for people bringing up the same tired, disruptive talking points over and over.
All the classics from both sides. It has been going on a loop for months now.
It is no longer going to be acceptable.
You have been warned. Just don't post it.

I would not say that any NEET "owns" any flag.
But if you use a flag strongly associated with another NEET you really should have a good reason. Why cause confusion for no good purpose?
I will not accept people trolling the board for kicks.

Epson claim something like 240 pages for a black inkjet cartridge, but I don't think it's that high. Maybe half of that.
A black aftermarket cartridge is $16. $50 for black and three colours. Proper Epson catridges are going to cost almost twice that.

That was for an Epson XP-2100 which I have. Motherbat has an Epson XP-442, which is for all intents and purposes identical.
If you were are a uni NEET or office NOOT, I'd probably just use their printers for anything large or where quality is important.

Thats not very ergonomic. Why dont you get one of those uber eats giant square insulated things that make the pajeets into the coolie peons they are? Also you forget that the Nubo is drawn from ausneets stock, so dont project competence or sobriety.

Nuro you have come into the thread acting uppity and insulting other NEETs, provoking more of the drama which I have said will no longer be tolerated.
I will not be tolerating the drama from either side. Consider yourself warned.

Fucking gingermegs dickhead.
Nobody looking for an embedded programmer is going to give a shit about anything other than asm and C.
Wallstreet is the biggest user of Perl,  to the point where analysts often have the cookbook on their desk.
Doesn't mention Go or Rust.

I saw Lee Kernaghan live once and found even that to be unpleasantly loud. He is a very funny bloke though. He was cracking lots of jokes between songs and stuff. I'm sure some of that was "scripted" in that he does it for every show but he'd reference the audience with a bunch of it.

Only when I've been into a group for a long time. Live performances (or live albums) normally trigger my autism.
Seeing RATM live was likely a once in a lifetime experience.
Cypress Hill and Public Enemy.
TISM a bit over a year ago.
The one concert the Hilltop Hoods did with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra was also very good and I am glad I went.

NEETs there is too much talk about Nuro going on.
He does provoke it and will be punished for it but the rest of us also need to learn not to throw extra faggots onto the fire please.

I don't know exactly. I setup the systemd timer yesterday to auto-renew because either certbot didn't create a cronjob or I deleted it months ago when I was asking you something cron related. 
Anyway its working for www subdomains only it seems so I will investigate further.

Boys from the bush was okay and the country girls who like him were hot but all the jackeroo cunts in wrangler shirts and rm Williams belt buckles with Utes with bull horns on the roof and Ken worth stickers fucked me off.

Did some yoga in front of the moon a few hours ago then binge watched some Rudolf Steiner giving away the secrets of the three paths of Rosicrucian enlightenment, ruining my spiritual journey by giving me the outcome before the question. Went out and saw Scorpio in the east. Haven't noticed Antares before. Virgo is pretty.

I just inspected the hem of my chinos and I'm harrumphing a bit at the workmanship of her assistants. The hemming is adequate but a bit sloppy, like they were rushing even though they had five days to do it. The hemline veers a bit which is only noticeable under a direct inspection but I'm not happy about it.

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Went on a schizo deepdive into the Ahnenerbe rabbit hole last night. 
There's a spring type thing under the ice sheet in Antarctica that is always 18° and this warm water has channelled out these waterways under the ice. And that bits natural. 
Apparently there were up to 100 German U-boat's unaccounted for at the end of the war and the tinfoil answer is they went to Agartha and met with either time travellers or aliens that gave them advanced technology, including saucers
I didn't know that iirc it was op highjump where about thousand American military personnel went there in the 30s. The idea they were floating was that this was the third front of the war and the Germans conceded Germany, partly because the time traveling underwater aliens are the original Aryans. 
Iran has just recently stated that they are going to put a base at the south pole. 
This is likely crap as there are some articles but the only person I saw say it was on memri TV and half the time I think that's satire.

Might've been mockingbird.. I can't remember.
The 100 missing subs is the most interesting bit.
Two were recovered after the war (broke down and had to come up and were captured) and they had not left their post. It was all business as usual, even though the war was apparently over.

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Little know fact is that Bormann who was heading up the teutonic studies and esoteric research at a Hidelberg ᛋᛋ institute was in posession of a thesis backed by doccuments from the vatican outlining emissiaries from the stars who were decendants of the aincent aryans picked up from the steppes but a far older civilization. The govenrmment doesnt want you to know this so puts out misinfo occasionally,

> The govenrmment doesnt want you to know this so puts out misinfo occasionally,
Smart people disregard propaganda from their own governments and instead rely on anonymous imageboard postings.

That stuff is awesome. I'm half convinced that Tartaria actually existed and the expansion of Rus east was partially a cover up. 
I find it hard to believe that throughout all that area above the steppe was just filled with native American /Eskimo type boongs that never got to an iron age. 
The tocharians (language group, not exactly an ethnicity) were out that way and built pyramid mound burials and chariots and shit, but their neighbours never adopted any of the technology they brought.

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It isn't really a problem when worn but my mother would do better than this and she wasn't a professional at all. Even FRM could probably do better. The other hemming jobs have been flawless though. I think it was her two gook assistants that did this. I don't really care enough to go back but I do expect better from a professional service. 
I confirmed with a ruler that it is about 3mm out. In the second photo you can also see the bunching from the fabric not being laid flat along with some slight wonkiness.
I'll still wear them so I can't complain too much but you're a pretty shithouse tailor if you can't do such a simple operation properly.

Yes. Some would have sunk from mechanical failures and impacts with undocumented terrain. Some would have been bombed or straffed by allied planes without their precise location or identity being known.
In 1945 the Germans towed everything that was in dock out to sea and scuttled it. That was operation deadlight.

> Aussie actress and The Crown star Elizabeth Debicki turned heads in a backless gown at the SAG Awards 2024

Bought some Herron nicaway lozenges. 
4mg, $30 for 132. Compared to $30 for 60 of the nicabate minis. 
Good value but disappointing product, big lozenges that are less comfortable on the upper shelf. 
If they release faster it might be worth it. Was considering the gums again because they give a big kick but barely last 10 minutes. 
Might have a go at buying zyns or similar pouches online, they seem all the rage overseas and go up to 6mg.

There is a bad element working for Australia Post at that DC.
They were posted from Sydney at reached Melbourne overnight. Then they went into limbo.
Google and Reddit say bad things about the Sunshine West DC. Theft is rampant.

> to makes Muslims look more radical
What was that houthi slogan? "God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam" . I wonder what it really says when not translated by jewish propagandists.

That letter about the payment plan was actually requiring payment by the 31st of January, meaning they would have issued another infringement by now. 
The fines website is should $508.70. 
I hate the government

lol media only 3 weeks behind as usual
> Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.

You need to knock it off with those negative waves. Monk has clearly made a decisive start to solving his problems by deciding to start solving them two weeks from now. He deserves to go on one last goon bender, just for all that hard work.

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On the brutt (yes the chardie) and a few cheeky lines here and there, playing drum and bass loud as my amps can handle got a burrito to chow down when i calm down

might even have an even cheeky smoko first, acting like a complete goon because i am just so mad at this shitty fucking weather.

He's been with some chick who lives in Brisbane for a couple years now. Living on/off at her place. The kitchen at his Gold Coast unit/apartment was recently renovated. Dunno if he's trying to sell the place or rent it out. Probably the latter since he's ....

> 820411

> Nuro you have come into the thread acting uppity and insulting other NEETs, provoking more of the drama which I have said will no longer be tolerated. Consider yourself warned.

> "no longer tolerated"

> By the age of 30, I'd gambled away $400,000. Here's what I want you to know

> A serving NSW Police officer allegedly bought an angle grinder and weights to help him dispose of the bodies of Sydney couple Jesse Baird and Luke Davies.
> Police allege one of its own, Mr Lamarre-Condon, made “partial admissions” to a friend about his involvement in the alleged shooting murders last Monday.
Is it me or are they actively trying to  taint future court proceedings for this faggot?

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Tiffin doesn't post here anymore but if he did I imagine it'd be him complaining how he was painting his spars with linseed oil and slopped it all over his expensive tacticool pants because his tactocool boots dont have any tread on them so he doesn't leave footprints and he's always slipping when he wears them, and why couldn't this happen to cruisey instead.