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I normally do not go online as much anymore. There are only a seldom amount of sites I even use today, one being Ebay just to buy some stuff I desire time to time. Social media seems pretty dead then again I have no presence on the major platforms that require phone number identification so I may be totally out of the loop. Boring day today with not much I need to do so I am online, for now.

That's a good question.
I'd say it's because chans are just so damn slow, nobody likes waiting around for some rando to come and answer a thread that got posted three days earlier.
>  >Be me
>  >Be on some random social media
>  >Post a thing, wait five minutes.
>  >Six hundred answers! 
>  >Be me.
>  >Be on some random chan.
>  >Post something
>  >Come back three weeks later.
>  >Still no responses

What made older anons leave image boards for normie corporate/govt controlled platforms though? I remember the days anons would brag about their opsec, dox popular people on major social media sites just for fun, they loved shitposting every day and then suddenly after covid every image board seemed to die out, barely anyone visits image boards anymore. Did the covid lockdowns get them all hooked to normie platforms? I distinctly remember before covid-19 boards were populated with users. Now it's next to nill.

> It wasn't after covid, this shit all died when 8chan went down and all imageboards were seen as nazi platforms.

Yes, it did die down some after 8chan went down for a while, but I happen to remember there still were 30 to 40 anons posting daily and regularly when 8kun first went up online and I had some conversation with people there. I also remember this place had more people too. It was around the later period of the covid scare that the user base started dropping like flies and today it's near dead. 4chan use is also way down now that they banned VPN use.

> People went to discord and a shitload went to reddit.

Reddit is cancer. I guess Discord is a little bit better than Facebook or Instagram lol, but I refuse to give away my personal info (like phone number verification) to online social media companies, using a smartphone or giving that data away is just asking to be doxxed, bullied and harassed. So I guess I'll stay on sites like this that still allow anonymous posting.

Its an end of an era.  Its like asking why there are so few people on BBS or IRC these days. Tech changes and people just head to the next thing because they are ADD and that's where the majority of people are. Young people dont even understand what opsec is or why its important.  They will gladly give their info to any 3 letter agency that asks for it.  The Internet is increasingly centralized and almost entirely under surveillance.  Shit sucks.

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Because Imageboards ban the Son of Man from posting even non-sexual things. If someone comes in like the Son of Man and starts posting actual FACTUAL IDEAS and things they ban me for "spam". It's never changed and my suggestion is that you should kill yourself so your life cannot go around and cause mischief for others and so myself can have peace knowing you're dead.

> It feels like a whole generation of people suddenly vanished.

millennials were the last pillars to be actually holding it up. broccoli heads were never going to be apart of what kept imageboards going and most of them are too narcissistic for anonymous places. /b/ on 4chan started off with having lots of weebs even while it was mainly random focused, but fast forward into time, moot gives the middle finger to the kind of people he once originally wanted on his site, and he took the easy way out to be working for jewgle to leave the site to its demise and into 2016 where tourists both young or old developed their first fetish for interracial porn on top of their political alignment kink. its an endless story of betrayal when it comes to imageboards, but you shouldnt worry about something that has been dead for a while now. this topic has been discussed more times than i can remember, so im not going to bother tidying it up in autism sprinkles when the answer is so simple. you'll just have to enjoy these places like everyone else does. take this raisen-dick idiot for example  >>/47103/

Only problem is not all of us enjoy normie gatekeeping platforms which run contrary to the anonymity of open sites such as this. Whatever though, I'm getting adjusted to not using the internet as much as I used to anyway. Luckily I have years worth of media backed up on offline drives I can still enjoy from time to time, as well lots of booze and family/friends to enjoy it with. My bother streams most his shit, so when we visit one another we get drunk together and watch random funny videos from Youtube or wherever. It kinda feels like the death of social life online, but at least there is still informative content and lots of media entertainment.

That's what likely happens if the male trannies ever go to prison, and after another STD outbreak occurs they relocate them to the female prisons, and then the trannies eventually start to rape the women. It's a vicious cycle. Prison industrial complex, meet your new lucrative business partners, the medical industrial complex. All subjects exploited for maximum $$$$$$.

I have come to the conclusion image boards are dead because critical thinking and opposition to corruption is pretty much dead. Image boards were once a bastion of free speech and individual opinions often uncensored and unsuppressed. They were not originally part of the corporate establishment. Oh my God how the times have changed!

> I don't think the pic in the OP is a tranny. I would bet my own dick on that. If that was a tranny it would be the best damn cunning disguise in the entire world.

Nah hips are too curvy and face is too soft and round. She's a real woman. I could be wrong though

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active doesnt mean its good.

also, it never ceases to sadden me seeing what random boards have all become. heightened sense of awareness limited things and we arent living in the "xD so randum" timeline anymore. there's not enough variety to add into the mix. just the same dead nigger jokes on repeat when you can easily view pol for the exact same thing.

> Be on some random social media
> Post a thing, wait five minutes.
> Six hundred answers! 
Depends. If you have a social media account with almost no followers, if you're shadowbanned etc, you get zero replies at your posts. Doesn't matter what kind of post you make, if you're a big name at social media you'll get lots of replies immediately even if you just upload a photo of your poop.

You can get doxxed literally everywhere, even at "anonymous" imageboards. Also all big imageboards are monitored by feds. And even the most niche imageboards get doxxed by retards with no life for the most retarded reasons.

You realized that 4chan has always been an anime imageboard that copied famous Japanese anime imageboards, right? Oh wait, you're just another /pol/tard tourist that discovered 4chan during American elections and you larp as an oldfag.

I was offline for around a month since my harddrive crashed and had to get another one for my computer. I'll be honest, it sometimes gets boring without the internet or being able to keep up with current events online, but it's not horrible. You get used to being offline after a couple days and you find other things to occupy yourself with. I started watching the Breaking Bad series I have on DVD box set. Pretty classic show. I also did more yard work and landscaping outside when it wasn't as cold out on certain days. Now that I'm back I find out I haven't missed much of anything, bullshit hasn't changed in the world much, system is still corrupted as ever before, people still killing other people, debt insolvency galore as usual, etc. Oh well.

I do like checking in here time to time, nothing wrong with that. I just assume this is the end of the anonymous image board era. Luckily p2p networks and alternative media sites are alive and well, it's what keeps me on the internet today.

> Always remember to back up your files in external HDD. At least 3 of them in case something like that happens

Good idea, I do have an extra backup but I will definitely consider having more than just one these days now that privacy and security have been tossed out of our society. Best tip I've heard from this website in a long time btw.

> what happened to "older anons"/oldfags
They were all 14-17 year olds who eventually grew up and became more invested in existence outside of their digital identity, or experienced hardship that made them realise how pointless imageboards are unless you are using them for a specific purpose.

It would be nice to visit places like this every so often and not find the same person bumping their own political threads with mundane short statements. Seeing the same damn threads pushed to the top again and again gets very old.

Why is it that every fucking time I come back to /b/ the same old threads are bumped back to the top with one lined broken record comments? Can someone please explain why?

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Think email, but with social media. There are different servers, referred to as instances, that people can sign up to. Each instance can communicate with each other; for example, users from instance A can view, like and follow users from instance B, and vice versa.

It's called the fediverse because it's federated, has nothing to do with feds (I thought the same when I first heard about it a few years ago).

In most cases when considering certain names out there, they're in bad hands or indirectly controlled by shitty people. You're actually posting among people that probably know each other and are tempting others outside of their circle to post. What makes this all bad is that it takes away all charm of how an anonymous community should function but instead it leads to things like drama, literal who's being mentioned, personal attacks, etc. It's an old problem actually that's been enabled by those thinking it's progress and "convenient" to have something so backstage like an IRC/discord where people storm in to have special treatment and allowed influence. And by being a lurker and not contributing, it pressures many of these assholes into doing the most work when dealt with low activity or boredom.

it's very telling how stupid you are replying to me with that kind of misunderstanding and obvious information. It just makes no sense what you communicated to me because at such a time, I was already finished with posting on /a/ and /jp/ a bit earlier than 2016.

You can go to Gab, Minds, Telegram, (Elon's) Twitter or even Bitchute & Rumble chats and find people posting all kinds of stuff that would be banned from any other major platform, plus we have sites like this too. The question is, are Americans practicing their free speech enough here? Most are on the major platforms which is pathetic because they choose to be bullied and censored by gatekeepers/feds.

I'm starting to think legit critical thinking anons have given up on image boards years ago and the few remaining "mainstream" ones are mostly filled with fed bots. Thus it stands to reason the only popular ones seem to regurgitate what you see on Western TV these days.

Do they though? What exactly is there to read or enjoy when there is very little contribution a daily basis? Most boards are getting too slow to even bother lurking, worse sometimes all that gets posted is gore or CP spam. I think the image board era is about over.

I think it's a combination of that and the fact some younger gen z anons do not prefer authentic posting or quality media, they rather go wherever their peers are even if those platforms are filled with low-IQ ignoramuses and glow niggers. Then again, maybe it is also because no one here has much to say anymore in this modern clown world we live in? Maybe us older generations are just boring? It's not out of the realm of possibility.

Many of them are now dominated by cliques led by hypocrites who only care about providing a space for their close friends from IRC/Discord. The days of having actual anons making natural, free spirited posts without calculation or manipulation done off-site will never come back.

It's been posted here before, it often takes the mods some time to respond and delete it though. I notice when it does get posted here at least most of the images no longer show. Hopefully they have something that can detect and block those images by now. I don't know why the perverted jackass would post it in the first place when we clearly do not want that shit here.

This, and it is the one exception where I do support censorship, ban the glow niggers who post that illegal garbage. Their sole purpose of posting that garbage is to ruin websites not fully under their thumb of control. Same reason my online forums had be shut down the last 10+ years. Assholes trying to ruin free speech by weaponizing illegal content.

Americans scream being placed under arrest is wonderful because Communists will also be put under house arrest.

Americans think that only illegal aliens will be recorded by license plate scanners.

Americans insist only Muslims are groped by the TSA.

Americans say only negroes get welfare.

Americans swear a wall will only be used to keep Mexicans out and won't be used to keep Americans IN.

So I couldn't help but notice the Sabrina Carpenter thread was REMOVED here.  Who deleted it and why?  It was one of the FEW decent  *non-degenerate*  threads on /b/ today.

Why was the thread deleted yet all the other horrible spam gets to stay up? I honestly don't get it.... ..it's as if, perhaps, someone WANTS this place to remain filled with crude sick spam in order to drive good decent people away, and thus ridding this site of quality content.

I do hope the moderator of this board is not one of these spammers. If that happens to be the case, well, this place glows as much as 4chan or Facebook does.

Just make the good content you want to happen. Or something. 

You can always hide threads and posts you don't like anyway. You don't have to see them if you don't want to. 

It probably just 404'd from all the new threads that keep popping up here lately

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