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Some fires are due to natural causes, or man-made yet unintentional error. However not all are. Have you looked into what really happened in rural outbacks of Australia two years ago, the police charging numerous brainwashed radicals for arson attacks? Have you heard the numerous on-the-ground witnesses from Hawaii recently? FEMA denying them donated resources and aid, hello!? Firefighters told to "stand down" trying to fight the fires... hello!? Numerous other "coincidences" and just like in Canada and other places, total cover-ups. Most of this is deliberate sabotage because they are pushing an AGENDA. They want us eating bugs in compact cities. They want the rural areas depopulated. They want fossil fuel use banned. Etc. It's all an agenda to enslave us like cattle. Fortunately I rather die than join that club, and perhaps I will, honorably so.
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Yes, that's what they're going to do to Esau, but the fires are the cause of God. God himself is causing most of these random fires. Covid was not China. Covid was because I used a Chiroptera Venenata War Pig hat in Team Fortress 2. Chiroptera Venenata means poisoned bat in Spanish. I know it seems silly but I'm telling you the truth, man. It's like I press buttons. If God is the cause, and the Holy Spirit is the glue, then Jesus is the one who presses the button.
You will be poor, you will eat the bugs, you will be a slave to the Jews. I'm sorry, but that's what they're gonna do to non-Jewish white people. You're going to learn how to be a servant. If you as a people turn from your immorality both sexual and violent, you will find that you're not going to suffer as much as they want you to. Turn from fighting the Jews, and also turn from

And by the way, it's not something cheap to get that hat. It was like $2,000 and now they're trying to sell it for like $5,000
You are literally blaming God for the evil of mankind now. I still stand for peace. If others want peace then they will simply leave me the fuck alone or they'll get the opposite. I may be peaceful but I am not a bend-over pacifist!! So I'm done with this conversation. Like I said before, I rather die than join that club and perhaps I will, honorably so.
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You're scared. Thank God you're dead

I just want peace, and everything you do is to be an opponent of it

Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.

Oh but I'm not dead. At least not yet. I simply want peace too and I want my freedom.

It's ironic how you openly say Jews should enslave us and kill us off, but yet we are the sinners if we defend ourselves and families? I find that rather hilariously ironic! And all while you scream about non-existent "white nationalism" and "Nazism" today... while condoning the very brand of tyranny and oppression you blame these past ideologues for. It's mind boggling!

Maybe you should stop listening to such nonsense from whoever it is speaking to your mind. Demons maybe?

God does not want slavery my friend.

The Devil wants slavery.

So the question is this: do you support slavery?
They cooked the ass really good on that one.  It all comes down to the huge desire of evil people  to keep the world in a state of perpetual evil as long as possible.  These evil people are also power hungry and always make their way into the ranks of those in control.  They are power tripping.
The collapsing countries are terrible in our modern age.  These people have advanced technologies that society has never seen before and they still can't figure out how not to fail.
Did you ever think this was all intentional? Maybe governments want to destabilize society and the economy so badly, and get us into major wars, so they can increase their tyranny and expand their power over everyone else? Maybe our countries are being run by monstrous corrupt greedy selfish power-hungry pricks who would rather rule over a world of dead bodies and ash than ever let go of their enormous addictive power?
When the US was a free country, Americans could decide what was best for their lives.

You could say that you plan to find a job today, enroll in college tomorrow, travel to Miami next week, buy a car next month, and start a business next year.

Now Americans must wait for decrees from the state like slaves.

Today you must get a mandatory vaccine, turn in your guns tomorrow, private property will be nationalized next week, you must get a microchip implant next month, and you'll sent to the concentration camps next year.

No one is responsible for anything because everyone is just following orders.

The elites want everything, but they don't need you.

Wake up. Look what is going down.

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