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You and all the other wicked sinners can't do anything about it because evil rules in your hearts still, you are still under the power of sin and everything you do is wickedness.  That is because you don't have Christ in your heart yet, you haven't repented of your sins, and haven't given your life to Jesus yet.  

You pray against evil, but this is the time of the Antichrist.  Yet the Bible still says, "overcome evil with good."
Americans are so batshit insane now that Americans scream tyranny is wonderful because laws can easily be enforced.

Americans think anyone who has a badge, gun, robe, costume, crown, or rubber stamp is a holy god, but who knows what is best for you?

Can experts be wrong?

The elites and their useful idiots screamed that the sun revolved around the Earth, but then found out that they were wrong.

The ruling powers say global warming is a fact, but why is there record cold?

The 1% say plastic bags must be banned, but canvas bags spread germs.

The ruling powers said marijuana was dangerous and smoking was safe and now say pot is safe and cigarettes are dangerous.

China said huge families were good and then mandated a one child policy because of overpopulation.

The elites insist watering lawns must be illegal and then say not watering grass is a crime.

Why obey the law if the government and illegal aliens don't?


How can Americans who hate freedom look in a mirror today without feeling like disgusting traitors?
Uh not really, but that's what they have brainwashed you into believing so you hate your own country. It's much easier to fully take over and subjugate a nation when you subvert the minds of the youth into hating their own existence.
Already happened, the question now is how bad will the fallout will be, how many will survive a systemic collapse of life as we once knew it?
Hi, first post on this site, so bear with me if I am necroposting. 

Adding to this, USA was the main reason Israel was spawned in the first place. That nation is a blight on this earth, and their creation was sustained on lies and countless deaths. Literally the whole WWII was a big sacrifice to the jewish god in order to create their own nation, and that's their creation myth. It is onw not made on the bases of love and truth, but on hate, blood, and lies.

This ties with the USA, because since the inception of the USA kikes were watching closely the development of that nation and intervining according to their agenda, manipulating the leaders that will be of use and taking out of the picture those who didn't further their plans. I have no doubt that Lincoln assasination was a jewish scheme. So, the kikes steered the country to serve their ideals, and acted more cautiously so as to not be noticed by the common public. 

Come the 20th century, and wars started popping up here and there, but this didn't affect the jews because they could benefit from wars by trading with both beligerent nations/empires. This semented them as the benefactors of the western hemisphere and using their tactics took control of several nations banks. The germans became fed up with the jewish tricks and started naming them, culminating in Hitler's rise of power and the planned extradition of jews to Madagascar. Since Germany took control of its own money and country, this was a threat to jewish hegemony as the sole rulers of the world, so they played their cards to set several european nations against Germany, one of which was the US. After all was said and done, they had enough resources and support from the world due to the "holocaust", which was a plan deviced by them since at least the early half of 1910. They could use the status of the US as a major powerhouse to get leverage to steal land on the middle east, and this allowed them to claim the lands that will turn into Israel.

Since the start, the USA has been infested by the jewish poison, so it is unlikely evil will stop when the nation of the USA was constructed to allow those who are evil to grow in power, and take control of everything.

Only way forward is the complete destruction of the US, and then rebuild it on new ideals.

Some of that may be true but the US was not evil or under Jewish control from the start, as America was founded as a Constitutional Republic (not a democracy) without a central banking system. The Founding Fathers despised central banking as well the notion of "democracy" (which they considered to be mob rule). The complete destruction of the US began when kikes starting taking control over the US and corrupting the political leadership and government. They want the destruction of Europe and the US and the rest of the Western World. They are also siding with the BRICS+ nations and will do the same damn thing, infiltrate future empires as they rise from the destruction of past infiltrated empires. Their plan is to stay in power indefinitely and to control the world's resources and exploit populations. It won't do any good seeing the US or Europe collapse, they'll just move on to the next empire while stabbing us all in the back and subjugating us under future third world tyranny like a bunch of cotton-picking negro.
The Americans are a demonic people, most likely it's too late to do anything about it.  I think that they had us all fooled for a very long while.
What corrupt governments hate: individual liberty, freedom, prosperity, a free market with fair competition, consumer choice, decentralization, an armed citizenry, an informed citizenry, critical thinking, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, free flow of information, transparency, peace and diplomacy, asset-backed currency with solvent limited budgets, enforced anti-trust laws that prevent monopolization, bankruptcy enforcement, equal justice for all.

What free market capitalists hate: corrupt governments.
MY COMMENT: Get out of the cities, do not trust any modern institutions and that includes the major churches, educational system and banking system!!! YES THE NEXT WORLD WAR IS ALL PLANNED AND WILL BE STAGED TO BRING DOWN THE WESTERN WORLD. Is it yet another "coincidence" Norway just found thousands of NATO missiles dumped into lakes!?!? Is it yet another "coincidence" the US government is deliberately draining all our strategic oil reserves and not allowing any more oil to be drilled!?!? Are the hundreds of arson attacks hitting food processing plants and unprecedented train derailments across the country just a "coincidence" too!?!? A world war is taking place and the West is being set-up to lose! This nation is 100% hijacked Jack, got it!?!? HEED THIS WARNING, ARM YOURSELVES AND BE PREPARED FOR WHAT IS COMING IF YOU DESIRE TO SURVIVE AND STAY FREE!!!!
If you are not scared then get out there and run as a local grassroots representative that is willing to defend our Constitutional freedom and crack down on corruption and crime. It's going to take good hard working average Americans in politics to start turning things around. Nearly all political incumbents have been compromised or corrupted. There are only a small handful of grassroots politicians who are taking action to preserve what little is left of our freedoms. Do not take that for granted.
The evil is indeed growing and it get's larger by the minute.  
Is there still time to act though?  
We do not know if we are able to wun against this great evil, but if we do nothing we are guaranteed to lose.
The USA is the center of the evil.  They all enjoy to keep the evil as long as it is very profitable.
In the end everything will be ruined because it is so very profitable in the short term to do so.  People are greedy.
Too late to stop it. Far too late. No one cares to fix anything. So fuck it and let it all burn down.

I intend to binge drink and party till society collapses and then get it over with quickly thereafter, 10mm into the fucking cranium, or eventually die of liver cirrhosis as society demises slowly and painfully as deserved.
The evil does appear to be growing OP.  The question is whether it was just always there lurking, distracted maybe, and is now showing itself which would make it appear like an increase in evil. Or it could even be both showing itself more and increasing in magnitude?
The US is in the same horrific predicament other nations have been in before the collapse of their radical-leftist communist Empires. Typically there is prosecution following mass murder of all political opposition. The country falls to war lords and criminals as the economy collapses. Other nations start noticing the massive violent instability and start to distance themselves from the falling Empire. Sooner or later the Empire can no longer fund itself and loses it's hard-earned influence and then collapses with another political revolution.

The rise and fall of Empires go as this:
< strong people create good times
< good times create weak people
< weak people create hard times
< hard times create strong people

Thing is, the collapse is accelerating faster than normal because of the global internet, information comes out much faster and is harder for Empires to control. Therefore, with the internet age, these Empires will come and go much more rapidly than the days without free global information proliferation. That's why despots are scared of open free speech platforms. The sooner people wake up to evil, the sooner they can take measures to prepare accordingly to survive it, possibly resist it or even avoid conflict altogether.
Where will they go when they die, such people with so much evil in them?  They are headed directly to Hell.  I think that is very clear.  They will burn there eternally.
Money is the god of evil people, they love and worship their money.  Probably Satan as well.  They want to profit even if it kills people and animals.  They are not concerned or have any respect for life.
The Devil's army is after all of us.  They will keep growing stronger if we let them.  Send them back from whence they came.
Have they not murdered the entire planet already, or is it still salvageable?  It could be only a narrative to distract us from the atrocities they are committing.
The evil that controls this world spreads everywhere.  They are Satanic and need to be permanently imprisoned or put to death before anything can change.
The USA was always evil from the very beginning.  They were doing a pretty good job of keeping that hidden for a while and now don't seem to care as much.  That is the difference.
The evil people get irritated by this thread, they don't want anyone to know that they exist.
We need more good and less evil.
Truth is no one person can OP. It takes a certain percentage of individuals to resist tyranny and the tyranny has to be exposed to resist it in the first place. 

Consider our victory with the covid-19 scamdemic. Sure there was a lot of harm done to civil liberty at that time, mostly in "blue" States and major cities. However not everywhere. There were States and jurisdictions in America that refused to enforce lockdowns, vaccine and mask mandates. That all depended where you lived. Once a handful of States started saying "Hell NO!" and calling it unconstitutional, the whole covid agenda for population control was eventually derailed. Residents started to flee to freer "red" States and jurisdictions. There was a mass exodus from major cities to suburban, small town and rural areas. Eventually everyone noticed covid-19 was not such a big deal after all, it was all government-propagandized fear mongering meant to power grab and destroy freedom. Believe me those assholes never wanted that fear-mongering scam to end but enough people eventually resisted their bullshit and it came to an end. A lot of damage was done but I think the public learned a valuable lesson from it all.

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