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just had my cat put down
currently balling my eyes out right now
her kidneys gone to shit, nothing i could do for her
she was about 10 years old, i got her in 2013, and have now lost her moments ago
she was so chipper, talkative, and playful, i miss her so fucking much 
goodbye Fiona, i'll always love you
If Americans should be allowed to be homosexuals then why can't they own guns?

If Americans should be allowed to read Bibles then why can't they smoke marijuana?

Live and let live.

Freedom is the American way.
More wars over natural resources is all but certain.
An economic collapse of Europe.
An economic collapse of Ukraine.
Balkanization of the US. Hard to say whether it leads to civil conflict or not. Maybe some. Definitely rising political division.
Certainly the loss of the US dollar as global reserve currency. Expect poverty and crime to increase over time. Also expect many local communities to go back to bartering and trade to recoup. Vaccine passports/social credit score will not be widely accepted except for some major cities and a few commie-run States.
Russia, India and China will establish some kind of alternative trade system without relying on the Western world. I expect some Eastern currencies to be digital but backed by physical commodities (govt manipulation will likely persist though).
No economic collapse anywhere yet at least

> Russia, India and China will establish some kind of alternative trade system without relying on the Western world. I expect some Eastern currencies to be digital but backed by physical commodities (govt manipulation will likely persist though).
Doubt it. All the countries you mentioned are too corrupt
> No economic collapse anywhere yet at least

LOL, BULLSHIT. Many Europeans are now going back to burning trash for heat this winter as they are forced to ration energy. German industry is now fucked too with manufacturing plants shuttering all over. You obviously do not pay attention.

> All the countries you mentioned are too corrupt

The US is too. Your point....!?
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Very true. There are also protests going on in the UK over energy prices. Complete media blackout. Governments in full denial mode, and coming soon here too. Only those who pay attention understand what is really happening and why.
> greater separation between people as technology continues to grow, also resulting in people existing online more frequently and said online existences being perceived as is they are real with possible "laws" alongside it

Not happening yet. The internet is continuing to break apart and balkanize if anything. There are still people who won't register to social media sites because they require a phone number for authentication. If I recall correctly I was online more in the last 10 years than I have been the last couple years into the 2020s. It seems like there are less things to do online now days, not more.

> The next 10 years will be like nothing in history. The current state of the world and society does not provide enough contextual information to predict or fathom what the future has in store for everyone

So far this is true. We'd never have imagined the European economy collapsing, a massive war between Russia and Ukraine which NATO is being pulled into, growing supply chain disruptions, rapid inflation, Saudi Arabia abandoning relations with the US and turning to the BRICS alliance, etc.

> All the countries you mentioned are too corrupt
Corruption does not prevent governments from doing whatever they want to do, essentially that is the very precedent of corruption, doing whatever you want despite rules, regulations or laws that would otherwise prohibit illegal, unjust or immoral activity. Slandering a criminal for being a criminal does not stop the criminal.
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Felt as though this year was quieter than the two previous ones. Can't say I'm satisfied with how things transpired in my own personal life, but it is what it is.

Artificial Intelligence has grown much more powerful in a remarkably short amount of time. ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion are very promising and will certainly see much more use in the future (Assuming SD can remain FOSS and ChatGPT publicly available...).
The motivations of the whole Covid theater are still not yet clear, but if some of the major online theories are to be believed there will be much higher volumes of health problems and death in the upcoming future.
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happy new year, my fellow compatriots; i hope everyone here has a better new year
its windy & raining right now, and i'm hearing all the celebratory fireworks, trainhorns, and gunshots
woke up a few hours ago & just got done eating some pizza, still a little sleepy, but i'm happy
this year wasn't a bad one for me, luckily enough; though there were some pretty shitty experiences, they were the kind of stuff was was always gonna happen anyways
good luck to you all, and thank you
Thank you anon. I drank a bunch of booze last night, still a bit "hungover" (not that I feel bad from it) and no I did not commit myself to any "new years resolution" even though I probably should sober up more. After all it's just another year of corruption, bullshit and misery around the world. I don't think that will come to an end anytime soon. But regardless.... Cheers! My New Years this year was not as fun as Christmas with family and relatives but I still did the same - ate good food and drank a whole lot. Might as well have fun and live it up while we still can, right?
> ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion are very promising and will certainly see much more use in the future (Assuming SD can remain FOSS and ChatGPT publicly available...).

Nope, this was covered in /news/ already, most AI shit being rolled out is being heavily regulated, limited, monitored and censored to a certain extent. Such AI will produce nothing more than what the gatekeepers of that AI desire it to be used for, and what content is to be shared or prohibited.

I'm guessing the youth are no longer being taught to do simple math anymore, that includes remembering dates and timelines. Sad.

Did you fall asleep for a couple years and just wake up from a coma? The year is 2023. 2021 and 2022 already passed us all by.
It is far, far worse than you can even imagine if you pay any attention to what is really going on around the globe, including the geo-political and economic side of events unfolding. Buckle up. We are living history that will determine what future YOU are going to end up living in at this point. Signs are not pointing to a pretty picture anon.
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> It is far, far worse than you can even imagine if you pay any attention to what is really going on around the globe, including the geo-political and economic side of events unfolding. Buckle up. We are living history that will determine what future YOU are going to end up living in at this point. Signs are not pointing to a pretty picture anon.

I guess we better make the right decision here and now then. Lest out descendants curse us for all eternity once we all reach out graves
Some foreign spammer keeps bumping his America-hate threads 24/7. We just have to bump other decent threads back from time to time.

I don't know how awful the world is going to get but I am going to do my best to stay out of the whole mess. All governments are corrupted, they don't protect the interest of us citizens anyway. If anything citizens are treated as cannon fodder during wars so I'll lay low if a hot war ever breaks out.
I don't hold much hope for the world anymore. Things will probably continue to get worse, societies will become more balkanized as individuals give up and/or live in their own little bubbles. As the global economy continues to face greater risk of crisis and supply chain disturbances due to wars, governments will likely become more totalitarian and oppressive towards those who feel the pain and speak out the most. It's cruel but totally and utterly predictable.

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