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The Western world is a prime example of modern Rome before it's collapse and our dissension into a similar chaotic fate via systemic corruption gone unpunished, fiscal insolvency, criminal neglect of public interests, endless wars, endless fraud, neglect, lies and psychotic hubris, including the dumbing down of their educational system, increased lethargy, excessive drug and alcohol consumption, etc.

Who starts great Rome? 
Last DNA analysis shows there were two migration waves: 
9000 BC 
People from the interfluve (Sumerians).
Nomads from the Black Sea steppes of Russia and Ukraine.
Such a mix of warlike people and the first developed civilisation resulted.

It has nothing to do about being a democracy or not. If the government and institutions become corrupted, then everything else goes to shit. You can call whatever you want a Republic or Democracy, but corruption and financial insolvency (via endless debt) will always ALWAYS destroy the nations plagued by it. United States not immune. Just like Rome we built a great vast sprawling prosperous country within 200 years time, and it only took a few decades to get to the shithole it's becoming today (I would say 9/11 was the death knell and the rise of corruption and insolvency but some may disagree over other historic events that have undermined stability. Some say it goes way back to the day the Federal Reserve was established with the first-ever income tax).

Hmmmm.... Canada? Would not want to live there right now with them confiscating the bank accounts of those who refused to get the covid "vaccine" lol. "Democratic?" No, today Canada resembles China.

United States a "flawed democracy"? Perhaps, but we were not supposed to be a democracy anyway, according to the US Constitution, which protected us as individuals from that kind of hive mind mob rule. US is more like a failed republic resembling the USSR today. I would say most of Europe being far even worse condition with their authoritarianism and current economic instability.

As for the USSR, it was much more tyrannical then Russia is now. Russia is more like an alternative Europe today, just as totalitarian but with much different political ideology.

Mexico is kind of a strange country resembling the current rift between US States. Some places are very dangerous and often authoritarian, then again other places in Mexico are very free, people openly barter and trade goods, very little unwanted outside intervention and relatively safe civilized places (some poor perhaps, but more safe and independent overall).

South Africa? Where farmers are being killed on a regular basis due to radical Marxist ideology? A democracy? Give me a break. War zone shithole.

My point is don't believe everything you see in the media.

US lacks democracy to add some social reforms: basic access to medicine, more worker rights like in Europe (paid leave, maternity
sick leave, etc.), partly free education. And America will become one of the best countries in the world. And yes, weapons cannot be banned, so as not to slide into a totalitarian garbage dump.

It's too bad the constitution won't protect the US from competition between two kinds of crap. The most objective comprehensive indicator of the standard of living is life expectancy. In the US, it is not the highest in the world. I like the way of Chile, which lives in an environment of not the richest trading partners, but at the same time has a European standard of living. All thanks to mini-revolutions several times a year and vaccinations against authoritarianism after Pinochet.

Europe does have some decent protections in place for average workers, I do agree. However their taxes are much higher, so is the cost of living over there, and as for medicine it is much cheaper but with some drawbacks such as longer waiting periods, not as many options as far as treatments or medical care, and yes the government-controlled healthcare system over there has been known to abuse the healthcare system against those considered "undesirable" to the establishment. Not that the US has it very better, we too have a lot of corruption in the medical industry and price gouging is a very big problem here. As for the guns, absolutely, and if America were to remove several  major cities like Chicago and Detroit from the violent crime statistics overall America is much safer to live than most countries (our corporate/state media will never allow that fact to be reported though.)

Life expectancy in the US have gone down mostly because of the toxic crap junk food so many people eat on a day to day basis, and more sedentary lifestyles with it. Very bad for health. We really should be promoting better diets, such as fresh organic foods and meat without the nitrites & nitrates too. Not to mention toxins like aspartame and high fructose put into soda, a massive cancer and diabetes contributor.

Yah well maybe we shouldn't allow our governments to create these endless wars and empires in the first place then? Free enterprise and free market capitalism is what made the world prosperous and resource abundant. Bigger government, wasteful spending, debt insolvency, endless wars, interventionism and too much regulation has done the exact opposite and is now collapsing Western nations much like the Roman empire. So maybe we need to listen to our Founding Fathers and what they warned us about once again before it's too late?

The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state now, but nothing will change because Americans no longer have personal responsibility and think nothing is ever their fault. Americans would rather play the victim and blame everyone else for the collapse of the US except themselves.

How can Americans sleep at night or look in a mirror today without feeling utter disgust and shame?

"Democracy" is a cruel joke. Does "democracy" include massive government, national debt insolvency, the elimination of free speech, censorship and state-run media, mandatory vaccines, a government-run medical nanny state, gun control, imprisoning protesters, etc? Our so-called "democracies" are just as authoritarian as Russia and China are today. It's a cruel fucking joke and I'd wipe my ass with that fake infographic map and toss it where it belongs.

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