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For a low budget independent film, this is a rather fun-to-watch retro campy post-apocalyptic cult classic if you have some spare time.

Damnation Valley (1977). Starting at the 123rd Strategic Missile Wing Tipton US Air Force Base in the middle of the Mojave Desert, California, the military crew detects incoming nuclear missiles from the Soviet Union. They naturally deploy all deterrents and retaliatory strikes, only there are not enough deterrents to save most American cities. Many American cities are reduced to radioactive dust. The power of the nuclear war between the US and the USSR has tilted the Earth's axis, creating deadly dangerous natural disasters on top of radioactive wastelands. As they spend months living in the underground bunkers of the base, an airman falls asleep dropping a lit cigarette, starting a small fire, which causes an explosion after reaching a gas pipe. Most of the crew die, including the base commander. The few who survived were temporarily outside the bunker. They decide to take the two Landmaster APCs from the fortified garage port after receiving a weekly radio transmission from Albany, New York, in order to find survivors. During their trip they come across harsh radioactive storms, colonies of mutated killer cockroaches, a stranded boy, a lovely lady, dangerous armed marauders and hemisphere-wide tsunamis. Can they survive? Find out, get your copy of Damnation Valley on VHS or Beta cassette today!
They are just movie recommendations outlining the stories of each of them. If you don't like movies just ignore the thread.

> Damnation Valley (1977)

Correction: Damnation Alley. That was a fun one to watch while I was bored one day having nothing better to do being it was way too hot outside that day.

Never have seen Sin City but I will have to give that one a watch, thanks again anon.
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Zodiac (2007). Based on true events surrounding the long investigation into the notorious Zodiac killer who sent detectives and federal investigators cryptic codes and letters containing vague hints about his future plans to hunt down more innocent victims. Finding this man is nearly impossible, as he leaves no solid evidence linking him personally to any of his crimes, and any evidence that is eventually found is all circumstantial evidence which is not admissible as evidence to prosecute. To track this spook down takes a lot of time, research and dedication. 

After a decade long investigation leading almost nowhere, a San Francisco cartoonist, who became obsessed with tracking down the Zodiac Killer willing to put his career aside to find out who exactly this killer was, offered to help former and current investigators identify the Zodiac killer. They came real close to solving this case, even determining who the real murderer actually was. Although the case was close to being solved, the most likely suspect of the case died from a heart attack in 1992.

Editor's note: although there have been many other suspects, this case has never been officially solved and there are still debates today about who the killer really was. Some independent investigations still continue today, all unsolved.
You should be safe when watching a movie lol. As far as average, yah, some of them. Others are pretty darn good for movies. Can you name better? Last night I drank 3/4th a bottle of blended scotch whiskey (yah, the cheap stuff!) and watched The Sons of Katie Elder staring Dean Martin and John Wayne. Even had Dennis Hopper in one scene, he was young back in the 60s. Fell asleep near the end of the movie, had to re-watch the rest of it this morning.
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Hellfighters (1968). Based on a series of true events related to brave oil well firefighters who have risked their lives containing and clearing up dangerous oil rig disasters. A family man heads a Houston–based oil well firefighting company, Buckman Company. He got divorced many years ago yet still loves his former wife who became disgruntled over the danger and risk that comes with his career. When his daughter meets someone on her father's firefighting team after her father gets injured in a near-death experience, and falls in love, it brings the family back together for the first time in nearly 20 years. The father, head of Buckman Company, decides to resign and take a job on the board of directors of the Lomax Oil where his brother manages, so he can get back together with his former wife and live like a normal business man. 

That all comes to an abrupt end when he is called up by a former Buckman Company associate as well the National Guard and asked to help with the most dangerous daunting task yet - a national security relations concern - where five oil wells were sabotaged and up in flames by guerrilla fighters in (previously allied) Venezuela. Both the US and Venezuelan military promise them protection in the war zone if the Buckman Company promises to put out the fires. However, the family wives wish to face the danger traveling alongside their husbands and refuse to take "no!" for an answer.
The orginal the thing was pretty good so was the time the earth stood still the 40s had some real obscure gems if you look hard enough there was this one fag flic about christ called him though it's lost media not much known about it
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Editor's note: This film would be fun to watch with family as it is much more family-friendly than most other films I tend to watch, and I assume most kids would love this movie full of animal life.

Project X (1987). A Wisconsin graduate student was put on a funded research program to help train a chimpanzee to communicate with humans using sign language often used by blind people. Three years into the research program the funding by the NSF suddenly gets cut off, and she is forced to give back the chimpanzee. Hesitant to do so, yet out of her control, she offers to give back the chimpanzee on the condition it would go to a Houston zoo. As it turned out, the chimpanzee is relocated to a top secret project, known as "Project X", at the US Air Force base in Lockridge, Florida. The top secret project trains chimpanzees for flight simulation, only with a deadly twist. When an Airman relieved from previous duty over a scandal is re-assigned to Project X at the Air Force base, he notices this chimpanzee is unique and notices he can communicate using sign language. When he later finds out all these chimpanzees are being used as cannon fodder for this top secret experiment, he goes on an endeavor to find out who previously trained the chimpanzee, and to warn her, risking severe legal consequences. The previous trainer does her best to find out what is happening to the chimpanzees and why, and they both are about to risk everything to shut this questionably inhumane Project X down to save the chimpanzees.
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The Final Countdown (1980). The year is 1980, and the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier is sailing the Pacific Ocean when all the sudden a massive electromagnetic storm approaches the USS Nimitz. They pass through a vortex and lose radio contact with the US Pacific Fleet Command at Pearl Harbor. They begin to return to Pearl Harbor, when they begin photographing, images have shown an intact row of US Pacific fleet battleships.... of which several were destroyed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The captain and his crew are baffled. How could this be, unless they traveled back in time, and if they had, did that electromagnetic storm have something to do with it? And what do they do, as the Japanese are preparing to bomb Pearl Harbor? Do they try to prevent the attack? Do they allow history to take it's course? What happens if they were to alter history? Or.... is history always being altered with no one realizing it?
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Legend of Boggy Creek (1972). Do you recall the conspiracy of Bigfoot? What if that conspiracy was based on true legend? Hundreds of Americans from Texas to Arkansas have sworn they have seen a harry human-like creature who typically is spotted by hunters, fishers, campers and other outdoors enthusiasts. One small rural town near the bottoms; Fouke, Arkansas; had a couple dozen witnesses that have testified to seeing this unknown mystery of a monster. It is described as being seven foot tall, completely covered in reddish-brown hair, leaving three-toed tracks and having a foul odor. The Legend of Boggy Creek is a documentary that tells their horror stories, and re-enacts each of the stories from eye witness accounts. To this day, this creature was never captured and is said to still stalk the swamps of southern Arkansas.

Editor's note: Wildman of The Navidad (2008) is another movie based on the legend of Bigfoot sightings, except that film was focused on sightings in Texas, around the Navidad River bottoms. There have been many manhunts for this creature in both Texas and Arkansas. It is not known if this mysterious creature ever actually existed, it is still debated today, but hundreds of individuals and families have sworn they have seen it lurking around.
Network (1976). A longtime anchor for the UBS Evening News, Howard Beale, is down on his luck, became a drunk after his wife passed away and has been spinning out of control since. When he has just two more weeks on the air because of declining ratings, he decides to announce his decision to kill himself while broadcasting live on the network. The network is mired in panic and a state of shock, immediately calling for Beale to be fired... but their ratings start going through the roof after Howard is given one more chance live on air to announce his resignation, to which he ended up ranting about the bullshit of life instead. The UBS executives are being driven crazy, this is unprecedented, on one hand you have an anchor who is off his rocker, a mad man, but at the same time the network is finally getting a massive ratings boost. Americans love him. The programming chief has an idea: take advantage of this crisis while you can, this could make shares in the company skyrocket along with the ratings. When she persuades Howard Beale to star in his own show, that is where things start to get out of control, and once things get out of control it becomes more difficult for the network to fix the dangerous rut they just got themselves trapped into. Especially as a popular and influential man such as Beale turns against the very network that made him a star, and ends up threatening to bankrupt USB itself.

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After hearing about Shelley Duvall passing away a month ago I made plans to watch this old movie again, it's been a long time since I first watched this film. I just watched it for the second time, yesterday night.

3 Women (1977). A new shy girl is hired at a health spa for the elderly in a small desert town in California. She meets a co-worker who is constantly socializing with people, and the new girl becomes obsessively intrigued by her co-worker. Upon discovering her co-worker needs a new roommate, she immediately takes the offer to live with her. Now this shy younger girl is living with a totally polar-opposite social woman who likes to drink and party all the time. As could be predicted, tensions begin to rise over their living situations and completely different lifestyles. After a heated dispute, the shy girl survives a suicide attempt but falls into a coma. The co-worker is shocked and devastated, having no intention of ever hurting her roommate in any way. After the co-worker visits her at the hospital on a routine basis, her shy younger roommate regains consciousness. The only problem is her roommate is not so shy anymore, her behavior and attitude has drastically changed. After the recovery the once-shy girl begins to drink, smoke and starts to sleep around with the local men. The shift in her personality starts to cause tensions to flare up once again, this time with another woman becoming pregnant and abandoned by a drunk they both have been sleeping around with.
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The Blair Witch Project (1999). Depicting a documentary, this amateur film is a true horror story classic. The film purports to be footage found in the discarded cameras of three young filmmakers who had gone missing. In October 1994, film students Heather, Mike, and Josh travel to Burkittsville, Maryland to interview residents about the decades old legends of the mysterious Blair witch and the many missing children who have never been found. One local tells the story about Rustin Parr, a hermit who lived deep in the woods who abducted and murdered 7 children back in 1941 in his basement, killing them while having each one stand in a corner waiting to be the next victim. The film students decide to go hiking out in the woods that are rumored to be haunted by many killings and unsolved abductions over the years. As they hike deep into the woods they get lost along the way and cannot find their way out. Worse, something begins haunting them at night. They hear noises of children crying and laughing, branches from trees snapping, rocks being thrown, even their tent being shook in the middle of the night. When they wake up they discover piles of rocks set along side their tent, twigs twined together, paraphernalia hanging from trees, etc. When Josh goes missing, they try to find him. At night they hear him screaming and crying but never find him. They start becoming hysterical and panicked when they find Josh's bloody teeth and a severed finger wrapped up beside their tend early in the morning, realizing they really are being hunted.... but by whom, or what?
> I remember when this film was first introduced some people actually thought it was real footage

The movie producers spent a lot of effort making it like that. You can look at the wiki article for more info.

Mayb we can watch that movie in a movie stream night. Could be fun
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Editor's NOTE: This is a wholesome fun family film to watch with your kids, or grandkids. I like the story of this film because it will teach the younger generation right, from wrong. It also portrays the very real evil and threat to civilization by out-of-control obsessive war mongers. I'm surprised some neo-con war hawks don't want this film banned today.

Toys (1992). The owner of a toy manufacturing factory, Zevo Toys, is old and dying. He has two sons, one older who is full of laughs and joy, the other younger who is a Lieutenant General in the US Army. The owner decides, because of the lack of experience his older son has, that he rather hand over the family business to his younger son, a Lieutenant General who is obsessed about expanding war and angry over America's loss in Vietnam. When the younger brother takes over the company he proposes a preposterous plan to start making war toys, but not just any toys, toys armed with live munitions where kids can remotely control from the safety of their own homes, which can be used in battle to kill enemies and destroy other nations. The older brother is dead against this, and has to come up with a plan to stop his evil brother and his intentions to create murderous monsters out of innocent unsuspecting children who wouldn't know these toys are not mere video games in some fake virtual reality.
There are classic movies out there waiting to be discovered, the problem is there are many more shitty movies constantly being created especially now days. It's hard for one really good movie to get the attention it really deserves when there are 100 other unoriginal movies made around the same time that suck ass. That's the conundrum of the movie industry.
First off looks a little too fast paced. What is the story line? Is it a comedy, a suspenseful thriller, action-packed teen film or drama? Does it have any reasonably talented actors? There are very few Netflix films worth watching at least to my knowledge. Only a small handful of decent films are produced today, it is rather uncommon.

True. When people have the time. Most do not and that is why so many people do not bother watching movies today because they think everything sucks, and unfortunately they are 98% correct when they say that, they are just not aware about 2% of those films out there are actually great films with great story lines and talented actors/actresses.... IF they had the time to look and find them. That is what this thread was intended for. Great movie hunters who have the time and experience to sift through all the garbage to find those rare classic gems.
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Madea's Diary of a Mad Black Woman

> On its opening weekend, the film arrived at number 1 on the box office rankings, with takings of $21.9 million. The film grossed an estimated $50.6 million in the United States and Canada, with an additional $19,000 internationally, for an estimated worldwide total of $50.7 million.

> Diary of a Mad Black Woman was mostly panned by professional film critics. Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 16% based on 115 reviews, with an average rating of 4.0/10.

< Audience polled by CinemaScore gave the film a rare "A+" grade, on a scale from A-F.
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Halloween is coming up, and this is a cult classic horror film some movie enthusiasts might be interested watching...

The Hills Have Eyes (1977). An average suburban family is traveling on vacation enroute to Los Angeles with their dogs and their trailer. When they are in the middle of the vast Nevada desert they start running low on fuel and need to stop for more gas. When they reach a small rural gas station the owner warns them to keep on the main road, to absolutely avoid taking any detours and to avoid the surrounding areas. The father dismisses the gas station owner's warnings as an old kook's rambling conspiracy theory and decides to take a shortcut. When they skid off the road and crash, they have no option but to camp out in the nearby area at night. Their dogs are the first to notice something dangerous and hostile is lurking in the surrounding mountainous terrain. Unaware and caught off-guard at first, the family is being stalked by local inbred savages who often rape and murder trespassers, also engaging in acts of cannibalism. The family must find ways to survive until they can seek refuge and be rescued.
Need to do a cross-platform shout-out to

Movies & TV: https://depvana.com/topic/217

Top 5 movies: https://depvana.com/topic/219

Threads are looking good so far with more people contributing quality content.
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'k thanks

Lemme see
> Starring Perry alongside Kimberly Elise, Steve Harris, Shemar Moore, and Cicely Tyson, it tells the story of a woman who is thrown out of her house by her husband on their 18th wedding anniversary and subsequently moves in with her grandmother, and is the only film written, but not directed, by Perry. 

That's pretty much the TL;DR of it. Simian Jimmy / Mumkey Jones made a video about the movie/s a while ago.

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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024). Taking place three decades after the first movie, Lydia Deetz is all grown up with a daughter of her own, hosting a supernatural TV talk show. Lydia starts to hallucinate once again, seeing ghosts and eventually Betelgeuse, a demon who once haunted and tried to marry her decades ago when she was a teenaged girl. After another younger ghost seduces and deceives Lydia's daughter, attempting to capture her soul so he can return back to human life, Lydia is forced to face her fears to save her daughter while negotiating with Betelgeuse in a desperate attempt to save her daughter's life, of-course this comes with a catch, Betelgeuse wants Lydia to ditch her plans to marry her boyfriend and to marry him instead once he saves her daughter. In the meantime Betelgeuse's former wife, a death cult "soul sucker", is out to extract revenge against Betelgeuse and anyone else that gets in her way.
These movies can be found all over P2P networks (Fopnu, SLSK, Ares Galaxy, DC++ etc) and Bit Torrent proxy sites (KAT, TPB etc). As long as you are not a very young phone-only posting normie you'll be able to find the 1080p rips and can use a thumb drive to watch them on any post-2006 TV set using the USB port in the back of the set. Literally that simple.
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> This Is Spinal Tap (also known as This Is Spın̈al Tap: A Rockumentary by Martin Di Bergi) is a 1984 American mockumentary comedy film co-written and directed by Rob Reiner (in his feature directorial debut). The film stars Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer as members of the heavy metal band Spinal Tap, who are characterized as "one of England's loudest bands". Reiner plays Martin "Marty" Di Bergi, a documentary filmmaker who follows them on their American tour. 

> The film satirizes the behavior and musical pretensions of rock bands and the perceived hagiographic tendencies of rock documentaries such as The Song Remains the Same (1976) and The Last Waltz (1978), and follows the similar All You Need Is Cash (1978) by the Rutles. Most of its dialogue was improvised and dozens of hours were filmed.
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Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987). Two days before Thanksgiving, an advertising executive faces delayed travel and, while his travel plans are being stalled and diverted, he meets a shady salesman. The two both struggle to meet their destinations, and hesitantly, become obnoxious angry bickering travel buddies. Among the rather chaotic journey, they become pals, getting drunk, getting stranded, getting lost, getting ripped off and having to deal with one hard blow after another trying to get back home.

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